The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 220: Draft "Nature"

Next, Pang Xuelin accompanied Yao Bingxia to stay with his grandparents for a while.

Yao Bingxia can talk and be flattering. Grandpa and grandma almost treat her as a treasure on their hearts. Even Pang Xuelin has retreated to the second place.

I stayed at home for a week. On the last weekend in May, Pang Xuelin and Yao Bingxia set off for Beijing.

Yao Bingxia's father is the captain of the civil aviation, and his mother also works in the airline, and the couple are busy working.

However, my daughter took her son-in-law home, and the two of them took a three-day vacation to entertain Pang Xuelin.

I am naturally satisfied that my daughter can stay with Pang Xuelin.

Xi Pang Xuelin's position in the mathematics world is now almost towards the first person in history.

Such a son-in-law who holds the title of mathematician has a presence everywhere.

Xi Pang Xuelin stayed in Beijing for a week. Yao Bingxia also returned to school to take the final exam. He could not accompany Pang Xuelin to return to Jiangcheng.

Before he left, Pang Xuelin invited Yao Bingxia's housemates to have a meal together, which was officially declared his sovereignty over the Emperor Dance School.

When Peng Xuelin returned to Jiangcheng, it had already passed the Children's Day.

In the evening, Pang Xuelin was slowly combing through the results of his journey from several worlds in his apartment building.

不必 MOSS and quantum computers naturally need not be said. Their combination has become a weapon that they can rely on when adventuring in other worlds.

The remaining one is his neutrino technology in the world of Whale Song, and the other two are the application of high-purity carbon nanotube materials and high-purity graphene materials.

High-purity carbon nanotube technology can be developed in two major areas, one is ultra-high-strength materials, and the other is carbon-based chips that can change the entire integrated circuit industry chain.

Ultra high-strength materials have a very wide application space in the aerospace and infrastructure construction fields.

Carbon-based chips are an achievement sufficient to change the existing integrated circuit industry structure.

As for high-purity graphene materials, it can be further extended to graphene superconductors and graphene batteries with ultra-high energy storage density. Its importance is enough to change human energy structure.

The last neutrino technology, its greatest significance is not the neutrino detector shown in the whale song world, but the neutrino communication.

Plutonium neutrinos are not faster than the speed of vacuum light, but their characteristics can make them a superior communication medium than electromagnetic waves.

First, neutrinos rarely react with other substances, which allows neutrinos to penetrate the formation, the ocean and the ionosphere, and to achieve communication regardless of the obstruction of the medium.

Second, neutrinos have good directivity, and no attenuation will occur during propagation. Long-distance relayless communication can be realized.

If neutrino communication is mature, communication operators can eliminate the need to build base stations everywhere, and a small number of base stations can achieve dead-end communication worldwide.

At this time, various types of communication satellites, submarine optical cables, and microwave relay stations are all installed.

In addition, neutrino communication can also optimize the long-distance communication delay. Since neutrinos can directly pass through the ground and the ocean without relays, global communication does not have to go through half a circle as it now requires layer-by-layer relays.

Finally, the channel resources are greatly expanded. Although in the real world, there is currently no way to effectively measure the wavelength of neutrinos.

But in the whale song world, scientists have determined the wavelength of neutrinos, and their channel resources are several orders of magnitude higher than the electromagnetic wave communication under current conditions.

Finally, in the field of deep space communication, neutrino communication will not make any significant contribution to the delay, but it can greatly improve the communication efficiency.

Each of these technologies can be said that each development will be sufficient to change the existing international political and economic structure.

However, there is a problem in it.

That is to say that in each direction, huge human and material resources and scientific research funds are required to study.

However, this is not what Pang Xuelin can decide.

Although Pang Xuelin has established his position in the mathematics world, he is still a young man in other fields.

It is impossible for the country to easily change the technological layout in other industries because of his achievements in mathematics.

Aside from that, the National Integrated Circuit Fund, which has reached a scale of 300 billion yuan, is a big man in the mathematical world, and it is basically impossible for people to turn huge investments in silicon-based chips into carbon-based chips.

I mostly look at Pang Xuelin's face and do some preliminary research for thirty to fifty million.

In addition, the academic world is also talking about the mountain.

放在 If it was placed in the 1990s, when China could not produce a few CNS-level papers every year, with Pang Xuelin's academic achievements, it would indeed convince the country's top leaders to determine the overall national technology investment pattern.

But now, under the circumstances that China's annual CNS papers have already broken by a hundred, which big man is not holding a few heavyweight papers.

Some are international top academic leaders.

These people are not what Pang Xuelin can control.

Therefore, after all, I still have the strength to speak.

Only if the country is made aware of the hope that breakthroughs in carbon nanotubes, graphene, and neutrino communication really exist in these major areas, can huge investments be made.

It is just this problem that cannot be solved in a short time.

To say the least, I have only submitted a paper to Nature's "Characterization and Preparation of High-Purity Carbon Nanotubes" and have not received any response so far.

Pang Xuelin was thinking whether to contact the editor of Nature through an acquaintance to inquire about the review progress ~ ~. The voice suddenly sounded: "Professor Pang, the paper you submitted online has been submitted for review. "

As soon as Pang Xuelin was a little surprised, the page on the computer automatically jumped to the page for online submission.

There is a receipt email on it.

Dear Professor Pang,


The paper "Characterization and Preparation of High-Purity Carbon Nanotubes" submitted by you has passed the review, and will be published online in NatureOnline with immediate effect, and will be published in the form of Article in the latest issue of Nature published next week. I congratulate you and your team.

In addition, there is another question I would like to take the liberty to ask, are you Professor Pang Xuelin from the Department of Mathematics, Jiangcheng University?

I wish you all the best.

主 Editor-in-chief of Nature Magazine: Carl Zimmeris

When Pang Xuelin saw the last question, he couldn't help it. He laughed and replied, "It's me!"

Next, Pang Xuelin picked up the phone and dialed Li Changqing's phone.

He quickly picked up the phone: "Professor Pang, what's wrong?"

Pang Xuelin smiled: "Professor Changqing, I just received a reply, the manuscript has been published in" Nature "!"


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