The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 239: This is part 1 of the plan

Cheng Xin stood up subconsciously, seeing everyone's eyes focused on her body, she was a little helpless at once, and a pretty face turned red.

"I ... my idea is ... yes ..."

"Don't be too nervous, we are just doing a preliminary discussion, you can express your ideas normally."

Pang Xuelin said.

Perhaps it was Pang Xuelin's eyes that were not as aggressive as they were at the beginning, and even brought a little encouragement.

Cheng Xin's emotions calmed down gradually and said, "I ... I think so. The resource that is currently most likely to be used, I think is nuclear weapons. Without technical breakthroughs, that is the largest human being can throw into space. Energy body. Imagine such a spaceship or detector with a huge radiating sail, which is a film that can be driven by radiation similar to a solar sail; not far behind the radiating sail, for a certain time Nuclear explosions occur at successive intervals ... "

Without waiting for Cheng Xin to finish, Vadim said: "This is impossible. If there are so many nuclear weapons on board, there is no way to propel them through a nuclear explosion!"

"No, the nuclear bomb is not on the spacecraft!" Cheng Xin shook his head. "The spacecraft is composed of sails and detectors, light as a feather, and easily accelerated by the radiation of a nuclear explosion."

After all, Cheng Xin took a dozen paper cups from the water dispenser behind him and placed them one by one on the table at equal distances.

"The nuclear bombs were distributed on the first short course of the spacecraft, and they were launched there in the traditional way."

With a pen, she moved along the row of cups: "The moment the spacecraft passed each nuclear bomb, the nuclear bomb exploded behind the sail, generating propulsion."

Pang Xuelin and Vader looked at each other.


Vader raised his hands gently.

Pang Xuelin just smiled, not surprisingly.

If she doesn't participate in politics, the girl does have a brilliant talent.

Cheng Xin glanced at Pang Xuelin secretly, seeing that Pang Xuelin didn't react very much, and was slightly disappointed in his heart.

She continued: "We can call this approach route advancement. This route is called the advance segment. It only takes up a very small part of the entire route. It is estimated by one thousand propulsion nuclear bombs and can be distributed from Earth to Jupiter The five astronomical units are even shorter, and the propulsion segment is compressed to within Mars' orbit. With current technology, this can be done. "

Pang Xuelin turned his eyes to Vader.

Wade admired: "This is really a good way, and more importantly, it is very cheap!"

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "That's true!"

The first step of this plan is to send a large number of nuclear bombs into Earth orbit. The delivery vehicles are ready-made, and only active ballistic missiles can be used.

The "Militia" and "Trident" series of the United States, the "Aspen" and "Blava" series of Russia, and the "Dongfeng" and "Julang" series of China can all send nuclear bombs directly into low earth orbit.

Even medium-range ballistic missiles and booster rockets can do just that.

After the three-body crisis, various countries have successively boarded agreements to reduce nuclear weapons on a large scale.

This method is much cheaper than dismantling and destroying missiles and nuclear warheads on the ground.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "In this scheme, each explosion of a nuclear bomb will increase the speed of the spacecraft by one level, much like climbing a ladder. Ms. Cheng Xin, what do you think of the ladder plan?"


Cheng Xin froze for a moment, and didn't seem to understand why Pang Xuelin sought his opinion.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "This plan was proposed by you, and of course you have the right to name it."

Cheng Xindao: "The ladder plan is very visual. Call it the ladder plan."

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "The next step is the problem of the detector itself."

Wade said: "Professor Pang, the people at the PIA Technology Planning Center have not yet come, but among the next, there are several top spacecraft design experts, including the Cassini detector designer. You see How about we discuss the detector after everyone comes? "

Pang Xuelin said: "Yes."

At this time, Vadim suddenly said: "Professor Pang, I think there is another important issue that we need to consider."

"what is the problem?"

Pang Xuelin froze slightly.

Vadim said: "The detection effect of the detector! You know, even if the detector is not captured by the enemy ship, but the detector does not have the ability to slow down, taking into account the deceleration of the trisomy fleet, the two sides will also be at least at the speed of light. The relative speed of the fifth pass by. In this way, the detection window will become very narrow. Due to the quality limit of the detector, it is impossible to perform active detection such as radar, and only passive detection of information reception. Acceptable The information is mainly electromagnetic waves, and the enemy's communication has certainly not used electromagnetic waves for a long time. Instead, it uses neutrinos or gravitational waves, which are currently beyond the reach of human technology. There is also an important reason: due to the existence of Tomoko, the detector plans to start from scratch The tail is completely transparent to the enemy, making the chances of success even slimmer. In short, compared to the huge investment in the plan, the gain is small and more symbolic ... "

Vadim did not continue, but everyone knew what he meant.

Although in accordance with the "Face Wall Act," the Planetary Defense Council is unlikely to veto the exploration program led by Pang Xuelin.

However, the resources needed for this plan and the significance of the plan itself are questionable.

For a time, not only Vadim, Wade and Cheng Xin also turned their eyes to Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Who said that I would install a detection instrument on the detector."

Vadim and Cheng Xin are both one.

Pang Xuelin continued: "I want to send someone over, if the detector is too small to fit the next person, then-only the brain!"

Vadim stayed for a moment, subconsciously turning to Vader.

Such words seemed to be spoken only by Vader in the past.

At this moment, he felt that Pang Xuelin and Wade were exactly like each other.

Wade was so envious that he even had an idea to talk to Pang Xuelin for a long night. The face-to-face man in front of his eyes seemed to fit his appetite.

Cheng Xin looked at Pang Xuelin inconceivably, his mouth opened slightly.

Only send the brain! !! !!

These words shook her brain, making her involuntarily hit a shock, and the whole person seemed to be electrocuted.

She stepped back subconsciously, trying to stay away from Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin ignored the response of the crowd. In the original work, the ladder plan chose to send a brain to the three-body world because of the insufficient carrying capacity of the detector.

The master of this brain is the hidden male lord, who licks the dog Yun Tianming at the abyss level.

Yun Tianming is a classmate of Cheng Xin, a filigree man with advanced cancer.

In the last stage of his life, he got an unexpected fortune, which coincided with Ms. Say's proposal for the stars, so Yun Tianming bought a star and gave it to Cheng Xin, who had been in secret for a long time.

However, Cheng Xin, who knew nothing about it, knew that he had a classmate with advanced cancer and an aerospace background. When he happened to be eligible for the ladder program, he came to Yun Tianming and asked him to agree to participate in the ladder program.

Yun Tianming, who was as dead as a heart, finally agreed to Cheng Xin's request. After his brain was removed, he was put into a detector and sent to the enemy's heart.

Hundreds of years later, in the broadcast era, Yun Tianming, which was resurrected through cloning technology, has a high status within the three-body civilization.

At that time, due to gravitational broadcasting, the coordinates of the earth and the three-body civilization in the universe had been exposed. The three-body civilization was even hit by the dark forest. Only less than one-thousandth of the population fled from Alpha Centauri.

In order to allow human civilization to continue, Yun Tianming compiled the fairy tale for a long time, and took the opportunity of meeting with Cheng Xin to send back information to the earth to avoid the attack of the dark forest.


But this time, Pang Xuelin was preparing to send a brain to the three-body civilization, not for intelligence.

As a traversal with a perspective of God, most of the plot Pang Xuelin happened in the trilogy of "Three Body" is clear to his heart.

The reason why he decided to launch the detector into the three-body world is to do more for the future.

With his control, the worst situation between human civilization and three-body civilization is nothing but a long confrontation.

But this was not the result he wanted.

After all, three-body civilization, like human civilization, is an ant that can be crushed to death at any time in this universe where the top civilization is raging and various laws of physics and mathematics have been weaponized.

The lowest-level cleaner in a singer's civilization can easily incorporate the solar system into a two-dimensional giant painting.

An unbelievable light particle can instantly destroy the Alpha Centauri star, making the three-body world a sea of ​​fire and purgatory.

The immediate neighbors of human civilization and three-body civilization need to warm up in groups, not kill each other in love.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin needs a person, a person who can penetrate the three-body world and observe the three-body civilization up close, so that it can become the link between the two civilizations.

Yun Tianming in Eternal Life is undoubtedly a qualified candidate.


"Well, Mr. Vadim, you and Ms. Cheng Xin will go first. I have something to talk to Director Wade."

The general plan of the ladder plan has been determined, and the remaining technical details will naturally not be discussed until the technical staff are all available.

Pang Xuelin directly drove Vadim and Cheng Xin away. When he and Vader remained in the office, Pang Xuelin said: "Let Vadim go!"

Wade was startled, and before opening the drawer subconsciously, before realizing the pistol, he realized that he was not acting properly and looked up at Pang Xuelin: "Professor Pang, I don't understand what you mean?"

Pang Xuelin smiled: "When I said just to send the brain, you subconsciously took a look at Vadim. You think Vadim is a qualified candidate. With a background in aerospace and long-term work in the intelligence department, these are all tiles. Jim's advantage. But Vadim is your colleague, he has his own family, and I don't want PIA to have a bottomless director. Director Wade, sometimes it is good to do things and keep an eye on a goal, but Just after the easy break, I hope that your unscrupulous methods can be applied to the enemy, not our own! In addition, the world is so large, it is not difficult to find a suitable candidate, are you right? "

Wade stared at Pang Xuelin with a pair of eyes, if not for the identity of the opposite party, he would now take out a gun to kill Pang Xuelin.

This person is almost like a demon, he feels that he is completely seen by the other person.

It took a while before Vader pulled his hand out of the drawer, holding a cigar in his hand.

A click.

The cigar lit again, and Vader took a deep breath: "Professor Pang, if you are fine, please go back and wait until the people at the Technical Planning Center are here. I will invite you to the technical seminar."

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Director Vader, you don't have to be so wary of me. I'm very optimistic about you. I hope we will have a happy future cooperation."

Speaking, Pang Xuelin turned around and just came to the door of the office. Pang Xuelin stopped and turned around and said, "Director Wei De, I want to borrow someone from you ..."

"Is that the girl?" Vader paused and said, "You are a face-off, you have authority to transfer anyone!"


Pang Xuelin then turned and went out.

Kanter, who had been waiting outside the door, greeted him immediately.

"Professor Pang, where are we going next?"

"Go back to the hotel!"

Surrounded by Kanter and the guards, the people went downstairs in a mighty manner. As soon as he reached the stairs on the first floor, Pang Xuelin saw Cheng Xin walking out of an office holding a cardboard box with some difficulty.

"Professor Pang!"

Cheng Xin saw Pang Xuelin and hid subconsciously.

I don't know why, she felt a little scared from the bottom of her heart.

"Ms. Cheng Xin, can I invite you to dinner?"

Pang Xuelin looked at Cheng Xindao with a smile.

"Ah ..." Cheng Xin's eyes widened, and it took him a while to return to his mind, and he quickly said, "Professor Pang, don't ... don't need it ?!"

"Where do you send this carton?"

"Watt ... Director Vadim asked me to move this box to his office on the second floor."

I don't know why, Cheng Xin always felt that Pang Xuelin looked at her, as if she was a beast chosen by others, which made her terrified.

Pang Xuelin glanced at the guard next to her. Someone immediately went up to take the cardboard box from Cheng Xin and helped her accomplish this task.

Pang Xuelin slowly walked to Cheng Xin and said again, "Ms. Cheng Xin, I hope to have dinner with you. Don't refuse, this is part of the plan!"

Cheng Xin's eyes were dull, his mouth opened slightly, and he looked at Pang Xuelin in shock, as if to say, "You are a face-down person, how can you do this?"

But she looked around. Everyone, including Kanter, turned a blind eye to Pang Xuelin's abuse of the power of the faceless person.

Even Cheng Xin suspected that as long as Pang Xuelin showed a little interest in his body, these people would be impatient to send her to Pang Xuelin's bed in various ways.

It wasn't until Pang Xuelin got into the car and looked at the mighty guard convoys around him that Cheng Xin really felt the authority of those facing the wall.

However, Cheng Xin felt a little reassured that after getting on the car, Pang Xuelin didn't manually manipulate her.

Even at the hotel, Pang Xuelin returned directly to the presidential suite to rest, and herself was taken by Kanter to an executive suite specially opened for her to rest.

It is only three o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still some time before dinner.

Cheng Xin was sitting on the sofa in the reception area of ​​the room a little at a loss.

When she first came out of the Aerospace Research Group and went to PIA, she was full of passion and felt that her studies had finally been used.

But now, she regretted it.

She didn't know what the face wall wanted to do.

Before today, she had never seen Pang Xuelin, and she had not even heard of this person before the face-to-face meeting.

But now, this facetist has shown an inexplicable hostility towards her.

There was even a faint beast teasing the prey.

Cheng Xin didn't even understand where he had offended the other party.

This confusion, until the evening meal, she asked: "Professor Pang, I ... when did I offend you?"

Pang Xuelin cut the steak and said, "Offend me? No!"

"Then you ... then why ..."

Cheng Xin didn't know what to say. The other party asked him to have a meal. He couldn't say that he wanted to hurt himself!

Pang Xuelin smiled and said with a smile: "Oh, you said that I asked you to eat, wouldn't you allow me to be a lady, gentleman? Are you a pretty girl like you, and there should be a lot of boys pursuing you?

Cheng Xin's eyes looked at Pang Xuelin without blinking. Of course, she would not think that Pang Xuelin liked her. The thick ridicule in the tone of the other person made her feel uncomfortable.

Pang Xuelin swallowed the beef in his mouth, took up the napkin, wiped his mouth slowly, and said with a smile: "Okay, don't make fun of you. You did a great job in the afternoon. I just missed a personal assistant. Your talent, so I hope you can come and work with me! "

Cheng Xin held his heart tight and said, "I ... if I don't agree!"

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "This is part of the plan!"

Cheng Xin stared blankly at Pang Xuelin, his eye circles gradually turned red, and a mist of water appeared in his eyes. After a while, Douda's tears kept falling: "Professor Pang, how can you ... ... hmm ... you abuse the power of the wall! "

The smile on Pang Xuelin's face gradually dissipated, and he looked at Cheng Xin lightly, and said, "Are you questioning the person facing the wall?"

Cheng Xin was frightened, and quickly shook his head: "No ... no!"

Pang Xuelin took out two paper towels and handed them to Cheng Xindao: "Dry the tears and talk to me!"


Cheng Xin covered his cheeks with a tissue. It took a while before he raised his head and looked at Pang Xuelin with red eyes.

Pang Xuelin said indifferently: "You proposed the ladder plan, so you continue to stare at the PIA until the project is completed, and then return to me as an assistant. Tomorrow I will let Kanter transfer your files to Face-to-face office, understand? "


Cheng Xin was a little wronged.

"Okay, hurry up and eat. This is the top-ranked blond Ataki steak, which was transported by air from France. During the transportation, the meat was brought to a temperature of -43 degrees, supplemented by cold wind blowing at 120 kilometers per hour. Keep it fresh. This steak costs more than 20,000 dollars, so don't waste it! "


Cheng Xin's eyes widened. Even if she worked for PIA, the price of 20,000 US dollars was enough to meet her half-year salary.

After dinner, Pang Xuelin directly sent Cheng Xin away.

This caused Cheng Xin to have some troubles. She even prepared herself to feed the tiger, but Pang Xuelin didn't seem to be interested in her own body.

Looking at the back of Cheng Xinyuan, Pang Xuelin smiled slightly.

This girl is very nice, nice and kind, that is, the Virgin is too ill, and she lacks training.

The reason why she was transferred to her, on the one hand, to stare, to save her from bad things in the future, on the other hand, Pang Xuelin was not ready to let her and Yun Tianming have too much entanglement.

Besides, the star numbered DX3906 by Yun Tianming alone was the source of bad things.

The Age of Deterrence Era ~ ~ Because of the discovery of two planets on DX3906, as the owner of DX3906, Cheng Xin was awakened by the federal government.

By selling the ownership of these two planets, Cheng Xin gained huge wealth, and also officially entered the political arena to run for the swordsman.

All this became the source of later bad things.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin was not prepared to let Cheng Xin receive this gift, and even did not give Yun Tianming the opportunity to buy stars.

However, to make Yun Tianming a candidate for the ladder plan, Cheng Xin still needed to come in contact, which is why Pang Xuelin continued to keep Cheng Xin in the PIA.

Back in the room, Pang Xuelin logged in to the computer and entered the interface of the United Nations just announced by Ms. Say. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and called Say in the past: "Ms. Say, I want to buy one The star ... haha, it is the support for the star plan ... Yes, the number of the star is DX3906, send someone over at night, sign the agreement as soon as possible ... As for the owner of this star, I want to send it To a girl, her name is Zhuang Yan! "


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