The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 270: Shocked An Haoyan

"Professor Pang!"

Pang Xuelin came out of the venue, and Pritt Bell on the side quickly greeted him.

Pang Xuelin said: "Mr. Bell, shall I be fine next?"

Bell smiled: "Professor Pang, the meeting will end later, and there will be a luncheon, I don't know if you will participate ..."

"Forget it, I'll go with my daughter-in-law to Europa, I won't go to lunch."

Pang Xuelin Road.

Obviously, the international senior leadership of the fleet does not see themselves very much, and there is no need for them to make up for this excitement.

Bell smiled and reluctantly, saying, "Professor Pang, then I will send you back to the hotel."

Sit in the car and watched the Fleet International Parliament Building behind him drift away, Pang Xuelin shook his head.

He was slightly disappointed with the current leadership of Fleet International, but he was not surprised.

At this meeting today, he has already stated his attitude and the purpose has been achieved.

What he can really exert influence now is Xu Shaomin's Fifth Fleet.

The leadership of the solar system fleet is not in his hands. He should have said what he should have said. In a short time, he has no good way.

Three months later, if the doomsday battle really happened as described in the novel, as long as the Fifth Fleet is preserved, then he has a reason to sweep the entire fleet's international leadership.

And those surviving battleships will become his strongest backing.

The only pity that Pang Xuelin felt was that he didn't know how much space army would be lost by that time.

For so many years, the super fleet that has been created by countless efforts has caused a great blow to human confidence as a whole.

Back at the hotel, Zhuang Yan was watching live TV on the holographic projection in the living room.

Seeing Pang Xuelin, Zhuang Yan was dissatisfied: "Big brother, why are those people so?"

Pang Xuelin laughed: "What's wrong?"

"Well, look!"

Zhuang Yan nodded his fingers a few times, and a screen appeared in the void.

On the screen was a piece of news reprinted by the media, with the headline "Predecessor of the face said that the solar system fleet should be cautious in dealing with the three-body civilization detector".

The news reprinted what Pang Xuelin said at the conference, and gave such an evaluation: "Although Professor Pang has made great contributions to human civilization in history. However, Professor Pang Xuelin was a human in the AD era. He came from that era. Most people have extreme fears about the three-body civilization, and thus lose confidence in our future. Professor Pang can't escape this kind of thinking dilemma. Therefore, we can only hope that the solar system fleet can settle the battle and help Professor Pang regained confidence in human civilization! "

There are many comments below the news.

"Human beings can rest assured that they can live their little days. They don't need to mix in such major events."

"I respect Professor Pang himself. After all, he has made a great contribution to human beings. But why this attitude of Professor Pang makes me feel ridiculous!"

"No way. I heard that the three-body civilization of that era regarded humans as bugs. Although Professor Pang is the elite of humans, they have been many years behind the times after all!"


Pang Xuelin smiled, and didn't think he was so embarrassed about this evaluation: "Yanyan, nothing, people didn't scold me, just reminded me of a few words in good faith."

Zhuang Yan frowned: "Large brother, I always think that people in this era are a little too impetuous. Since the three-body people still send detectors to the solar system, they must have enough confidence, just as you said, What if something goes wrong? "

Pang Xuelin patted her head and smiled: "Relax, and me! By the way, we have lunch now, and we will go to Europa in the afternoon!"


Next, Pang Xuelin and Zhuang Yan went to Europa for a few days.

Europa is one of the most immigrant planets in humanity in outer space. Within Europa, more than 200 million humans live.

This is because Europa has the most water resources in the solar system besides the earth. Humans have even found single-celled organisms that rely on submarine volcanoes in the liquid ocean deep in Europa's ice.

The overall structure of these single-celled organisms is similar to that of prokaryotes on Earth, and it has not changed human understanding of carbon-based life forms.

Pang Xuelin and Zhuang Yan stayed in Europa for a week, and even experienced the feeling of using a submarine to dive deep in Europa's ocean.

A week later, they re-boarded the spacecraft and returned to Earth.

However, this time Pang Xuelin did not return to the Star Circle, but lived directly at the Gravitational Wave Institute in Melbourne.

During this time, although Pang Xuelin was deep in outer space, the progress of the Gravitational Wave Institute has been under his control.

Hundreds of billions of stars have been dropped, and the effect is obvious.

At present, the entire Gravitational Wave Institute has become a large construction site.

For this project, Cao Bin transferred the most experienced construction team from the construction company of Xinghuan Group.

In addition, An Haoyan also used his connections in academia to invite a large number of physicists to join the project.

On the third evening Pang Xuelin came to Melbourne, An Haoyan appeared in front of Pang Xuelin with a three-page manuscript.

"Professor Pang, this is the common result of many colleagues of our Institute of Gravitational Waves in the past few months ~ ~ As long as we get the exact solution of this partial differential equations, we can complete the basic theory of gravitational wave information transmission. The rest of the research, in addition to the antenna project, is to modify the software to further modulate the information. If successful, we should be able to complete it in three months! "

Pang Xuelin received the manuscript paper from An Haoyan, turned a few pages, and looked up: "Okay, Professor An, you can go back first. Come to me tomorrow."

An Haoyan said for a moment, and was a little surprised: "Professor Pang, the results will be tomorrow?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "If nothing unexpected, there should be no problem."

An Haoyan opened his mouth, but for a while he didn't know what to say.

He is well aware of the current level of development of quantum computers. Under normal circumstances, this system of equations is basically unsolved.

Previously, Pang Xuelin told him that there was a way to solve the problem of computing power. He thought that Xinghuan Group had no secret quantum computer project that he did not know.

Even so, An Haoyan also thought that if he wanted to solve this system of equations, it would be normal to wait for ten days and a half for a week if it was fast and a week if it was slow.

But now, Pang Xuelin tells himself that it only takes one day to produce results, which is incredible.

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