The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 180: I want 1.5 million

The next morning, Pang Xuelin came out of a quiet courtyard.

The night-night talks by Bingzhu let Pang Xuelin gain a lot.

At first, the old man may just want to see this young scholar who has won great honors for China.

But chatting, Pang Xuelin has gone through several copies of the world, and coupled with the unique temperament from the era of the information explosion in later generations, he unconsciously revealed it.

His extensive knowledge, rich knowledge, and deep thinking quickly attracted the attention of the elderly.

The two chatted for a night without knowing it, from the beginning of the academic field, to later industrial economy, international current affairs, and so on.

Pang Xuelin was able to name three melons and two dates even in areas that he was not good at.

Especially when referring to China's future industrial layout, Pang Xuelin emphasized several areas, such as infrastructure construction, communication technology, integrated circuits, high-speed railways, aerospace, and so on.

During this period of time, Pang Xuelin also made several relatively important suggestions. For example, the country should consider setting up integrated circuit-level disciplines to focus on training talents in integrated circuits.

For another example, in the field of aero-engines, we should consider spinning off the engine from the aerospace industry, and set up a group company mainly based on aero-engines.

Although I don't know whether these suggestions will be adopted, as a Chinese, I finally had such an opportunity. Some opinions Pang Xuelin should mention.

Uh ...

When I came out of the courtyard, I saw Liu Changzheng and two young men, one man and one woman standing at the door.

The man in his early thirties looked like a soldier, although he was wearing plain clothes.

The woman looked twenty-seven years old, with a long wavy head, a suit skirt, stockings and high heels, and she was chic and fashionable.

When I saw Pang Xuelin, Liu Changzheng was full of envy.

Even if he wanted to see the old man, it was not easy, but Pang Xuelin had a whole night talking with the old man.

This is not a treatment for everyone.

I can say that once this news spreads, Pang Xuelin can go sideways in Chinese academic circles.

"Mr. Pang, let me introduce you. This is Captain Zhu Fengzhang. He has just retired from the Guards Corps. He will be your driver and bodyguard in the future. This lady is Dr. Yang Quan. Dr. Yang Quan graduated from John Hopkins in the United States. University Medical School, who previously worked at Union Medical College, starting today, Dr. Yang Quan will be your personal secretary and health doctor. "

Pang Xuelin said for a moment and said, "Mr. Liu, don't worry so much. I can take care of myself."

长 Liu Changzheng said with a smile, "This is arranged for you by the chief. You are now the treasure of our country. You must not miss anything."

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled helplessly, and had to turn his eyes to Zhu Fengzhang and Yang Quan, "then bothers."

"Mr. Pang, it's no trouble at all, it's our pleasure to work with you."

Yang Quan and Zhu Fengzhang both smiled at Pang Xuelin.

Liu Changzheng said, "Okay, Teacher Pang, then I won't talk to you much more. Principal Luan has arranged a place for you to live in Tsinghua University. Then Xiao Zhu and Xiao Yang will take you home, and A Qing is CCTV reporter Liu took out to play, and reporter Liu sent her back to Tsinghua University in the evening. I still have something to do, let ’s go! ”

"Mr. Liu, walk slowly!"

Xuan and Liu Changzheng said goodbye, Pang Xuelin and Yang Quan and Zhu Fengzhang boarded a black red flag car next to him.

Xi Pang Xuelin was sitting in the back row, Zhu Fengzhang was responsible for driving, and Yang Quan was sitting in the front passenger seat.

I was speechless all the way.

Xu Pang Xuelin sat in the back row of fake slugs. About twenty minutes later, the car drove into Tsinghua University and stopped in front of a small white building in the school.

Yang Quan said, "Mr. Pang, we are here."

Xi Pang Xuelin opened his eyes and got out of the car with Yang Quan and Zhu Fengzhang, and saw Luan Jingtong, Li Zhiguo, Edward Witten and others walking out of the house.

"Mr. Pang, welcome to Tsinghua University."

Luan Jing shook hands with Pang Xuelin as he stepped forward.

Afterwards, everyone entered the house, and Luan Jingtong laughed. "Mr. Pang, this will be your home in Tsinghua in the future. Professor Witten will live next to you. What do you think?"

Xiao Pang Xuelin looked around. The small building has two floors. It looks small from the outside, but it is spacious inside.

The first floor has a kitchen, dining room, living room, study, toilet, and a small bedroom.

Pang Xuelin on the second floor did not see it, but judging from the structure of the first floor, it should not be too small.

Everyone sat down on the sofa in the living room. Luan Jingtong pulled out a document from the briefcase and handed it to Pang Xuelin.

Xi Pang Xuelin opened the letter of appointment, could not help but hesitated a little, looked up and said, "Principal Luan, will this be too exaggerated."

Professor Yun, Ph.D. Supervisor, Deputy Dean and Dean of Mathematics, School of Science, Tsinghua University, this is the position that Luan Jingtong gave to Pang Xuelin.

Luan Jingtong laughed and said, "Mr. Pang ... Oh, no, Professor Pang, at your level, there is no problem in taking up the post of director of the Department of Mathematics in our school. We are also counting on you to bring the Department of Mathematics in Tsinghua! In addition, you After joining the company, we will provide an additional 500,000 yuan for start-up research. "

$ 500,000 is equivalent to an astronomical figure in this era.

Especially for scholars studying mathematics, this half a million is the same as giving away.

Looking at the lively Zhu Fengzhang and Yang Quan, they couldn't help but widen their eyes. Although they knew that Pang Xuelin was very powerful, he did not expect that he had just given him such a gift as soon as he joined the post.

Pang Xuelin thought for a while and said, "The positions of principal Luan, deputy dean and director of the Department of Mathematics, I can continue, but I need 1.5 million funds to start research!"


内 The living room was quiet for a while ~ ~ Li Zhiguo and Luan Jingtong both looked at Pang Xuelin in amazement.

With 1.5 million startup funds, is Pang Xuelin crazy?

This is the Department of Mathematics, not other majors. One and a half million professors in the Department of Mathematics may not get so much money in their lifetime.

Pang Xuelin seemed to see their thoughts, and smiled, "Principal Luan, this 1.5 million I do n’t take the school for nothing. I have two very important projects that require teachers from the chemical engineering department to participate. If these two The project is successful, and I can divide Tsinghua's patent costs by 10% in the future. "

Luan Jingtong and Li Zhiguo could not help but look at each other. Luan Jingtong said, "Professor Pang, what project can you disclose now?"

Pang Xuelin shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can tell you only after signing the contract for these two projects. Of course, the prerequisite is that the school provides research funding. If the school cannot provide it, then I will consider other methods. The benefits are not related to the school. "

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