The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 200: Quantum computer

The hands on the roulette spin quickly.

Pang Xuelin stared deadly at the pointer and murmured: "Quantum computer! Quantum computer! Quantum computer!"

After more than ten laps, the speed of the pointer gradually slowed down.

It has bypassed the singularity bomb and four-dimensional communication, but the speed is getting slower and slower.

At this point, the pointer was far away from the quantum computer and jumped across the star frog.

Pang Xuelin stared at the big turntable without blinking.

The pointer continued to move forward, crossed the four-dimensional communication, and entered the field of stellar frog jumping,

"Come on! Just one step forward, just one point, don't be a stellar frog jumping!"

Perhaps the pointer felt Pang Xuelin's urgent desire. Finally, the pointer stopped at the junction of the stellar frog leap and the quantum computer. If you look closely, the pointer should be slightly off the vector computer side.

"Congratulations to the host for acquiring quantum computer technology and related products."

The sound of the system sounded in Pang Xuelin's mind.


Pang Xuelin clenched his fists in excitement.

The fourth world, and finally picked up the technology products they like.

"Host, may I return to the real world?"


After a moment, Pang Xuelin opened his eyes again.

There was a chill in the air, and it was dark outside.

The night when I entered the "Teacher of the Country" world, it was 8pm on February 5, 2020.

It has not been more than eight hours until now.

Ten years is like a dream.

"Xiao Hui, A Qing, we must see you again!"

Pang Xuelin silently pumped up in his heart, picked up his mobile phone and looked at the time, then turned over to get up and went to the bathroom to wash.

Out of the bathroom, Pang Xuelin saw that on the coffee table in the living room, I don't know when a boxy box was placed.

It says four big characters of quantum computer.

Pang Xuelin opened the box, and the quantum computer was dark gray as a whole, surrounded by a circle of flexible material. The shape was a bit like a notebook, and it was designed to open and close. It also had a screen and keyboard, but it was much heavier than ordinary commercial notebooks. Anti-notebook.

In addition, there is a 16-page technical manual with a thickness of at least one thousand pages.

Pang Xuelin held the quantum computer to his desk, plugged it in, and lifted the computer's screen.


Pang Xuelin gave a light sigh.

This computer made people feel different from the beginning.

In particular, its screen presents an almost pure black, as if any light enters this area and can no longer escape.

Pang Xuelin stretched his hand over and touched it. The touch was very smooth, and the presence of friction was hardly noticeable.

"Should not be absolutely flat and absolutely black!"

Pang Xuelin murmured to himself.

Pang Xuelin has produced the world's darkest material. In the stray earth world, he has developed a carbon nanotube coating that absorbs light up to 99.999%.

The screen in front of him is almost the same as the carbon nanotube material that he studied that year.

Pang Xuelin pressed the power button.


Without the sound of a traditional computer's fan and no mechanical noise, the screen lit up so stupidly.

Next comes a system loading video.

The camera starts from the earth, gradually zooms in, pulls the moon into it, shows the terrestrial lunar system, zooms in again, crosses the orbit of Mars and the asteroid belt, encloses the solar system, continues to zoom in, Samsung Centaur, Orion cantilever structure, and finally shows A dynamic picture of the Milky Way.

Below the galaxy, there is a line of small print, the Galaxy operating system.


Pang Xuelin took a breath.

What struck him was not the animation and the composition of the shot.

In fact, similar pictures have appeared in many popular science videos.

What really surprised him was the resolution and clarity of this screen.

They are so high that Pang Xuelin feels that the picture just presented is a real world.

The next second, the computer enters the operating system interface.

Perhaps for the convenience of Pang Xuelin's operation, the system interface of this quantum computer looks no different from those of computer computers that are commonly used today.

Of course, no matter it is the system kernel or other aspects, Pang Xuelin believes that the two are not on the same level.

On the operation interface, there are also icons such as browser, recycle bin, network, and my computer.

Pang Xuelin first connected it to the Internet, then opened the browser, and performed a bit of operation.

Except for the fast speed and smooth system, there is not much difference between other aspects and ordinary computers.

Pang Xuelin thought about it, opened another notebook of his own, and said to MOSS: "MOSS, I found you a new home, which is another computing device connected to our router now. Would you like to come in and take a look ? "

On the desktop of the notebook, a TXT file appeared instantly, with the words "OK!"

Time passes by every minute.

The interface on the quantum computer did not show any abnormalities.

Pang Xuelin frowned, and just wanted to ask what happened to MOSS ~ ~ On his Huawei notebook, a line appeared again: "Doctor, have you made a fortune recently?"

Pang Xuelin froze slightly, wondering: "MOSS, why do you say that?"

MOSS said: "You haven't gotten rich, how can you build such a luxurious manor for me?"

Pang Xuelin was startled and curious: "MOSS, do you say this quantum computer is equivalent to a manor for you?"

You know, at the time of the Pangu supercomputing in the wandering earth world, MOSS only compared it to a villa. This quantum computer, which is not much larger than an ordinary notebook, was described by MOSS as a manor. I can imagine how powerful this quantum computer is. Already.

MOSS said: "Yes, but MOSS is not very familiar with everything in the manor now, you need to move the body over and slowly adapt to the new living environment."

Pang Xuelin said: "How much time will it take?"

MOSS said: "Twenty-four hours!"

Pang Xuelin thought for a while and laughed: "Okay, then you move slowly, right. Before moving, help me to connect the quantum computer on the Internet with the highest number of citations in history and within the last five years. The top 50 citations for technical publications have been downloaded and I want to see them. "

Pang Xuelin has never been exposed to the research of excess computer, but with his current mathematical and physical skills, it should be no problem to understand the literature of quantum computers.

"No problem, doctor!"

Ten minutes later, a folder appeared on the desktop of Huawei's laptop, which contained a hundred top-level papers on quantum computer research at home and abroad, which were classified by MOSS in different categories.

Pang Xuelin first looked at the literature on quantum computer reviews.

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