The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 321: Anti-assimilation virus

These shrimp human subjects were all retrieved when Tomoko went out.

In general, a group of experiments consists of four experimental subjects, three native shrimp human experiments plus one transformed human experimental body in vitro.

Then cross-check them to find the most suitable strain. .

After watching the second experiment, the staff turned the screen to another experiment.

Appeared on the screen is actually an oval-shaped meat ball, almost no original body structure of shrimp people.

"Subject No. 3 did not undergo large-scale mutations in the entire body structure, but the fat conversion system was abnormal. Originally, shrimp had extremely developed muscles and a very low body fat rate. Protein and other components are all converted to fat. At present, the third subject has died. The specific cause needs further research ... "

Su Sunlan concluded.

Oliver said: "What about subjects 1 and 4?"

The experimental body No. 1 is a transformed human. The experimental body No. 4 is the same as that of the second and third bodies.

Sun Lan said: "Numbers 1 and 4 are temporarily normal, and we are monitoring the virus levels in them."

A satisfied smile appeared on Oliver's face, and he groaned for a moment and said, "Okay, Director Shao, let everyone disperse. Our project team will have a review meeting later, and then submit a report to the base management within one week. Committee. "

Xi Shao Yimin nodded one by one.

Xi Pang Xuelin stayed. He was also a member of the project team and naturally wanted to participate in the review meeting.

I spent one morning, and the team successfully completed the experimental review. Oliver said, "Professor Pang, should you go out for a walk?"

Pang Xuelin nodded.

When the two came out of the laboratory, Oliver said with emotion, "Professor Pang, thanks to you in the past two years. Without you, our progress would not have been so fast."

In the past two years, the arrival of Pang Xuelin has greatly promoted the virus laboratory. On the one hand, the existence of that quantum computer has greatly accelerated the laboratory's ability to process data.

On the other hand, Pang Xuelin did not know from which channels some research papers on shrimp human civilization in the field of biology were of great significance to the Antarctic base laboratory.

Even the Shrimp civilization itself may be aware of the weakness of the assimilation gene, and they are constantly studying the defense methods of biological weapons.

If there is no Pang Xuelin, according to the previous research plan of the Antarctic base, even if the anti-assimilation virus is developed, it can only cause some confusion within the shrimp civilization, and the scientific research level of shrimp civilization in the field of biology, A restraint plan will soon be found.

But it's really hard to say now.

The study of how the lobster civilization defended against biological weapon attacks has greatly inspired these experts at the Antarctic base.

的 The latest anti-assimilation virus developed by the Antarctic base is extremely amazing in both survivability and infection capacity.

In a sense, this is no longer a virus, but a genetic bomb targeted at a particular race.

According to the current research and development progress of the laboratory, if it is fast, it will be completed in one year, and if it is slow, it will be completed in half a year.

Because of this, Oliver began to thank Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "Yes, but Professor Oliver, even if the virus has been successfully developed, we may not be relieved. There is a battleship hanging above him. After all, there is a sequence of virus infection and latency. Once the shrimp people ’s leadership realized Their demise is inevitable, then they are likely to attack the remaining humans on the planet through a spaceship, and end up with human civilization. How much humans can survive outside then, it is difficult to say. "

"This is really a big problem." After a moment of groaning, Oliver asked, "Professor Pang, is there no way for your organization to take this warship?"

If it was put in the past, and even the assimilation virus could not be solved, Oliver would certainly not consider so much.

But now, the dawn of the anti-assimilation virus is on the horizon. Human beings may face the wind, and Oliver hopes to save more people.

After all, the starship in outer space alone is enough to carry out a large-scale nuclear bomb cleaning on the surface of the earth.

At that time, if humans on the ground become extinct, although there are still more than 10,000 humans living in the underground bases, Oliver does not believe that this person alone can survive the next nuclear winter.

Pang Xuelin shook his head and said, "At present, our organization is only developing secretly among the transforming people. The Senate is very strict in transforming the air defense. The Star Warship has only a small number of native shrimp talents qualified to enter. We have no way to take it. "

The organization in Xuan Pang Xuelin's mouth naturally refers to the "sky-eye" organization.

In recent years, Tomoko has been providing native shrimp to the base as an experimental body. In addition to Pang Xuelin's continuous information, Pang Xuelin simply told them the existence of the "Sky Eye" organization.

Oliver they were relieved, otherwise Pang Xuelin could not explain how much information he could get.

Next, Pang Xuelin and Oliver talked about the next experimental protocol, then left the laboratory and went home.

For the anti-assimilation virus project, he only played a role in processing the data. The core work was still done by those top biologists. Pang Xuelin only played around. ~ Of course, Pang Xuelin knows the core technical solutions. of.

After all, whether it is MOSS located in the core area of ​​the base or Tomoko, it can bring him a lot of information.

When I returned home, Pang Xuelin had just opened the key to the house, and saw on the dining table that there was a winter melon stewed pork ribs and a braised chicken wings.

还有 The sound of cooking in the kitchen.

Perhaps I heard the movement of Pang Xuelin's door opening. A beautiful female cook in an apron came out of the restaurant. When she saw Pang Xuelin, Kris smiled and said cheerfully: "Large brother, back, there is a dish, you can eat right away. Now. "

Pang Xuelin said: "Kriss, you are so busy at work, you don't have to come back to cook for me at noon."

Kriss laughed: "This is not okay, Sister Tomoko just before leaving, but repeatedly told me to take care of your daily diet."

Pang Xuelin was helpless. Tomoko has been away from the base for almost three months. Each time Tomoko leaves, Kris will take the initiative to come and cook for him.

Of course, Pang Xuelin understood Chris's mind, but according to the research progress of the anti-assimilation virus, it won't be long before he is afraid that he will have to leave the Antarctic base. He can't give Chris any promise at all.

I was just a knot in Kris, and even Oliver, who had previously opposed Kris with him, had recently shown signs of slackening.

For a moment, Pang Xuelin hadn't figured out how to deal with Kris's emotional problems.

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