"Big brother!"

Seeing Pang Xuelin, Wang Muhui's white face instantly burst into a bright smile, waving her hand while running towards Pang Xuelin.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes could not help but converge on Wang Muhui's body at the gate of the township government of Dacheng Township.

In this era, this beautifully dressed urban beauty is rare even in Anhe County, not to mention the pure natural beauty like Wang Muhui who has good looks and temperament.

The sudden appearance of such a girl naturally became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Xiao Hui!"

Pang Xuelin waved to Wang Muhui. .

"Ms. Pang, are you going to pick this girl?"

Weng Deyi curious.

Pang Xuelin nodded.

At this time, Wang Muhui had come to the two of them, and Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Xiao Hui, let me introduce you. This is the head of Weng Township and the head of Weng Township. We know this in the provincial capital. Reporter Wang Muhui of "Lincheng Daily" ... "

"Reporter Wang, hello!"

Weng Deyi's face was surprised. Although he knew that Pang Xuelin knew a lot of people in the provincial capital, he did not expect that the other party even knew the reporter.

And judging from the expression on the face of this beautiful reporter Wang, it is obvious that he has a different attitude towards Pang Xuelin.

"Hello Mayor Weng!"

Wang Muhui gave Pang Xuelin a face and smiled at Weng Deyi.

Next, Wang Muhui turned slightly, pointing at the middle-aged man standing behind her and said: "Large brother, head of Weng Township, let me introduce you. This is my master, deputy director and senior editor of the" Lincheng Daily " Reporter Gao Yunhe. "

"Hi reporter, hello!"

Pang Xuelin stepped forward and shook hands with Gao Yunhe.

"Mr. Pang, long-awaited name! Xiao Hui, this girl, raised you in my ears every day, I almost heard the cocoon in my ears, I finally saw the real person today!"

Gao Yun and Chao Pang Xuelin smiled and caught the narrow road.


Wang Muhui blushed slightly, stomped her feet, and spoke softly.

Afterwards, she quietly glanced at Pang Xuelin, seeing that Pang Xuelin didn't respond, and could not help but feel slightly disappointed.

Gao Yun smiled slightly, then turned his eyes to Weng Deyi, and nodded at him: "Heng Xiangchang, hello!"

"Reporter Gao, how are you! Welcome to Daxu Township!"

Weng Deyi looked at Gao Yunhe in amazement, walked forward, stretched out his hands and Gao Yun and shook hands.

These two reporters from the provincial capital daily came to Datong Township. What are you going to do?

Gao Yunhe seemed to see Weng Deyi's thoughts, and smiled, "Mayor Weng Xiang, we are here this time mainly to interview related stories of Teacher Pang."

Weng Deyi hesitated for a moment, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and smiled: "I did not expect that even the reporters in the province knew Teacher Pang, Reporter Gao, this time you are really right, Teacher Pang is a person, but I really admire it ... Teacher Pang is one of the few primary school teachers with a high school education in Datuo Township. After the death of Hu Wenbin, the principal of Lingziding Village Primary School last year, if it wasn't for Teacher Pang to give up the college entrance examination and come back to take over, I am afraid that Lingziding Village Elementary School has long since dispersed ... "

Weng Deyi said with emotion.

Since these reporters are here to interview Teacher Pang, he must be able to say good things to Teacher Pang.

Not to mention the relationship between Teacher Pang and the She County Chief, from the bottom of her heart, Weng Deyi also admired Pang Xuelin.

Wang Muhui aside, Meimu stared at Pang Xuelin without blinking.

Although this period is the Spring Festival, Zhang Hewen and others obtained some of Pang Xuelin's personal archives through some official channels.

These materials do not differ much from what Pang Xuelin himself said.

Therefore, Wang Muhui's suspicion of Pang Xuelin disappeared long ago, all that remained was the personal curiosity and deep admiration for Pang Xuelin.

It's really hard for her to imagine how a young man who has just turned 20 can achieve so much in such a difficult environment.

"Well, Mayor Weng, if you continue to exaggerate like this, I will blush."

Pang Xuelin saw Weng Deyi exaggerating and had to interrupt the other side.

Weng Deyi grinned twice and said, "Mr. Pang, are you going to take two reporters to Lingziding Village?"

Pang Xuelin nodded.

Weng Deyi said: "Okay, then I wo n’t stay with you much, but then you will enter the rugged mountain roads of Lingziding Village. You still have to be fully prepared. There are not many others in Datong Township. Some of the most remote villages even take up to two days. "

Wang Muhui held up a small hand and said, "Mayor Weng, rest assured, the big brother has told us before, the master and I are fully prepared!"

Weng Deyi laughed: "That's good, I'll go to the county seat for a meeting next, so I won't leave you much."

At this moment, Pang Xuelin said, "Wang Xiang, are you going to the county seat now?"

Weng Deyi nodded and said, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Pang Xuelin quickly took out a stack of manuscript papers from his backpack and said, "Isn't the county magistrate asked me to write a specific plan for supporting college students? Since you are going to the county seat, please take it along for me! "

"OK, no problem!"

Weng Deyi took over the manuscript.

Then, the four talked a few more words, and Weng Deyi left.

Pang Xuelin went to a small restaurant nearby and bought some dry food and water on the road, and then said to Wang Muhui and Gao Yun: "Xiao Hui, reporter Gao, it's late, let's hurry up!"

"it is good!"

The first time I went to the place where Pang Xuelin lived, Wang Muhui seemed very excited, and she walked along the road and kept talking with Pang Xuelin.

Gao Yun didn't talk much, but judging from the light flashing from time to time in his eyes, he was still observing Pang Xuelin in secret.

Anhe County is located in the depths of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.

At the beginning, Wang Muhui and Gao Yunhe had some interest.

Gao Yunhe stopped from time to time to find the right angle to take landscape photos.

After all, it is difficult to see this original ecological scenery in the provincial capital ~ www.readwn.com ~ but over time, the interest of the two people in talking has become low.

All that remained was the fatigue and numbness that had accumulated in the two people.

Pang Xuelin had to slow down so that they could keep up with their own pace.

At 6:30 in the evening, the three successfully arrived at the foot of the mountain temple.

Fortunately, Pang Xuelin has repeatedly emphasized the hardship of entering the mountains before. Therefore, although Wang Muhui and Gao Yunhe are tired, they have not endured the same pain.

The rest of the night in the mountain temple, the next morning, the three continued to set off.

After another full day, until the evening, the three talented people arrived in Lingziding Village.

At this time, the physical strength of Wang Muhui and Gao Yunhe was almost exhausted.


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