The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 250: Brain holes for physicists

Under the cover of several F-22 fighter jets, the huge Boeing 747 landed slowly at the Galapagos Islands Star Ring International Airport.

Before landing, Pang Xuelin specially let the pilot make several laps around the Star Circle to observe this city of his own.

The Star Circle is located on the southeastern plain of Isabela Island, with Mount Assur volcano more than 1,600 meters above sea level in the west and Mount Negra in the north.

Viewed from an airplane, the natural lake formed by the crater is like jasper inlaid on the volcano peak, shining brightly.

Around the volcano, the rugged surface is full of dark red volcanic eruptions.

But after entering the city, you can see a large area of ​​green around the building complex.

The entire city covers an area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers. At present, only the central business district, cultural and educational district, leisure and entertainment district and residential residential area are planned. In the future, industrial areas, agricultural areas, etc. will be further planned.

Pang Xuelin's goal is to enable Starring to be self-sufficient in most areas before the great trough comes.

The Boeing 747 landed slowly at Star Circle International Airport.

Pang Xuelin stepped off the plane and saw the airport covered with a red carpet. Hundreds of representatives from all walks of life in the Star Circle City were organized to welcome their arrival.

Under Kanter's introduction, Pang Xuelin shook hands with these people one by one.

Among the welcoming crowd, Pang Xuelin actually saw Ding Yi and the physicist named Baker he met during his lecture.

At the end of the welcome ceremony, Pang Xuelin boarded an bullet-proof car directly and headed to Starring City under the guard of a large number of guards.

The first phase of the Star Ring City has not been completely completed, and there are still buildings under construction on the road from time to time.

Kanter arranged for Pang Xuelin to live in a large villa area in the cultural and educational district. According to Kanter, the villas are all top scientists dug from various countries to the Starring Institute of Advanced Studies.

Pang Xuelin's home in Xinghuan City is in Villa No. 1 in this villa area.

In the next few days, Pang Xuelin visited Xinghuan City accompanied by Kanter during the day and met with the heads of the city hall, police station, court, People's Congress and other institutions.

When I got home at night, I started to write interesting papers from the Starring Institute of Advanced Studies in the past few years.

The first thing Pang Xuelin looked at was of course a paper from the Institute of Theoretical Physics.

At present, there are more than 500 physicists at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Stars and Rings. In addition to those physicists who have changed careers, all the physicists in the field of theoretical physics who have achieved a little success are drawn into Starring Advanced Institute.

For the past five years, these physicists have not been idle, but have opened their minds and constructed some new physics theories through various brainstorming.

Many of them have the same old style and some very novel ideas.

For example, Pang Xuelin is looking at this thesis explaining the "Faron Universe".

Kutako is nothing new.

According to the special theory of relativity, in order to satisfy the constant speed of light, the transformation between the reference frames is a Poincaré transformation. The commonly used Lorentz transformation is essentially a special Poincaré transformation.

If the "single particle state" is regarded as some kind of object. If these objects are "single particle state" in different reference frames, then these "single particle state" must always have something in common.

Mathematically, this is to find and classify irreducible representations of Poincaré groups.

People eventually found the two invariants: p ^ 2 = guvp ^ up ^ v and p ^ 0, where p is the momentum vector.

Classify the single-particle states based on these two invariants. As a result, there will be six single-particle states, which are positive energy states with mass, negative energy states with mass, positive energy states with zero mass, and negative mass with zero mass. Energy states, virtual mass states, and vacuum states.

Imaginary mass particles are so-called tachyons.

The existence of tachyons is entirely caused by the mathematical structure of the Poincaré transformation, but in the final analysis, it is caused by the principle of invariance of the speed of light.

Within the light cone of full momentum space, it is called time-like space. Time-like space corresponds to mass states. These states are always within the light cone and the speed is always less than the speed of light.

The light cone is called light-like space, which corresponds to massless states. These states are always on the light cone, and the speed is always equal to the speed of light.

The outside of the light cone is called space-like space, which corresponds to virtual mass states. These states are always outside the light cone and the speed is greater than the speed of light.

Because of this, in the theory of relativity, the existence of superspeed of light is not forbidden, but only "beyond" the speed of light.

The former refers to the state where the speed is faster than the speed of light, and the latter refers to the process of accelerating from the speed of sub-light to the speed of light.

That is to say: the speed of sub-light is always the speed of sub-light, and the speed of light is always the speed of light.

Real ordinary matter is sub-speed of light, so it is often said that the speed of light is the upper limit of the speed of nature.

If materials such as tachyons are also included, the more universal statement is that the speed of light is a barrier or barrier to speed.

Ordinary matter: mass is real (mass squared is positive), the speed is lower than the speed of light, and it can never exceed the speed of light.

Phaetons: Masses are imaginary (mass squared is negative), faster than the speed of light, and never down to the speed of light.

But so far, tachyons are only theoretical hypothetical matter, and there is no experimental evidence so far.

Even in the trisomy trilogy, there is no description of tachyons.

Pang Xuelin personally tends to think that tachyons do not exist in this universe.

After finishing the dissertation, Pang Xuelin just opened a new dissertation document on the computer and was preparing to continue brushing. There was a sudden sound of footsteps behind him.

Pang Xuelin turned his head and saw Cheng Xin came over with a glass of warm milk.

"Professor Pang, it's half past eleven, and you should almost rest!"

Pang Xuelin took the milk from Cheng Xin, thanked him, drank most of it, and then said, "I will sleep after reading this thesis. Go to rest first!"

"No, I will sleep after you sleep!"

Cheng Xin shook his head and sat down on the sofa beside him.

Cheng Xin is now almost Pang Xuelin's big housekeeper. She can ask questions one by one, from work schedule to food, clothing and accommodation.

Pang Xuelin smiled ~ ~ Regardless of her, I opened the paper and continued to read.

This paper is very interesting, it discusses dark matter and dark energy.

The author believes that dark matter is just a projection of a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space, so we cannot observe its existence, but we can feel its gravity.

Dark energy is the projection of five-dimensional space-time on four-dimensional space-time, and it gives us repulsive force in the universe, which causes the universe to accelerate its expansion.

Pang Xuelin's eyes narrowed slightly. Among the three bodies, although the author did not clearly explain the existence of dark energy and dark matter, there was a hint in it that dark matter is actually a two-dimensional object that has been hit by dimensionality reduction and is presented in a three-dimensional universe Gravitation.

This is similar to the interpretation of this paper.

Pang Xuelin turned the paper to the front page and looked at the author's name. He was actually an old acquaintance.

Boyle Baker, a student of Edward Witten, had met him a few years ago when he published that famous essay on physics.

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