After leaving the hospital, Qin Feng put the lung-protecting heart-solidifying pills into his backpack and held them carefully in his arms.

When he was a child, his sister was crushed by a telephone pole and her legs were broken, and her heart and lungs were injured.

The situation was very dangerous at the time, and all the doctors said that she could not be saved, so Qin Feng was asked to prepare for the funeral in advance.

In the end, his sister miraculously survived, but she lost her ability to move, and her cardiopulmonary function declined significantly.

"Xiaoxue likes braised pork trotters and candies... so she bought them all!"

"I want to buy a simple folding bed so I can't lie on the floor all the time."

"Do I need to find a caregiver for Xiaoxue?"

"Should I move to another neighborhood? I'm afraid Xiaoxue won't get used to it."

On the way, Qin Feng started to plan seriously.

On weekdays, when he went home, he only felt boring and tired.

But today, he was happier and more fulfilled than ever before.

As long as his Qi and blood value continued to increase and he could become a mid-level warrior (Qi and blood value reached 300), he could go deep into the barren mountains and hunt beasts at the mid-level warrior level, and then he could make more money!


When she got home, Qin Xue stared with her big watery eyes and opened her mouth wide, and exclaimed,"Brother, did you rob a bank?"

""Shh, keep your voice down, I'm wanted outside." Qin Feng deliberately lowered his voice to tease his sister.

The two siblings looked at each other and laughed.

After a while, the small dining table was filled with sumptuous dishes that could not be seen on weekdays, festivals, or even the New Year.

The steaming smoke and the flickering lights made this small family look so warm.

Qin Xue broke off a big chicken leg with chopsticks and put it in Qin Feng's bowl, very carefully, without spilling even a drop of soup.

Qin Feng saw all this and his nose was a little sour. He immediately picked up a chicken leg for her and said with a smile:"Xiaoxue, cool!"

""Show off!"

Qin Xue showed her cute little canine teeth, lowered her head, and ate heartily.

The brother and sister turned into dry eaters, eating until their mouths were full of oil. They lay on the sofa, looking at the ceiling happily.

Then, Qin Feng took out the money.

He went to the bank on the way home and withdrew some cash. He also bought Qin Xue a new mobile phone and charged some money into it.

"Take this money, I will be staying outside for a few days."Qin Feng stuffed several thousand yuan into Qin Xue's hand and told her.

Qin Xue took the money, her little face full of worry, and whispered:"Brother, don't be too tired, I'm fine"

""Okay, I'll remember that."

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, then stood up to clean up the dishes.

Looking at Qin Feng's back as he washed the dishes, Qin Xue put away the stack of money and muttered to herself,"Save it first, and use it for my brother to marry his wife in the future. Well, I must save more, the bride price is so expensive now."……"

It was late at night.

After taking the lung-protecting and heart-solidifying pills, Qin Xue looked much better than before, and she quickly fell asleep on the bed.

Seeing this, Qin Feng tiptoed out.

The simple bed was set up.

Qin Feng rested his hands on his head, staring blankly at the ceiling, his eyes a little complicated.

One day!

In just one day, the family had undergone earth-shaking changes!

My sister's condition was treated better.

The problem of food and daily necessities was solved.

The future was no longer uncertain.

Everything seemed like a dream!

"Things will get better and better, and my sister will stand up again!"

"I want to become stronger and move to a bigger house so my sister can get some sun."

"Come on, Qin Feng!"

"For my sister and for myself!"

Qin Feng clenched his fists and muttered to himself.

With a smile on his face, he fell into a deep sleep.

That night, Qin Feng slept particularly soundly.


The next morning.

After Qin Feng cleaned up, he repeatedly told Qin Xue:"I bought a lot of things. You can eat them in the microwave. If you can't, order takeout. Don't treat yourself badly."

"Brother, please be careful, we can take it slowly."

Qin Xue gently hugged her brother's neck and murmured,"You are the only relative I have left."

"I don't want to die if I have such a lovely sister like you." Qin Feng smiled and said,"When I come back, I will take you to a big meal!"

Qin Xue nodded obediently, and the two siblings said goodbye.


Commercial Street.

Qin Feng spent 30,000 yuan to buy a warrior backpack.

The previous one was too old.

This one has a larger capacity and better toughness, and is very popular.

As the saying goes, sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood.

This kind of money cannot be saved

"I spent 20,000 on medicine, gave 5,000 to my sister, and the warrior backpack was 30,000. After adding miscellaneous things, I still have... more than 40,000 left."

Qin Feng estimated in his mind.

He was not distressed.

Making money is for consumption, otherwise why make it!

What's more, if you can spend, you can earn.

He is confident that he can earn more.


Suddenly, the street lamp across the street fell to the ground, smashing the roof of a car and making a loud noise.

Accompanied by screams, it immediately attracted Qin Feng's attention.

There were two groups of people across the street.

One group had about a dozen people, including men, women, young and old.

The other group was in uniform.

The two sides fought fiercely, and every move was fatal.

Qin Feng recognized the group of people in uniform. They were from the Yuancheng War Mansion, which was similar to the police station in the previous life and was responsible for public security.

According to this inference, the other dozen people should be criminals.

Qin Feng also observed that these criminals had strange red tattoos on their bodies, hidden under their clothes.

The fight did not last long.

The criminals took the pedestrians hostage and quickly escaped.

The members of the War Mansion chased after them, but as for the result, Qin Feng did not know.

"It was very dangerous. At least a dozen pedestrians were injured."

"Where did this criminal come from?"

"I don't know, it seems to be some kind of cult, I didn't hear it clearly."

Qin Feng listened to the crowd's discussion, but didn't pay much attention to it. He got on the bus and left.


Military base.

Chen Hai had already arrived.

When he saw Qin Feng, he smiled and nodded.

Other vendors also���With a smile on his face, he said familiarly,"Little brother, remember to take care of us when you have materials."

In response, Qin Feng just smiled, put on his warrior backpack, and entered the barren mountain again.

The air in the barren mountain in the morning was fresh, and there was still rain and dew on the leaves that had not evaporated yet.

Qin Feng walked forward all the way, carefully observing the surroundings.


At this time, a sound came from the small mud puddle in front.

A steel-haired wild boar was rolling in the mud puddle, making it dirty all over. It kept twitching its nose, as if it smelled something.

It turned its head and immediately let out an angry howl.

It's a human!

Qin Feng held the blue steel alloy shovel tightly, without dodging or avoiding, and was ready to try to fight head-on.


The steel-haired wild boar launched a charge, like a Tiger tank, shaking the ground slightly.

Qin Feng's expression changed slightly, and he quickly dodged sideways.

Then, the blood and qi in his legs burst out, and he swept out like a cannonball.

The shovel was swung with all his strength!

Puff - the hooves of the steel-haired wild boar were cut off easily like foam, and a shrill scream came out of its mouth.

Qin Feng did not stop his attack.

He twisted his body and hit the steel-haired wild boar's head with the shovel, smashing its skull on the spot!

"Using a 2nd-grade weapon to deal with a primary warrior's beast is simply a blow!"He couldn't help but complain.

【The host's behavior is like using a cannon to kill a mosquito, or using a butcher knife to kill a chicken. Hao Jian and the old lady】

Qin Feng tasted this sentence with a strange expression.

It seems that something strange has mixed in!

He didn't pay much attention and pressed his hand on the corpse.

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtain: 5 points of Qi and Health]

Qin Feng only felt a warm sensation in his body.

Qi and Health 169!

He then began to dissect the steel-haired wild boar and stuffed the useful materials into his backpack. He continued to move forward.

After walking about 300 meters, a fiery red herb grew on the rock wall in front of him, and two round fruits were hanging from it.

Seeing that there were no fierce beasts around, Qin Feng picked it up.

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtained: Flame Grass Essence】

"Is this... drinkable?"

Looking at the extracted fiery red liquid, Qin Feng suddenly hesitated.

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