Stayed in Lincheng for one night, and the next morning, Pang Xuelin was accompanied by Deputy Governor Chang Huaiguo of G province and drove to Anhe County.

The arrival of Pang Xuelin and his party was warmly welcomed by An Jian County Magistrate Wu Jianzhang.

That night, Pang Xuelin learned from the mouth of Jianjian Zhang that the support plan for college students has received great attention from the central government, and is being jointly launched by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Ministry of Education.

Anhe County will be the first pilot county of the plan.

The Anhe County Government has signed relevant agreements with Lincheng University. Every year, Lincheng University will organize college students to support education in Anhe County.

College students who come to support education will receive preferential treatment in the future whether they are employed or entrepreneurial.

In addition, the Ministry of Education also earmarked 20 million for the development of education in Anhe County.

It should be known that the annual financial revenue of Anhe County is less than 100 million, and the 20 million education transfers will play a very important role in improving the education level of Anhe County.

At present, the Datong Township water supply and electricity project has also entered the final stage, and Lingziding Village can be connected to water and electricity at the latest in July.

And Lingziding Village Hope Elementary School has also started construction. Hope the project has given a million yuan to build the school, and the Anhe County Government has also invested one million yuan.

More than two million construction funds will make Lingziding Village Elementary School the best school in Datong Township, and more than ten villages near Lingziding Village will send their children to Lingziding Village Elementary School .

In addition, the construction of the Panshan Highway from Lingziding Village to the outside world is also on the agenda.

It is said that part of the road repair funds will be settled by the provincial government.

Especially after the documentary about themselves was broadcast on CCTV, Lingziding Village Elementary School received more than five million donations from all over the country.

In this regard, Pang Xuelin had to sigh, one person got the word, the chicken and dog rose to the sky.

His success in the academic field has driven the entire Anhe County to become fragrant.

I stayed in Anhe County for one night. The next day, Pang Xuelin was accompanied by Jianjian Zhang and Lin Huaiguo and went into the mountain again.

Returning to Lingziding Village, the arrival of Pang Xuelin and A Qing was warmly welcomed and treated by the villagers.

Since Pang Xuelin became famous, in the past few months, the villagers have seen the changes in Lingziding Village.

In addition, the primary school of hope alone has given most people in Lingziding Village an extra income.

The subsequent road construction projects will also drive more employment.

Many villagers used to think that reading was useless, but now seeing Pang Xuelin step by step to such a high level, for a time, Pang Xuelin was not only Lingziding Village, but even a model for countless parents in Datuo Township.

As for those children, seeing Pang Xuelin, they were even more happy.

At present, the teachers in Lingziding Village Elementary School have increased to four, all of whom are selected from the county by outstanding teachers.

They lived in Pang Xuelin's original house.

Pang Xuelin also talked specifically with these teachers, on the one hand, thanking them for their arrival, on the other hand, I hope that the teachers can strengthen the teaching quality of Lingziding Village Primary School.

Among the tasks given by the system, Lingziding Village Primary School was required to get out of five key college students within 20 years.

According to today's investment in education, Pang Xuelin does not find it difficult to accomplish this task.

Pang Xuelin and A Qing stayed in the village until mid-May before choosing to leave.

Before leaving, the two went to worship Hu Wenbin.

He spent more than half a day in front of Hu Wenbin's grave and chose to leave.

They all understand that when they leave and return to the village, they do not know what year or month.

After returning to Lincheng from Anhe County, Pang Xuelin went to pick up Wang Muhui and returned to Beijing together.

If Wang Muhui is going to study at Harvard Business School, she is definitely not suitable for the national public study abroad route.

Pang Xuelin decided to let Wang Muhui go to the TOEFL test first, and if she passed the TOEFL test, plus her recommendation letter, it would be a matter of minutes to enter Harvard.

For the next few months, the days calmed down.

Wang Muhui lived in Pang Xuelin's villa and was learning English most of the day. In addition, with a native Yankee Edward Witteng helping Wang Muhui to practice his spoken English, Wang Muhui's English level has improved rapidly.

On the other hand, the study of sildenafil citrate and atorvastatin by the Department of Chemistry has also entered the fast lane.

There is even a preliminary process flow.

But Pang Xuelin needs more than just a process synthesis route. He also needs to make in-depth layout in the patent field.

In the pharmaceutical industry, different synthetic routes and different compound crystal forms need to register corresponding patents.

Only in this way can the imitation routes of those pharmaceutical companies be blocked in the future.

Pang Xuelin himself, while taking care of the management of the Faculty of Science and the Department of Mathematics, continued to conduct research on new theories with Edward Witten.

With the new mathematical tool of Ponzi geometry, the theoretical framework of m is gradually becoming clearer.

Compared with the m theory in the real world, the mathematical logic of the new version of m theory is more solid.

However, in order to completely perfect this theory, Pang Xuelin estimates that he will have to wait until the end of the year as soon as possible.

At the end of July, Wang Muhui successfully passed the TOEFL test.

She then returned to Lincheng for half a month.

In late August, he took a plane to fly directly to Boston, USA, and began his study abroad career.

Wang Muhui's living expenses for studying abroad are basically from Pang Xuelin.

Before that, he stayed in the United States for a month, gave lectures and gave lectures. He made hundreds of thousands of dollars in appearance fees alone, still US dollars.

Not to mention, his paper was published in the "Journal of Mathematics" and also received a considerable amount of manuscript fees.

At present, the money is in his personal account, paying the living expenses I misunderstood without any problems.

In September, the atorvastatin synthesis process was officially completed by the project team.

Pang Xuelin immediately sent Yang Quan to the United States ~ ~ to be responsible for setting up a company and applying for a patent.

Wang Muhui, who had just entered school, participated in this work as Yang Quan's assistant.

In October, the synthetic technical route of sildenafil citrate was also worked out.

These two projects cost less than one million in total. Pang Xuelin took out 200,000 yuan as a bonus, and all of them were distributed to the project team members.

This excited the chemistry professors and experimental dogs who joined the project.

If they regretted not being able to turn these technical achievements into a dissertation before, now everything is unimportant in the face of this huge sum.

What Pang Xuelin didn't expect is that his synthesis of sildenafil and atorvastatin went well, but some problems appeared in cooperation with Witten.

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