Qin Feng and Lu Chao frowned.

What does this mean?

Could it be that there are still members of the Blood Cult outside the abandoned city?

""How many of you are there? Where are you hiding? If you don't tell me, I'll make you live a life worse than death!" Lu Chao threatened.

However, these Blood Cult members sneered and even spit at him, showing great disdain.

Lu Chao's face sank.

Just as he was about to take action, Qin Feng stretched out his hand to stop him, pointed at the tattoos on the Blood Cult members with a shovel, and said with a smile:"You don't have to tell me, then I'll pee on it."

"you dare!"

"How dare you!"

The Blood Cult members roared with their eyes wide open.

Lu Chao scratched his head.

What's wrong with these cult members?

They are not even afraid of death, so why do they care so much about a tattoo?

This tattoo looks a bit like a Western devil, with two horns on its head and blood-red skin, full of weird feelings.

"For these deceived cult members, tattoos represent faith, and even death cannot taint faith."Qin Feng explained to Lu Chao

"How do you know so clearly?" Lu Chao was even more puzzled.

"Brother, do you know the anime of Sakura Country?"

"I know"

"Don't read serious things anymore."

After saying that, Qin Feng didn't explain any more and looked like he was about to release the Sky-Swallowing Python.

""Don't insult our true God!"

A member of the Blood Cult shouted, gritting his teeth and saying,"There are strong men lying in ambush in the city... in the city!"

""Who are they? And who is instructing you?" Qin Feng asked repeatedly.

The man wanted to continue.

At this time, another member of the Blood Cult broke his front teeth, exhaled suddenly, and pierced the man's temple with his front teeth.

Puff - blood splattered.

The man died on the spot!

"Blood Cult, Eternal!" One by one, the members of the Blood Cult roared.

They looked crazy, and when they gritted their teeth, their faces turned pale in an instant, and black blood flowed from their mouths and noses. In an instant, all of them died! Qin Feng and Lu Chao had a serious expression. This was not only because the Blood Cult ambushed the strong. More importantly, it was the fanatical belief of the Blood Cult. No wonder the existence of the evil cult has caused serious harm to the Chinese Dragon Country and even the entire Blue Star!

"What should we do now?"Lu Chao looked at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng began to brainstorm.

He thought, since the target of the group of people outside was him, could he use their tricks against them?

This way, he might be able to wipe them out in one fell swoop!

"Brother Lu, is there any way to contact the Governor of Youzhou?" Qin Feng asked Lu Chao.

"Why are you asking this?"

Although he was puzzled, Lu Chao still said:"Our school has a good relationship with the governor. If we really want to contact him, it should be no problem."

"What do you want to do?"

Lu Chao was a little flustered when he saw Qin Feng's malicious smile.

"As a good young man, I certainly want to contribute to the country." Qin Feng looked at the girls and said with a smile:"Take them back to the military base first, and then contact the Governor of Youzhou as quickly as possible."

"Tell the Governor of Youzhou that I want to go fishing!"

Lu Chao's first reaction was confusion.

What the hell is going on?

Then, he suddenly realized

"Are you really not afraid of death?"

"When others are targeted by the cult, they don’t even have time to escape!"

"You actually want to turn the tables?"

Lu Chao was completely convinced by Qin Feng.

He used to think that he was strong enough.

But now compared with Qin Feng, he is simply a younger brother!

"There is no other way. My family is poor, so I can only think of ways to make money. I will make sure the governor rewards me when the time comes!" Qin Feng laughed.

Lu Chao rolled his eyes.

What kind of person is this!

For the sake of fame and reward, he directly sold himself!

"Let's go quickly, don't delay the important things."

Qin Feng looked at the sky.

It would be difficult to operate in the dark.

Lu Chao smiled bitterly and said,"You will kill yourself sooner or later!"

Before leaving, a group of people dissected the Golden War Lion and the Moon Wolf King and let Lu Chao take them away in advance.

Everything was handled properly.

Lu Chao then left with the girls.

"Do you like to hunt me down? I will make you lose everything you have invested!"

Qin Feng watched Lu Chao and the others leave, his eyes colder than ever before.

Afterwards, he was not idle either.

When he was brainstorming just now, Qin Feng had a brilliant idea.

Could he convert the extracted Qi and blood value into nutrients for condensing iron sheets?

Condensing iron sheets requires condensing Qi and blood.

This process is very time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Just do it when you think of it.

Qin Feng strode towards the cult members

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 15 HP points】

【Gain: 15 HP points】

【Gain: 30 HP points】


Strands of blood and energy were extracted.

Qin Feng did not absorb them immediately, but attached them to his skin.


A fierce burning sensation came over him.

Qin Feng felt that his blood and energy were surging, and his epidermis was condensing with a faint fluorescence. The iron skin became visibly hard and solid!

"Sure enough, it works!"

Qin Feng was ecstatic.

You know, he not only has to condense iron sheets, but also silver armor.

This requires not only a huge amount of resources, but also a lot of time.

Therefore, most people are willing to condense iron sheets, but not silver armor.

Now the problem is solved!

With the help of infinite extraction, resources are not a problem, and time is not a problem. Everything becomes routine!

After extracting this group of people, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

He clenched his fists, and the iron sheets gathered.

A mysterious silver halo lingered around him.

Although he has not entered the intermediate warrior realm, Qin Feng does not care.

Anyway, he is just short of that little bit of blood.

Kill a few more cult members and he will soon be able to break through!

"If the Blood Cult members are the big fish, then I am the bait, and Youzhou is the pond after the rain."

"Everything is ready, you can start fishing anytime, anywhere"

"Regardless of whether the governor of Youzhou is a fisherman, everyone should want to fish a few times, right?"

Qin Feng looked in the direction of Youzhou, talking to himself while waiting for good news.


Lu Chao, Dou Meiyu and others left the abandoned city area safely.

As soon as they entered the military base, they noticed a lot of cold eyes cast at them.

Sure enough, someone ambushed them in advance!

"It’s Lu Chao and the students of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy. Are they going to take action?"

"Don't cause trouble. Qin Feng is important. This guy is much more important than any other genius this year!"

"Kill Qin Feng, and we won't have to worry about anything in this life!"

The warrior team hiding in the dark had different thoughts in their minds.

They returned to the military base.

Dou Meiyu said:"I will go and notify the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House!"

"It's too late. The situation is urgent. Let me do it!"

Lu Chao immediately dialed a number:"Teacher Liang, can you contact the governor?"

Liang Guoan said solemnly:"What's the matter?"

Lu Chao roughly recounted the whole thing.

Liang Guoan was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

This Qin Feng is really brave!

"Wait a minute!"

Liang Guoan immediately contacted the Lord of Youzhou Wufu.

Then, the Lord of Youzhou Wufu personally contacted the Governor of Youzhou.

After a while,

Liang Guoan called again and said seriously:"The Governor agreed, but he felt that the fishing was not strong enough and needed to create a sensational news."

"This opportunity is rare, you must catch some big fish!"

"Don't worry, the Governor will ensure Qin Feng's safety"

"You will go with Zhan Fu to pick up Qin Feng later."

Lu Chao nodded heavily:"Understood!"

Dou Meiyu and the others were confused.

What fishing?

What news?

What kind of ultimate trick is this?

"Didn't you understand?"

Seeing the girls' puzzled faces, Lu Chao turned his head and asked.

The girls nodded angrily.

Just when they thought Lu Chao would answer, they saw Lu Chao laughed and said directly:"Since you don't understand, you can't help much, leave quickly and don't delay our important matter."

After that, Lu Chao, a lifelong single, a straight man, and an honest boy, left without looking back.

The girls looked at each other.

A group of people were in the same place in the wind.

After ten minutes, someone from the Zhan Mansion came.

Lu Chao and them entered the abandoned city again.

This scene attracted a lot of attention.

The team of warriors who were observing secretly were confused.

What's going on?

But this time, Lu Chao came out quickly.

He was actually carrying a scarred young man!

""It seems to be Qin Feng!"

Someone in the warrior team shouted.

Qin Feng was very miserable at the moment. Not only was his body covered in blood, he was also vomiting blood. His face was pale, as if he would not live long!

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