The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 344: Paper Publication

Corton Walker's statement made his Weibo followers grow from zero to over one million in just one day.

What's more funny is that after this remark was issued, his Twitter account was restricted ...

However, his statement also ended the drool battle between Pang Xuelin and Te Wuppu.

No one on the Internet ever said weird things like Pang Xuelin's stealing the results of Kirton Walker's research.

Even the Dr. Tian Hong, Stanford, took the initiative to publicly apologize to Pang Xuelin and Kirton Walker on his knowledgeable column.


For the past two days, Pang Xuelin has been busy moving to a new home.

If Pang Xuelin was just a top mathematician and chemist before the advent of Jinlong Battery, now his status has far exceeded the level of ordinary scientists and has risen to the strategic level.

Therefore, no matter from the field of security or other aspects, he is no longer suitable for living in his small apartment in Jiangda University.

Jiang Jiang University originally planned to build a small building for Pang Xuelin on the campus, but was rejected by Pang Xuelin. He planned to move back to his mother's villa in Binjiang.

After all, whether it is Qiantang Lab or Jinlong Group, he will spend less and less time at Jiangda University.

And from the riverside to the carbon nanomaterials research center in Yuquan campus, it is not that far.

Of course, Zhou Chen and Zuo Yiqiu will live with Pang Xuelin.

In addition, the government also provided Pang Xuelin with domestic helpers such as babysitters.


During this time, another major event that caused a sensation in the academic circle, that is, more than a dozen papers related to Jinlong Battery, was finally published in the Journal of Jiangcheng University.

Before starting the Golden Dragon battery project, Pang Xuelin had agreed with Kirton Walker. Due to confidentiality reasons, some scientific research results cannot be directly published in the form of papers. They can be published, and they must be published directly after review. Journal of Jiangcheng University.

As for whether these papers will be leaked.

Pang Xuelin was not worried.

From the dissertation to the actual application, there is a gap of eighteen thousand miles.

In fact, for most research papers, there is no need to worry about leaks.

First, what needs to be kept secret is usually technology, not knowledge.

Publishing a paper is more about presenting new knowledge and perspectives to peers for peer review.

For example, the manufacturing principle of the atomic bomb does not need to be kept secret. Related principles have already been written in textbooks. What really needs to be kept secret is actually some technical details, such as how to obtain high-purity U235.

Like chip manufacturing, the related principles and processes are well known to everyone, but to make high-performance chips, we must have supporting technology and equipment, such as an advanced lithography machine.

Therefore, we often say that our XX technology lags behind the world, without saying that we are inferior to others in XX principle.

Of course, in scientific papers, in addition to presenting new ideas and knowledge, there are also new technologies and new methods.

For example, a new polymerization method was discovered: living polymerization.

This new polymerization method can easily control the morphology and structure of polymers.

In theory, it is a very significant technological breakthrough. Once industrialization is achieved, it can create very great economic value.

The problem is exactly here, that is, "industrialization."

These discoveries are laboratory-scale, and there is still a long way to go from practicality. For the time being, it is still necessary to continue experiments to expand its applications and improve its conditions in order to have a practical day.

In this sense, the new technology in the laboratory is like a tender shoot, and it will take a long time to leave the flower and bear fruit.

So, you can publish a paper and let colleagues from all over the world comment on it, and let them water and fertilize the bud and help it open up.

When it comes to fruition, everyone will remember that it was you who first cultivated this bud, and you will be famous.

Even if you want to keep it secret, it is still in the fruit picking stage. You pick a fruit from this tree and you can quickly hide it and enjoy it secretly.

At this point, it should be noted that there are often criticisms that most papers are junk, meaningless.

In fact, as long as the data is authentic, any paper is meaningful.

For a field, a large amount of data accumulation is needed to breed a major technological breakthrough.

The accumulation of water is not thick, so the negative boat is also weak!

It is important that the brilliance of scientific breakthrough genius flashes, but the scientific research migrant workers who silently pay their sweat are also important.

Their work may be inconspicuous, but the accumulation of less is more, and it is precisely the quantitative change that they produce that can trigger the qualitative change of research in a certain field.

The more than ten papers published by the Jinlong Battery team in the Journal of Jiangcheng University directly sold this issue of Journal of Jiangcheng University out of stock.

Numerous domestic and foreign scientific research institutions have tried their best to get this issue of the journal.

From these papers, scholars in the field of global lithium batteries have finally understood the technical route of Jinlong batteries.

But first of all, the large-size single-layer graphene thin film technology has let the vast majority of people stop thinking about lithium-air batteries in a short time.

At present, there are many laboratories in the world that can produce graphene films, but the only research institute that can produce large-size single-layer graphene is the Carbon Nano Research Center of Jiangcheng University.

There is no semicolon in this family.

Not to mention, this technology was put into industrial production.

You have to know that even in the dark forest world and the wandering earth world, this is the result of hundreds of billions of dollars of funds gathered from hundreds of the world's top mathematicians, chemists and physicists, and it took years to come up.

In the real world ~ ~ including the United States, no country has the ability to assemble such a powerful scientific research force in a single field to make a breakthrough.

Even if the US government wants to do this, the top leaders in academia are not willing.

If you have more money, isn't it that my money will be greatly reduced?

No matter at home or abroad, there is no shortage of puppets in academic circles due to scientific research funding.

Of course, in the next ten years or so, countries will make large-scale investments in the field of lithium-air batteries.

But it is impossible to reach the level of the dark forest world and the wandering earth world.

Pang Xuelin's success is only because he has thousands of scientists and engineers in those science fiction worlds who have leveled the road to lithium-air batteries.

If this is not the case, even if the funding for him is doubled by a factor of ten, he will not be able to get a Golden Dragon battery.

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