"Teacher Pang, listening to Jun's words is better than reading a book for ten years! Today I will substitute tea for wine, toast you a glass!"

Wang Chongqing looked at Pang Xuelin with some emotions. He vaguely felt that Pang Xuelin's eyes seemed to have penetrated through the fog of history and saw a distant future.

Xi Pang Xuelin raised his glass and laughed: "It's just a family statement, it's not a big deal."

At this moment, 哐 Dang, the door was opened.

A girl with short ears, pretty looks, and a turtleneck sweater and jeans came in.

"Dad, are there guests at home?"

The girl put the shoulder bag aside and went into the living room.

Because of the perspective, she can see that Wang Chongqing seems to be speaking with the guests, but she does not see Pang Xuelin's face.

"Xiao Hui is back, let me introduce you. This is your Uncle Pang, Teacher Pang, this is my daughter, Wang Muhui."

"Uncle Pang?"

沐 Wang Muhui turned, just looking at Pang Xuelin.

Xi Pang Xuelin just took a sip of tea and heard that he almost squirted it out.

沐 Wang Muhui also stayed for a while. She thought that the so-called Uncle Pang had to be about the same age as Wang Chongqing, but she did not expect that she was a young man in her early twenties.

"Professor Wang, we have discussions with our peers, let ’s talk with your daughter." Pang Xuelin cried and laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, Dad, let's talk with this teacher Pang."

沐 Wang Muhui was also a little speechless, making her call such a young uncle Pang who was not yet her own age, but she couldn't call it.

King Chongqing hesitated for a moment, and seemed to realize that it was not appropriate, and said, "Let's do it."

唉 "Oh, Dad, Mom is in the kitchen. I'll go help first."

Wang Muhui said.

"Well, go!"

沐 Wang Muhui smiled awkwardly at Pang Xuelin, such as amnesty, and quickly walked towards the kitchen.

Wang Chongqing turned to Pang Xuelin and said, "Mr. Pang, my daughter, you are so sensible when you are so old. It makes you laugh."

"Professor Wang speaks heavily."

Wang Muhui, who had just reached the door of the kitchen, heard the words and almost fell down again.

Uh ...

In the kitchen, Qin Wenhui was choosing celery and saw Wang Muhui stumble into it, saying, "You girl, walk carefully."

沐 Wang Muhui came to Qin Wenhui's side and whispered: "Mom, what's the way in the living room, is it a relative from his hometown?"

父亲 Since his father became a professor at Lincheng University, there are many people in his hometown. Anyone who comes to the province and comes to the province will come and live for a few days, making Wang Muhui a little tired.

And just now my father made himself call that little young uncle. Only at his hometown, he would call each other according to seniority.

He just said that the young man was Teacher Pang, and Wang Muhui was a little confused about the other party.

Qin Wenhui smiled and said, "This teacher Pang is not an ordinary person ..."

Then, she told the history of Pang Xuelin and Wang Muhui again.

After listening, Wang Muhui could not help but widen her eyes: "Mom, you said that his academic level is higher than his dad, but he is a teacher in a rural elementary school, shouldn't he be a liar?"

Qin Wenhui bounced her head and said, "Mr. Pang's academic level has been met by your father and Director Luo of the Department of Mathematics of Lincheng University. It is said that tomorrow he will go to the Department of Mathematics of Lincheng University to hold a lecture. These can never be taken. "

沐 Wang Muhui said: "Maybe the academic level is not fake. Is the identity of a rural elementary school teacher fake?"

Qin Wenhui rolled her eyes and said, "Just think about it a lot, why do people pretend to be rural elementary school teachers?"

沐 Wang Muhui said: "Maybe it's for attracting attention, and it's popular! This year, everyone really has it!"

Qin Wenhui laughed: "Your girl, just a few days as a reporter, do you think anyone has seen it? I think this teacher Xiao Pang is very real. When you were away in the afternoon, your dad talked to him for an afternoon , I heard a sentence or two, this teacher Pang is of high standard. "

"Mom, why did you say you didn't believe me?"

"Well, smelly girl, help pick up the celery, and you can review English well next month and take the national foreign language proficiency test in a few months (wsk test, a test for foreign language proficiency of public students) , Finally managed to get the opportunity to send abroad, but don't mess up this opportunity because of English. "

"Mom, I know!"

Wang Muhui frowned secretly. Due to the professional sensitivity of a reporter, she always felt that the purpose of this teacher Pang to approach her father was not ordinary.

Dinner is five dishes and one soup, steamed sea bass, stir-fried dumplings, braised pork ribs, stir-fried celery, home-made tofu, and a tomato egg soup. Qin Wenhui has come up with all her skills and ate Pang Xuelin.

In modern society, these foods are nothing to Pang Xuelin.

But I stayed at Lingziding Village Elementary School for almost a month. Today's meal is the best meal of Pang Xuelin.

During the meal, Wang Chongqing and his couple kept picking vegetables, making Pang Xuelin a bit embarrassed.

It was their daughter Wang Muhui who looked strangely to Pang Xuelin's eyes.

Wu Pang Xuelin didn't think much.

After eating, Pang Xuelin was a little embarrassed and said, "Sister, can I take a bath in the bathroom?"

He found out before going to the toilet. The toilet in Wang Chongqing's house actually installed a rare gas water heater of this era.

来到 Since coming to the "Teacher of the Country" world ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lingziding Village is inconvenient to get water, and because of the big winter, Pang Xuelin has only taken a bath once.

He has been running on the road for the past few days. He already felt sticky and uncomfortable. He originally wanted to find a public bath for a hot bath. Now Wang Chongqing was brought home, but he had to wash at Wang Chongqing's house.

Qin Wenhui laughed and said, "Mr. Pang, go and wash."

After a pause, she seemed to remember something again, and said, "Mr. Pang, you can change all your dirty clothes. I will wash them off tomorrow. Besides, aren't you going to hold a lecture at Lincheng University tomorrow? Pharaoh There is a woolen suit that I wore when I was young. Now he is old and he is blessed. That suit ca n’t be worn. But the suit is too good and I ca n’t bear to throw it away. Wait for you to find out and iron it. You will be wearing that suit tomorrow. "

"This ... how sorry this is!"

Aside Wang Chongqing laughed: "Wen Hui doesn't say I haven't remembered yet, Teacher Pang, the suit is really suitable for you, you wait, I'll find it for you!"

He said, Wang Chongqing went directly to the bedroom.

"Well, Teacher Pang, you go and wash now!"

Qin Wenhui laughed.

Xi Pang Xuelin had no choice but to take the Qiu Yiqiu for washing and entered the bathroom.

Wang Muhui, who was watching TV on the sofa, couldn't help but chuckle. She felt that her parents were even better to this teacher Pang than to her children.

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