Diwu's campus is not large, but it is not easy to convince the school's uncle security to enter the campus.

"Lady, you say your girlfriend is in school, you just call her and let her come out to pick you up ..."

"Uncle, I just want to surprise my girlfriend. Would you please let me in?"

"No, if I believe your reason, what about other people mixing in for the same reason?"


After a long toss, the uncle at the gate of the school refused to let go. Pang Xuelin was helpless and was about to pull out his cell phone to call Yao Bingxia. A voice came from behind him.

"Pang Shen?"

Pang Xuelin turned her head and saw a cute girl with a round face appearing behind her.

"you are?"

Pang Xuelin felt that the girl was a little familiar, as if she were a classmate of Yao Bingxia. The two should have met once before.

"Chen Guo!"

The round-faced girl stretched out her hand and smiled and said, "Don't you forget me, Pang?"

"How can it? Xiaoxia often talks about you."

Pang Xuelin laughed.

"That's good!"

Chen Guo turned his attention to Uncle Pang Xuelin and waved the student card: "Uncle, this is my roommate's boyfriend, let me take him in."

"go Go!"

Uncle Security waved and returned to the sentry box.

Pang Xuelin smiled bitterly: "I did not expect that your school management is so strict."

Chen Guo said with a smile: "In fact, there is no way for the school. There are so many beautiful handsome men in Diwu. There are too many people who want to come in and visit. The school is not strict. In case of trouble, it is troublesome. All students can bring to school with them. "

Pang Xuelin nodded: "No wonder. By the way, Chen Guo, where is Xiaoxia now?"

"You didn't tell her you're here?"

"I came to Beijing temporarily and came by to see her, just to surprise her."

Chen Guo smiled: "She should be in the rehearsal room now. I'll take you to find her."

Ten minutes later, Pang Xuelin followed Chen Guo to the door of a rehearsal room.

Yao Bingxia is doing some basic stretching training.

"Xiao Xia, see who is coming."

When Yao Bingxia turned his head, there was a look of surprise in his eyes, and a scream of "ah" rushed towards Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin smiled with open arms and embraced Yao Bingxia.


In the rehearsal room, the students who were rehearsing looked at Yao Bingxia enviously, and many people had recognized Pang Xuelin's identity.

"It turns out that Pang Shen is really Yao Bingxia's boyfriend!"

"I heard that they grew up together from childhood."

"Xiao Xia's luck is so good that she can find her husband as a boyfriend."

"Pang Shen is my idol. Do you think we can find Pang Shen for signature through Yao Bingxia?"


It's no secret that Yao Bingxia's boyfriend is Pang Xuelin. In the dance, even the teachers in the school have long been told to take care of Yao Bingxia at school.

Yao Bingxia didn't care about the surrounding eyes, and he refused to let go of holding Pang Xuelin: "Brother Xiaolin, why are you here? Didn't we say that I will go to Jiangcheng on May 1st?"

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "I have something to come to Beijing. I just came to see you."

"But ... I have to rehearse!"

Yao Bingxia said pitifully.

At this time, there was a voice next to him: "Xiao Xia, since your boyfriend came to see you specially, let you take a long day off. Remember to come back to practice tomorrow morning."


Only then did Yao Bingxia realize that she was still in the rehearsal room, freed from Pang Xuelin's arms, her face turned red, and she looked at the woman on the side and said, "Mr. Huang."

Then Mr. Huang said with a smile: "Go, Professor Pang is not easy to come by. I will give you a holiday this afternoon."

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Teacher Huang, thank you so much."


Pang Xuelin took Yao Bingxia and talked with Teacher Huang for a while, and then came out of the rehearsal room.

Yao Bingxia first went to the dressing room to change the dance suit, and then changed to a white sweater and high waisted jeans.

Pang Xuelin said: "Xiao Xia, remember to bring your dance practice clothes with you."

"What are you doing?"

Yao Bingxia blinked **** and white eyes and looked at Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin whispered in her ear and whispered two words. The girl blushed suddenly, reached out and hit Pang Xuelin, and said coquettishly, "Big satyr ... I put my exercise clothes in the bag."

Pang Xuelin smiled, pulled Yao Bingxia out of school, and greeted Uncle Security specially before going out.

Later, Pang Xuelin pulled Yao Bingxia and got into a red flag N501 parked on the side of the road.

This car is specially equipped for him to travel in Beijing, the driver is a veteran of the guard regiment.

"Professor Pang, where shall we go next?"

Pang Xuelin turned his eyes to Yao Bingxia. Yao Bingxia looked at Pang Xuelin with watery eyes and whispered, "Go back to the hotel first."

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Go back to the hotel first."


At eight o'clock in the evening, Yao Bingxia, who had exhausted her last strength, lay softly in Pang Xuelin's arms, and wondered, "Brother Xiaolin, why are you so powerful today?"

Pang Xuelin smiled proudly: "I don't know, maybe it's the reason why I keep on exercising. By the way, what do you want to eat at night, I'll let the hotel deliver the meal."

"Just eat whatever you want, just porridge and side dishes. I don't want to move a finger now."

That night, the two didn't do anything, they lay down and talked, and finally hugged and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Pang Xuelin sent Yao Bingxia back to school, and then went to the Jingxi Hotel to attend a seminar on the application of Jinlong batteries in the military field organized by the military and the National Defense Science and Industry Bureau.

And based on the results of this seminar, formulate Jinlong's future international control policies.


In fact ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the high-level, there are some differences about the positioning of Jinlong Battery in the future.

One party believes that the strategic significance of Jinlong Battery is too great and it should be strictly controlled.

After all, as a strategic material, the military significance of Jinlong Battery is undoubted, especially in the field of conventional power submarines, which is simply a disruptive strategic equipment.

Although AIP submarines have spread on a large scale in the world, many medium-sized countries have been equipped with AIP submarines.

However, compared to nuclear-powered submarines, AIP submarines are quite different from nuclear-powered submarines in terms of overall submersible depth, or power, sonar, and the power of various electronic equipment due to the storage energy limitation of batteries.

Naturally, the combat effectiveness between the two is not the same.

This is also an important reason for the US Navy to abandon conventional power submarines and choose to maintain a full nuclear underwater fleet.

However, the advent of the Jinlong battery broke the barriers of combat power between conventional power submarines and nuclear submarines.

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