The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 308: You lied to me?

Latest website: Tomoko paused and continued: "At present, the strength of their spaceship is only equivalent to the capabilities of human spacecraft in the crisis era 200, with wide-area combat capabilities in the solar system. They also mastered antigravity technology, but And that's it, they have a long way to go from anti-gravity to curvature engines. "

"In addition, what they really do is their biotechnology. Not to mention, through genetic recombination technology, a complete human being is transformed into another race, which is enough to illustrate their capabilities. In addition, their weapons, aircraft, and warships Drivers and so on are all closely related to biotechnology. "

Pang Xuelin nodded and groaned for a moment, and then asked, "What is the single-armed combat weapon they use in the movie?"

Tomoko said: "This belongs to the individual ball lightning weapon."

"Single soldier ball lightning weapon?" Pang Xuelin frowned slightly. "So they now have the ability to destroy you?"

Tomoko pouted his mouth and looked pitifully at Pang Xuelin: "Of course, so Professor Pang, would you still send me to perform dangerous tasks?"

Pang Xuelin rolled her eyes and said, "Don't pretend to me. With your ability, there is almost omnipotent existence on earth. Under normal circumstances, you can't help anyone."

Tomoko smiled and said, "Professor Pang, you have discovered this."

Pang Xuelin said: "Okay, don't cut off the bullets, do you have a good way to deal with the warship above us?"

Tomoko shrugged and shook his head: "Professor Pang, you can't think of anything, what can I do."


Pang Xuelin also knows that it is not realistic to let Tomoko deal with the warship located above the geosynchronous orbit.

But without killing the super battleship over geosynchronous orbit, humankind has almost no possibility of overturning.

Pondering for a moment, Pang Xuelin said: "Zizi, monitor this slum area first, and arrange a detailed information for me as soon as possible, including the overall environment of the slum area, the underground gang forces, the arrangement of shrimp forces in the vicinity, and Some information about important people in the slums and so on ... In addition, the girl named Kris, you also stare, if you can, try to save if you can, if it does not work, the prerequisite is not to expose your existence. Right , Help me find out if there are any guerrilla forces against the Shrimp civilization. "

"I see, my professor Pang."

Tomoko smiled slightly and walked out the door.

Pang Xuelin didn't care.

In memory, this slum has no electricity except for a few water points. With the ability of Tomoko, there is no possibility of being discovered even if you go out during the daytime.

After a while, Pang Xuelin felt the hunger in his belly.

According to his memory, he found a bag of cornmeal under his bed.

Don't even think about the stove, there is only a small coal-burning stove in the room.

Pang Xuelin raised a firewood and lost a few more pieces of coal.

Then find a pot and boil the boiled corn.

An hour later, Pang Xuelin's first dinner came to this world.

He thought for a while, and when he came out of the house, it was already dark outside, and the evening sky was full of the western sky.

Pang Xuelin came to the door of Kris's house and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened and Murphy appeared at the door. The little girl's eyes were red and she looked up at Pang Xuelin and said, "What are you doing?"

Pang Xuelin said: "I cooked it, and come here to eat something."

"no need!"

By the way, Murphy is going to close the door.

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and resisted the door: "Want to save your sister? Come here and eat if you want."

"Will you save my sister?"

Murphy was surprised.

"Before leaving, my sister asked me to take care of you. In a way, it shows that your sister trusts me?"

Murphy glared at Pang Xuelin without blinking, pouting and not speaking.

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and said, "Believe it or not, follow me if you want to save your sister."

Then, Pang Xuelin turned around and returned to his hut.

After a while, Murphy appeared at the door.

Pang Xuelin gave her a bowl of corn paste, and she also filled a bowl, and Xi Li snorted.

Murphy took an abandoned paint bucket and sat down. First he took a snack and raised his head. "Can you really save my sister?"

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "Believe it or not."

Perhaps he really believed Pang Xuelin's words, maybe he was hungry, and Murphy ate with a big mouthful.

Pang Xuelin felt a warmth in his stomach when a pot of corn slumped.

"I'm stuffed!"

Little Murphy set the bowl aside and said, "When are we going to save my sister?"

"Save your sister?"

Pang Xuelin yawned and said: "It's so late, there is nothing to save, your sister won't die, maybe I will bring you a shrimp brother-in-law tomorrow morning. I'm tired, let's sleep first!"

After all, Pang Xuelin stretched his waist and went straight back to his tattered wire bed and lay down.

"You! You coward, big liar, I don't trust you anymore!"

Murphy trembled, her chest violently undulating.

After a while, she burst out crying and rushed out of Pang Xuelin's hut.

Pang Xuelin smiled, looked up from the bed and looked out to make sure that Murphy had already gone home. Then he closed the door and returned to the room.

In front of his eyes, the two-dimensional expanded screen of Tomoko appeared again, and all the latest information that Tomoko just surveyed appeared inside.

The data shows that Pang Xuelin is currently located in the southwestern part of Queensland, Australia, the Simpson Desert to the west and the McDonnell Ranges in the north. Near the river basin, more than 20 million humans live.

The location of Pang Xuelin is the refugee camp numbered R9.

The refugee camp has a total area of ​​nearly 20 square kilometers and is home to more than 300,000 humans, mainly under the jurisdiction of the Australian Police.

The members of the Australian Security Force are basically transformed people. The R9 refugee camp is stationed with a 1,000-member security force. The black snake Todd among the population is a small leader of the Security Force. Many people.

This security force is a lightly armed police unit equipped with only light weapons and a few mechs and armored vehicles to prevent riots.

To some extent, this can already explain the attitude of shrimp people towards human beings.

In their view, human beings have become grasshoppers after the fall, and they can't rise at all, and they are only one step away from extinction.


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