Pang Xuelin naturally did not know the story that happened inside eto.

He is busy writing his thesis now.

The three-body world is in peril, and he wants to be elected as a face-off, but he can't hide anymore.

The following month, Ponzi geometry theory and abc conjecture proved that the application of Ponzi geometry in solving nonlinear partial differential equations, three papers, each of which is enough to cause a large earthquake in the mathematical world, one after another On arxiv.

After Psd's conjecture, Pang Xuelin's name resounded throughout the academic circle.

The title of Pang Shen also began to spread among young college students in China.

Although the three-body crisis weighed on everyone's mind, another top mathematician in the country is something that every Chinese and even all human beings are happy to see.

Only this time, after Pang Xuelin's article was published, the whole person was hidden from the gods. Numerous universities and research institutions around the world sent him invitations, hoping that he could do a report meeting, but he would still sink into the sea without receiving any response.

Even Peking University where he teaches is no exception.

There are not many reports about Pang Xuelin in the media. Even if there are, they basically praise his academic achievements.

At this time, Pang Xuelin was pushing Zhuang Yan and walking leisurely on the lawn downstairs in the 301 Special Care Unit.

The wind is not strong today, and the winter sun shines on people, giving a warm feeling.

In addition to Zhuang Yan's sick clothes, a short down jacket was set on her head. She also wore a cute pom-pom hat on her head, her arms opened, her head slightly raised, and she seemed to enjoy the breeze.

Pang Xuelin pushed Zhuang Yan to the edge of a forest, and then pulled out the drawing board stuck behind the wheelchair to help Zhuang Yan set up and prepare her watercolor paints.

Since being hospitalized, Zhuang Yan's greatest pleasure is to go out and sketch in the company of Pang Xuelin every few days.

She was originally a student at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

But painting has been her hobby since she was a child. Therefore, as long as she was in the ward, she could not wait any longer, and turned around to go outside.

At first, Zhuang's mother didn't quite agree.

Later, after asking the attending doctor's opinion, he agreed that Zhuang Yan would go out once the weather was good, stay outside for two or three hours, take a walk, and draw a picture or something.

"Zhuang Yan."


"It's New Year's Eve in a few days. Do you want to go home for New Year's Eve?"

"Can I?"

Zhuang Yan was a little surprised, and his black and white eyes stared at Pang Xuelin's road blinking.

After staying in the hospital for more than a month, she was a little tired.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Relax, I'll talk to the doctor, I'm sure it's OK!"

"Big brother, thank you so much!"

"Little thing!"

Pang Xuelin laughed.

For more than a month, Pang Xuelin came to the hospital to visit Zhuang Yan every few days, and the relationship between the two quickly became familiar.

Even the mother of Zhuang, because of Pang Xuelin's proposal to let Zhuang Yan hibernate, wait until the future medical technology matures before waking her up for surgery, has a much better attitude towards Pang Xuelin.

Regarding the hibernation, Pang Xuelin asked the experts' opinions through the relationship of Da Shi, and the experts suggested that it is best to wait for two or three years, and wait for the recovery of Zhuang Yan's surgery to be almost complete.

Therefore, neither Pang Xuelin nor Zhuang Mu told Zhuang Yan about hibernation.

"Yes, Big Brother, I saw your news on TV these two days. I heard that you have solved several mathematical conjectures recently?"

Zhuang Yan traced on the drawing paper with a pen while chatting with Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "These papers have been accumulated before, and they just happened to be issued during this time."

Zhuang Yan said: "Then you often come to the hospital during this time, did not interfere with your work?"

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Rest assured, it's okay. My job mainly depends on inspiration. When I'm inspired, maybe I can solve a problem in half a day. Without inspiration, even if I explode at the desk for a few days and nights, It's useless. And I'm bored at home. I just came to chat with you. "

"Oh, that's the case. Then you have to accompany me more. I'm bored to death every day at the hospital."


The two sat on the grass talking and laughing, chatting easily.

Pang Xuelin liked this feeling very much. After a long contact with Zhuang Yan, he found that the girl's mind was very clear.

It doesn't mean that she doesn't understand human nature.

It was that she understood everything, but was more open-minded than anyone else, and she was very open-minded and cheerful.

Under normal circumstances, a girl like her is suddenly paralyzed in bed one day, and her life cannot be taken care of herself.

Either become sensitive to inferiority, be introverted or autistic, or become resentful and self-relieving.

Only her, as if nothing had happened, is still as usual.

Even better than her mother.

Of course, sometimes, Zhuang Yan also has some young daughter's temper, but it is not annoying, but it gives people a lovely feeling.

Sometimes Pang Xuelin even wondered if he was really wrong.

This girl is just an ordinary girl who is just graduating from college, and is not a female spy at all.

Accompanying Zhuang Yan to paint on the lawn for more than an hour, Shi Qiang hurried to Pang Xuelin and whispered in his ear.

Zhuang Yan looked up nicely and said, "Huge brother, is there something wrong with you? If there is something, go ahead and get busy."

Pang Xuelin laughed: "It's okay. I have a friend here. I'll see him. If you want to go back to the room, let the staff push you back."

"Big brother, go to it ~ ~ I will draw a little more!"

Pang Xuelin nodded, followed Shi Qiang into a quiet conference room of the hospital, and found that Kanter, a senior UN official who had met before, had been waiting there for a long time.

"Mr. Kanter, long time no see!"

Pang Xuelin stepped forward and shook hands with Kanter.

"Professor Pang, I'm glad to see you again. I heard that you have been assassinated by eto. Ms. Say and I are startled. Thank God, you are fine. Ms. Say asked me to represent you to you. say hello!"

"Thank you Ms. Say for your care!" Pang Xuelin said, "Mr. Kanter, is there anything important for you to come here this time?"

Kanter smiled: "Professor Pang, I will be working next to you as your liaison officer."

Pang Xuelin froze for a moment, as if thinking of something, saying, "Noodle wall plan is about to start?"

Kanter said: "Countries have reached an agreement in principle on the face wall plan. At present, the Planetary Defense Council (dc) is conducting further consultations on the" face wall planner bill. "As the author of the face wall plan, we hope that you will Advice on some of the details of the Face-to-Face Act. "

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "Okay, if you have any questions, you can always ask me."

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