The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 235: I'm a face-lifter

There was a smile on Pang Xuelin's face, and he could see that Say was deliberately hanging on to everyone's appetite!

If you are a face wall person, whether you are a "face wall plan" designer, a former ETO member, or a top mathematician, there are too many places worthy of media books and special books compared with the other four face wall people.

But this is exactly what Pang Xuelin wants to achieve.

Fame is very mysterious. Sometimes it seems useless, but sometimes fame can help people do great things.

In the original work, the face wall plan failed successively with each face wall person. Two hundred years later, it has become an ancient joke.

In order to verify the correctness of the dark forest theory, Luo Ji used the reflection effect of the sunglasses to send a piece of information about the position of a star 60 years away from the earth to the outer space. He was even ridiculed by future generations as a wizard from the East.

Pang Xuelin didn't want the face-to-face plan that he proposed, and eventually fell to such a point.

Therefore, from now on, he must make himself high-profile and become the leader of the wall plan.

When necessary, he even needs to interfere with the decisions of other face-to-face people.

He must convince everyone that the face-to-wall plan is really the only strategic plan that can save all humanity!

On the podium, Say's voice continued.

"After the three-body crisis, we noticed the fact that there is more and more evidence that more wise men are reaching the solar system and entering the earth, and this process is still ongoing. So, for the enemy and That is, the earth is now a completely transparent world. To them, everything in this world is ready to be read like an open book, and human beings have no secret at all. "

"At present, the mainstream defense plan that the international community has launched, whether it is its overall strategic thinking, or even the smallest technical and military details, is completely exposed to the enemy's vision, in all conference rooms, all file cabinets, Tomoko's eyes are everywhere in all computer hard disks and memories. A plan, a plan, a deployment, no matter how big or small, when they appear on the earth, they will be at the same time as the enemy commander four light years away. It has been shown that any form of communication within humans can lead to leaks. "

"But so far, humans still have secrets, and our secret is the inner world of each of us. Tomoko can understand human languages, can read printed text and information stored on various computer media at super high speed, but they cannot Read people's minds, so as long as they don't communicate with the outside world, everyone is an eternal secret to Tomoko, and this is the basis of the plan. "

"The core of the wall plan is to select a group of strategic planners and leaders. They rely entirely on their own thinking to formulate a strategic plan without any form of communication with the outside world. The plan ’s true strategic thinking, completed steps and final The purpose is only hidden in their brains. We call them face-wallers. In leading the implementation of these strategic plans, the thoughts and behaviors of the face-wallers towards the outside world should be completely illusions and carefully planned. Disguise, mislead, and deceit. What the face-offers want to mislead and deceive is the entire world, including the enemy and their own. Eventually, a huge and maze of illusions will be established. The enemy will lose the correct judgment in this maze, and try to Postpone its time to identify our true strategic intentions. "

"Facewallers will be granted high authority to enable them to mobilize and use a portion of the war resources already on the planet. In the execution of the strategic plan, the wallcoverers do not have to give any explanation of their actions and orders, regardless of How incomprehensible this behavior is. The actions of the facetakers will be monitored and controlled by the United Nations Planetary Defense Council, which is also the only body authorized to finally veto the facetakers' orders under the United Nations Facet Wall Act. "

"In order to ensure the continuity of the face wall plan, all face wall people will use hibernation technology to span time and reach the era of the final battle. During this period, when and under what circumstances will they wake up, how long will each wake period be? The facetists decide for themselves. For the next four centuries, the UN Facetling Bill will exist as an international law with the same status as the UN Charter, and it will guarantee the implementation of the facetaker's strategic plan together with corresponding laws formulated by various countries. "

"The people who face the wall will be the most difficult mission in the history of mankind. They are true soloists. They will completely close their hearts to the entire world and even the universe. What they can talk and communicate with them is spiritual. The only reliance is on themselves. They will shoulder this great mission and walk alone for a long time. Here, let me express their deep respect on behalf of human society. "

"Below, in the name of the United Nations, I will announce the five face-ups selected by the United Nations Planetary Defense Council ..."

"The first person to face the wall, Frederick Taylor!"

In the warm applause from the audience, Taylor calmly stepped onto the podium, shook hands with Say, then walked to the side, turned around, and faced the venue.

There was a faint smile on his face, and no one could see what the former US Secretary of Defense was thinking right now.

"The second faced man, Manuel Rediaz!"

The South American strongman stepped firmly onto the podium, his eyes glowing with hot light.

After shaking hands with Say, Rediyaz came to Taylor.

There was a whisper of whisper immediately in the audience, Rediaz has always been known for his anti-American stance.

This pair of former enemies is now one step away, not knowing what moths will happen.

Taylor smiled and stretched out his hand first, and said a few words to Rediyaz, then Rediyaz reached out to shake hands with Taylor, the two whispered a few words, and then separated, Rediyaz turned and stood by Taylor's body Aside.

"The third face-lifter, Bill Haynes!"

With a smile on his face, Bill Haynes walked up to the podium lightly. The scholarly bureaucrat, personable, and with an awe-inspiring temperament, was highly regarded internationally.

Seans shook hands with Say, Taylor, and Rediaz, then stood beside Rediaz.

Offstage, Seans' wife, Keiko Yamazaki, covered her mouth with both hands and looked at her husband with affection.

Pang Xuelin's eyes swept across Keiko's face. The couple was very interesting.

One is a face-breaker and the other is a wall-breaker.

Entangled for hundreds of years.

However, Pang Xuelin did not reveal the identity of the shirt Keiko in a short time.

In the future, thanks to the help of his wife, Seans made a mark of thought. (Steel Seal of Thought: That is, a proposition can be engraved into a person's brain through machinery and equipment, so that it can be convinced from the subconscious)

That thing will be of great use to Pang Xuelin in the future.

In the applause, Say's voice continued: "The fourth face-offer, Dr. Luo Ji!"

The scene suddenly calmed down. If it is not surprising that the first three face-lifters are internationally renowned figures, then the fourth face-lifter is surprising.

"Luo Ji, who is this guy?"

"It seems to be Chinese."

"Why did the Planetary Defense Council (PDC) choose him?"

"I don't know, maybe there is something extraordinary ..."

Someone was whispering in the audience.

Pang Xuelin turned his head and saw Luo Ji stood up in a daze when he heard his name, and then boarded the rostrum under the guidance of a UN official.

Pang Xuelin turned over and asked Kanter intentionally or unintentionally: "Who is this man and why did he choose him?"

Kanter shook his head and said, "I don't know, but the PDC has always chosen his own reasons."

Pang Xuelin smiled and didn't say more.

I'm afraid the unscrupulous brother did not expect that when he was grave sweeping his high school classmate Yang Dong last year, he encountered Ye Wenjie accidentally. His conversation with Ye Wenjie about cosmic sociology will bring such a huge change to his life. .

Luo Ji stepped onto the rostrum mechanically, shook hands with Say, and stood aggressively next to Seans.

Say continued with a smile: "Below, I will announce the fifth facet ..."

This time, Say did not just read the name of the other person like the first few face-offers, but first introduced a large section.

"The identity of the face wall person is quite special. It can be said that without him, there is no face wall plan! He is the founder of the face wall plan. He is a core member of the former ETO. It was with his help that we got the ETO. He is also a top mathematician on all the materials of the three-body civilization. In the past year, his theories and research results have pushed mankind to take a big step forward in the fields of mathematics and natural sciences. The youngest of the face wallists. He is our fifth face wall professor-Professor Pang Xuelin! "

Say's voice dropped, and there was an uproar at the scene.

Pang Xuelin slowly got up, his figure appeared on the big screen.

The eyes of everyone in the audience focused on him.

At this moment, not only the face-to-face conference, but everyone in the world who is watching the live broadcast, is focusing on Pang Xuelin.

Those media reporters who were writing excitement quickly turned their attention away from Luo Ji.

After all, compared with Luo Ji, whose reputation is not obvious, but has no amazing background, Pang Xuelin has too much to dig.

In particular, the status of a former ETO member is simply a treasure of news.


Beijing, the dining hall of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

While eating, Zhuang Yanzheng and his classmates watched the live broadcast on the TV.

When Say pronounced Pang Xuelin's name, and at the same time the scene shot on Pang Xuelin, Zhuang Yan stopped, and even the chopsticks in his hand fell on the dinner plate.

"Yan Yan, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, no ... nothing ..."

Zhuang Yan scrambled to pick up chopsticks.

"Hey, I didn't expect that we had two face-offers in China, and that Dr. Luo Ji was just too handsome. Professor Pang is so handsome. He is actually the founder of the face-off plan and a former ETO member. ... "

"Oh ... he's fine ..."

Zhuang Yan watched Pang Xuelin's figure on TV with a bit of a loss.

Although she had long guessed that Pang Xuelin's status was not ordinary, she did not expect that the other party would be the founder of the face-to-wall project, and even a former member of ETO.

"I don't know what Big Brother experienced in the past ..."

Zhuang Yan sighed in his heart.


With a faint smile on Pang Xuelin's face, he stepped onto the podium without hesitation and shook hands with Say.

"Ms. Say, you worked hard during this time!"

Say smiled: "I'm nothing, Professor Pang, I hope you and your face-to-wall plan will surprise us humans!"

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Sure!"

Then, Pang Xuelin shook hands with Taylor, Radiaz, Seans and Luo Ji.

When shaking hands with Luo Ji, perhaps because of the shock of announcing Pang Xuelin's identity just now, or because of the intimacy of both of them being Chinese, Luo Ji seemed to return from the persecution and said, "Professor Pang, you are The creator of the face wall plan, do you know why PDC chose me as the face wall person? "

Pang Xuelin shook his head: "Dr. Luo Ji, I also just knew all the candidates of the face wall person, but I think that since PDC chose you as the face wall person, there must be their reasons. You should try to find the answer by yourself."


Luo Ji nodded thoughtfully, and then he suddenly asked, "Can I reject this identity?"

Pang Xuelin looked at Luo Ji with a smile, "You can try."


Luo Ji nodded a little, he felt that Pang Xuelin's smile just now had a different meaning, but he didn't understand what it meant.

He has not realized the essence of the identity of the face wall person. The face wall person's mission does not need to solicit opinions from the candidates before being delivered. Once the face wall person's mission and status are given, it is impossible to refuse or give up.

This impossibility is not from someone's coercion ~ ~ but a cold logic determined by the nature of the wall plan.

The face wall plan requires that the face wall person can not only deceive the trisomy, but also the entire human race.

Therefore, when a person becomes a face wall, an invisible and impenetrable barrier is immediately established between him and ordinary people.

Even if the face wall person chooses to refuse, how do other people know if the face wall person is already working?

This is the core meaning of the Facade Plan. Its logic is cold and perverted, but it is as strong as the iron ring that locks Prometheus.

This is an irrevocable mantra, and it is impossible for the face-offers to break it by their own strength.

After identifying the candidates for the wall, Pang Xuelin was taken to the first row of the audience to sit down, and then went through a series of procedures.

In the end, Say announced that the planners had officially begun.


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