At the end of February, Pang Xuelin officially confirmed his candidate.

In early March, the five students selected by Pang Xuelin successively arrived at Jiangda University.

That evening, Pang Xuelin stepped into a small classroom of the University of Mathematics in Jiangxi University. In the classroom, the eyes of five people focused on Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said in English: "You are all here. I didn't expect that everyone's face value is quite high. I should be the professor with the most handsome and handsome men under the hands of Quanjiang University."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

There is no need to say Ai Ai and Tomoko. Even in the entire Jiangda University, the face value is outstanding. Halk and Meng Yao are considered handsome guys. Even the German girl Sophie with freckles looks on her face. Can be considered a beauty.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "It is one thing to have a high face value, but I hope that your subsequent academic performance can be as outstanding as your face value. Well, let's introduce yourself and start from ... ... Mr. Wang Zhi, start here! "

The corner of Tomoko's mouth slightly tilted, his eyes crossed Pang Xuelin's glance, and he walked up to the podium, saying, "Hi, my name is Wang Zhi. I'm from Princeton Department of Mathematics. I came to Professor Pang to study electrochemical major ...

Offstage, Halke whispered to Meng Yao sitting next to him: "This should be Princeton's girl who proved Kakuya's conjecture. I didn't expect her to come."

Meng Yao nodded, a faint hint of pressure in his heart.

After graduating from Mathematics University of Peking University, he had originally received the offer from Stanford, but when he learned that Pang Xuelin was preparing to recruit graduate students, he resolutely rejected the offer and moved to Jiangda University for graduate studies.

Originally, he was quite confident in himself. During the undergraduate period, he led the team to win the undergraduate group championship of the National Mathematical Modeling Contest of the Higher Education Society Cup.

In addition, he also has a dual degree in Mathematics and Materials, and he did not have a grade below 90 in any of the courses.

He even completed two SCI papers independently.

It stands to reason that with such a result, coupled with his choice to study materials science under Pang Xuelin, it should be considered quite good.

But he did not expect that Pang Xuelin, another student who majored in electrochemistry, actually proved Jiao Gu's conjecture.

This makes Meng Yao feel a little pressure.

After Tomoko finished introducing himself, Sophie, Halke, and Ai Ai came to power one after another.

These people introduced them one by one, and Meng Yao began to sweat coldly.

Sophie and Halke are both highly talented in mathematics and are not under Wang Zhi.

The beautiful Chinese-British Ai Ai is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Being able to enter the Ponzi Geometry Workshop at the undergraduate level and being able to publish two research papers during the undergraduate period is sufficient to illustrate his academic level.

In the end it was Meng Yao's turn to take the stage. After all, he stumbled and finished speaking. Seeing that there was nothing unusual in the eyes of everyone, Meng Yao was relieved and quickly walked off the podium.

After completing his introduction, Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "Okay, everyone knows each other, so let me talk about the study plan for this semester."

"Sophie, Halke, Ai Ai, you three ..."

When Pang Xuelin clicked on his name, Sophie, Halke, and Ai Ai were all right.

Pang Xuelin said: "The three of you are all mathematics students. This year's Ponzi Geometry Workshop has begun. You can directly enter the seminar. According to your learning progress and research direction, I will list you. A list of PAPER, this is the materials you need to see this semester. In addition, I have five homework questions here. You can complete three of them in this semester, even if you pass the final exam. OK, now you three will come up to the lecture notes. . "

Sophie and Halk and Ai Ai could not help but look at each other.

Ai Ai raised his hand and said, "Professor Pang, if we finish all these questions in one semester? In addition, these questions are not restricted to check the information?"

Pang Xuelin said: "Of course it is not limited, but I would like to tell you in advance. Instead of going online to check the information, you might as well study the collection of lectures compiled by the Ponzi Geometry Workshop last year. These topics are extracted from there , There is basically no corresponding reference on the Internet. "

Halke raised his hand, somewhat weakly: "Professor Pang, what if these five questions were completed ahead of time?"

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "I have prepared a total of fifteen questions for each of you. Each question type is different according to the direction you have learned. As long as you complete these fifteen questions, then you can I have graduated. In addition, I will be in the office every Wednesday and Friday from 8 am to 11 am. If you have any questions about me, you can come over this time. Of course, you can also add me *, if you have any questions I can just leave a message, I will take the time to answer it ... Okay, are there any questions? "

"No problem!"

After Halk came to power one by one and received their respective materials, Pang Xuelin turned his eyes to Meng Yao and Zhizi.

"Meng Yao, you are going to go to the carbon nanomaterials center next, follow Professor Li Changqing to do experiments, you can go to professional basic courses regularly, I will check your progress every other month."

Meng Yao frowned slightly, frowning slightly: "Professor Pang, do you need the information and literature I need to see?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "At present, in the field of carbon nanomaterials, we at Jiangda are the world leader, especially in the preparation of single-walled carbon nanotubes and large-size single-layer graphene films. The only one in the academic world is our carbon nano The material center has mastered the relevant core technologies. At present, Professor Li Changqing's team is writing internal literature for theoretical reference. After you pass, look, ask, practice. The knowledge you need to master is all in carbon nanomaterials. Center. Of course, I do n’t need to say more about professional basic courses. This requires you to take the initiative to learn by yourself. I will regularly check your progress every month. "

"I understand!"

Meng Yao nodded his head ~ ~ a look of joy in his eyes.

Although Jiangda Carbon Nanomaterials Center has only published two articles in the past year, both the preparation of single-walled carbon nanotubes and the preparation of large-size single-layer graphene have caused a worldwide sensation.

When he was at Peking University, he heard that Peking University also had a team that tracked the research of Jiangnan Carbon Nano Center, but it never reached the level of the other party.

Now that he has the opportunity to study in such a research center, Meng Yao can't help but be tempted.

Finally, Pang Xuelin turned his attention to Wang Zhi.

"Wang Zhi, you will report to the graphene lithium air battery project team tomorrow. You are responsible for providing mathematical support. In addition, the entire R & D process of graphene lithium air batteries. You should discuss it with Professor Qian Xingmin. What problems can you solve? Find me.

"I know, Professor Pang!"

Tomoko whispered.


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