
The system snorted arrogantly and ignored Qin Feng.

"System, quietly tell you one thing"

"You are so arrogant, sooner or later you will become a system girl!"

"Be careful or you will become a bun-head tomorrow!"

Qin Feng flirted with him on a whim.

But the system didn't want to pay attention to him, and pretended to be dead every day.

"Qin Feng, what are you doing?"

Duan Nian's cold voice sounded.

At first, he was also surprised by Qin Feng's trick.

But he soon reacted.

"I wanted to give you some more time to enjoy the scenery now."

"But since you don't cherish it, don't blame me."

Qin Feng raised his eyelids slightly and glanced at Duan Nian with disdain.

"I really don't know where your confidence comes from. Do you think you can be so arrogant in front of me just because you have broken through to the level of a general?"

"Today I will tell you how big the gap between you and me is!"

After he finished speaking, Duan Nian's aura suddenly burst out.

Wisps of black mist dissipated, forming huge black tentacles like octopuses.

These tentacles were densely packed, blocking Qin Feng from all directions.

A-level elemental system: dark tentacles!

Everyone was shocked.

The battle began!

Although the dark tentacles are only A-level.

But on the tentacles, they carry paralysis toxins.

In actual combat, they are stronger than ordinary S-level.

Moreover, it is an elemental system!

All physical damage is invalid!

"The dark tentacles are very strange and difficult to deal with. Duan Nian's health value is much higher than Qin Feng's. This time Qin Feng is in danger."

"You can't say that, Qin Feng has SSS-level abilities."

"Even if the Qi and blood value is a little lower, it is not necessarily weaker than Duan Nian."

"Oh? Really? Then what do you think Qin Feng is capable of?"

For a moment, there were many different opinions on the field.

Everyone expressed their own views.

Most people were more optimistic about Duan Nian.

After all, Duan Nian was an old strong man.

Although Qin Feng was strong, he was just a rising star.

"Did you hear that? Qin Feng, look at how many people here think highly of you."

"You will pay the price for your stupid behavior!"

Duan Nian's face showed a cold expression.

In his opinion, Qin Feng's challenge to him was tantamount to asking for trouble.

"Okay, okay, stop saying these old-fashioned lines."

"I'll buy the author some beer later and ask him to delete the lines for you!"

Qin Feng rolled his eyes.

This guy is about to die, but he doesn't even know it.

【Host, be careful! This guy might have kidnapped GGBond! And he wants to threaten you!】

"System... do you think you are very humorous?"

Qin Feng was speechless.

This system was actually playing tricks on him at this time!

Do you want to see what he is doing now!?

This is a duel!

Are you polite when you are playing tricks on him now?

【Hakimi, Hakimi, Hakimi……】

Qin Feng simply chose to ignore the system's cute behavior.

"If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, I can still give you another chance"

"Once I make a move, I'll beat you to a pulp!"

"At that time, it won't be so easy for you to admit defeat!"

Duan Nian spoke again.

He looked as if he had Qin Feng in his grasp.

"I bet there's no bullet in your gun!"

Qin Fengyun replied calmly.

"I'm standing here. If you can hit me, I lose!"

Hearing this, Duan Nian was furious.

The tentacles behind him were also spinning wildly.

It seemed that they were also suppressing their anger.

When everyone heard Qin Feng's words, their faces were full of surprise.

Are you really so confident?

""Go to hell!"

As soon as Duan Nian finished speaking, countless black tentacles behind him squirmed and rushed towards Qin Feng like arrows.

Every black tentacle was stretched straight at this moment, like a sharp spear.

In the sunlight, it flashed with a cold light.

Everyone frowned.

The attack was a killing move!

It seemed that Duan Nian wanted to end the battle as soon as possible.

Look at Qin Feng again.

He still stood there, as if ignoring these tentacles. He even reached out and dug his ears!

He shouted lightly:"5!"



When Qin Feng counted to"1", countless dark tentacles were already within reach.

At this time, a smile appeared on Duan Nian's face.


This battle was so easy...

Snap -

Qin Feng suddenly snapped his fingers.

Duan Nian chuckled.

Still pretending!

Do you think you are Thanos?

He was about to taunt...


His stomach began to churn!

A mighty force rushed straight to the Chrysanthemum Pass!


Those tentacles that were as straight as spears also became weak and drooped on the ground at this time.

"What's going on?"

Everyone was confused.

He had just picked up his gun and went into battle, and he was already weak? This shouldn't be the case!

Duan Nian was only in his twenties...

Everyone was still thinking about it.

At this time, a very intriguing sound came out.


The middle tone was long, the bass was steady, and the treble was bright!

Summary: Transparent!

At this time, Duan Nian's face was twitching wildly.

He found that he had lost the ability to control his sphincter!


Suddenly, he remembered what Qin Feng had done in the Newcomer Wall. He immediately understood what was going on!

"Qin Feng, you... are shameless!"

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Duan Nian just finished speaking.

He farted several times in succession.

A foul smell spread over the playground.

Everyone's faces were instantly horrified!


What is Duan Nian doing in the street???

"Oh, President Duan, what's wrong with you?"

"You are covering your stomach with one hand and your butt with the other. What are you doing?"

"Aren't you going to teach me a profound lesson?"

"I'm standing right here, why don't you come?"

When you are proud, I give in!

When you are defeated, I ride on your face!

Qin Feng jumped up immediately.

【Host, why are you wearing Pinru's clothes?】

【You are so sexy!】

"Same with you. As the saying goes,"Birds of a feather flock together.""

"I learned this from you!"

Qin Feng started to refute.

If it were any other time, you would definitely refute.

But now, he really couldn't do it!


He wore a white outfit today just to look cool!

Now... his clothes were all stained!

"I am going to kill you!"

"You actually poisoned me!"

Duan Nian was furious and was about to rush over.

After taking two steps, he retreated!

Because the pass had been lost!

Every time he took a step, everyone heard a"puff" sound!

How to say it, the rhythm was bursting!

It seemed like the BGM was tailor-made for him!

"Chairman Duan, I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious."

Qin Feng took out a mask from his pocket and put it on slowly:"The duel has just begun, you have to hold back, I am going to fight you for three days and three nights!"

Everyone was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

This old six was well prepared!

Naturally, everyone didn't believe that this matter had nothing to do with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng did this when he was a newcomer.

Especially those who were hit, they still remembered it vividly.

"I…I give up!"

Duan Nian still wanted to grit his teeth and endure it.

But when he heard about three days and three nights, he was shocked!

Will he die?

Or…will he be pulled to death?

Who can bear this?

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