The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 203: Men and women?

After a pause, Pang Yongnian looked at the grown-up son with emotion, and said, "Xiao Lin, the reason I chose to invest this money was not because I was convinced by you, but because you first spoke to me. Ask for money. "


Pang Xuelin couldn't help but feel a little touched, opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Pang Yongnian laughed: "Okay, okay, you are also a world-renowned big mathematician, so don't make a gesture of children."

"What are you two talking about?"

At this time, Mei Yuqing entered the study with two glasses of water.

"Come, Kobayashi. Drinking a glass of honey water before going to bed will help you sleep."

"Thank you mom!"

Pang Xuelin took the honey water and took a sip.

At this time, Pang Yongnian said, "Xiaolin just asked me to borrow money."

"Lend money?" Mei Yuqing said for a moment, then quickly, "Xiao Lin, are you short of money now? How much is it? Mom will give you a transfer."

Pang Yongnian said: "Xiao Lin wants a hundred million!"

Mei Yuqing stayed blankly and turned to look at Pang Xuelin: "Xiao Lin, why do you want so much money?"

Pang Xuelin talked about the project again.

Mei Yuqing waved her hand and was full of sigh of relief: "This money came out of the house, ignore your dad's old pick, what he knows, but he still doubts my son's vision."

Pang Yongnian stared, some helplessly said: "I can't tell the money ..."

Next, Pang Xuelin chatted with his parents in the study.

The ten-year life of the country teacher in the world has made his mentality more mature.

Although the earliest three worlds experienced, Trisomy, Mars Rescue, and Wandering Earth, although Pang Xuelin stayed in it for many years, these worlds have always had a highly depressing crisis of death. Pang Xuelin did not experience much humanity at all.

On the contrary, the life of the rural teacher world in this decade is most similar to the real world. In many things, Pang Xuelin is not as immature as before.

He has already tried to think from the perspective of his parents.

Pang Yongnian and Mei Yuqing were keenly aware of the changes in their son, and could not help but be surprised.

The family finally got together and talked until nearly eleven before returning to their room to sleep.

The next day, Pang Xuelin called Xu Xingguo and told him that the first batch of project funds had been obtained.

"What, did you find the investor so quickly?"

Xu Xingguo seemed somewhat surprised.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Dean Xu, I convinced my parents that Xinkai Material Technology Co., Ltd. will invest 100 million yuan to cooperate with us in research and development. As for the related patent ownership and profit distribution issues after the results, Xinkai Materials God will send someone to talk to you! "

"Okay, I'll tell you when the results come out, it's up to you!"

Xu Xingguo froze a bit, apparently did not expect that Pang Xuelin would invest his own money. After all, even if this laboratory product is advanced, God knows when the technology will mature.

Young people are just aggressive!

"it is good!"

Hanging up the phone, Pang Xuelin could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The synthesis of high-purity carbon nanotubes and high-purity graphene involves carbon-based chips, flying blade materials, and graphene batteries with ultra-high energy storage density.

Taking out everything, it is possible to set off an industrial revolution on earth.

It's better to be able to hold these two key materials in your own hands.

Early the next morning, Pang Xuelin and Qi Xin finished running on the playground and finished their meals as usual, and then they packed up their luggage and drove to Jiangcheng Airport to prepare to fly to the capital and attend the World Chinese Mathematical Congress.

The World Congress of Chinese Mathematicians was initiated by Qiu Chengtong and has now become the largest and most influential event in the Chinese mathematics community.

At 10:30 in the morning, the two walked out of the passenger exit of Daxing International Airport side by side and saw Zhang Deye, president of the Chinese Mathematical Society, and another middle-aged man with glasses and some baldness who had been waiting at the exit for a long time.

"Professor Pang, long time no see!"

Zhang Deye stepped forward and shook hands with Pang Xuelin, then smiled: "I introduce you, this is Guo Kangcheng, vice president of Tsinghua University."

"Hello, President Guo!"

"Professor Pang, welcome!"

Guo Kangcheng took the lead and shook hands with Pang Xuelin.

The World Chinese Mathematics Conference was held in Tsinghua. Pang Xuelin, as the most attracted mathematician of this conference, has received great attention from the organizers.

Zhang Deye and Guo Kangcheng took the initiative to greet the airport, which is evident.

After a few moments of embarrassment, the three went directly to the parking lot and got on a business car.

Guo Kangcheng laughed: "Professor Pang, the conference will officially open tomorrow morning at 9 am and the awards ceremony will be held. After the awards ceremony, there will be a media meeting. You better prepare in advance ..."

Pang Xuelin smiled, Guo Kangcheng said, this time the mathematics award is basically determined to be him.

The Mathematics Award is the original Chenxing Mathematics Award, divided into gold and silver awards, known as the Fields Award of the Chinese mathematics community, and only awarded to Chinese scholars under the age of 45.

This math prize ~ ~ should be regarded as the least suspenseful event since the World Chinese Mathematicians Conference was held.

The business car took everyone to the hotel where they stayed, and Zhang Deye and Guo Kangcheng left.

Pang Xuelin was staying in an executive suite, and Qi Xin was arranged next to him.

As soon as he lowered his luggage, Pang Xuelin's phone rang and rang.

Yao Bingxia sent a WeChat.

"Brother Kobayashi, have you been to the capital? Are you free today? Would you like me to take you out?"

Pang Xuelin thought about it, picked up his mobile phone and replied, "Okay, please send me your school address, I'll find you later."

"Let me go to you. You are not familiar with Jingcheng. You send me the address of the hotel. I am still in class now. I will go to you after class."


Pang Xuelin sent the hotel address in the past.

Soon, Yao Bingxia's news came back: "OK, Brother Lin, I won't tell you first, I will go to class first and see you later."

"Well, see you later!"

Pang Xuelin put down her phone.

Bang bang ——

There was a sudden knock at the door.

Pang Xuelin was startled, and quickly went over to open the door, and saw Qi Xin standing in front of the door cleverly.

"Student, I just got my lunch coupon. Let's go to the cafeteria for lunch first."


Pang Xuelin put his mobile phone in his pocket and went downstairs with Qi Xin.

After the two had eaten, Pang Xuelin reached out and dragged the paper on the table and wiped his mouth. Then he heard Qi Xin say, "Student, this is my first visit to Beijing. Should we go out in the afternoon?"


Pang Xuelin was a little embarrassed, but he said the truth: "I have a friend in the afternoon ..."

Qi Xin froze slightly and asked subconsciously, "Men and women?"

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