The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 348: Interstellar

In the next few days, news about Qi Xin was flying around the world.

China and the United States are still in a state of verbal warfare, and Tomoko reports the situation of Qi Xin to Pang Xuelin every day.

In general, Qi Xin is relatively calm. The Yankee serves deliciously and deliciously every day. Although she is accused of being a commercial spy, she does not directly treat Qi Xin as a criminal.

Obviously, this is to leave a little room to prevent the complete collapse of talks with China.

After all, their real purpose is to get the related technology of Jinlong Battery, not to completely offend Pang Xuelin and China.

Time is consumed every day like this, unknowingly, the time comes to September.

During this period, Tomoko also found a lot of black material of American political figures, but it basically had little effect on solving Qi Xin.

Both Tomoko and Pang Xuelin are waiting for the opportunity.

That night, Pang Xuelin returned home from the laboratory, and chatted with Zhizi about the situation of Qi Xin today. He was just going to take a bath and going to bed, and the system sounded loudly in his ear.

"Host please note that after half an hour, the" Interstellar "world is about to open, please host to prepare."

Pang Xuelin frowned slightly, and her brows frowned.

Now Qi Xin's matter has not been resolved, he did not expect that at this time, the system even arranged a world mission.

"Interstellar" is a classic hard science fiction work by the director Christopher Nolan.

This film tells that in the near future of human beings, plants on the earth will start to die successively due to an infectious fusarium wilt. Food crops have also been basically extinct due to the disease. Without photosynthesis of plants, new oxygen will continue to be produced. The oxygen on it is gradually depleted, and the environment begins to deteriorate. The sky is filled with yellow sand, and human beings are in danger of survival. If food and oxygen problems cannot be solved, human beings will eventually perish.

Cooper is a NASA retired astronaut. In order to survive, mankind has limited resources and devoted himself to agricultural production. Therefore, the country shut down NASA (NASA) many years ago, and he has since become a farmer.

Soon the peaceful life was broken by the strange phenomenon that happened to him. His daughter Murphy found that the books on the bookshelf in the room often fell automatically, and the automatic harvester in the cornfield also somehow appeared abnormally in the positioning system. Sand and dust in Murphy A mysterious pattern was left on the floor of his room. Cooper found that the mysterious pattern turned out to be a binary location information, as if some mysterious force directed Cooper to the secret base rebuilt by NASA, where he saw the cloth. Professor Rand, knowing that humankind is in danger of perishing, NASA has been reorganized to find a planet suitable for human habitation in the universe and to emigrate.

Out of a sense of mission for an astronaut, Cooper accepted the invitation of Professor Brand to join the exploration of the life planet suitable for human migration, and had to be separated from his young daughter.

However, after all kinds of difficult obstacles and various spectacles of the universe, Cooper finally returned to the black hole and passed a super-dimensional space to Murphy, who had become an adult physicist's daughter, and returned vital information.

It is also with the breakthrough of his daughter Murphy in physics that he has helped humans solve the secret of gravity and set foot in the stars.

Human civilization continues.

When Cooper was returned by humans again, Cooper's face remained, while his daughter Murphy was already gray-haired.

Time can be stretched and folded, but it cannot be reversed.

Your crane hair may be my childlike face, and I can breathe through the years of your life in one breath.

These two sentences summarize the theme of the classic hard science fiction movie "Interstellar".

If changed to the past, Pang Xuelin would be interested to experience the world depicted in the movie.

For example, for a planet near a black hole, one hour of life on this planet is equivalent to seven years on Earth due to the relativity effect.

And because of the huge tidal gravity of the black hole, the waves on this planet seem to be a moving mountain.

There is also a mysterious planet where the clouds are frozen into solids.

The sci-fi wonders shown in this film can be said to be extremely rare in sci-fi film and television dramas for many years.

But now, Qi Xin's affairs have been bothering Pang Xuelin, and Pang Xuelin doesn't have much mood to venture into the mission world.

However, Pang Xuelin also knew that since the system had released the task, he could not refuse at all.

Pang Xuelin hesitated and chose to contact Tomoko: "Tomoko, I will enter the" Interstellar "world in half an hour, and Qi Xin will be solely responsible for you. I have only one request, do not let Qi Xin be harmed in any way . "

Soon, Pang Xuelin received a response from Zhizi: "Professor Pang, don't you need me to follow?"

Pang Xuelin said: "No, the time span of the" Interstellar "world is as long as a hundred years. I will probably be in a coma for more than a week in the real world. Then you will inform my parents in secret that they will not worry. MOSS stays with you in the real world. "

Tomoko hesitated and said, "Okay, right, husband ..."

"what happened?"

Pang Xuelin froze slightly.

Since returning to the real world, Tomoko generally only refers to himself as Professor Pang, and rarely calls his husband.

"Be sure to come back alive!"

"for sure!"


Ending the call with Tomoko, Pang Xuelin took a shower, then lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

The systematic voice sounded on time in his mind.

"The interstellar plane will open in ten seconds. Hosts please prepare, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one ..."


Pang Xuelin opened his eyes wryly, and found that he was lying in the bed, beside him, there was a familiar face: "Kriss ?!"

Pang Xuelin couldn't help exclaiming.


Kris stepped forward and kissed Pang Xuelin, then got up and said, wearing clothes, "I'll get up for breakfast first, and you will take Murphy to school later. There is still a lot of work to do today. The corn has been harvested, and then replanted before the dry season. The blight has become more and more serious in recent years. Has the Lazarus project on NASA made any progress? "


Pang Xuelin froze slightly and shook his head subconsciously: "Not yet ..."

"Dear, come on! You can, I believe you, if you can save humanity for the first time, there must be a way to save humanity for the second time!"

Speaking, Kris smiled at Pang Xuelin, and then she stooped downstairs.

Pang Xuelin worked hard to digest the memory instilled in his system ~ ~ After a long time, Pang Xuelin gave a long sigh.

This turned out to be the "Interstellar" world based on a copy of "The Ninth District".

When Pang Xuelin led the remnants of humanity to defeat the Shrimp civilization, soon, humans discovered that Shrimp civilization also retained its own hand.

That is the blight that has spread worldwide.

This virus has caused large-scale death of vegetation on the earth. In recent years, due to the food crisis, the human population on the earth has continued to decline. Until now, the global population has dropped to about 50 million.

Now, Pang Xuelin works at NASA and goes home to help Kris do some farming work on weekends.

At the same time, he and Chris have a lovely daughter Murphy.

The same name as her little aunt.


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