Leng Song was defeated for the second time!

It was only a second round match, but this SSS-level genius from Magic City Martial Arts Academy suffered two consecutive humiliations!

This is not the worst.

Because there are still many martial arts academies present who have not been eliminated.

This also resulted in Magic City Martial Arts Academy not even having a top five!

You know, Magic City Martial Arts Academy was number one last year, but this year it is not even in the top five. It can be said to be a complete upset.

The initiator of all this is the little devil Qin Feng from the East District!

Hong Dali and the others were also very excited.

1. Revenge.

2. Their ranking has risen and they have obtained more points.

The whole process can be said to be easy and enjoyable.

As for what's next.

They are going to give up.

Because they can't beat them!

Qin Feng is from the East District, let's not talk about it for now.

But there is also a Lu Chao.

He is a good player in singles.

If they really want to make a move, they are just looking for trouble

"I abstain"


"No more playing, just a higher ranking than Magic City is enough."

Hong Dali and others raised their hands.

Soon, the first place in the West Region was announced.

It was Youzhou Wufu!

Qin Feng looked at Lu Chao and said with a smile:"Brother Lu, how about you let me win the championship for fun?"

Lu Chao laughed at this.

They have a good relationship, and once they meet in a competition, they all say that they will go all out and leave no regrets.

Qin Feng, on the other hand, let them win!

His brain circuit is really different from others!


At this time, the field barrier slowly descended.

The deafening uproar resounded throughout the Bird's Nest!

"The imperial capital! Invincible!"

"See? That’s the genius from our Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy!"

""Awesome! Qin Feng is awesome!"

Li Yuntao and others cheered in the audience. They didn't stop even when their voices became hoarse. They were so excited that their blood was boiling.

The scene at the Bird's Nest and the live broadcast on the Internet.

The audience was so happy.

"This is definitely the most entertaining National Fighter show ever!"

"Digging holes, burying people, and shaking people, Qin Feng is so interesting"

"I originally thought Leng Song was already very strong, but Qin Feng? Whose general is this!"

The Internet's hot search immediately topped the list.

The popularity once surpassed that of the village evening!

Some people are happy, while others are naturally sad.

Don't mention how ugly Wang Hou's face is at this moment.

If Li Kui's dark face is natural, then Wang Hou is just angry!

"This little thing disrupted the whole game!"

"The point is, I can't stop it.……"

"Damn it, don’t you know that it costs money to transfer zones?"

Wang Hou cursed Qin Feng thousands of times in his heart.

On the contrary, it was the Imperial Capital Wufu.

Minister Ziyang's face seemed to be in full bloom with a chrysanthemum.

All the wrinkles on his old face were spread out.

"Deputy Palace Master Wang Hou, announce the result. Minister Zi Yang said with a smile.

The corners of the mouths of other martial arts masters twitched slightly.

Killing people, but also destroying their hearts!? (Let the Bullets Fly Special Edition.JPG)

Wang Hou looked at Minister Zi Yang's smile and wanted to punch him, but he had to maintain the demeanor of a host.

"First place in the East District, Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion!"

"First place in the Western Region, Youzhou Wu Mansion!"

"The final will be held the day after tomorrow, please come and watch!"

Wang Hou said with a smile.

Minister Ziyang raised a thumbs up:"The deputy palace master is very heroic."

Wang Hou's smile was stiff.

Shut up!

Looking at the scene of the tsunami, Qin Feng was also a little excited.

Young people are full of vigor and vitality.

Who wouldn't be fascinated by this feeling?

""Tonight, I am the chosen one, and the only one, isn't that right?" Qin Feng thought to himself.

He turned his head and looked at Minister Zi Yang, smiling even more.

The bet was won!

The 3rd-grade elixir was in hand!


On this day.

The Internet of China Dragon Country was bustling.

Tieba, forums, Douyin, Slow Hand, Weibo and other apps were all vying to discuss the national warrior list!

The top five hot searches were all Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion or Qin Feng.

Magic Capital Martial Arts Mansion was also on the hot search list.

However, the title was:"Shame! The Shame of Magic Capital Martial Arts Mansion!"

It is no exaggeration to say that Qin Feng is now a man standing against the wind, or a blue man standing on the waves and being struck by lightning!

Various video clips, accompanied by old-fashioned BGM, spread all over the country in a short time!

Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion.

After Ananda learned about the situation of the game, he showed a relieved expression

"Finally, I have made some achievements."He murmured.

It is self-evident how much pressure the mansion master is under.

In various departments, some old guys hiding in the back have been watching closely, waiting for Ananda to make a big mistake!

Now under his leadership, Qin Feng has brought the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion into the finals, and also solved the Demon Capital Martial Arts Mansion in advance, letting out a breath of anger!

It's no wonder that he was relieved!

"Reward him for continuing to enter the Earth Essence Training Room?"

"But this kid eats whatever he is given, and my savings can't keep up.……"

As he thought about it, Ananda smiled.


Jiangnan Military Hospital.

Qin Xue and her fellow patients gathered together, with a look of shock on her cute face.

"Wow, Xiaoxue’s brother made it to the finals!"

"My sister actually lost?"

"Don't worry, you will continue to lose in the future."

The children looked at Qin Xue with envy.

Qin Xue sat in a wheelchair, dancing with excitement. Although she was wearing an oxygen mask on her face, she was in very good spirits.

"Bro, I see you!"

"You have to keep working hard!"

She waved her arms at Qin Feng on TV.


The national hot search is like a piece of sunshine, but there are also dark places that cannot be illuminated, where rats and snakes exist.

The ticking sound echoes underground.

The Heavenly Demon Cult, the Blood Cult, and the Chaos Cult slowly appear.

"Qin Feng, it's Qin Feng again! ?"

"Killing my followers and ruining my plans, if this guy is not eliminated, he will become a stumbling block!"

The Blood Cult growled hysterically.

"This man has a strange talent, and his Qi and blood value increases very quickly, he must be eradicated!" The Heavenly Demon Cult was also murderous.

Only the fat man from the Chaos Cult was very calm:"He seems to have many treasures on him, do you think he is the reincarnation of an ancient person?"

"Reincarnation of ancient people?"

"How is this possible!"

The other two sects immediately denied it.

The fat man from the Chaos Sect smiled and said,"I was just mentioning it. Let's get back to the topic. What's the next plan?"

"I think we should just blow up the whole building!"

The Blood Cult showed a crazy smile:"No matter what genius or strong man he is, he must all die!"

"This plan is good. It's best to do it on the eve of the decisive battle, when they are most relaxed!" The Demon Sect agreed without thinking, and sneered:"We will hack into major platforms for live broadcasts. By then, the pictures will be very beautiful!"

The fat man of the Chaos Sect nodded repeatedly on the surface, but he was cursing in his heart:"A bunch of lunatics, are you going to play such a big game? Aren't you afraid of attracting the strong men of the War Lord Realm?"

After discussing, the three sects left.

The fat man of the Chaos Sect walked halfway, took out his mobile phone, and clicked on a hidden APP with ease, and smiled with satisfaction:"I knew that someone would buy this news!"

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