The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 202: Pang Xuelin's ambition

In the office, Pang Xuelin closed his notebook and looked down.

Half a month has passed since he returned to the real world, and more than a week has passed since the start of school.

The Ponzi Geometry Workshop went well.

During this time, in addition to writing papers on quantum computers, Pang Xuelin either taught undergraduates or participated in seminars to explain the theory of Ponzi geometry to young scholars.

The title effect of the system-rewarded civilization inheritor is great. When the abstract algebra was introduced, those undergraduates clearly felt that Professor Pang's lectures became more interesting and easier to understand.

Even some people who didn't listen to the lecture seriously, when they listened to Pang Xuelin's lecture, they would be attracted to Pang Xuelin's lecture process, and listened to him.

As for the people in the seminar, it is even more exaggerated.

Ponzi geometry was developed on the basis of Far Abelian geometry, although Pang Xuelin has made this theory as obscure as possible.

But there are always places that require strong abstract thinking to understand.

Some people get stuck in these places when they teach themselves.

However, after Pang Xuelin's explanation, not only did they have a sudden and cheerful feeling, they even had a deeper understanding of Ponzi geometry.

After Liu Tingbo ran over to listen to Pang Xuelin's lecture, he simply asked the young teachers of the school's math department to come and watch.

In this regard, Pang Xuelin could only shake his head to express helplessness.

Pang Xuelin was thinking about it, and the cell phone ringing suddenly.

Caller ID is Li Changqing from the School of Materials Engineering.

Pang Xuelin pressed the answer button. Soon, the phone came with an excited voice from Li Changqing: "Professor Pang, we succeeded! High-purity single-walled carbon nanotubes. We have grown the purity of 99.99999 according to the method you provided. % Of electronic-grade single-walled carbon nanotubes have now been characterized. Do you want to come to school now? "

Pang Xuelin was a little stunned, and then he recalled "ten years ago". He seemed to have a high-purity carbon nanotube collaborative research project with the School of Materials Engineering.

I didn't expect to succeed so soon.

But Pang Xuelin was not too surprised.

The preparation method given by myself is a classic scheme summarized in the stray earth world. As long as you can follow this method, you will definitely get results.

Pang Xuelin watched the time on his wrist and laughed, "Professor Changqing, it's almost twelve. I'll go to the cafeteria for dinner first, and I'll go to you after dinner."

"Okay, then I'll see you this afternoon!"

"Well, see you that afternoon!"

Pang Xuelin thought for a while, got up and found a piece of material from the bookcase behind him, put it in a briefcase, then picked up his mobile phone, put on a long trench coat and went out.

Jiangcheng at the end of February was still cold in spring.

Pang Xuelin came out of the office, and saw Qi Xin in the suite outside, sitting there with a chin in a daze.

"Sister Xue, what do you think, it's been over half an hour after work. Why haven't you eaten yet?"

Pang Xuelin said.

"Ah, nothing! Professor Pang, are you busy?"

Qi Xin blinked. Since she was transferred to work with Pang Xuelin, when she was at work or someone was present, she generally called Professor Pang Xuelin. Only when two people were together in private, she would call Pang Xuelin a student.

Pang Xuelin corrected several times for this, but she always insisted on doing so, and Pang Xuelin went with her.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "It's busy, right, what work schedule do I have in the afternoon?"

Qi Xin said: "No!"

Pang Xuelin said: "That's good. I'm going to Yuquan Campus in the afternoon. If there is anything urgent here, you can just call me directly."


Qi Xin quickly nodded and jot down.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Okay, it's not too late now, let's go eat together!"

"wait for me!"

Qi Xin hurriedly packed her desk, then put on a dark blue woolen coat, and followed it with some enthusiasm.

The two went out together.

On the road, although Qi Xin was only one meter and six in her height, she stepped on high-heeled boots just to the root of Pang Xuelin's ears.

The handsome male and female combination, coupled with the popularity of Pang Xuelin itself, the return rate on the road is almost 100%.

They talked while walking.

Qi Xin said, "Yes, my dear, the World Chinese Mathematics Congress is about to open in three days. The organizer has booked a flight ticket for us. We will fly to Beijing the following day. Do n’t forget to come.

Pang Xuelin froze slightly, wondering, "You also want to go with me?"

"Of course, I'm your working secretary. Where are you going, I'm sure to follow!"

"Oh, that's OK."

Pang Xuelin smiled awkwardly, and he seemed to have asked Yao Bingxia to climb the Great Wall together.

This topic was over, the two talked and smiled and ate together in the cafeteria. Pang Xuelin bid farewell to Qi Xin and drove to the Yuquan campus.


As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the experimental building of the School of Materials Engineering, Pang Xuelin saw that Xu Xingguo and Li Changqing had been waiting at the entrance of the experimental building for a long time.

"Professor Pang, long time no see!"

"Dean Xu, Professor Chang Qing, long time no see!"

Pang Xuelin shook hands with Xu Xingguo and Li Changqing, and the three of them shivered for a while before going directly to Li Changqing's carbon material laboratory.

In the laboratory, Li Changqing is showing Pang Xuelin a characterization report of high-purity carbon nanotubes.

"Professor Pang, look, this is the characteristic peak of carbon nanotubes we measured by Raman spectroscopy. Due to the unique radial breathing vibration mode of single-walled carbon nanotubes, its characteristic peaks appear at 100 cm ^ -1 to In the range of 400cm ^ -1, its diameter is inversely proportional to the wave number of the characteristic peak ... Figure 1 shows the morphology of a carbon nanotube transmission electron microscope. The diameter of a carbon nanotube is 10 nanometers and the length is 5 micrometers. The arrangement of the tubes is very neat ... Figure 2 is a transmission electron microscope photo of RuO2 · xH2O attached to carbon nanotubes. According to analysis, the reaction was continuously stirred during the precipitation process, and the RuO2 · xH2O obtained by dry annealing at about 150e was Amorphous. In our experiment, the RuO2 · xH2O nucleation base was provided on the surface of carbon nanotubes during the reaction precipitation process, so a mixture of amorphous RuO2 · xH2O and nanocrystals was formed. With the increase of RuO2 · xH2O addition , RuO2 · xH2O began to transition to amorphous. Figure 3 is the X-ray diffraction pattern of two different contents of RuO2 · xH2O ... "

After explaining for a long time, Li Changqing sighed: "Professor Pang, I didn't expect that the results obtained by your test method would be so good. There is nothing wrong with directly publishing this article in the Nature journal."

Xu Xingguo, the dean of the School of Materials Engineering, also laughed: "Yes, Professor Pang, but for the first time in our many years of establishment of the School of Materials Engineering, the doctoral thesis reached the level of CNS. Can bring a wave of heat to the outside world. "

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "It's also thanks to everyone's help that this project will be so smooth. So, in order to celebrate the success of the project, I invite everyone to eat dinner outside the building!"

"Long live Professor Pang!"

In the laboratory, the young experimental dogs pulled into the project team immediately cheered.

After a few months of busy work, changing to a Nature journal article, even if it is only two works and three works, is also a highlight of their personal resume.

After reading the characterization report of high-purity single-walled carbon nanotubes, Pang Xuelin winked at Li Changqing and Xu Xingguo, and all three came out of the laboratory together.

Xu Xingguo said, "Professor Pang, is there anything else?"

Pang Xuelin took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Li Changqing: "Professor Changqing, take a look first."

Li Changqing looked for a while, and then he was surprised.

Xu Xingguo was curious: "Changqing, what is this?"

Li Changqing handed the document to Xu Xing State Road: "Dean Xu, please take a look!"

Xu Xingguo took the document. When he looked at the title, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Carbon nanotube composites, carbon-based chips, high-purity graphene projects?"

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "Dean Xu, after you watch it first, we will talk later."

Half an hour later, Xu Xingguo, Li Changqing and Pang Xuelin gathered in a conference room in the experimental building.

Pang Xuelin said: "Dean Xu, Professor Chang Qing, I think so. Now that we have made high-purity electronic-grade single-walled carbon nanotubes, we can consider continuing on this road. I hope Next, the School of Materials Engineering can set up three project groups. The first project is to prepare carbon nanotube CMOS on the basis of high-purity carbon nanotubes, and further researches in the direction of carbon-based chips. The second project is to prepare High-strength carbon nanotube fiber material. This material is theoretically more than ten times stronger than the world's highest-strength material. It has important uses in the aerospace and defense industry. Third, high-purity graphene Project, let alone let it be, I think everyone understands the meaning. "

Xu Xingguo nodded, and then frowned, "Professor Pang, you have a good idea, but the scientific research funding required for these projects is an astronomical figure. I'm afraid we can't afford that much by our school alone?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "I can get 100 million research funding from the enterprise. In addition, I will go to Beijing in two days. I will find a way to find more funding for the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology!"

Xu Xingguo and Li Changqing glanced at each other, Xu Xingguo pondered for a moment, and nodded: "Professor Pang, as long as you can get the 100 million yuan you said, I took over the carbon nanotube CMOS project, and I can think of a way for the school. Another 20 million! As far as carbon nanotube fibers and graphene materials are concerned, it is up to Professor Changqing! "

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Okay, wait for me!"

That night, Pang Xuelin directly banqueted Xu Xingguo, Li Changqing and all members of the project team outside the building. After eating, Pang Xuelin drove directly to the villa where his parents lived.

As soon as she entered the door, her mother Mei Yuqing was doing yoga in the living room following the teaching content on the TV, but her father Pang Yongnian was out of sight.

Mei Yuqing said strangely, "Xiao Lin, why are you here?"

His son's temperament is clear to him. Pang Xuelin rarely stays at home, especially after school. He basically lives in the school, and usually goes home like a guest.

Pang Xuelin has experienced so many worlds, and his character has matured a lot. Wen Yan smiled and said, "Mom, I live at home at night, and my dad?"

Mei Yuqing said: "Your dad is upstairs in the study."

"I'll talk to my dad!"

Speaking, Pang Xuelin went straight upstairs.

Mei Yuqing said below: "Xiao Lin, did you eat? Would you like to get you some more?"

"No, I came back after dinner with my colleague!"


Mei Yuqing shook her head when she heard the words and continued to focus her attention on the teaching content of yoga on TV.

In the study, Pang Yongnian was sitting in front of the computer and surfing the Internet.

Seeing Pang Xuelin coming in, Pang Yongnian froze slightly, wondering: "Xiao Lin, why are you back?"

Pang Xuelin sat down in a chair directly across the desk and said, "Dad, I want to borrow some money from you."

"Oh, how much do you want to borrow?"

Pang Yongnian was a little strange. From childhood to old age, his son almost never took the initiative to ask for money, which was a world first.

He glanced at Pang Xuelin, then held up the tea cup on the table and took a sip.

Pang Xuelin said: "One billion!"

Pang Yongnian heard that he almost squirted the tea out of his mouth ~ ~ looked up and said, "What?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "I want a billion!"

Pang Yongnian frowned. He knew that Pang Xuelin was not a targetless person, and could not help but wonder: "Xiao Lin, what do you want for so much money?"

Pang Xuelin said: "Experiment!"

Then, Pang Xuelin introduced the high-purity carbon nanotube project and graphene project to Pang Yongnian.

Pang Yongnian: "..."

"Kobayashi, are you sure these two gadgets can make money? Don't bully your dad who doesn't know how to do it. Even if your lab does make it, there must be a long way to go before the real product, if you have to wait It will take ten or eight years to blossom and bear fruit, and this money is no different from a draught. "

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Dad, I understand everything you said, but I can tell you for sure that I will not hang my own family. For the time being, carbon-based chips and graphene materials will not be said, so take high-strength carbon nanotubes. Say, as long as you are willing to invest, I promise to achieve mass production of high-strength carbon nanotubes within three months, and as long as you invest this money, the patent will be in our hands by then. I think you should know more about the value of a sale. "

Pang Yongnian frowned, and said, "That's right, but can you guarantee it within three months?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Dad, I haven't talked much since I was little. I don't talk about high-strength carbon nanotubes. Even graphene and carbon nanotube CMOS, I can guarantee it within one year. We are our own. People, so I will give you this investment opportunity. If you do n’t invest, I think I have a way to persuade others to get this money! "

Pang Yongnian groaned for a moment and said, "Okay, I vote!"

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