After the dinner, Pang Xuelin went directly to the hotel room where Zhang Yitang lived according to the agreement.

"Professor Pang, here, please come in!"

Zhang Yitang welcomed Pang Xuelin in.

Zhang Yitang lives in an executive suite with a dedicated reception room.

The two came to the reception room. Zhang Yitang went to make two cups of coffee before walking over with a pile of manuscript papers.

"Professor Pang, here are some of my thoughts on Ponzi's geometric theory in the past six months. Please help me to see if there are any mistakes in them!"

"it is good!"

Pang Xuelin took the manuscript paper and flipped it.

The reception room fell into silence.

Time passed minute by minute, and it was not until half an hour before Pang Xuelin looked up and asked, "Professor Zhang, are you going to use Ponzi geometry to prove the twin prime conjecture?"

Zhang Yitang nodded and said, "Under normal circumstances, a breakthrough in a major proposition generally produces a new mathematical tool. But when I proved the weakened version of the twin prime conjecture, I used a more traditional mathematical method, but proved that two twins After the difference between the prime numbers is less than 70 million, I feel that the traditional method has reached its limit. Further down, I am afraid that some new mathematical tools must be used! "

"For these years, I have been trying to build such a mathematical tool, but as this year is older, my thinking and energy are not as good as before. Until the second half of last year, your paper on Ponzi geometry came out, I was Faintly felt that Ponzi geometry is the key to solving the twin prime conjecture! "

Pang Xuelin nodded.

Ponzi geometry explains how the absolute Galois group of rational numbers, as well as the flat basic group of any algebraic cluster, affect the properties of the corresponding algebraic structure.

This theory clarifies the nature of addition and multiplication structures in essence. It bridges the gap between number theory and algebraic geometry.

For many conjectures related to the field of number theory, such as Goldbach conjecture, abc conjecture, twin prime conjecture, hail conjecture, etc., have a very significant meaning.

It is not surprising that Pang Xuelin wanted to use the theory of Ponzi geometry to solve the twin prime conjecture problem.

The so-called twin prime conjecture refers to the existence of an infinite number of primes p such that p + 2 is a prime. The pairs of prime numbers (p, p + 2) are called twin prime numbers.

This conjecture originated from the eighth question in Hilbert's 23 question, which was raised by Hilbert at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1900.

But more than a century later, this conjecture still haunts mathematicians around the world.

So far, the results of proving the twin prime conjecture can be roughly divided into two categories.

The first category is the so-called non-estimated results. The best result to date in this respect was obtained in 1966 by the late Chinese mathematician Chen Jingrun using the large sieve method.

Chen Jingrun proved that there are infinitely many prime numbers p such that p + 2 is either a prime number or a product of two prime numbers.

This result is very similar to his conclusion about Goldbach's conjecture.

At present, it is generally believed that this result is difficult to be surpassed in the scope of the sieve method due to the limitations of the sieve method itself.

The second category is estimated results, and the results achieved by Zhang Yitang belong to this category.

This type of result estimates the minimum interval between adjacent prime numbers, expressed in mathematical language, which is Δ: = l → ∞f [(pn + 1-pn) / ln (pn)].

Translated into vernacular, this expression defines the interval between two adjacent prime numbers, the smallest value of the ratio of the logarithm of the smaller prime number in the entire prime set.

Obviously, if the twin prime conjecture holds, then Δ must be equal to zero.

Because the twin prime number conjecture indicates that pn + 1-pn = 2 holds for an infinite number of n, and ln (pn) → ∞, the minimum value of the ratio of the two tends to zero for the twin prime set (and thus also for the entire prime set) .

Note, however, that Δ = 0 is only a necessary condition for the twin prime conjecture to be established, not a sufficient condition.

In other words, if it can be proved that Δ ≠ 0, then the twin prime conjecture will not hold; but the proof that Δ = 0 does not mean that the twin prime conjecture will necessarily hold.

Further international estimates of Δ began with Hardy and Littlewood.

In 1926, they used the circle method to prove that if the generalized Riemann conjecture holds, then Δ≤2 / 3.

This result was later improved by Rankin to Δ≤3 / 5.

However, these two results depend on the generalized Riemann conjecture which has not been proved itself, so they can only be regarded as conditional results.

In 1940, Ball Addis first gave an unconditional result Δ & ap; lt; 1 using the sieve method.

Since then, Richie has advanced this result to Δ≤15 / 16, Δ≤ (2 + √) in 1955, Popey and Devonburg in 1976, and Huxley in 1977, respectively. 3) / 8≈04665 and Δ ≦ 04425.

Before Zhang Yitang, the best result of this method was obtained by Meyer in 1986,, and Zhang Yitang took this result a step further.

But even so, Zhang Yitang's previous work is still a long way from eventually proving the twin prime conjecture.

"Professor Pang, do you think there are any problems or flaws in the thinking of these things written in my manuscript?"

Zhang Yitang asked.

Pang Xuelin shook his head and said, "It's hard to say, I haven't studied much about the twin prime conjecture. I think you can try this idea, but I can't guarantee it.

Zhang Yitang laughed. "As long as there is no problem in the overall thinking."

Zhang Yitang hesitated for a moment and said, "Professor Pang, I have a merciless invitation. I wonder if you would like to agree?"

Pang Xuelin froze slightly and nodded, "You said!"

Zhang Yi Tang Dao, "Professor Pang, I'm already sixty-six this year. To be honest, at this age, the main work has been placed on helping to train the younger generation of mathematicians, and I want to go further on the academic road It ’s very difficult. But I ’m not willing to waste too much time in my life. I still hope to go up the academic road. So I want to ask you a favor. In the next two years, can you Focusing on conquering the twin prime conjecture, the old man, I want to have an academic competition with you. If you can join, I will be more motivated! By then, whether it is you or I will prove this conjecture, It's nothing but the biggest wish in my heart! If two years later, we don't get any results, then the agreement will be cancelled automatically! "

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Professor Zhang, I promise you!"

Whether it is out of respect for this late-coming and ambitious mathematician, or out of interest in this conjecture that has troubled man for 120 years, Pang Xuelin will not refuse.


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