The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 164: Uneasy She County Chief

In just one day, Pang Xuelin's name has spread throughout the Chinese mathematics community, and has even attracted high-level attention.

When King Chongqing returned home from work in the evening, the whole person was still in a dazed state.

Even if he overestimated Pang Xuelin in his mind, Wang Chongqing did not expect that this young man who had just turned 20 completed the proof of Fermat's conjecture that had troubled the world for more than 300 years.

Throughout the day, there were constant phone calls to Luo Jianzhong.

In addition to the major journals that Pang Xuelin submitted before, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as top domestic universities such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Fudan University, have all called to ask Luo Jianzhong for the specific situation of Pang Xuelin.

The final result is that several deputy leaders of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Science and Technology and the president of the Chinese Mathematical Society will rush to Lincheng by plane tomorrow.

In the afternoon, the senior officials in charge of education and technology in the province came to Lincheng University. Accompanied by the president of Lincheng University, he and Luo Jianzhong learned about Pang Xuelin and communicated the next reception.

However, Wang Chongqing was also drawn into the working group because he had had quite in-depth contact with Pang Xuelin before.

After all, such a major mathematical proposition is solved by a young man who has just turned 20 years old. Both Chinese mathematics and political circles must be treated with caution.

Wang Chongqing pushed open the door, and his wife Qin Wenhui was busy making dinner in the kitchen.

Wang Chongqing put down his briefcase, sat down on the sofa, turned on the TV, and watched absently.

After a while, Mu Muhui returned from work.

动画片 Animation is playing on the TV. When seeing Dad's eyes staring at the TV, Wang Muhui said strangely: "Dad ... dad ... what are you looking at?"

"Uh, Xiao Hui, you are back."

Then King Chongqing came back to God.

"Dad, what's wrong with you, how do I feel you're weird today?"

Wang Muhui wondered.

"Oh, nothing ..."

King Chongqing paused and said, "Xiao Hui, you don't have to go to work tomorrow, go to school with me."

"Go to school? Why?"

Wang Chongqing smiled bitterly: "It's about Teacher Pang. Teacher Pang proved Fermat's conjecture and sent the paper to Princeton's" Mathematics Yearbook ". The paper has been recognized by many international experts. The incident made headlines in the New York Times. Tomorrow, the leaders of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology will come to Lincheng. You happened to have been to Lingziding Village. At that time, I will tell you about Lingziding Village and Teacher Pang. Specific circumstances ... "


Wang Muhui's eyes widened, her eyes shook with shock.

At this time, his wife Qin Wenhui came out of the kitchen and saw the father and daughter staring at each other in the living room. They couldn't help but say, "What are you doing? Xiao Hui, come over and have a meal ..."

"Oh!" Wang Muhui turned back and turned her head. "Mom, Dad said just now, Teacher Pang went to the New York Times ..."


Uh ...

Qi Jianzhang stood at the border between Anhe County and Guangyuan County, while looking at his watch, he kept looking up into the distance.

一 大 Jian Jianzhang received a call from the city early this morning, saying that the provincial leaders will accompany the leaders from Beijing to visit Anhe County today.

Therefore, Jianjian Zhang rushed to greet him.

In general, the grass-roots inspections under important leaders will inform the place several days or even a week in advance to prepare the place.

It was the first time Wu Jianzhang encountered a sudden attack like today.

I do n’t know what the leaders are doing this time.

Ji Jianzhang was a little nervous, but he also understood that in this case, he could only change with the same response.

The time passed by one minute and one second. At ten o'clock in the morning, the secretary of Wu Jianzhang suddenly said, "The magistrate, it seems to be coming!"

Ji Jianzhang quickly raised his head and saw the end of a distant road. A convoy appeared, led by a police car lit with police lights, followed by two minibuses.

"It should be it!"

Qi Jianzhang quickly sorted out the instruments and took a deep breath.

Twenty minutes later, the team stopped and a group of people got on board.

He was headed by a senior official in G province, and several officials who seemed to be in the same position as senior officials.

In addition, Jianjian Zhang also saw CCTV reporters and Xinhua News Agency reporters.

Xu Jian surprised Zhang Jianzhang most. He even saw Wang Muhui in the crowd.

"Are these leaders related to Teacher Pang?"

Xi Jianzhang raised a thought in his heart.

However, he was still calm on the surface, and quickly stepped forward: "Lin Gao, official! I'm Jianjian Zhang, head of Anhe County."

Lin Gaoguan shook hands with Xi Jianzhang and smiled, "Hello, County Magistrate, let me introduce you. This is the Liu Department of the Ministry of Education, this is the Cold Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and this is the Vice-Chan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Chang, when we came to Anhe today, we wanted to meet a stranger in Anhe County. You are the county magistrate, take the car and lead the way. We will now go to Daxun Township ... "

"Oh, okay!"

Qi Jianzhang was more and more certain that the arrival of these big men was related to Pang Xuelin. Although it was not clear why Pang Xuelin was related to these people, at this time, he dared not have any nonsense, and quickly got into the car.

Fortunately, Wang Muhui seemed to know Wu Jianzhang's doubts. After communicating with one of the crowd, she also followed Santana who followed Wu Jianzhang.

"Long County Chief, long time no see!"

Wang Muhui greeted.

"Reporter Wang, can you make a deal with me, Lin Guan, Liu and Leng, they came to our Anhe, is it for Teacher Pang?"

She Wang Muhui nodded and smiled: "The magistrate of She County really looks like a torch, this is all seen."

Xi Jianzhang smiled bitterly: "I see what's the use, I still don't know what happened."

She Wang Muhui smiled and said, "The magistrate of She County, don't worry, it's a good thing ..."

Pausing for a moment, as if it was a deliberate condolence, Wang Muhui said with a smile: "Huge brother submitted a paper to Princeton's" Journal of Mathematics "~ ~ claiming to prove one of the world's three major mathematical problems Fermat's conjecture, has now been recognized by international authoritative mathematicians, this incident caused a sensation in the Western world, and even made the headline of the New York Times ... Now you understand why the leaders came ! "

"Ah ... are you telling the truth?"

Qi Jianzhang opened his mouth wide, and looked at Wang Muhui in wonder.

Wang Muhui smiled and said, "If it is fake, replace it!"

After a long time, Jianjian Zhang returned to Shinto: "Then I quickly sent someone to notify Teacher Pang and let him come out of Lingziding Village ..."

Wang Muhui said, "The county magistrate, do n’t need it. After yesterday I told the leaders about Teacher Pang's deeds, the leaders decided to walk into the mountain and go to Lingziding Village to see Teacher Pang. This kind of logistical support will do! "

"So ... it works!"

Jianjian Zhang hesitated for a moment and nodded.

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