"how to prove?"

"how to prove?"

Hopkins frowned. The existence of "Poseidon" is a secret, but since he decided to take out "Poseidon" to make money, it will be a matter of time before "Poseidon" is exposed to people!

This makes Hopkins a little uncomfortable, just like letting his wife sell it.

But there is no such thing as a poor man.

After thinking about it, he replied, "Three days later, at 2 pm this Saturday, Marbury Beach, I will prove it to you!"

Soon, Hopkins received a reply: "Tell me your mobile number, I will call you when I get there!"

Hopkins hesitated for a moment and replied, "I'll send you tomorrow."

The next day, after hopping for a non-real-name mobile phone number, Hopkins sent the new number.


Three days elapsed.

Early in the morning on Saturday, Hopkins drove his pickup truck and brought two sets of diving gear to reach Marbury Beach.

Marbury Beach is a relatively well-known public beach near Los Angeles. There are many tourists. The reason why this place was chosen is to prevent danger. On the other hand, if it is not possible, the other party may not dare to take him in front of so many people.

On the other hand, Marbury Beach is not far from the cruising area of ​​"Poseidon", and Marbury Beach is further north, which is the Santa Monica Mountains. It is rarely visited and it is convenient to cover up "Poseidon" "Traces of his appearance.

After arriving at Marbury Beach, Hopkins left his pickup truck and diving equipment in the parking lot, and went to rent a parasol and deck chair while drinking juice while waiting for the mysterious man to arrive .

Although Hopkins seemed calm on the surface, from time to time he picked up his mobile phone to check the time, it is enough to explain his inner stalemate.

What Hopkins didn't know was that at this time, on a hillside about a kilometer away, Pang Xuelin was observing his performance through a telescope.

Time passes by every minute.

Half past one.



Two o'clock!


The Bluetooth headset worn by Pang Xuelin heard the voice of MOSS: "Professor Pang, it's time, should you call him now!"

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, just dry him for a while."

Sure enough, after watching the time agreed by both parties, Hopkins started to get anxious.

Get up and look around from time to time.

But he never meant to leave.

It was not until 2:30 in the afternoon that Pang Xuelin put away his telescope to observe Hopkins and returned to his car.

Fifteen minutes later, Pang Xuelin parked his car in the parking lot near the beach, and then headed straight for Hopkins.

Hopkins is very special. He looks astonishingly thin, and his neck is like a thin stick, so thin that it is hard to believe his disproportionately large head, which makes him look a bit strange.

At this point, Hopkins was wandering a little anxiously on the beach.

Pang Xuelin went straight forward and laughed: "Hop Hopkins, hello!"

Hopkins looked up and couldn't help but startled, and quickly laughed: "Professor Pang, hello, are you coming to Marbury Beach today?"

Both are professors at the California Institute of Technology, and have met several times in the school and met each other.

However, in terms of academic status, the two sides are quite different.

In this world, Pang Xuelin is the BSD conjecture prover and the Fields Prize winner, and he can be regarded as a leader in the entire California Institute of Technology.

Hopkins is just a general professor of unpopular subjects.

The two are not a hierarchy at all.

Pang Xuelin smiled: "No, I came here to find a friend, Professor Hopkins, how about you?"

"Ah ... I made an appointment with a friend, but he hasn't come yet." Hopkins said absently. "Professor Pang, I still have something to say, so I won't talk to you any more. I'll leave you alone." "

Then, Hopkins turned and left.

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly. He took out his cell phone and dialed Hopkins's number.

"Professor Hopkins, are you waiting for me?"

Listening to the voice on the phone, Hopkins suddenly turned his head, and his eyes flashed an incredible color: "Professor Pang, are you MOSS?"


Ten minutes later, the two came under the umbrellas rented by Hopkins and leisurely drank ice juice on the deck chairs.

"Professor Pang, why do you want to post such a message on the dark web?"

When he learned that the employer was Pang Xuelin, Hopkins' original nervousness suddenly calmed down a lot.

Pang Xuelin said: "Dark web trading, why not ask, this principle, Professor Hopkins should understand!"

Hopkins paused and nodded: "So!"

Pang Xuelin said: "Professor Hopkins, I'm curious. In the end, how can you avoid the neutrino detector of the goods from the customs ~ www.readwn.com ~ Send the goods to the United States silently of."

Hopkins looked around and said, "Professor Pang, it's not convenient to show here, please follow me!"

Then he got up and took Pang Xuelin to get on his pickup truck, and drove it directly to a relatively secluded beach.

Subsequently, Hopkins removed two sets of diving equipment from the body of the pickup truck. In addition, there was a more weird cylindrical device.

Hopkins said, "Professor Pang, put on your diving suit."

"Professor Hopkins, wouldn't you tell me to use this diving suit to get in and out of the North American continent?"

Pang Xuelin said intentionally.

Hopkins said: "Just put it on, you will understand later!"

"Okay, then I'll change it first!"

Soon, Pang Xuelin put on his diving suit, put on diving fins, and carried an oxygen cylinder on his back. He said, "Professor Hopkins, this is the first time I have played this type of diving. It's all up to you to stay safe at sea ! "

"Relax, there will be no problems with me!"

In the marine environment, Hopkins showed unprecedented confidence. On peace days, he seemed to have become a person.

Pang Xuelin nodded, and with Hopkins, he walked towards the sea with the cylindrical equipment.

After taking a closer look, Pang Xuelin discovered that the cylindrical device has a small spiral award below. According to Hopkins, this is an underwater power unit that can help the two to dive further.

But Pang Xuelin always felt that this piece of equipment had a different story.

Because he wanted to get in touch with Poseidon underwater, Hopkins must use some kind of equipment to do so.

So far, it looks like this device is a bit similar.

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