The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 151: Hope Primary School

You know, at this time, even in a big city like Modu, ordinary workers' salaries are three to four hundred dollars a month, and those of high-paid white-collar workers who work in foreign companies earn just over a thousand a month.

Xi Pang Xuelin was just a trip during the winter vacation. It took only a few days to earn 3,800 yuan.

Are you going to grab the bank?

Wu Jianzhang can really be considered to have seen the world. He estimated the best situation before, but he felt that Pang Xuelin went out and made a few hundred yuan.

He did not expect that the number given by Pang Xuelin was ten times his expectation.

Hu Liangcai, who was standing aside, opened his mouth and wondered, "Mr. Pang, you're going out in less than a month, right?"

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Together with the time on the road, it will be twenty-one days."

"Mr. Pang, how did you do that?"

Weng Deyi curious.

If it is really so profitable to do business now, then what head of the township he is, he simply resigned and went to sea to do business.

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "In fact, it's nothing, I just went to the provincial capital to sell some New Year's goods ..."

Then, Pang Xuelin told everyone about selling New Year's goods in the provincial capital.

When I heard Pang Xuelin said that she was writing couplets to attract customers, she clapping her hands and smiling, "I said, how can business be so good? Teacher Pang is making money from his own skills!"

Suddenly everyone laughed.

Wu Jianzhang said, "Ms. Pang, can you give me a piece of ink treasure later? Let me see your calligraphy."

Pang Xuelin laughed: "No problem!"

略 Skip this paragraph, Pang Xuelin followed the rush to continue the talk.

Finally, when they heard Pang Xuelin's speech, and during this period of time, when the real profit was only two thousand five hundred, Wu Jianzhang couldn't help wondering: "Mr. Pang, didn't you just say three thousand eight?"

Xi Pang Xuelin laughed: "The remaining one thousand three is a bonus from Lincheng University."

"Bonus from Lincheng University?"

Wu Jianzhang is puzzled.

"Is such that……"

Pang Xuelin said that he wanted to publish a mathematical paper and went to Lincheng University to find someone to help him. He accidentally met Wang Chongqing, a professor in the Department of Mathematics of Lincheng University. His thesis was endorsed by Luo Jianzhong, director of the Department of Mathematics at Lincheng University, and then became a part-time researcher at the Institute of Mathematics at Lincheng University.

千 This 1,300 yuan is a bonus for his 13 papers.

Even so, Pang Xuelin's remarks made everyone here stunned, feeling kind of ridiculous.

"Mr. Pang, I remember you graduated from high school?"

Jianjian Zhang looked at Pang Xuelin Road with shocked eyes.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Yes, I was very interested in mathematics in middle school, and then I taught myself a lot of university and even graduate courses. These theses are the results of my own research over the years. I just want to send to I tried those journals, but I didn't expect it to be approved by Professor Luo Jianzhong. Mayor Xi, wait a minute, I'll show you something. "

Xu said, Pang Xuelin returned to the room, took out Lincheng University's letter of appointment and work permit, and handed it to Jianjian Zhang.

Qi Jianzhang stroked the stamp on the work permit, and the suspicions in his heart disappeared, with some emotions: "Mr. Pang, I am the first group of college students after the reform and opening up. After graduating from Peking University, I entered the work of the League Central Committee. These years are also considered to be insights. After many talented teenagers from all over the country, no one has ever been able to shock me like you. It is a pity not to go to college because of your ability ... "

"Mayor Xian, can you show us? I'm still seeing a letter of appointment from a university for the first time!"

Weng Deyi crossed his head curiously.

"Look at it!"

Xi Jianzhang gave Weng Deyi his work permit and appointment letter. After Weng Deyi read it, he gave it to the others.

These people are also considered to have a head and face in Anhe County. At this time, they also looked at Pang Xuelin's work permit and appointment letter.

Xun Pang Xuelin is only twenty years old now, and she has already become a part-time researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of Lincheng University. God knows what height this young man can go to in the future.

For a while, everyone stopped looking at Pang Xuelin from the perspective of ordinary rural elementary school teachers.

Weng Deyi sighed: "The county magistrate, you may not know. Teacher Pang was the source of Tsinghua University when he was in high school. When the former principal Hu Wenbin of Lingziding Village died due to illness, teacher Pang insisted on giving up the college entrance examination and returned to take over Lingzi. At Dingcun Primary School, we were useless to persuade him. At that time, teachers in Anhe County said that it was a pity. For so many years in Anhe County, only four or five people had been admitted to Tsinghua University of Peking University. Teacher Pang was the most promising in recent years. One ... I originally thought that Teacher Pang would regret his choice in the future, but I did not expect that after all, scholars are scholars. No matter what position they are in, they can always take a different path. "

Jianjian Zhang nodded and laughed: "Everyone has every chance, and Mr. Pang can have such an opportunity, and it is also related to his hard work and hard work. But Mr. Pang, you are still good at these three thousand eight hundred dollars. Put it away, education investment is ultimately the responsibility of the government, and the money for repairing school buildings is not suitable for you. Besides, Lingziding Village Primary School may not be necessary in the future, and repairing school buildings is meaningless. "

Xu Pang Xuelin froze for a moment, wondering: "Mayor of She County, you said that Lingziding Village Primary School no longer needs to exist, what do you mean?"

Wu Jianzhang said with a smile: "Teacher Pang ~ ~ I came to Daxu Township for investigation this time. There are two main tasks. One is to send year-old condolences to the poor people in the township. The second is Examine the location of Hope Primary School. "

"Hope Primary School?"

Pang Xuelin stayed awake.

The name Pang Xuelin is no stranger. In later generations, Hope Primary School has become a landmark project in China's basic education. According to surveys, one out of 50 rural primary schools is Hope Primary School.

Wu Jianzhang said: "Mr. Pang, I used to work in the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Three years ago, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the China Youth Foundation launched the Hope Project aimed at helping out-of-school children in poor areas. Before that, I worked in the relevant departments of the Hope Project. Yes. The reason why I went to serve as the county head of Anhe County this time, in addition to helping Anhe County get rid of poverty, another important task is to build a large-scale Hope Primary School in rural areas of Anhe County. Da'ao Township is the poorest township in Anhe County Due to the inconvenient transportation and large area, this area is also a key area for us to build Hope Primary School. We are planning to integrate schools like Lingziding Village in each village into a Hope Primary School to improve the school's teaching environment and teaching quality. "At present, the first Hope Primary School in Dacheng Township is initially settled in Lingziding Village."

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