The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 283: Goodbye poseidon

Pang Xuelin changed into a diving suit, and soon, Tomoko also changed out his tight-fitting wetsuit and got out of the car.

Xi Pang Xuelin turned her head and could not help breathing down.

I saw Tomoko's long hair shawl, and the skinny diving suit outlined her exquisite curves.

Bian Zhizi's figure is obviously carefully crafted, and almost perfectly fits the contemporary human aesthetics.

He squeezed a pair of watery eyes and looked at Pang Xuelin flickeringly. He was so **** that he exploded.

She Pang Xuelin regretted a bit. She had known that she would rather let Tomiko wear a suit and go into the sea, and letting her wear such a tight-fitting diving suit was just torturing herself.

"Well, Tomoko, let's go to sea!"

Xi Pang Xuelin carried an oxygen cylinder, put on flippers, and walked on the sand toward the sea.

Xi Zhizi naturally does not have an oxygen cylinder. For her, there is basically no difference between land and sea.

Pang Xuelin slowly walked into the sea, waited until the seawater didn't reach his chest, and then said, "Tomoko, you swim ahead, I'll grab your leg later, you take me at least ten nautical miles from the coastline ... "

When in the whale song world before, Pang Xuelin had an auxiliary power unit to swim so far.

This time out, the equipment is not so complete, and I can only rely on the strength of Tomoko.

Tong Zhizi said: "Professor Pang, I need to use my leg swings to provide power. Wait for me to hold my waist!"

After saying that, Tomoko went directly to Pang Xuelin's body, turned his head, his eyes fluttered, and he looked at Pang Xuelin with a smile.

Xi Pang Xuelin was helpless, and had to surround Tomoko's waist.

"Professor Pang, pay attention!"

Bian Zhizi bent, and led Pang Xuelin into the sea.


Xi Pang Xuelin only felt that a huge resistance came, and the whole person had to hold the Tomoko's waist firmly.

Immediately afterwards, he felt the surrounding sea water against his head at a very high speed, passing by from both sides.

Xi Pang Xuelin clung to Tomoko tightly and put his head against Tomoko's back, trying to reduce resistance.

He could feel that Tomoko's legs were swinging at a very high speed.

The time elapsed minute by minute, about twenty minutes later, and when Pang Xuelin again exposed his head from the sea, the coastline behind him was already hazy and unclear.

Pang Xuelin looked at the side of Tomoko who also showed his head and said, "Tomiko, how far have we swam?"

Yu Zhizi smiled and said, "Ten nautical miles!"

Xi Pang Xuelin was a little speechless.

Twenty minutes and ten nautical miles are equivalent to thirty knots per hour.

He is comparable to some warships.

It's because of taking yourself into consideration that your body can bear.

If you let Tomoko excel, I am afraid that the fastest hydrofoil in the world may not catch up with Tomoko.

"Professor Pang, didn't you say you want to introduce me a new friend? New friends?"

Tomoko curious.

Xi Pang Xuelin relieved, pointed forward, and said, "Look!"

The next second, a huge blue whale suddenly appeared out of thin air and plunged into the sea.

Poseidon was apparently broken in the system space. It spread around the center of Pang Xuelin and Tomoko, and circled within a radius of about two or three hundred meters, jumping out of the sea from time to time and making cheerful calls.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that it obediently swam towards the place where Pang Xuelin and Tomoko were, and then in front of the two, exposed a huge head and a body like a hill.

It looked at Pang Xuelin, with a faint look of affection in his eyes.

Xi Pang Xuelin reached out his hand and smiled and touched Poseidon's head.

Poseidon as a mission reward, after becoming Pang Xuelin's pet.

Pang Xuelin found himself in a wonderful connection with Poseidon.

As long as he gave Poseidon a clear order in his heart, Poseidon would execute it resolutely.

Even seeing himself, Poseidon was as happy as the pet to see the owner.

Pang Xuelin thought.

Poseidon slowly opened his mouth and spit out the transparent fully enclosed dinghy in his mouth.

Tong Zhizi's eyes widened, and his face was surprised: "Professor Pang, your new friend is this!"

Pang Xuelin nodded, climbed into the boat, and smiled, "How about this new friend?"


Yu Zhizi swims forward with a smile, learning Pang Xuelin, and curiously touched Poseidon.

At the beginning, Poseidon was still a little unwilling, and backed up a few meters, until Pang Xuelin gave instructions, it reluctantly let Tomoko touch it twice.

So Tomoko climbed into the dinghy.

Xi Pang Xuelin closed the dinghy hatch and opened the blue light inside.

Quickly, Poseidon opened his mouth to contain the boat, and then led Pang Xuelin and Tomoko to swim deep in the ocean.

Wu Zhizi looked around and was a little surprised: "Professor Pang, it's so fun, I didn't expect you to hide such a big pet!"

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Do you like it?"


Minmoko nodded.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "After that, Poseidon's safety will be given to you. If you are idle and bored in the United States, you can take the initiative to find Poseidon.

Yu Zhizi flashed a surprise in his eyes and said, "Professor Pang, can I really play with Poseidon?"

Pang Xuelin looked at Tomoko thoughtfully: "Of course."

那 "That way, I'll look for Poseidon when I have time!"

This play was one day, and it was not until the evening that Poseidon reluctantly returned Pang Xuelin and Tomoko back to the coastline.

Subsequently, Pang Xuelin hugged Tomoko, and she took herself back to the coast again.

By the time the two returned to the pickup truck wetly, it was getting dark.

Xi Pang Xuelin changed her clothes back, and Tomoko also changed her T-shirt jeans prepared by Pang Xuelin.

虽然 Although this dress is not as **** as a diving suit, it is more attractive when worn on Tomoko.

When Wu Zhizi saw Pang Xuelin's eyes patrolling on himself, he could not help pouting a smile, and asked, "Professor Pang, am I beautiful?"

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "It's pretty! But you almost have to go."

At present, Tomoko is not suitable for being seen by his side ~ ~ Therefore, the two said OK, and when they return to the shore, they will go their separate ways.

Whoever thought of this, then Tomoko changed his color and looked pitifully at Pang Xuelin: "Go? Professor Pang, will you drive me away?"

Pang Xuelin said indifferently: "Well, Tomoko, take back your set, you have used 18 different types of male-appealing routines since you came out today, sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes pure, sometimes sexy, sometimes cute ... you can try to learn, but it's better not to use this routine against me, it's useless. "

Bian Zhizi blinked, and suddenly came to Pang Xuelin, exhaling as if he said, "Professor Pang, although I am a robot in name, but I am also a little woman who lacks love, are you really not at all interested?"

Xi Pang Xuelin looked at her lightly and did not speak!

Wu Zhizi reluctantly, slowly retracting his head, but the next second, she suddenly stepped forward, pecked on Pang Xuelin's cheek, and then quickly opened the door like a mischievous girl and ran out of the pickup.

中 In the dark, a faint laugh came from Tomoko: "Professor Pang, I have found my goal in life!"

"What goal?"

Pang Xuelin froze slightly.

"Next time I meet, I'm going to sleep with you!"



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