The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 223: The strongest doctoral dissertation in Chinese history

At the same time as Pang Xuelin's response, Xu Xingguo, Li Changqing, Ye Xingmin, and several other doctoral students participating in the experiment also voiced through various channels.

Xu Xingguo and Li Changqing, who do not have social platform accounts, even opened a special Weibo account.

Xu Xingguo, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: "Professor Pang is the most gifted scholar I have ever met. In October last year, he ran over to me, hoping to take another graduate student in materials science. At that time, I was a little worried that he was working I can take care of it, but I didn't expect that he has taught himself all the material science courses from undergraduate to postgraduate level. To this end, we have specially organized teachers to assess Professor Pang, a total of 20 professional courses, ten full marks , Five scores above 95, the lowest one is 92. So our college decided that as long as Professor Pang can complete a thesis of more than two districts, he can award a doctorate. As a result, Professor Pang directly gave a Nature grade. The experimental scheme successfully convinced me and Professor Li Changqing. In the end, our college formed a small team headed by Associate Professor Ye Xingmin, and led the preparation of high-purity carbon nanotubes with Professor Pang ... "

Changjiang Scholar Li Changqing: "Many people say that Professor Pang grabbed my research results. Here I have to clarify that all experimental ideas and schemes were designed independently by Professor Pang. I just selected some people in my laboratory. Help Professor Pang to set up an experimental team. In fact, after the experiment was successful, Professor Pang also invited me to co-sign on the paper. I do n’t think I have done anything in this project, so I did n’t agree. But in the follow-up research of carbon nanotubes I will cooperate with Professor Pang for further research ... "

Ye Xingmin, associate professor of Jiangda Materials Engineering College: "Professor Pang is a real genius. This project has encountered many difficulties in the research process. It was Professor Pang who led us to solve them one by one. Without Professor Pang, such a result would not be possible at all. ... "

An experimental dog: "To be honest, I am not qualified to evaluate Professor Pang's accomplishments in the field of materials science. In short, if we encounter any problems in research and experiments, as long as we go to Professor Pang, we will get the answer ..."


As Pang Xuelin, Xu Xingguo, Li Changqing and others successively spoke on social platforms, online public opinion quickly reversed.

Tencent News: "Pang Xuelin has a strong face and elbows. If you can't do it yourself, it doesn't mean that I can't!"

Global Website: "Professor Xingguo Xu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor Changqing Li, a Changjiang scholar, have publicly supported Professor Pang, saying that Professor Pang is a genius!"

Netease News: "Mathematics domineering + materials domination, once you make a shot in the field of materials science, it is a long article in" Nature ", which is the difference between genius and mortal."

Observer: "The strongest doctoral dissertation in Chinese history has appeared, and there have been many geniuses in history, such as De Broglie, who won a Nobel prize in physics for a doctoral dissertation. Professor Pang's high purity The preparation and characterization of carbon nanotubes, although not to that extent, is enough to rank among the top few doctoral dissertations in history. It is definitely unique in the history of domestic universities in China. "


Under the updated Weibo post by Pang Xuelin, in just a few hours, the retweets exceeded 100,000, and the comments also broke 10,000.

"Professor Pang's‘ so you can only be your science writer ... ’, it ’s so malicious, is this God mocking mortals?”

"Sure enough, the world of God, mortals don't understand!"

"Worshipping Pang God, surely the cattle will be cattle everywhere!"

"The final exam is coming soon. Give Pang Shen a pillar of incense and ask Bless him!"

"Trust God, don't worry!"


And more netizens, ran to the face of the square elbow Weibo directly.

"Haha, I laughed to death, is this typical of pretending that X can't be reversed by C?"

"Dare to touch the porcelain **** Pang Shen, but in the end he slaps and can't find the North elbows!"

"MMP, self-study material science, a total of 20 professional courses, ten full marks, five 95 or more points, the lowest one, 92 points ... Is this still a human? I seem to have read a fake material science ..."

"I think the square elbow is a bit pitiful, and my face has been swollen. I don't delete Weibo until now."

"Fang elbow quickly delete the blog and apologize, who are you to provoke is not good, but you have to provoke Pang God!"


However, netizens did not wait for Fangzi to apologize.

Six hours after Pang Xuelin issued a reply statement, Fang Yunzi's Weibo account suddenly disappeared.

Some netizens who have been unhappy with Fang elbow have been applauding one by one.

"Fucked, the square elbow was actually titled."

"Deserve it, this is the price to provoke Pang God!"

"Don't look at who Pang Shen is, if you want to vilify a top scientist in China, you deserve to be named!"

"It's been a long time since Fang elbow was upset ... I feel relieved now!"


Pang Xuelin was not aware of the disturbances on Weibo, nor did he know that a Weibo V was directly deleted because of his own affairs.

At this moment, he is looking at the new manuscript of the new moon and Perelman discussing his textbook of Ponzi Geometry ~ ~ I think this textbook is not a problem. It explains the theoretical core of Ponzi Geometry and explains Applications in solving partial differential equations can be directly used as textbooks for undergraduates. "

Mochizuki new together.

Pang Xuelin turned his attention to Perelman.


Perelman still cherishes words.

Pang Xuelin said: "Okay, since you all think it's okay, I will let the school publish it as soon as possible. By the way, the last time I asked you to sort out the discussion papers, how did you sort out?

The Ponzi Geometry Workshop has been held for almost half a year since the beginning of the year.

Sometimes Pang Xuelin was not in school, and was co-chaired by Mochizuki Shinichi and Perelman.

Because the Ponzi Geometry Workshop has members from all over the world, the main working language in the workshop is English.

Mochizuki Shinichi's English is okay, and communication is basically fine.

Perelman's English is a bit general, but this guy doesn't have much to say. Whenever it is his turn to publish an article or opinion in a seminar, he directly comes to the stage to write his own results on the blackboard.

After all, mathematics is the best language for mathematicians.

Therefore, the seminar has been progressing smoothly since the beginning of the year.

Moreover, the thinking of these top scholars from all over the world collided with each other, and the seminar has produced a lot of academic results.

In the first half of this year alone, Jiang ’s Ponzi geometry workshop has published five articles on Ponzi geometry in four major journals. Such a yield has directly made Jiang ’s Department of Mathematics a global Ponzi geometry study. The center, if this continues, it will not be surprising that a Ponzi geometry school will be born in the future.

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