The next day, the competition continued.

The second round of the competition was even more eye-catching.

Whether on site or online, all kinds of posts, topics, hot searches, etc. dominated the headlines.

Although the evil cult warriors launched a surprise attack last night, it did not affect the enthusiasm of the audience at all.

"The imperial capital!"

"The devil is invincible!"


"Come on Youzhou!"

Everyone's face was filled with excitement.

The cheers were like a tsunami, as if they were going to overturn the ceiling.

The 17 qualified teams slowly walked out of the passage.

It could be seen vaguely that some of them looked a little pale, obviously because they were injured last night.

Qin Feng looked forward, but did not see the martial arts arena.

He only saw that the entire Bird's Nest was covered with grass, which was completely different from yesterday.

"No more arena battles?" He looked a little puzzled.

Minister Ziyang explained with a smile:"The content of the national ranking battles is different every year. If it were all arena battles, wouldn't it be boring?"

Qin Feng and the other two suddenly realized.

No wonder the topic can remain so popular.

When all the teams appeared on the stage, Zeng Dazhuang also appeared and said loudly:"Welcome everyone to the second day of the National Warrior Ranking. Today will no longer be a arena battle, but a chaotic battle between the East and West regions!"

"The two teams that stand out will meet in the finals and become the champions of this year's Warrior Ranking!"

Wow - there was an uproar and noise at the scene.

Countless audiences had shining eyes.

Seeing this, Qin Feng raised his eyebrows.

As a contestant, the best way is to fight in the ring.

This can fully demonstrate everyone's strength.

But this will reduce the popularity of the competition.

Moreover, there is a lack of variables.

After comprehensive consideration, the content of the competition will be constantly changed.

""Now we will divide the teams into the east and west!" Zeng

Dazhuang pointed to the display in the air.

The names of seventeen martial arts schools appeared on it, and then they began to divide them randomly. East District: Imperial Capital Martial Arts School, West Shu Martial Arts School, Northeast Martial Arts School... (8 teams) West District: Magic Capital Martial Arts School, Youzhou Martial Arts School, Jinnan Martial Arts School... (9 teams) The Imperial Capital and the Magic Capital seemed to be destined enemies, and did not meet in the second round.

"Is it really such a coincidence?"

Qin Feng curled his lips:"I suspect someone is behind this!"

Huang Zhong glared at him.

Could this guy have awakened the ability to complain? He talks so much!

"You are really lucky."

Leng Song, the little golden retriever from the Magic City Martial Arts Academy, walked over and challenged Qin Feng,"Don't lose, I will personally end you in the finals!" As soon as these words came out, the other contestants' faces darkened.

Before the second round even started, he announced that he had entered the finals?

Who are you looking down on!

Li Hongguo from the Northeast Martial Arts Academy was very strong, like a real bodybuilder, and sneered,"Bullshit, I'll kick you out first!"

Leng Song glanced at him and said,"Ha, noisy"


Li Hongguo was so angry that he yelled and rolled up his sleeves to beat him!

For a moment, the atmosphere was instantly heated up.

Zeng Dazhuang hurriedly said:"Open up the venue!"


The entire Bird's Nest began to shake violently.

Under the shocked gaze of the audience, the ground of the Bird's Nest cracked open, and a huge mountain rose in the center, dividing the battlefield into two places.

The trees were lush and green.

The rich breath of life poured out.

In an instant, all major live broadcast platforms were completely ignited.

‘Holy shit! That's awesome!’

‘Awesome Shanghai, so rich!’

‘As expected of my great city, Niu Bo Yi! '

A large number of barrages floated by, constantly refreshing the screen

"Please enter your area, the competition will start in 5 minutes!"Zeng Dazhuang's voice sounded again.

Minister Ziyang looked at the list of the East District. The most ferocious Xishu Wufu and Jinnan Wufu were here. He couldn't help but frowned,"It's a bit difficult.……"

Xishu and Jinnan have risen rapidly in recent years.

The imperial capital is hard to stop.

"Minister, where are my two pills?" Qin Feng ignored all this and stretched out his hand to ask for them.

In the first round of the competition, Qin Feng defeated three people successfully.

According to the agreement, he could get two second-grade pills.

Minister Ziyang was ready and immediately handed the pills to Qin Feng.

After receiving the pills, he found that they were indeed second-grade, and at the master level.


Qin Feng felt a little uncomfortable!

He thought for a while and asked,"Minister, if I lead Senior Baili and the little spiritual boy to stand out, can the grade of this pill be raised?"

Minister Ziyang and Huang Zhong looked at each other and saw bitterness in each other's eyes.

It's already this time, and we're still gambling!

How could a gambler come out of my great empire!

However, Minister Ziyang thought about it. It didn't seem to be a loss for him.

If he won, he would advance to the finals and everyone would be happy.

If he lost, there would be a gap in strength, and the pills could be saved.……

"If you can advance to the finals, I will give you a third-grade elixir!"

Minister Ziyang slapped his thigh.

He couldn't bear to part with the elixir, so he couldn't get Qin Feng!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up:"Minister, this is what you said!"

Then, the mentors left the venue.

Baili Jian and Xiao Lingtong focused their eyes on Qin Feng at the same time, as if asking: What's going on?

"As a warrior, you should defeat the enemy head-on and demonstrate the style of a martial arts mansion!"

"How can you be strong if you are timid and cowardly?"

Qin Feng put his hands behind his back, his face serious.

Baili Jian was puzzled: Is this what you should say?

The little boy put his hands together: Master, is this what people say?

"" Waiting for the right moment, a hidden dragon in the abyss." Qin Feng added.

Baili Jian understood instantly, with a look of contempt on his face:"Just be the sixth, that sounds good!"

The little spirit boy sighed deeply:"Buddha, it's a sin, a sin……"

Time passed slowly.

The atmosphere in the city gradually became serious and depressing.

The 17 contestants from the martial arts schools showed seriousness on their faces.

"time up!"


A loud shout landed on the ground.

The second round of chaos officially began!


The East and West districts instantly burst into thick blood.

A fierce battle broke out instantly.

The imperial capital trio was naturally not absent.

They took a deep breath and directly... rushed into the mountain!

Qin Feng took out the black steel bone shovel, dug a big hole in the mountain, and without thinking, he went in

"What kind of operation is this?"

Bai Li Jian and Xiao Ling Tong were both confused.

Isn't he the sixth brother? How did he become Tu Xingsun?

Qin Feng said unhappily:"First sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, then make a righteous sneak attack, don't waste too much energy."

After saying that, the three of them went into the mountain.

Through the cave entrance, they could clearly see the situation outside.

At this moment, the entire East District shook violently, as if an earthquake had broken out.


"Fight me head-on if you dare!"

Li Hongguo of the Northeastern Martial Arts House transformed into the ruler of the earth, and his voice spread in all directions, and almost everyone could hear it clearly.

Baili Jian's mouth twitched:"Are you stupid?"

Qin Feng rolled his eyes:"Pure Biao!"

It was just the beginning, and he started to make enemies everywhere.

It was a shame to call him a reckless man!

""Master, I found someone alone!"

Suddenly, the little boy shouted.

Qin Feng looked to the right side of the mountain and saw someone alone. He immediately said righteously,"This battle is too dangerous. Let this master take him away safely!"

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