Pang Xuelin smiled and didn't care.

When I first come to school, there are always times when I am nervous.

The more this time, the more these children have to build their aspirations for school.

He took the brazier out of the house and raised a charcoal fire. Fortunately there was no wind tonight, and the yard felt a little warmer.

Pang Xuelin sat down beside A Qing and said, "What about today, I'm going to tell you the story of Journey to the West?"

"Teacher, what is Journey to the West?"

Hu Li said powerfully.

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Have you heard of Da Sheng returning?"

"Have heard it."

"Journey to the West is a story about Qitian Dasheng. Legend has it that long and long ago, the world was divided into Dongsheng Shenzhou, West Niuhezhou, Nanbeizhou and Beijuluzhou. There is a mountain of flowers and fruit, and there is a fairy stone on the mountain. One day the fairy stone cracked, and an egg rolled out of the stone. This egg turned into a stone monkey at the sight of the wind, and the monkey's eyes shot a golden light, worshipping the four sides ... "

Of course, the charm of Journey to the West need not be said. Pang Xuelin is talking about a vernacular version of the Journey to the West, and added some elements from the 86 version of the TV series. The story itself is very attractive. In addition, Pang Xuelin's vivid and telling story, The courtyard was completely quiet, and all the children's eyes focused on Pang Xuelin.

Time passed minute by minute, before it was dark, Pang Xuelin asked A Qing to light three foreign oil lamps and put them in the yard.

Under the dim light, the expressions on the children's faces constantly changed as Pang Xuelin's narration.

When they heard Sun Wukong's painstaking efforts and worshipped Bodhi's ancestors as teachers, they could learn all kinds of fairy spells, and their faces showed the longing.

When they heard that Sun Wukong was expelled from the division because he violated the rules of the gate, their emotions also dropped involuntarily.

Next, Sun Wukong made a big trouble in the city, modified the book of life and death, made a big trouble in the Dragon Palace, got the golden hoop stick as a weapon, and then played the banner of Qi Tianda Sheng, to stand shoulder to shoulder with the heaven.

After receiving the peace from the heaven court, after learning that he was deceived and humiliated by the heaven court, he made a big noise in the palace, and then was suppressed by Rulai Buddha under the Wuzhi Mountain ...

This section can be called the essence of the whole journey to the west, refreshing.

The emotions of the children kept fluctuating with Pang Xuelin's narration, one by one, they became fascinated, and by the end of the big trouble, the time had passed for more than two hours.

Pang Xuelin took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "The story of the Journey to the West will be temporarily told here today, and we will continue to talk tomorrow evening ..."

"Ms. Pang, keep talking ..."

"Mr. Pang, we also want to hear ..."

"Mr. Pang, tell me quickly, Qi Tianda Sheng was crushed under the Five Elements Mountain. What happened then?"


Pang Xuelin laughed: "To this day, if you want to listen, wait for tomorrow. Okay, it's almost time. Let's move the tables and chairs back to the classroom and go home ..."


The children sighed and sighed, and after leaving the desks and chairs, they reluctantly left school.

Until then, there was a burst of applause in the darkness.

Pang Xuelin looked for a moment, looked at the sound, only to find that I do not know when, there were more than a dozen adults in the yard.

The head is the Jianjian Zhang I saw in the morning.

"District magistrate, why are you here?"

Pang Xuelin froze slightly, wondering.

Wu Jianzhang laughed: "We went to Huoshan Village and Batouyu again today, and then we were going to return. We stayed at Lingziding Village at night. We have a lot of people. We want to borrow a school classroom to stay.

Pang Xuelin quickly said: "Convenient, convenient!"

At this moment, the village chief Hu Liangcai rushed to school with several villagers carrying quilts, preparing to put together the tables in the classroom and spread out the temporary beds.

Then a few women entered the room, preparing to use Pang Xuelin's stove to make some charcoal in the classroom.

Although the weather is not bad these days, the temperature is still around zero at night. In mountainous areas with extremely high humidity, such a temperature will feel cold even if you wear more clothes.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Mayor of She County, let everyone sit down first, A Qing, go to make tea with tea, to warm the stomach of the big guys!"

"Okay, Teacher Pang!"

A Qing bounced off.

Qi Jianzhang glanced over A Qing and asked, "Ms. Pang, is this sister adopted by your adoptive father?"

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "Yes, her name is Su Anqing, my sister!"

Wu Jianzhang said: "I heard about her. Her father is really nothing. If I knew it at first, it would be necessary for the police to arrest him and sentence him for several years. He is already eligible for abandonment and human trafficking. . "

Pang Xuelin said: "Everything has passed. After that, Su Jianhui also left the village. I don't know where to go ..."

"Ms. Pang, if you have news from Su Jianhui, remember to call the police!"

"Mayor Xian, rest assured, I will not let him go if there is news."

Jianjian Zhang nodded and said with a smile: "Mr. Pang, I didn't expect your Journey to the West to speak so well, I just listened to it."

On the other side, Weng Deyi also said, "Yeah, I feel like a TV series. Unfortunately, Lingziding Village has not been powered up yet, and the children can't even watch TV."

Wu Jianzhang said: "Electricity is coming soon, and the Electricity Bureau is speeding up the wiring to fight for the entire Datong Township next year, and every village can get electricity."

Pang Xuelin said slightly: "Can it be powered on next year?"

Wu Jianzhang said: "Lingziding Village is expected to be able to get electricity in May and June, and it can also have tap water before the end of the year."

"The power is on, the power is on. Not only is life convenient, everyone has a chance to see the outside world."

There was a touch of joy on Pang Xuelin's face. When he came to Lingziding Village, he was most uncomfortable with no electricity. Although he was illuminated by a glass-covered oil lamp, it was not a black eye at night. It's too big.

When he told the children stories before, he talked about trains, cars, and airplanes. Although he had tried to explain ~ ~, those children still had no concept of these modern devices.

If there is a television to let them see the real thing, they will realize what the world in Pang Xuelin's story really means.

At this time, A Qing walked to Pang Xuelin and pulled his clothes corner: "Ms. Pang, the tea is ready."

Pang Xuelin said: "Come, She County Chief, Weng Xiang Mayor, everyone comes to drink tea to warm your body."

"Mr. Pang, disturbed!"

The party went into the room with white breath, and everyone drank a bowl of hot tea.

At this time, Jianjian Zhang said: "It's not too late, you all go to sleep in the classroom, early tomorrow morning, we have to get up and hurry."

Then he turned his eyes to Pang Xuelin: "Mr. Pang, I'm going to make a floor in your room tonight. Let's have a good chat. I wonder if it's inconvenient?"


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