The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 212: Fishing law enforcement

Pang Xuelin is very interested in neutrino detectors. To be precise, he is very interested in neutrinos.

The discovery of neutrinos is related to the famous case of beta decay energy theft in history.

In the 1920s, physicists discovered that when neutrons decay into protons and electrons (β decay), they lose energy.

At that time, the founder of the Copenhagen School, Niels Bohr, believed that the energy loss during the beta decay process indicated that the law of conservation of energy had failed.

In the spring of 1931, the International Conference on Nuclear Physics was held in Rome. At that time, the world's top nuclear physicists gathered, including Heisenberg, Pauli, Madame Curie, and so on.

Pauli proposed at the meeting that the law of conservation of energy during the β decay process is still correct. The reason for the energy loss is because neutrons, as a large mass of neutral particles, have become protons, electrons and a mass during the decay Small neutral particles, it is this small mass particles that carry away energy.

The "thief" who stole the energy predicted by Pauli was the neutrino.

However, at that time in the physics community, no experiments could prove the existence of neutrinos.

It was not until 1956 that American physicists Cowan and Reins directly detected neutrinos through experiments for the first time.

For the first time, neutrinos have shown their true face.

Neutrinos are a kind of leptons. They are one of the most basic particles that make up nature. One), moving at near the speed of light, the interaction with other substances is very weak, it hardly interacts with other substances, and it exists widely in nature.

It can pass freely through the human body, walls, mountains, and even the entire planet. It is difficult to capture and detect, so it is called the "hidden person" in the universe.

Nuclear reactions involving weak interactions inside the sun will generate 10 38 neutrinos per second, flowing unobstructed from the sun to space. 1,000 trillion neutrinos from the sun pass through everyone's body every second, even at night when the sun is on the other side of the earth.

In the standard model proposed later, the most basic particles that make up the material world are 12 kinds, including 6 kinds of quarks (upper, lower, odd, 粲, bottom, quark top, each quark has three colors, and the above Quark antiquark), 3 charged leptons (electrons, muons, and τ neutrons) and 3 neutrinos (electron neutrinos, μ neutrinos, and τ neutrinos), each of which The son has an antimatter corresponding to it.

But at present, there are still many mysteries in neutrinos.

First, the mass of neutrinos has not been directly measured, and the size is also unknown.

Secondly, it is also unknown whether the neutrino and its antiparticle, that is, the antineutrino, are the same kind of particles.

Third, two parameters of the neutrino oscillation have not been measured, and these two parameters may be related to the mystery of the absence of antimatter in the universe.

Fourth, does the neutrino have a magnetic moment and so on.

In the real world, if any of these questions can be answered, the Nobel Prize is basically a matter of capture.


It took a week for Pang Xuelin to finish a hundred papers. As a result, he found that he had accumulated more problems in his mind.

The world's research on neutrinos is far deeper than he thought.

He had to set aside the neutrino detector and refocus on the task.

Fortunately, the world is not much ahead of the real world in the research of quantum computers and artificial intelligence.

Therefore, the network of this world is one-way transparent to the MOSS loaded on the quantum computer.

By hacking into the CIA, FBI's database, and information retrieved from the dark web, Pang Xuelin basically grasped the general information of Uncle Warner's drug trafficking network.

In addition, he also has a better understanding of the US military's "Poseidon" plan.

Since David Hopkins left the U.S. military's research facility, the US Navy has not completely terminated the Poseidon program, but has maintained a small research team.

At present, the team is attached to the United States Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), and their experimental base is actually located in a bay not far from Los Angeles.

The base also houses a dozen dolphins and sharks with electrodes and control systems.


In the evening a week later.

"Professor Pang, this is the situation of David Hopkins and Werner Jr. I found through monitoring and online. Werner Jr. posted a reward on the dark web a week ago, and the goal is to find a reward The neutrino detector, the route to enter the United States safely, has a reward of up to 50 million U.S. dollars, and I also found David Hopkins' account on the dark web. He seems to be trying to control the blue whale he controlled. "Poseidon's make a lot of money, but he hasn't found a suitable method at present. I don't think it will be long before Hopkins should see the reward from Werner Jr."

Pang Xuelin nodded. The novel did not explain how Hopkins and Little Werner took over. After a survey by MOSS ~ ~ Pang Xuelin would understand.

Although David Hopkins is currently a professor of marine biology at the California Institute of Technology, he is not well known in the academic world, and marine biology is not a hot specialty. Therefore, David Hopkins has a relatively limited income. .

But not so long ago, his wife divorced him and took away a large fortune.

As a result, Hopkins's economic situation is very tense, and it has reached the point where it is not yet ready for credit cards.

Coincidentally, Werner Jr. posted such a message on the dark web. After seeing it, David Hopkins' heart was normal.

Pang Xuelin bowed his head and thought, he was thinking about the next action plan.

There are two main problems to complete the system task.

One is how to destroy Werner's yacht.

It is simply unrealistic to let Pang Xuelin sneak in and launch an attack like a special forces frogman.

Second, how to gain control of Poseidon, the latter is even more important than the former.

Because according to Pang Xuelin's plan, to destroy Werner's yacht, Poseidon will play a vital role.

Only so far, MOSS has not found the control method of "Poseidon" in Werner's computer, and even any information related to "Poseidon" is not available, so I want to get "Poseidon" and kill David Hopkins is definitely not working, we have to find another way.

"MOSS, you first take over Hopkins' computer, so that he can no longer browse the rewards of Little Werner on the dark web. At the same time, you also post a reward similar to Little Werner on the dark web, and then let David · Hopkins sees. "

MOSS: "Professor Pang, are you preparing for fishing enforcement?"

Pang Xuelin smiled for a moment and laughed: "Yes, it's fishing law enforcement."

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