The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 146: Teacher Pang, is there anything else you can't?

Wang Muhui was a spirit, and quickly squeezed in from the crowd, and saw Pang Xuelin bending down at the desk, writing couplets on the red paper.

Although only the most common writing brush is used, the pen walks and moves, giving people a very smooth and comfortable visual experience.

Even if Wang Muhui doesn't understand calligraphy, she can see that the characters written by Pang Xuelin are beautiful.

Most of the onlookers were villagers from the villages near Qinglin Town, and there were not many literate people. Pang Xuelin was a top calligraphy player among amateur calligraphy enthusiasts and naturally won praises.

What's more, Pang Xuelin also catered to the needs of the villagers very much. He didn't write those crepe pairs, all of which were straightforward and easy to understand.

Like good luck in all seasons, Bafang Treasury enters the home; all things go well fortune, people and homes are blessed with stars; everything goes smoothly year after year, everything goes back and forth, all companies like Banks, China Mobile, China Unicom, etc. Near the Spring Festival to do activities to send pairs.

Although the vulgarity is unbearable, but what ordinary people like it.

Not to mention, there is Pang Xuelin's beautiful calligraphy.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin's booth attracted everyone's onlookers after the stall started at 8 am.

After confirming that the stall owner was Pang Xuelin, Wang Muhui was not in a hurry. She quietly moved her body aside and smiled while watching Pang Xuelin doing business with the villagers.

"Uncle, this is the Spring Festival couplet and calendar you want. It used to be three pieces. Now I will give you a 20% discount on the Spring Festival couplet. You can give me two pieces of eight."

"Sister-in-law, it doesn't matter if you don't know how to read. I will write a pair of beauties for you, and stick it at your door to ensure that everything goes well for you in the coming year."

"Brother ..."

Uh ...

The time passed by every minute and every second. Unconsciously, the years, calendars, and old yellow calendars on Pang Xuelin's booth became less and less, and the crowds gradually disappeared.

After the last New Year painting was bought, Pang Xuelin started to pick up the booth.

At this time, Pang Xuelin's eyes swept Yu Guang and another figure stood in front of his booth.

He quickly said: "Sorry, today's business can't be done. New Year pictures, wall calendars, old yellow calendars have been sold out, and the red paper for Spring Festival couplets is gone ..."

As Pang Xuelin said, he raised his head, his face could not help showing surprise: "Mu Hui, why are you here?"

"I'll come and see you!"

Wang Muhui's eyes flashed inexplicable gleam, and smiled, "Mr. Pang, I didn't expect your writing brushes to be so good, what else would you not do?"

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled a little embarrassedly: "I don't have much to go, and besides, my calligraphy is not very good, but I practice it blindly in my spare time. Today, I can't help but be ugly."

Wang Muhui smiled and said, "You're self-confident. Didn't you see that everyone came to buy your couplet? Yes, how much money do you make today?

"I count!"

Xi Pang Xuelin poured out the gross bills and coins in a plastic bag.

"Let me count for you!"

Wang Muhui squatted down and counted with Pang Xuelin.

Twenty minutes later, Pang Xuelin said: "A total of 378 yuan!"

Wang Muhui said, "How much did you buy?"

Lu Pang Xuelin said: "The purchase cost 277. The three pictures of the new year's painting, wall calendar and old yellow calendar add up to a total of 222 yuan, red paper, writing brush and ink for 10 yuan, folding table and folding chair for 40 yuan."

沐 Wang Muhui looked up and was a little surprised: "That is to say, you made more than a hundred this morning! If you don't count the folding table and folding chair, your gross profit is close to one hundred and fifty."

You know, Wang Muhui is now working in Lincheng Daily. The salary during the internship is only 280 yuan. The money Pang Xuelin earned in the morning is almost equal to her half-month salary.

Even Pang Xuelin himself is a bit incredible.

It is no wonder that in this era, enterprises and institutions will erupt into the tide. The entire Chinese market is almost equivalent to a virgin land that has not yet been cultivated. Anyone who is a little bit aggressive and lucky may become rich.

Wang Muhui lamented: "Mr. Pang, you are making money ... I want to quit my job and follow you up."

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "This kind of business is easy to do in the past half a year ago."

Wang Muhui gave him a glance at him and laughed with a chuckle: "Ms. Pang, I'll just say that. But now it's over eleven o'clock. I haven't eaten since I left home in the morning. Today you made so much money. Going to eat local tyrants! "

没 "No problem, let's go. Let's go to the restaurants in town and see what you want to eat."

Pang Xuelin folded the bench and table and fixed it on the bar in front of the classic 28-inch Phoenix bicycle.

This bicycle is Wang Chongqing's car. Knowing that Pang Xuelin was out of the stall today, he loaned the bicycle to Pang Xuelin for transportation.

The two walked towards the center of the town. In the end, Wang Muhui did not choose the big restaurants that looked good, but chose a fly restaurant that sold tadpoles and fried pancakes.

Add a small piece of white lard to the bowl, add shrimp, seaweed and mustard, then drizzle the fragrant broth, add the ravioli, and sprinkle the green onion flowers with the fried pan fried with pork .

Two people, three dollars in total, taste even better than those fried pancakes that Pang Xuelin has eaten in the real world.

"Mu Hui, you are not a stance to eat local tyrants."

Pang Xuelin laughed ~ ~ Wang Muhui raised the soup stock with a spoon, gently blown it, then took a sip, and squinted happily, "I'm fine, I haven't eaten it for years .I remember the first time I ate was more than ten years ago. At that time, my parents were educated youths in the countryside. One time their brigade went into the mountains to cut trees. I was afraid at home, ran out, and lost my way. After walking outside for a day, when I was tired and hungry, an aunt from a state-owned hotel took me to her unit, gave me a bowl of rice dumplings, and served it with raw fried buns. That was the best I've ever eaten in my life. Food to eat ... "

Pang Xuelin laughed: "I didn't expect you to have such a period of experience. How did your parents find you later?"

Wang Muhui said, "After they came back from the mountain, they found that I had disappeared and was terrified. Later, the whole brigade dispatched me, and even the leaders of the commune were alarmed. Then the aunt heard about me and took the I sent it back. But fortunately, in that era, if I put it now, I'm afraid I have been abducted by traffickers. Alas, the traffickers have become more and more rampant in the past few years. I only came to the newspaper for half a year and I heard that No more than ten news about traffickers ... "

Pang Xuelin said: "The poorer and less educated a person becomes, the less the bottom line becomes. The problem of human traffickers is only possible after the social, economic, and technological development reaches a certain level.

Wang Muhui lamented: "That's what it says, but I really want to wait until that day, but I don't know when it will be."

For a while, the original cheerful atmosphere on the table gradually became heavy.

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