The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 175: One stroke in the history of mathematics

There was a burst of applause in the conference room.

Deline sat in the front row and nodded with smile at Pang Xuelin.

After coming into contact with Pang Xuelin for a few days, Deligne has completely dispelled the suspicion of Pang Xuelin's academic level. He is now looking forward to what kind of surprise Pang Xuelin's theory of Pang Xuelin will give him at today ’s report. .

After the applause came down, Pang Xuelin continued: "I believe everyone here has already read the proof paper on Fermat's conjecture. Therefore, I will not go into too much detail about the specific proof process in the paper at this report today. What I am going to talk about today is the theoretical framework shown in the thesis. I call it the Ponzi geometry theory. President Xie, please help me to send you the bound handouts ... "

Off the stage, Xie Yong, who was standing in the corner, nodded his head, solemnly held up a stack of handouts, and distributed a copy to each of the mathematicians present here.

He has read the content of the lecture and is very clear about the weight of what is written in it.

讲 These notes have just been printed, and they smell of ink.

At the Paris conference in the real world, Pang Xuelin just wrote the theoretical system of Ponzi geometry on the whiteboard, and did not explain it specifically.

This time, in the world of rural teachers, it was the first time that he truly explained his mathematical ideas to the mathematics community.

After getting a handout, many scholars opened it for the first time.

Soon, the scene was noisy.

"Ponzi's geometry theory?"

"The mathematical idea used by Fermat's conjecture is indeed very interesting. Does this young man theorize?"

"This young man is very brave, and even explained his new theory on this platform."

Uh ...

Mathematicians talked to each other and talked.

Some people have a look of anticipation on their faces, while others can't deny it. They are ready to judge after listening to Pang Xuelin's explanation.

For those invited journalists, they faced one by one.

"What new theory does Pang Xuelin put forward in his dissertation? Why hasn't anyone heard it from the mathematics community?"

"He's not going to explain the proof process of Fermat's conjecture. Instead, he's going to talk about Ponzi's geometric theory, shouldn't it be guilty?"

"Let's take a look before you talk. In the face of so many professional mathematicians, he can't do anything to the full ..."

Uh ...

Xi Pang Xuelin ignored the noise in the audience, turned around, and began to explain while writing.

"About Ponzi geometry theory, let's start with spherical coverage."

Uh ...

"There is a good example of spherical covering, that is, the quilt that we are in close contact with every day when we sleep. Every time we wash the quilt, and then put it on again, it will be more troublesome. , There will always be some folds. At this time we will inevitably develop the idea of ​​laziness, too lazy to unzip the quilt and then insert the inner core, and then use the quilt to bundle the inner core as a dumpling ... "

Uh ...

"In mathematical terms, it is the continuous surjective function f from one sphere (quilt) to another sphere (inner core). If x is a point on the quilt, then f (x) is the point on the inner core that is x Covered ... "

Uh ...

"Similarly, for the spherical coverage derived from the function f (x), assuming that its number of coverages is d, then saying that a point a is a branch point is equivalent to saying that the solution value of the equation f (x) = a Less than d, because each solution of this equation is actually a point on the quilt that covers a. In other words, a is the branch point if and only if f (x) = a has multiple roots ... "

Uh ...

"We return to the original question. For a positive integer k, suppose there are two coprime polynomials p (x) and q (x), where the degree of p (x) is 3k and the degree of q (x) is 2k. So, how small can the degree of the polynomial r (x) = p (x) ^ 2q (x) ^ 3 be? Let's look at this problem from the perspective of the Belay function, spherical coverage, and two maps. First, , Let's consider the fraction f (x) = q (x) 3r (x) ... "

Uh ...

"The branch point of function f (x) at 0 is the root of q (x) 3, which is the root of q (x) (there are 2k in the calculation of multiples), but the multiple of each root must be multiplied Take 3. For the same reason, its branch point at ∞ is the root of r (x), plus the point of infinity x = ∞, because the degree of r (x) is smaller than q (x) 3, so when When x goes to infinity, f (x) goes to infinity ... "

Uh ...

Xuan Pang Xuelin's speech speed was not stubborn, but the entire hall was completely quiet.

Everyone read the various concepts shown in Pang Xuelin's lectures, and listened carefully to Pang Xuelin's explanation. All of the world's top mathematicians were present at the meeting. They soon realized that Pang Xuelin was explaining a brand new mathematical world to them. .

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes lit up.

Many scholars took out their notebooks directly and took notes on them.

的 Although the reporters sitting in the back of the auditorium did not understand what Pang Xuelin was talking about, they also saw from the expressions on the faces of many mathematicians that this questioned young man seemed to be talking about something extraordinary.

Time passes by every minute ...

One hour……

For two hours ...

three hours……

Unconsciously, it has exceeded the two and a half hours scheduled for the report.

But the atmosphere at the scene didn't mean to relax at all. On the stage, Pang Xuelin spoke spittingly. Under the stage, the top international mathematicians listened with joy.

怀 Andrew Wiles looked at Pang Xuelin who was full of energy and couldn't help but sigh.

威 Edward Witten, who was sitting beside him, laughed, "Wills, are you still sorry that you didn't complete the proof of Fermat's conjecture first?"

Andrew Wiles shook his head and said, "I am not sorry, I am lamenting that I saw the shadow of Galois from this young man. Maybe in the near future, this young man may become a 21st-century Grow Tendik. "

Edward Witten nodded without refuting.

On the other side, Deligne was equally emotional.

The original host of the meeting, when the scheduled meeting time was approaching, was going to remind Pang Xuelin, but Deligne stopped him with his eyes.

Deligne chatted with Pang Xuelin before, and Pang Xuelin mentioned the theory of Ponzi geometry. Deligne thought that this theory was just a sketch, which is equivalent to showing the door to a new mathematical theory.

He didn't expect that Ponzi's geometry theory was so mature.

It did not open a door at all, but directly showed a whole new mathematical world to everyone.

This world is so magical, not only has it cleverly built a bridge between algebraic geometry and number theory, it has also been inextricably linked to the fields of differential geometry and partial differential equations.

Until 12.30 noon for a full three and a half hours of explanation, Pang Xuelin put down the marker and said, "This is what the general content of Ponzi geometry is. I believe that as long as you understand the essence of Ponzi geometry, you should not Does anyone have any more questions about the proof of Fermat's conjecture? "

There was a burst of coquettish laughter on the stage.

Everyone understands that after today ’s report meeting, all the outside doubts will become a joke.

Pang Xuelinton paused, and continued: "Today this report meeting was only about two and a half hours, and it has now been more than an hour. Let ’s go to dinner first. After dinner, if you are still interested, we can Continue talking. "

Soon, the hall was noisy.

Xi Pang Xuelin, accompanied by Deligne, Wiles and others, rejected the reporter's request for an interview and hurried out of the door of the auditorium.

I was unable to interview Pang Xuelin. Those reporters could only focus on the top mathematicians attending the conference.

Soon after, Charlie Fefferman, Daniel Quillen, Qiu Chengtong and others were surrounded by reporters.

"Mr. Fefferman, how would you rate Pang's report today? Do you think Pong proved Fermat's conjecture?"

A Times reporter caught Fefferman Road.

Fefferman said brightly: "Pang is a rare genius who has never been in a century. This is a perfect report. As for whether you said that Pang has proved Fermat's conjecture, let me tell you so. What Pang said today Ponzi geometry is ten times more important than Fermat's conjecture. Pang himself opened a door to new mathematics. I don't know what the world behind this door means, but I believe that as long as the mathematics world continues to study, Ponzi's Why will it have a very significant impact on the entire mathematical discipline and even the natural science ... "

The Times reporter was obviously a little surprised by Fefferman's compliment ~ ~ and asked again: "Do you think Pang has a chance to win the Fields Award next year?"

Feverman's face exaggerated slightly: "I don't think this should be a problem. The next year's Fields Award is not a problem to Pang!"

Uh ...

On the other side, Daniel Quiron also spared no effort to praise Pang Xuelin in front of reporter n: "I think this is the best academic report I have ever attended. You won't understand. Pon's geometry explained by Pang. How amazing the theory is, Fermat's conjecture is just a small test of Ponzi geometry theory. I believe that over time, on the basis of Ponzi geometry, there will be more and more important results ... All mathematicians have Thank you Pang for opening a new world for us ... "

Uh ...

Compared with several others, Qiu Chengtong is being interviewed by CCTV reporters.

教授 "Professor Qiu, I found that today ’s report was more than an hour longer than normal. What do you think of this report? Does the international mathematics community currently recognize Teacher Pang's proof of Fermat's conjecture?"

Qiu Chengtong laughed: "The international mathematics community should have long recognized Teacher Pang's proof of Fermat's conjecture, otherwise his thesis will not be published in the" Mathematics Annual ". As for this report today, I can only say that The surprise was wonderful. Teacher Pang Xuelin almost created a brand-new mathematics subject with his own power. I could not evaluate the significance of this subject in a short period of time, but I believe that Teacher Pang Xuelin is enough to write a rich and impressive story in the history of mathematics. One stroke! "

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