The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 129: Fermat's conjecture

Of course, the old bank continued to publish papers, engage in scientific research, and enhance academic status.

This era is not 2020 in the real world. There is a huge gap between China's economy, technology, military and other fields and Western countries.

In the face of foreigners, especially in Western countries, Chinese people do not feel that they have a sense of inferiority and worship.

The foreign moon is a circle, and it is a true portrayal of this era.

Once Pang Xuelin completes the conjecture proof of the seven major problems of the Millennium and publishes a paper in four major journals, the effects and topics will be sensational.

In terms of attention, it will even exceed the real world, and it is not impossible to be set as a benchmark for Chinese academia.

By that time, with Pang Xuelin's academic status, there was much room for maneuverability in the field of education.

However, which result will be selected for publication next?

Pang Xuelin sank in thought.

The three papers of Ponzi geometry, abc conjecture, and solving nonlinear partial differential equations were all excluded by Pang Xuelin.

These three results are based on Ponzi geometry, and Ponzi geometry is based on far Abelian geometry.

It was not long before Grothendieck developed Far Abel geometry. The international mathematics community's research on Far Abel geometry is quite simple. Therefore, I want the international mathematics community to accept Pang based on Far Abel geometry. I do n’t know how to wait until the year of the monkey.

Since several papers related to Ponzi geometry are not suitable, the only options available next are bsd conjecture, Fermat conjecture and Poincaré conjecture.

Of these three, Pang Xuelin thought about it, and finally chose Fermat's conjecture.

Before the Clay Institute came up with the so-called seven major mathematical problems of the millennium, Fermat's conjecture, four-color conjecture, and Goldbach conjecture were also known as the world's three major mathematical problems.

Compared with the other two, Fermat's conjecture, which has a history of more than 300 years, will have a bigger name, and its position in the mathematical world is not inferior.

In the real world, Fermat's conjecture was proved by Andrew Wiles in 1994 that Pang Xuelin still has enough time.

In addition, as a special inference of the abc conjecture, Pang Xuelin wants to prove Fermat's conjecture, and can rely on some related ideas of Ponzi geometry. The proof method is much simpler than Andrew Wiles' proof method.

"Mr. Pang, what are you sitting here doing? It's snowing and you have a fever. Hurry back and lie down!"

A Qing's voice sounded in Pang Xuelin's ear.

Pang Xuelin raised his head, only to realize that I don't know when the snow began to float in the sky.

Pang Xuelin suddenly turned her head and looked at A Qingdao, "A Qing, how long have you not eaten meat?"


A Qing stayed blankly, swallowed unconsciously, and said, "Pang ... Ms. Pang, it's been about a month!"

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "After two days, the teacher will cook pork for you. OK, you can go to self-study and help the teacher manage the group of bear children."


A Qing's eyes lighted, she turned and ran towards the classroom, shouting while running, "You all listen, Teacher Pang said, if anyone is quiet in the classroom, study hard, Teacher Pang will stew meat." If anyone is noisy and noisy, let alone pork, you won't leave one for you! "

In the classroom, the faint noise came to a sudden silence.

Pang Xuelin could not help but shook his head and laughed dumbfoundedly, then dragged his heavy body toward the dormitory.

In the afternoon, Pang Xuelin slept again, and when he woke up, it was already dark.

There was a faint crackling sound of firewood in the hall, and the smell of brown rice.

Pang Xuelin got up from the bed and touched his head, feeling that the fever on his body had completely subsided.

Through the window, you can see that the sky outside has become dim, the sky is gloomy, the snow has stopped, and the distant mountains are covered with a layer of silver.

When I came to the temple house, A Qing was on fire and saw Pang Xuelin coming out. A Qingdao, "Mr. Pang, we have rice at night and shredded radish left at noon. I also made an egg ravioli and steamed it for you Body. "

Pang Xuelin wondered, "Aqing, why don't we stew at noon?"

A Qing murmured, "Make egg scoops at noon, you must not eat one bite, but you have to share it with others."

"You little slider!"

Pang Xuelin shook his head helplessly.


Twenty minutes later, the two had dinner.

A plate of shredded radish, a bowl of egg ravioli, and rice, is dinner for two.

Pang Xuelin took a few sips and found that A Qing tried to eat some radishes and didn't touch the eggs.

Pang Xuelin frowned, grabbed the rice bowl from A Qing, and scooped half of the eggs into A Qing's rice with a spoon.

"Ms. Pang, this is for your health ..."

Pang Xuelin pushed the bowl in front of A Qing and said, "It's delicious, don't leave me a bite!"


A Qing lowered her head and chopped rice bite-by-bit, but her eyes were slightly red.

Pang Xuelin sighed, somewhat helpless.

The occupation he inherited currently earns 120 yuan per month, and the year-end, plus various subsidies, is about 1,500.

In 1992, if he put it in the city, it would be difficult for him to support himself, but in this remote small village, he should belong to the high-income class.

In addition, there is an acre of paddy field and half an acre of dry land at home, so that he cannot afford to eat meat.

But who asked his adoptive father, Hu Wenbin, in order to let the villagers send their children to school, he proposed that as long as the children come to school, the school can manage meals at noon ~ ~ In this era, the education department has not proposed Free lunch plan, Hu Wenbin's free lunch, there is no way to get financial allocation from the township.

He can only deduct from his salary.

Half-sized kid, eat poor laozi.

There were a dozen more mouths at noon, and the cost of a month suddenly increased. In addition, I had to buy various stationery books for the children, and Pang Xuelin's monthly salary was also a bit stretched.

But that's the end of it, and Pang Xuelin doesn't have a good way.

The throttling measures have been achieved to the extreme, and if they are saved, he and the children will have to be hungry. Then, we can only find a way to open source.

After dinner, Pang Xuelin and A Qing cleaned up the chopsticks together.

It was completely dark, and the two closed the hall door, lit an oil lamp, and raised a pot of charcoal fire. The room was a little warmer.

A Qing did her homework in front of the oil lamp, while Pang Xuelin took out a pen and paper and began to formally write a proof paper for Fermat's conjecture.

An hour later, A Qing finished her homework, and the little boy came to Pang Xuelin curiously, looking at the script-like text on the paper, wondering, "Mr. Pang, what are you writing? Pinyin?"

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