Over the next month, Pang Xuelin's life was smooth.

After July, Yao Bingxia came from Beijing, and Tomoko also deliberately reduced his contact with Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin and Yao Bingxia spent more than a month like a paintball.

Yao Bingxia has completed her undergraduate studies, but perhaps because Pang Xuelin's status is getting higher and higher, the girl feels a sense of crisis and decided to continue her studies.

Pang Xuelin naturally respects the girl's choice.

That night, another hearty battle was over. Yao Bingxia was lying in Pang Xuelin's arms, and while drawing a circle on his chest, he said, "Brother Xiaolin, you can find another one."


Pang Xuelin was startled.

Yao Bingxia said bitterly: "You're getting worse now, I can't afford it alone."

Pang Xuelin couldn't help crying: "Xiao Xia, what nonsense are you talking about? There are no girls who let their men go out to find people."

"I'm telling the truth, I ... I can't take it anymore, every time I look at you, I feel bad ..."

You should know that Yao Bingxia was born in a dance practice and has strong long legs. He used to compete with Pang Xuelin in the past.

I do n’t know what Pang Xuelin has taken recently, she is more and more prone to defeat and surrender.

Pang Xuelin stroked the girl's smooth back and laughed: "Silly girl, don't think about it, go to bed quickly, you have to go back to Beijing tomorrow."


Yao Bingxia was lying in the arms of Pang Xuelin like a kitten, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he really enjoyed touching each other.

Pang Xuelin was a little surprised, and sent Yao Bingxia back to the capital tomorrow. He will go to the airport the next day to pick up Qi Xin.

Keke ...

The two girls just missed it perfectly, Qi Xin deliberately.


Early the next morning, Pang Xuelin sent tearful Yao Bingxia away. Just after leaving the airport, the phone rang and it was Qi Xin.

"Professor Pang, I just arrived at the Los Angeles International Airport. I will be connecting to Jiangcheng in two hours. I will arrive at Jiangcheng Airport tomorrow morning. Remember to pick me up then."

At the other end of the phone, Qi Xin smiled sweetly.


Pang Xuelin coughed, and looked at the front sitting with a guilty confusion, Zuo Yiqiu and Zhou Chen pretending that they hadn't heard anything, and said, "OK, send me the flight number, I'll pick you up tomorrow ..."

In the front passenger seat, Zuo Yiqiu pouted and did not speak.

"Is anyone beside you ..."

Qi Xin's words were just half spoken, then her voice suddenly became louder, and then she said in English, "Who are you? What are you doing?"

"Ms. Qi Xin, we are FBI agents. We suspect you are related to a technical theft case. We need your cooperation to investigate ..."

There was a faint English conversation over the phone, and then the phone beeped twice and was hung up.

Pang Xuelin looked dignified and said to Zuo Yiqiu in the front passenger seat: "Yi Qiu, please contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"Professor Pang, what's wrong?"

Zuo Yiqiu looked back in surprise.

Pang Xuelin said: "Ji Xin was just detained by the FBI at the Los Angeles Airport!"


Zuo Yiqiu suddenly changed color.

Zuo Yiqiu is very clear about Qi Xin's position in Pang Xuelin's mind. In fact, before she was assigned to work next to Pang Xuelin, everyone around Pang Xuelin paid close attention to.

Except for Wang Zhi, who suddenly appeared beside Pang Xuelin, making her a little elusive, she knew the background of everyone else.

But she never imagined that the United States would be so innocent and directly start Xin Xin.

We must know that the incident of Ms. Warwick Meng three years ago was still a big move, and the three parties remained deadlocked for more than two years, and it was not resolved until the end of last year.

This time, the United States ended in person and dealt with a student who was still studying in Princeton.

The most important thing is that this student is closely related to Pang Xuelin!

Zuo Yiqiu reported the relevant news to him immediately.


Two hours later, CNN made the first report.

"Not long ago, the FBI detained Chinese international student Qi Xin who tried to leave at the Los Angeles International Airport for stealing confidential technology, and found in her suitcase some new electrolyte materials from Princeton University's chemical laboratory. It is reported that Qi Xin once worked at Jiangcheng University for one year, during which he served as the personal assistant and secretary of Professor Pang Xuelin. The two have a close relationship ... "

In just a few hours, relevant news spread across the globe through major media.

BBC: "The former secretary of Pang Xuelin was involved in the Princeton spy case, and the source of King Long battery technology is suspect."

AFP: "The FBI arrested a Chinese student at the Los Angeles airport. It is reported that the student is closely related to Pang Xuelin."

The New York Times: "Everyone has been stolen, the FBI has captured Chinese spies, and the former secretary Pang Xuelin took the new materials from Princeton University's chemical laboratory in secret!"

Photo report: "Is it true that planting the stolen frame? The former secretary of Professor Pang Xuelin, the inventor of Jinlong Battery, was arrested for stealing secrets in the United States."

RT News Network: "The Americans have repeated their skills, and Qi Xin, former secretary of Pang Xuelin, has become an innocent victim."

After the relevant news was forwarded by foreign media, it was quickly transmitted back to China. Almost immediately, the major domestic news media reprinted the relevant news.

"Meng Bangzhou incident repeats itself? Ms. Qi Xin, former secretary of Academician Pang Xuelin, was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport. The FBI claimed that some experimental materials from Princeton University's chemical laboratory were found in Qi Xin's suitcase ..."

"Xi Xin, former secretary of Academician Pang Xuelin, was arrested, and the United States began to do whatever it took to obtain Jinlong battery technology."

"How long has Qi Xin become the second innocent victim after Ms. Meng?

At the same time, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs released relevant news as soon as possible: "China is highly concerned about the incident, and the United States has arbitrarily imposed coercive measures on Chinese citizens, which has seriously violated the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens. This is a serious political incident. We strongly urge the US Take China's solemn position and concerns seriously, take practical measures to correct the mistakes, and release Ms. Qi Xin at an early date to ensure that she returns to the motherland safely and early at night ~ www.readwn.com ~ late at night.

Inside the Riverside Greentown Rose Garden Villa.

Pang Xuelin was sitting expressionlessly on the sofa, while Zuo Yiqiu and Zhou Chen were sitting aside, both frowning.

After a while, Zuo Yiqiu said: "Professor Pang, don't worry too much, we will do our best to rescue Ms. Qi Xin ..."


Pang Xuelin turned his head blankly and looked at Zuo Yiqiu. After a while, he nodded and said, "Oh, I know. You and Zhou should rest early. I'll go back to sleep."

After all, Pang Xuelin didn't go back upstairs.

Zuo Yiqiu and Zhou Chen glanced at each other, flashing anxiety in their eyes.


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