The arrival of Kanter did not change Pang Xuelin's life track in a short time.

Although various countries in the face wall plan have reached a consensus, there are still many issues that need to be discussed in terms of the rights and selection of face wall people.

Among the four face-ups are former US Secretary of Defense Friedrich Taylor, former President of Venezuela, Manuel Rediyaz, who has performed well in the fight against US aggression, and former EU President Bill Seans. , Seans is not only a politician, but also an outstanding scientist. He has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology and the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering that the brain's thinking and memory activities are performed at the quantum level. The last person to face the wall was prompted by Ye Wenjie to prepare a series of sociology of the universe.

Of these four, Taylor represents the interests of the United States, Manuel Rediaz represents the interests of Russia and the third world countries, Bill Seans represents the interests of Europe, and Luo Ji undoubtedly represents the interests of China.

Pang Xuelin didn't know if Luo Ji had entered the attention of the Planetary Defense Council because of ETO's assassination. If not, it is better to say that if there are, then there are two candidates from China who face the wall.

As the author of the face wall plan, as well as the world's top mathematician, coupled with the former ETO membership, I have enough persuasion to become a face wall person.

Not to mention Luo Ji, the fact that the triad alone ordered ETO to assassinate Luo Ji was enough to allow Luo Ji to enter the ranks of the wall.

Therefore, whether China can get two face-to-face positions depends on the government's game in the PDC (Planetary Defense Council).

However, one point Pang Xuelin is certain that at present, his own treatment is not only showing no sign of reduction. Even after Kanter came, Pang Xuelin has even further improved in terms of security and other aspects of treatment.

Originally, Zhuang Yan knew that Pang Xuelin was alone in this world, and thought about inviting Pang Xuelin to go to her house for New Year's Eve.

It failed to pass the security review.

In the end, Pang Xuelin talked to Li Yao and decided to eat New Year's Eve at Xishan Villa on New Year's Eve.

So, on New Year's Eve, the couple Li Yao and Wang Miao brought their sons together, Zhuang Yan and her mother were also invited to come, together with the staff in the villa and Kanter, who almost became Pang Xuelin's personal assistant, the crowd gathered We had dumplings together for Chinese New Year dinner to watch the Spring Festival Gala. It was a lively Spring Festival.

After the Spring Festival, Pang Xuelin was again busy.

Except for passing Kanter occasionally and expressing some specific opinions and suggestions on the "Faceman Act", most of the rest of the time, he was soaked in macrophysics essays.

In this world, the biggest difference between the basic science field and the real world is the discovery of macroatoms.

The so-called macro atom refers to an atom that is visible in the macro.

This is the black technology shown in Liu Cixin's "Spherical Lightning", but the world of "Spherical Lightning" and "Three-body" is on the same plane. Therefore, the existence of macro-atom technology has also been mentioned in the three-body.

The nucleus of a macro atom exists in the form of a two-dimensional string. There is no entity. It can only be observed by refracting visible light. The macro electron exists in the form of "cavitation". .

A macroelectron excited by energy is in a quantum state without an observer, and all of it can only be described by probability, and the probability of being excited is very small.

In this, humans destroyed by macroelectronics (spherical lightning) did not die, but lived in another world like a "ghost", and only a small probability will appear in this world. (Because it collapses when observed, explaining the existence of the soul)

To this end, Pang Xuelin specially found the discoverer of the macro atom, Ding Yi, the Nobel Prize winner in physics, and wanted to ask him if there was a way to shield Tomoko from the macro atom.

In the evening, Pang Xuelin, Kanter and Ding Yi were sitting on the terrace of Xishan Villa, chatting while drinking tea.

"Shield Tomoko monitoring?"

When Pang Xuelin proposed this idea, Ding Yi held his iconic big pipe and fell into contemplation.

After a long time, Ding Yi shook his head and said, "In fact, until now, our understanding of macroatoms was quite basic, and after the advent of Tomoko, we also interfered with related experiments of macroatoms, so I didn't think of any suitable way to go Block Tomoko. "

Pang Xuelin nodded, not surprised by this answer.

In the face, Frederick Taylor, who wanted to deal with the trisomy with a ball lightning weapon, finally got the answer, "The Lord doesn't care."

This can also indirectly show that the study of macroatoms by trisomy people may go far beyond human imagination.

Even in the third part of the three-body "Death of Eternal Life", there is a saying that macroelectronics (spherical lightning) are formed by the low-dimensional expansion of microelectronics.

According to string theory, the universe is composed of eleven dimensions of space-time, ten dimensions of which are spatial dimensions and one dimension of time.

The reason we see three-dimensional cosmic space is because the remaining seven dimensions are curled into microscopic particles.

In the early universe of the three-body world, the cosmic space presented a ten-dimensional form.

In a ten-dimensional universe, the speed of light is infinite. Light travels from one end of the universe to the other in an instant.

But later, due to the war between civilizations, the dimensionality of the universe continued to shrink, resulting in the continuous collapse of the macroscopic dimension of the universe, eventually forming a three-dimensional universe that is now visible to the human eye.

The speed of light has also been reduced due to dimensionality reduction, and it has now become 300,000 kilometers per second.

In the third part, those who are lucky enough to enter the four-dimensional space will have an unspeakable sense of depression when they return to the three-dimensional universe. This is the so-called three and three hundred thousand syndrome.

We usually feel the vast expanse of the cosmic space, isn't it a cage for us.

The three chatted for another day on the terrace, and the staff came to tell Pang Xuelin that dinner was ready.

"Professor Ding, let's go to dinner first and continue talking after dinner."

"it is good!"

Ding Yi stood up with a smile and followed Pant Xuelin into the restaurant with Kanter.

Dinner is a simple four dishes and one soup. The chef's skill is very good. Although the ordinary home-cooked dishes, it always gives people a distinctive feeling.

There is a TV in the restaurant, everyone is watching TV news while eating.

"A few days ago, the Planetary Defense Council (PDC) began to vote on the" Faced Wall Act ", of which 13 votes agreed and two abstentions. The" Faced Wall Act "will be submitted to the UN General Assembly for consideration ..."

"At 18:30 EST, the U.S. National Strategic Missile Defense (NMD) successfully conducted a test exercise to destroy Tomoko deployed in low-dimensional orbit. This is the first time the NMD system has turned the interception direction into space. In three tests, the target was a reflective film discarded from the International Space Station last October. A spokesman for the Planetary Defense Council (PDC) said that the interceptor with a nuclear warhead successfully destroyed the target. The target area is about 3,000 square meters, and That is to say, before the three-dimensionally unfolded Tomoko far from reaching enough area to form a reflector that threatens human targets on the ground, the NMD system has the confidence to destroy it ... "

"According to the reporter of this station in the United Nations Secretariat, the UN spokesman announced at the just-concluded UN press conference that the issue of fugitiveism will be discussed at the recent special session of the UN General Assembly. The co-ordination of the Council and the permanent members aims to urge the international community to reach consensus on the issues of fugitiveism and the publicization of technology and to formulate corresponding international law! "

Fugitiveism, as the name suggests, means that humans fled the solar system ahead of time before the tri-squadron arrived.

Shortly after the emergence of the idea of ​​runawayism, there were multiple media reports worldwide: the United States and Russia, two space technology powers, have secretly started their own outer space escape plans.

Although both governments immediately and categorically denied that they had such a plan, it still caused a stir in the international community and thus triggered a "public technology" movement.

At the third special session of the General Assembly, many developing countries required the United States, Russia, Japan, China, and the European Union to disclose their technology, and to provide all advanced technologies, including aerospace technology, to the international community for free, so that all countries and The nation enjoys equal opportunities in the face of the three-body crisis.

The "Technical Publicization" campaign received unanimous responses from developing countries and even some EU member states, but related proposals were rejected at the UN Planetary Defense Council meeting.

Since then, China and Russia put forward a proposal on "Limited Technology Publicization" at the Fifth Special General Assembly, advocating technology publicization among the permanent members of the Planetary Defense Council, which was immediately rejected by the United States and Britain.

The US government says that any form of technology publicization is unrealistic and naive, and even under the current circumstances, US national security is still "second only to the defense of the earth".

The failure of the "Limited Technology Publicization" proposal has also caused divisions among the technologically powerful nations, leading to the bankruptcy of the plan to build the United Earth Fleet.

The impact of the "publicization of technology" movement is profound, and it makes people realize that even in the face of the devastating trisomy crisis, the unity of mankind is still a distant dream.

The "publicization of technology" movement was triggered by Fugitiveism. Only when the international community reaches a consensus on Fugitiveism can it partially close the gaps that have been created between developed and developing countries, as well as between developed countries.

This special session of the General Assembly is about to be held in this context.


"In fact, we really should seriously consider the issue of escape. Under the premise that human advanced science is locked up by the wise man, it is meaningless to plan the defense of the earth and the solar system four and a half centuries later. Considering that human technology will be more than four in the future At a height that can be reached in the century, humans ’more realistic goal is to create an interstellar spacecraft, so that a small number of people can escape to outer space to avoid the complete extinction of humanity!"

In the restaurant, Ding Yi said.

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and said, "But who is leaving and who is staying?"

As soon as this was said, the restaurant was quiet again.

Under the premise that the three-body crisis has been announced globally, who will leave and who will stay has become the biggest problem. We must go with everyone, we must stay with everyone.

In the original work, this problem has been running through the crisis era, the deterrence era and the broadcast era, and later even international law forbids human flight.

Until the final strike of the dark forest, the complete extinction of humanity on earth, failed to solve this problem.

"Well, don't talk about this heavy topic, come, Professor Ding, Dr. Kanter, let's have a drink!"


The three clink glasses and drank.

At this time, a piece of news was again broadcast on the television: "According to the news just received by our reporter, our well-known aerospace expert, Prof. Xingxian Xi, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor Jiang Zhiwen, and Professor Bu Jiayi encountered a recent spacewalk. A micro meteorite rain, unfortunately sacrificed ... "

Pang Xuelin stayed for a while, holding a cup, watching the news on TV, and did not speak for a long time.

Ding Yi and Kanter quickly discovered his anomaly.

Kanter said: "Professor Pang, what's wrong?"

Pang Xuelin just came back to him, shook his head and said, "It's all right?"

Ding Yi was curious: "Professor Pang, do you know these sacrificed scholars?"

"No, I do n’t know, but I ’m just a little bit sad about the danger of space. We want to completely conquer space in the future, and we do n’t know how many sacrifice we will face!”

Ding Yi nodded, his face a little dignified, "Yeah, now in the space academy, the Rockets and the airless factions are fiercely arguing, and they don't know if their death will affect this debate. "

The corner of Pang Xuelin's mouth slightly tilted and he did not answer.

Of course, he knew that the meteorite rain was caused by man. The protagonist is another male lead in Dark Forest, and also the creator of the future galaxy human—Zhang Beihai!

Zhang Beihai created this micrometeorite rain precisely to kill these old-school academic authorities, so as to ensure that the non-working masses can obtain a true voice in the future space system.

Because the non-working medium spaceship is the best carrier for mankind to conquer the star sea in the future.

In the middle of it, Zhang Beihai forbeared restraint and determination.

He inherited from his father the future school of history (a school of scholars and soldiers, a reasonable deduction of the future of mankind)-mankind will lose!

But on the surface, he showed a firm triumphant idea, and even his boss and colleagues were a little puzzled, where did this triumphant idea come from.

However, because of this, he was selected as a member of the future political work task force and entered hibernation.

Two hundred years later, Zhang Beihai awakened before the start of the Dark Campaign. Fearing that the fleet would be controlled by the steel seal family (thought steel seal, invented by the facetist Bill Hearns), Zhang Beihai was selected as the "human choice" to be executed by AD captain.

However, this is exactly the opportunity that Zhang Beihai dreamed of.

At the moment of taking over the "Natural Selection", Zhang Beihai directly started the spacecraft and chose to escape by boat.

At the same time, the Asian Fleet dispatched four spacecraft to pursue the "Natural Selection" ~ ~, and the results of the Doomsday Battle also proved that Zhang Beihai's escape was correct.

As a result, the several surviving spaceships of humans formed the starship humans and became the seeds of future galactic humans.

Although in the later dark battles, several human remnants of the spacecraft broke out to fight for survival supplies, Zhang Beihai hesitated for a moment, and all crew members in the "natural selection" were killed.

But anyway, looking at the trilogy, Zhang Beihai's success is unmatched.

Compared to the collection of the Dark Forest Law, this is the true savior of human civilization.

He has never been officially awarded the title of "face wall person", but because of his inner sense of responsibility, he has become the most successful "face wall person" in history.

"Perhaps, if we have a chance in the future, we can cooperate."

Pang Xuelin's heart was dark.

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