Pang Xuelin nodded with satisfaction and smiled: "That's right, MOSS, it seems you really learned a lot!"

"of course!"

There was a hint of pride in MOSS's tone.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "That being the case, let's start the second step of the plan. Contact Werner and tell him we have a way to get drugs into the United States!"



Little Werner was agitated.

In the past six months, my hometown has been doing bad things.

The first was the emergence of neutrino detectors, which made it more and more difficult for drugs to enter the United States.

Then two months ago, Colombian military special forces surrounded his father's drug factory. His uncle and 30 other gunmen were killed in a gunfight in order to **** **** from the factory.

Now, his father can only sail on the yacht in the Atlantic Ocean, hoping to release the 25 tons of **** at hand as soon as possible to use the funds to rebuild the Warner family's drug empire.

But now the entire North American continent is shrouded in the shadow of neutrino detectors, and foreign drugs can't come at all, while in the United States, drug prices are rising.

His father was helpless and thought about it, asking himself, who was studying at California Institute of Technology, to ask a scientist for help.

But how many ways do you have?

He is just an ordinary undergraduate at Caltech.

When it comes to money, there are more rich people in the school.

When it comes to power, don't have too many children of political family in Caltech.

Besides, Werner himself did not know the top scientists who were really famous, and he did not expect them to have a way for his family's drug business to hide the detection of neutrino detectors.

Even if there is, the average scientist is willing to get involved in this kind of business.

In desperation, Werner had to offer a high reward of $ 50 million on the dark web, hoping that someone could help his family survive the difficult times.

These days, after class every day, he went to the dark web to check the news. He acted subconsciously.

But for half a month, no one has accepted this reward.

Little Werner didn't know what to do.

"If it doesn't work, I can only ask my father to consider selling this batch of goods through other channels! Only in this way, the family will be greatly injured."

Little Werner secretly.

After the neutrino detector became popular, drugs from outside could not get in. Now the price of drugs in the United States has quadrupled.

Any drug that can be brought in is profiteering.

Because of this, although I feel that the hope is not great, after returning to my apartment after class, Werner will subconsciously open the dark web page.

Just then, he suddenly found that his account on the dark web had a short message.

Little Werner quickly opened a short message with the following line: "I have a solution to your family ’s plight. If you have any intention, this Saturday, Santa Monica Beach Marina, we will talk in detail on your yacht! —MOSS. "

Little Werner paused.

Then there was a creepy feeling.

Generally, the information published on the dark web is difficult to trace to the source even the most advanced hackers.

But now, not only does someone know their true identity, they even tell themselves that there are ways to solve their family's plight.

Little Werner just felt that the whole head was emaciated.

Who is this person?

What's his purpose?


Until the weekend, when Santa Monica Marina, Pang Xuelin appeared in front of him, these two questions still haunted Werner's mind.

"Professor Pang, why are you here?"

Little Werner looked at Pang Xuelin by surprise.

Of course, he knew Pang Xuelin, and even at school, occasionally Pang Xuelin gave a lesson to undergraduate students, and he even ran over.

Of course, he doesn't think the big brother has anything to do with himself.

This big man has already achieved his fame, coupled with the identity of the Chinese, has a strong international influence.

However, Pang Xuelin's next sentence made Werner stunned.

Pang Xuelin smiled, "Did I not ask you to come here?"

Werner's eyes shot an incredible color: "You are MOSS?"

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "If it is fake, replace it!"

Little Werner changed his face slightly: "Professor Pang, how did you know my true identity?"

Pang Xuelin looked around and smiled, "Are you sure you want to talk to me here?"

Little Werner thought about it, and arched slightly: "Professor Pang, please! Let's talk on the boat."

Little Werner's yacht is a 65-foot small fishing yacht with a displacement of only two or thirty tons, so Little Werner can handle it alone.

After successfully sailing the yacht out of the dock and heading towards the open sea, and set to the autopilot mode, Little Werner took Pang Xuelin to the deck area on the top of the yacht. He poured a glass of red wine and said, "Professor Pang, You can say it! "

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "I'm a mathematician and a hacker about your identity. Are you satisfied with this explanation?"

Little Werner froze slightly.

Pang Xuelin continued: "I saw the information you posted on the dark web and happened to be interested in your information, so I followed the way down. I didn't expect that it was our students who posted this information."

"So I launched a further investigation around you and found that Richard was just your pseudonym in school. Your true identity should be the younger son of the Werner family, the son of the notorious drug lord of South America. "

"So I immediately knew your idea of ​​publishing this information. The Werner family's drug transportation channel should be a big problem, so you will post this information on the dark web, right?"

Little Werner groaned for a moment and nodded: "Professor Pang, you guessed everything, but I have a question, why do you help us as you?"

"I need money. I don't know why you're not satisfied with it."


"Yes, a lot of money. I can't get that much money through regular channels. Coincidentally, I happen to have a solution to your dilemma."

"any solution?"

Little Werner froze slightly.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said: "The yacht goes thirty nautical miles further and you will see the answer."


More than two hours later, Werner Jr.'s yacht stopped almost forty nautical miles from the coastline.

"Professor Pang, you can tell me the answer now!"

Little Werner frowned at Pang Xuelin.

He always felt a sense of palpitation about this seemingly in charge of Professor Pang.

Leaning against the railing of the yacht, Pang Xuelin put his finger in his mouth and blew a loud whistle.

Then he pointed to the sea ahead and said, "Look there!"

After a while, the sea not far away suddenly rose up, and then a blue whale, which was as big as a hill, surpassed the surface of the boat in the tens of meters.

A bang--

The blue whale fell heavily, and the waves set off changed little Werner's face: "No, there are whales!"

Pang Xuelin patted his shoulder and smiled, "Calm down, that's my friend."

"your friend?"

Werner's face flashed with surprise.

Sure enough, after a while, the blue whale slowly surfaced beside the dinghy, and then the whale opened its mouth and spit out a transparent dinghy.

Soon, a man was drilled out of the transparent dinghy, the other party swam a few meters, and then boarded the Werner yacht.

Pang Xuelin smiled: "Introduce you, Professor Hopkins of our school, the Poseidon project leader, oh yes, Poseidon is the name of the blue whale just now."

Hopkins nodded calmly toward Werner, walked to Pang Xuelin's side, and sat down with an expression mainly based on Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly, and was not surprised by Werner's performance.

In the novel, on the one hand, Hopkins was resentful that his talent was not met, and on the other hand, he was desperate, so he chose to cooperate with drug trafficking groups.

But now, Pang Xuelin not only solved his most pressing economic crisis, but also promised to help him build a marine biology laboratory after the Werner family was eliminated, and a senior executive from Caltech.

In terms of fame and fortune, this is not what the Werner family can give, and he naturally will not let go of him and cooperate with the Werner family.

Little Werner gave Hopkins a hot look and said, "Professor Pang, is this how you say?"

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Why, do you think Poseidon can't solve your dilemma?"

"No, Professor Pang, what I want to say is that you and Professor Hopkins are really geniuses and wish us a happy cooperation!"

The three discussed the specific cooperation plan on the yacht before returning to Los Angeles.


That night, at the home of Pang Xuelin, Hopkins discussed the next plan.

Hopkins was curious: "Professor Pang, why do you want to cooperate with Werner Jr., with our ability, we can directly deal with Werner's yacht."

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and said, "Do you know the exact location of Werner Yachts on the Atlantic Ocean?"

Hopkins couldn't help it.

Pang Xuelin said: "With Werner's caution, satellite positioning may not be turned on when their ships are cruising in the upper reaches of the Atlantic Ocean, and there are more than tens of millions of yachts sailing on the Atlantic Ocean every day. Positioning. Therefore, it is the best way to find Werner through Werner's relationship. "

Hopkins frowned: "At that time, our security issues were like this. These drug dealers were all a group of hungry wolves who did not blink. When we went in, it was almost like delivering food."

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Relax, we won't get on the ship at all. After determining the orientation of Werner's ship, I will directly kill Little Werner. As for you, stand by in Poseidon. Upon receiving me After sending the signal, they launched an attack on the Werner family's yacht. The way of attack, do you remember those biological torpedoes you once said? "

Hopkins couldn't help but react, with a strange expression: "No wonder you asked his father to take their family's private cruise to the West Coast when you talked to Werner Jr. today. Are you going to make a biological torpedo in a month ? "

"Why, is there a problem?"

"of course not!"

Hopkins proudly said.

In the following month, Pang Xuelin obtained 20 million US dollars in activity funds from Werner Jr. and said that he would carry out a preliminary transformation of Poseidon.

He later used the money to rent an aquarium in San Francisco and purchase a dozen more sharks as a temporary base for Hopkins.

Hopkins was very happy, and he seemed to be back at the scene of more than a decade ago when he was crying in the Naval Experimental Research Institute.

From time to time, Pang Xuelin will come to help Hopkins, find him to learn how to deal with biological neural signals, help build control algorithm models, and so on.

Time passed day by day, and a month passed.

Of the 17 sharks, only 7 were successfully transformed in the end, becoming the weapon of the two.

As for things like underwater explosives, it is not difficult for Pang Xuelin at all.

His skills in the chemical field are not weak, and he easily prepared more than 200 kilograms of explosives from various chemical raw materials.

For a civilian ship, these explosives are simply killing chickens.

After the explosives were tied to the sharks, the two drove the container trucks overnight into the sea in a container truck.

At this time, the Werner family's cruise ship has been waiting in the depths of the ocean on the west coast of the United States.


The next day Pang Xuelin returned to Pasadena, early in the morning, Werner Jr. drove a Ferrari ~ ~ and waited downstairs in Pang Xuelin's house.

"Professor Pang, please!"

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and got into the front passenger seat of Ferrari.

Soon, the roar of the engine sounded, and Ferrari started quickly, heading for the marina near Santa Monica, Los Angeles.

This time, in addition to Pang Xuelin and Little Werner, the man on the yacht also had a black bodyguard who was tall and two beautiful girls in cool clothes.

Before boarding the ship, the bodyguard also searched Pang Xuelin's body.

Werner Jr. apologized.

In this regard, Pang Xuelin just smiled and didn't say much.

When boarding the ship, Pang Xuelin also saw the pistol handle of the bodyguard hanging up when he picked up his coat.

Even Werner had a gun on his side.

The two didn't mean to avoid Pang Xuelin.

Next, the bodyguard was responsible for sailing, and Pang Xuelin and Werner and the two girls drank and played together in the deck area on the top of the boat.

"Professor Pang, my father's boat is about five hundred nautical miles from the Los Angeles coastline. We drove for a day and a night. It was boring during this time. I found two girls who were cheerful and cheerful. How about you choosing one?"

Pang Xuelin thought for a moment, and pointed to the white girl with a slightly delicate skin, and said, "Just her!"

"it is good!"

The two of them were leaning around a girl's waist while chatting and chatting while drinking.

At night, everyone started a barbecue dinner in the deck, eating meat and drinking.

After drinking almost all, Werner took his girl into the bedroom, Pang Xuelin motioned to the white girl who had been with him to go to rest first, and then he stood up and walked around, then in The deck area stayed for more than an hour before entering the cabin to sleep.

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