The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 178: Fool a big guy back home

Xun and Witten reached a consensus on cooperation, and Pang Xuelin stayed in Princeton for a few more days.

In the past few days, Witten explained to Pang Xuelin some of his thoughts on the theory of m. Pang Xuelin used the method of Ponzi geometry to establish the mathematical structure model of this theory.

Although Pang Xuelin has seen related concepts and thoughts of m theory in the real world, he is not a theoretical physicist after all, and his accumulation in physics is far less profound than Witten.

Moreover, there must be some differences between the m theory re-established through Ponzi geometry and the m theory in the real world.

Therefore, in the past few days, Pang Xuelin has also brought out related concepts of m theory in the real world and discussed them with Edward Witten.

In this way, Witten was pleasantly surprised.

Because of the many ideas proposed by Pang Xuelin, they coincided with his own thoughts, and some thoughts were never even thought of by Witten himself.

几天 After a few days of discussion, the two sorted out their respective divisions of labor.

Wei Weiteng is mainly responsible for theoretical work. He puts forward a new idea, and Pang Xuelin establishes the corresponding mathematical structure through Ponzi geometry, and then uses mathematical calculation results to infer whether the theory is true.

Because Pang Xuelin also participated in media activities and went to various universities to make reports, the two had to agree to communicate by email once a week.

Fortunately, in this era, the United States has established the backbone Internet network nsf between universities. In academia, the use of email has become a common phenomenon.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin need not worry about how to contact Witten in a short time.

The question is, how can I contact Pang Xuelin after he returns?

China's Internet, it will not be until April 20, 1994, ncfc through the United States sprint company's 64k dedicated line, before the full-featured connection with the Internet.

Although China completed the sending of the first national e-mail as early as 1986, at present only a small number of computers in China can be connected to foreign countries, and most of them are limited to a few units such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Questions.

"Pang, why don't you stay in Princeton for the first half of the year, we can definitely produce results in half a year!"

In the Café, Edward Witten sitting opposite Pang Xuelin suggested.

Xi Pang Xuelin shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This is not possible, what else is happening in my country? In addition, this time I came to the United States with my sister. I can't always stay in the United States and let her go back alone."

Although it was interesting to co-create the m-theory with Witten, Pang Xuelin did not forget his mission to enter this world.

The most important job is to improve the education level of the poor areas in China.

Therefore, he simply cannot stay abroad for a long time.

Witten frowned, suddenly raised his head and said, "Otherwise, since you can't look forward to staying in the United States, I'll just go to China. I'll find a faculty member in Mizuki or Peking University. If we don't, then we can Is the research progress guaranteed? "

"Are you sure you want to go to China?"

Pang Xuelin was a little surprised, said a little unexpectedly.

Whitten laughed: "Where is it not research? I have a hunch. With your participation, our new theory can absolutely shock the world!"

She Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Okay, then we will say OK, when I finish my trip in the United States, let's go back to China together!"

"That's it!"

Wu Weiten raised the coffee cup, and touched Pang Xuelin slightly, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Uh ...

I had dinner with Witten, and Pang Xuelin went back to the hotel room, and went directly to Xie Yongxin, president of the Chinese Mathematical Society, and told him about Witten's idea of ​​going to China.

"What, Edward Witten is going to China?"

Xie Yongxin stood up from the sofa all of a sudden, something incredible.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Yes, there is a subject that he needs to cooperate with me to research, and I ca n’t look forward to staying abroad for a long time, so I had to let him come to China. This was his initiative. I have all the key domestic research institutions. Unfamiliar. I don't know which unit to contact. "

Xie Yongxin looked at Pang Xuelin dullly, and it took a long time for him to calm down.

In future generations, it is not uncommon for Fields or Nobel Laureates to come to China to work in China. But in this era, a Fischer and a top theoretical physicist who came to China to work was almost unique.

Xie Yongxin was curious: "Ms. Pang, what kind of topics do you and Professor Witten collaborate on?"

Pang Xuelin said: "It's mainly about superstring theory."

Xie Yongxin nodded and said, "If Professor Witten wants to go to China, I believe that no matter which unit should be welcome, the key is Teacher Pang, where are you going to work next? If you determine the unit, then I think Professor Witten will definitely go to the same unit as you. "


Xi Pang Xuelin lowered his head and meditated.

Xi Pang Xuelin knows very well that after returning home, it is basically impossible to return to Lingziding Village to continue as his elementary school teacher.

Even if he has this will, the country cannot allow it.

A mathematician at the level of a Filipino prince, and then a rural teacher, can be laughed to death internationally.

Then finding a suitable school or scientific research unit to follow is a problem that Pang Xuelin needs to consider urgently.

Pang Xuelin pondered for a while ~ ~ looked up and said, "President Xie, I am going to Tsinghua."

"Why go to Tsinghua University? Mathematics and Physics Peking University is the best."

Xie Yongxin slightly surprised.

Traditionally, whether it is mathematics or physics, in this era, Peking University is better than Tsinghua University.

Originally, Peking University and Tsinghua University were comprehensive universities. However, in 1958, the colleges and universities adjusted Tsinghua, Peking University, and Yanjing University, the capital's universities and science departments, to Peking University; engineering colleges and departments, Tsinghua University.

Therefore, in the 40 years from 1960 to 2000, Peking University was the university with the highest comprehensive level of liberal arts and science in China, and Tsinghua was the university with the highest comprehensive level of engineering.

Xi Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "Because the Mathematics and Physics majors of Peking University are strong enough, in the past, we were not good at playing tricks, so we might as well go to Tsinghua to relax."

Although the saying goes, Pang Xuelin is very clear that he chose Tsinghua only because of his engineering background, which is more suitable for him to show his skills in the future.

In this regard, Xie Yongxin can only lament the talented humanity.

According to Pang Xuelin's current academic status, in the domestic academic world, although it can not be said to be crushed, most people really have nothing to do with him.

Xie Yongxin laughed and said, "That line, I happened to be familiar with the principal of Tsinghua University, Luan Jing. Would you like me to say hello in advance?"

行 "Okay, President Xie, that will trouble you."

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