"Hibernator No. 0001, your hibernation at this stage has ended. You have hibernated for 25 years, 4 months, 13 days and 22 hours. The remaining hibernation time: 396 years, 6 months, 18 days and 21 hours."

"Starring City Hibernation Center, Crisis Era 15:17 on June 7, 34."

A soft female electronic voice sounded in Pang Xuelin's ear, Pang Xuelin opened his eyes and appeared in front of him a beautiful female nurse.

"Hello Professor Pang, welcome to the new era!"

The female nurse smiled at Pang Xuelin and helped Pang Xuelin remove the medical and electronic equipment connected to him.

Pang Xuelin looked around and found that his location was an independent ward.

Surrounded by light blue walls, corners and windowsills are also placed with a lot of green plants, which feels very comfortable.

Compared to the sticky feeling of being covered with hibernation liquid in the first hibernation and the tingly feeling of rust in his brain, he now feels refreshed and refreshed, as if he had fallen asleep. Too much discomfort.

"Hello there!"

Pang Xuelin opened his mouth and found that he felt OK except that he was slightly weaker.

"Professor Pang, wait a minute, Ms. Cheng Xin is waiting for you outside the ward."

Pang Xuelin nodded, and the nurse was busy for another five minutes before completing the removal of all medical and electronic equipment.

Subsequently, she pushed the trolley out of the ward.

After a while, Cheng Xin pushed a door out of the ward with a bag of clothes.

To the hibernator, the hibernation process seems to be asleep.

Therefore, waking up again, Pang Xuelin didn't have much strangeness to Cheng Xin.

"Professor Pang."

Cheng Xin smiled, but Pang Xuelin felt a little anxiety from her eyes.

"Cheng Xin, what about Vader?"

Cheng Xindao: "Weide is now at the combat center. He asked me to wait for you to wake up, take you to visit the Starring City, understand the global situation, and then join him!"

"Combat Center?"

Pang Xuelin froze slightly.

Cheng Xindao: "Professor Pang, I will explain to you later, you change your clothes first, the situation around the world is a bit complicated now."

Pang Xuelin nodded, took clothes from Cheng Xin, and went to the bathroom to change.

Out of the hibernation center, there were no traces of cars at the door. Instead, there were two coaxial twin-rotor helicopters that Pang Xuelin had never seen.

Pang Xuelin noticed that the rotors on the top of the helicopter did not have a complicated mechanical structure. The two rotors extended outward from the shaft, looking exquisite and small.

Accompanied by Cheng Xin, Pang Xuelin boarded a helicopter.

Soon, the helicopter started, the engine beeped, and the rotors spun up at high speed.

"This should be a pure electric helicopter."

Pang Xuelin secretly said.

Through the helicopter, Pang Xuelin began to overlook the entire Starring City.

Compared with twenty-five years ago, the area of ​​Starring has expanded more than ten times. The city extends from the foot of Mount Azul to the foot of Mount Negra in the north, occupying the plains in the southeast of the island.

Among the high-rise buildings, Pang Xuelin also noticed that there were many small rotorcrafts traveling through them.

Several are actually single-rotor rotors. The overall layout is similar to the small drones used for aerial photography in the real world. They use a four-axis arrangement, and people hang under the rotor.

Obviously, these are the vehicles of the new era.

But the most striking thing in the entire city is not those modern buildings or transportation, but a super long track that extends from the coastline to the distance and then follows the curve of the volcano.

The width of the track is close to 100 meters, as if a dragon lies on the volcano.

Cheng Xin noticed Pang Xuelin's gaze and explained: "Professor Pang, this is an electromagnetic orbital space launch system with a total length of more than 25 kilometers. It can load a total weight of one thousand tons at a time and be equipped with an ion electric push system Space plane launched into low-Earth orbit. "

Then Cheng Xin pointed to a building near the coastline and said, "There is a nuclear fusion power plant, and it is currently the only nuclear fusion power plant in the world. This electric power has a power of more than 50 million kilowatts. The main power of the system comes from this power plant. "

Pang Xuelin nodded, thoughtfully: "Tell me about the global situation."

Cheng thought for a while and took a piece of information from the document package on the side and said: "This is what happened in the past twenty-five years that I sorted out in the past two days. Please take a look first, otherwise say no for a while clear."

Pang Xuelin took the document and flipped it.


In the tenth year of the crisis, the three-body fleet passed through the second interstellar dust cloud and was observed by the Hubble Space Telescope.

At the same time, Hubble II found that the trisomy fleet fired the detector to the earth, and the detector quickly accelerated to 15% of the speed of light. If the deceleration time is taken into account, scientists estimate that the trisoma detector will reach the earth within 200 years.

In the crisis era of 12 years, Star City invented the graphene lithium air battery, which triggered the energy revolution. By controlling the production process of large-area graphene thin films, Wade controlled the production of global graphene lithium air batteries, and Star Circle City made more than 100 billion US dollars each year.

In the 13th year of the crisis, the third generation of the International Space Station, which can accommodate thousands of people, was completed, and the space elevator project entered the preparatory period.

In the crisis era of 14 years, the second generation of carbon nanotube chips matured, and carbon-based chips began to completely replace silicon-based chips.

In the 15th year of crisis, Seans, who was a face-lifter, was awakened. His wife, Kazuko Yamazaki, developed a supercomputer that can holographically simulate the imaging of the human brain. Seans discovered that the brain's stencil mechanism, through a special electrode, can A proposition is engraved in a person's brain, making him convinced of it.

Seans regarded himself as an experimental mouse and carved into his mind the false proposition that "water is poisonous."

As a result, for a whole few months, Seans did not drip and could only continue his life by infusion.

It was only through various psychological cues and treatments that Seans re-accepted the idea that water is harmless.

In the same year, the PDC held a hearing and agreed to open faith centers in various countries. People can voluntarily engrave the belief that "human beings must win" in the centers of belief.

In 16 years of crisis, Seans hibernates again and decides to reach the end.

In the crisis era of 18, the faced person Radiaz awakened. In the same year, humans successfully conducted a star-level nuclear bomb test on Mercury, and Radiaz became a guest of honor for leaders of various countries.

In the same year, Rediaz decided to advance the manufacturing of stellar hydrogen bombs on a large scale. For the circulation of stars on the Internet to slow down Mercury through the stellar hydrogen bombs, crash it into the sun, and make the solar system more terrifying purgatory than the three-body galaxy Rediaz denied the rumor that the trisomic invasion had been prevented.

The following year, Rediaz went into hibernation and decided to wake up fifty years later.

In the crisis era of 19, Taylor, the facetist, woke up and proposed a defense circle in the asteroid belt. The plan pointed out that once the future human fleet fails to defend the solar system, the complex space environment of the asteroid belt can be used for guerrilla warfare with three-body civilization.

At the same time, Taylor proposed a Europa expedition plan, suggesting that humans establish a solar system early warning system.

In 20 years of crisis, Taylor chose to hibernate again and decided to wake up 80 years later.

In the crisis era of 22 years, after ten years of development, the Starring Advanced Institute has become the world's largest basic scientific research center. According to Pang Xuelin's requirements, Wade has invested most of the proceeds from graphene lithium air batteries into Starring Advanced Research. Go to the courtyard.

In the 25th year of crisis, the ideological seal was judged illegal by the International Court of Justice, and the center of belief was closed.

In the crisis era of 28 years, due to the climatic anomaly caused by global warming, natural disasters around the world occurred frequently in that year. North America and South America successively experienced unprecedented droughts. The largest floods in Asian countries appeared in history. Countries have successively introduced the "Food Distribution Act" to control food distribution on a large scale.

In the 30th year of the crisis, Africa experienced the largest drought in history, triggering an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.

Millions die from hunger.

In the same year, the first nuclear fusion power station in the history of mankind was secretly completed in Xinghuan City.

In the crisis era of 31 years, with the extreme weather and environmental degradation, the area of ​​cultivated land shrank in large areas, and the second food crisis broke out.

In September, the PDC passed a bill to stop funding Star City.

In the same year, the fourth Indian-Pakistani war broke out, and all countries ignored it. The PDC's peace bill was almost a display.

In the crisis era of 32 years, a large-scale drought reappeared in the central United States. Hungry victims have poured into large cities on the east and west coasts, and Washington and Western states have blamed each other.

In September of the same year, California declared independence.

The following month, the U.S. West Coast states successively declared independence and refused to accept the victims.

In December, the American Civil War broke out. Historically known as the East-West War, the western states divided up four of the twelve US aircraft carrier battle groups, and the Washington government obtained eight of them.

In the crisis era of 33, Russia took advantage of the American Civil War and sent troops to Western Europe, and the United Nations and the PDC were close to disintegration.

In September of the same year, the electromagnetic orbital space launch system was completed in Xinghuan City, which independently launched a space fighter weighing 1,000 tons.

Until then, countries have discovered that the Starring City, which has been making a lot of money for more than two decades, has mastered nuclear fusion technology and has reduced the cost of space by more than ten times.

Successive countries have dispatched staff to negotiate with Star City, hoping to reach an agreement with Star City on the issue of technology transfer, but they have always found nothing.

During the crisis era in February 34, the US West Government sent the Reagan and George Washington carrier battle groups to strategically deter Star Circle.

In March, the US Government of Washington sent aircraft carrier battle groups Ford and Stannis to form an aircraft carrier cluster with the British Queen and the French Charles de Gaulle to deter the ocean near the Galapagos Islands.

At the same time, the four aircraft carrier battle groups of China and Russia also arrived near the archipelago. Because China has always maintained good relations with Xinghuan City, announcing any attack on Xinghuan City is equivalent to declaring war on China.

In April, Star Circle announced that it had completed the assembly of the Oasis space warship and carried out live ammunition.

In less than five minutes, the Oasis launched an attack on an uninhabited island near Hawaii in the United States with an electromagnetic railgun in a space 1,000 kilometers away from the earth.

In just five minutes, a solid alloy cannonball the diameter of a basketball razed this volcanic island close to 0.5 square kilometers.

In the same month ~ www.readwn.com ~ The US West Government announced that if the Oasis dared to attack the United States, it would use the star hydrogen bomb to destroy Star Circle.

Star Ring City announced that any other military aircraft or warships that entered the Galapagos Islands within two hundred nautical miles would be a provocation against Star Ring City.

On the same day, Starring City shot down a slightly off-line US Navy F35 fighter plane two hundred nautical miles away through a laser cannon erected on Santa Cruz Island.

Carriers and aircraft of various countries no longer dare to step over the thunder pool.

At present, Xinghuancheng and other countries have entered a confrontation state, and the relevant sea areas and airspace have been completely blocked. However, because Xinghuancheng has achieved food self-sufficiency through agricultural factories, countries in the short term have no way to get Xinghuancheng.

A week ago, the Chinese government proposed that Pang Xuelin, the founder of the Star City Circle, the face wall person, and the face wall plan founder, would use him to solve the current deadlock situation.

After much consideration, Vader agreed to the request.


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