The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 310: Chris diary

The latest website: Perhaps it was because of experiencing complex emotions such as fear and anxiety that it was difficult to reach a stable environment. This feeling, Kris sleeps incredibly sweet.

When she woke up the next morning, it was already bright outside, Pang Xuelin was sitting in front of the stove and cooking corn noodles, while sister Murphy was sitting beside Pang Xuelin, pestering her chin, watching Pang Xuelin busy.

Hearing the sound, Pang Xuelin turned her head and looked at Chris. "Wake up, and wait for breakfast. During this time, do n’t go out with your sister. I will see if there is any other way to arrange for you. Another refugee camp. "

"Thank you!"

Kris froze her hair a little with embarrassment.

This Asian boy only moved here a month ago. They don't have much contact on weekdays, so they occasionally meet and nod and say hello.

But Chris had a good impression of him.

Except once, Pang Xuelin gave her sister a candy that is extremely precious in this era. Pang Xuelin looked at her, and unlike other men, she had the feeling of swallowing her alive.

This made Chris feel comfortable.

Pang Xuelin smiled, and just after preparing the bowl, there was a loud noise outside, and the shrill and hoarse cries of the shrimp people were still faintly heard.

Suddenly Pang Xuelin stood up.

Kris's face was so scared, and Murphy stood up, pursed her lips, trying to hold back the tears in her eyes.

"They ... they found it!"

Chris trembled.

Pang Xuelin was not so nervous, saying, "You hide under the bed. No matter what happens, don't talk, and it's not easy to speak!"

under the bed?

Kris looked for a moment, glanced at the wire bed, there was nothing to hide under the bed, and she could see the past at a glance.

Pang Xuelin said positively: "If you believe me, then do as I say. If you don't believe it, wait for your arrest."

"it is good!"

Kris hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, and hugged her sister into it.

Just then, the door was banged.

Pang Xuelin took a deep breath and stepped forward to open the door.

Appearing before him were two heavily armed shrimpers armed with weapons.

"Get out, hunt down the suspect!"

Shrimp pulled back Pang Xuelin and entered Pang Xuelin's house.

There are not many things in Pang Xuelin's house. In addition to the bed and stove, the front room is also a small table board spliced ​​together.

It was the back room, a lot of **** he didn't know where to pick it up.

One shrimper went to the back room to hunt, and the other shrimper made a round in the front room, then squatted down and looked at the bottom of the bed.

Kris opened her eyes in horror, her heart filled with despair.

"I knew I left last night, so that Pang and my sister will not be affected ..."

Kris raised a little regret, but to her's surprise, her eyes stared at the shrimp man, and the other side didn't have any strange expression, as if he hadn't seen anything.

"what's the situation?"

"He saw me clearly, why didn't he catch me?"

"Don't this guy know Pang, so let me know?"

Questions kept rising in Chris' mind.

But no one could answer her.

At this time, she saw the shrimp man straightened up, took a photo from her arms, and asked Pang Xuelin: "Have you seen this man?"

"Have seen!"

Pang Xuelin's answer made Chris' heart twitch.

Shrimp said: "When and where is she?"

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "This person is called Kris, my neighbor, but wasn't she taken away by Mr. Todd yesterday? I heard that Mr. Todd liked her very much ..."

"Todd is dead, Chris is missing!"

"Oh, no!"

Pang Xuelin's face was shocked in time.

At this time, the shrimp man searching in the back room also came out and shook his head at the shrimp man who was talking to Pang Xuelin.

The shrimp man said: "This person is an important rebel suspect. If you see her in the future, report to the security forces as soon as possible, you know?"

"I see, I understand, Grandpa, seeing her, I promise to report to the officer the first time!"

"let's go!"

The shrimp man waved at his companion, and the two left Pang Xuelin's room.

It wasn't until half an hour that the hustle and bustle of the outside was gradually gone, Pang Xuelin closed the door again, and said to Chris and Murphy hiding under the bed: "Well, you can come out."

Kris still had a terrible heartbeat, and she took Murphy out of the bed and wondered, "That shrimp man knows you?"

Pang Xuelin shook his head.

"Then what about him?"

Pang Xuelin said: "Don't ask this, anyway, you should be safe for a while."

Of course, Pang Xuelin would not tell Chris that this is the two-dimensional expansion of Tomoko, which shields the light at the bottom of the bed. What these two shrimpers see is completely an illusory sight.


Chris Diary.

February 12, 2030.

It's going to be autumn soon. Today is very thrilling. The shrimp man must have seen me, but why did he pretend he didn't see it?

Maybe Pang knew him.

In short, without Pang, I may really not be able to survive.


February 18, 2030.

Pang didn't go to work for a week, but strangely, he always got food. Moreover, I found that Mr. Pang recently wrote and painted at home. I took a look at it. The above are all biological terms, and some molecular formulas of amino acids and purines and pyrimidines. My grandfather taught me this before, but unfortunately I have almost forgotten it now, and I do n’t know where Pang learned it. Now there should be few people who know this.


February 25, 2030.

Today, there was some meat to eat, and we didn't know where Pang got a hare. We roasted the hare in the middle of the night and ate it. The meat was so delicious. Murphy was so full of oil. I was almost the same. I don't know how long I haven't tasted it.


March 4, 2030.

The weather started to get colder. Fortunately, the clothes, coal and firewood in the house were enough.

I don't know where Pang got his supplies. He is very mysterious. He often goes out in the dark, and only returns in the middle of the night. But our lives are much better than when I was only my sister and me.

Every time he does not return empty-handed ~ ~ and is a scarce supply in the refugee camp.

If it weren't for the time when I saw a woman who rescued me, I suspected that he had quietly rescued me.

However, every time he went out, I was worried and always felt empty.

Only when I see him will I feel relieved.


April 12, 2030.

Today is Murphy's birthday, and Pang actually got a birthday cake.

And a few steaks.

God, is he God?

It's incredible. How did he do it? He is our angel!


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