The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 351: Looking for Cooper

"team leader?"

Emond first found Pang Xuelin standing in the doorway and let out his voice.

Suddenly, the remaining few people also focused on Pang Xuelin.

Anthony, Cassie, Carrick, Benjamin, Frank ...

Xi Pang Xuelin infused the names and systems of the remaining five people into his own memories, and the names of the five people were not mentioned in the movie.

After entering the world of their choice, they did not send any signal.

Obviously, these people chose to sacrifice themselves and explore the future of human civilization.

Xuan Pang Xuelin glanced at the five men, and smiled, "Let's continue training, I'll stop by."

He said, Pang Xuelin was about to turn away.

"Brother-in-law ..."

At this moment, Murphy suddenly made a sound.

Pang Xuelin turned his attention to Murphy.

那个 The dirty little girl of that time has completely changed her appearance.

She has a tall and fit figure, her hair is pony-tailed, and her face inherits the good genes of her parents, no less than Kriss.

"What's wrong? Murphy?"

Xi Pang Xuelin said.

Murphy's eyes narrowed slightly and she smiled, "Brother, I want to tell you something."

"what's up?"

Murphy looked around and said, "Can I go to your office and say?"

Pang Xuelin hesitated and nodded: "Come with me."

Quickly, Murphy followed.

Behind him, there was a faint voice from the team members.

"You say, when will Murphy push the captain down?"

Xi Pang Xuelin was a little speechless, and these players seemed increasingly daunted.

As for Murphy.

Pang Xuelin has a headache.

In the memory, the little girl began to show some strange emotions to herself since she was eighteen years old.

Later came to work for NASA himself. After graduating from college, this girl also came to NASA. She also successfully passed the test of astronauts and was selected into the Lazarus plan.

The two got along day and night, Murphy's affection for himself, the team members can see.

世界 The world has experienced several devastating disasters. At present, there are millions more women than men. Therefore, in order to ensure the continuation of civilization, the world allows polygamy.

Therefore, although Murphy's feelings for Pang Xuelin, the team members did not find it strange.

However, Murphy later heard that Lazarus plans that couples cannot enter space with partners.

Only then did Murphy converge on her sentiment towards Pang Xuelin and behaved slightly normal.

After all, why she chose to join NASA, in addition to her feelings for Pang Xuelin, her personal hobby for aerospace and adventure also accounted for a very important factor.

Of course, occasionally in private, she also secretly dialed Pang Xuelin.

When I came to the office, Pang Xuelin sat down at her desk and said, "Say, what's the matter?"

A flattering smile appeared on Murphy's face: "Brother, hasn't the Yongye spacecraft been assembled? I heard that the next launch will shuttle five astronauts into space, can you help me go to the old man and say Say something good? You know, of the few of our reserve astronauts, I and Little Brand have no space experience. "

Pang Xuelin shook his head and said, "This task is mainly to test the overall state of the Yongye. What are you doing up there? Will everyone hinder you?"


Murphy walked behind Pang Xuelin, leaning down on his shoulder while pressing his shoulders, exhaling in Pang Xuelin's ears: "My test results are at the top of the list, why can others, I can not?"

Pang Xuelin leaned forward and said, "Don't lean so close, you're sweaty."


Said Murphy coquettishly.

Pang Xuelin said: "It's useless for you to find me coquettish. The reason for this mission is that you and Little Brand are not here. It is because you have no experience in spacewalking! The mission of Yongye detection mission requires more than 24 The hour-long space walk can only be completed, and the orbit time has reached at least one month. You rookies must wait at least for the night to pass the test before they can enter space.

"Hum, there is no!"

Murphy was unhappy and turned to leave.

"and many more!"

Su Pang Xuelin said suddenly.

Murphy turned back in surprise: "Brother-in-law, do you agree to help me?"

Pang Xuelin said: "Come home with me at night. You haven't seen Grandpa for a long time. You can't continue the Cold War like this anyway. It's already a fact, you go back and admit your mistake with Grandpa.


Murphy could not help but rolled her eyes and was helpless.

Murphy's choice to become an astronaut was firmly opposed by Cromwell Oliver.

After this girl had a quarrel with her father, she hadn't returned home for nearly half a year.

Xi Pang Xuelin naturally will not let this situation continue.

Watching Murphy's figure disappear behind the door, Pang Xuelin shook his head, picked up the astronaut file from Brand, and looked up.

Brande doesn't have many archives. There are about a hundred people.

Pang Xuelin was soon inside and found relevant information about Cooper.

Juris Cooper: Astronaut, shuttle pilot, lost contact with NASA in 2040, and nowhere to be found.

On the information, there is also a photo of Cooper, who is about the same age as the current Pang Xuelin, and is considered a middle-aged handsome uncle.


Pang Xuelin murmured to himself.

The NASA where he is now, located in the Mississippi Valley in North America, is part of the Great Plains of the United States.

According to the state described in the movie, Cooper's location should be within a few hundred kilometers of the space agency.

I am only in such a large area, it is not easy to find Cooper.

Human civilization today is divided into autonomous regions and has not formed a unified world government.

North American Autonomous Region, East Asia Autonomous Region, European Autonomous Region, coupled with the current sparse population and scattered human settlements, the civil administration system does not carry out unified household registration management. Wanting to find Cooper is almost equivalent to a haystack.

"However, there should be another way. In the movie, Cooper's daughter Murphy Cooper seems to be attending a public school. As long as I check the public schools in the towns around the space agency, I can definitely find Cooper! OK, that's it! "

Pang Xuelin patted his thigh and made a decision.

The main purpose of finding Cooper was the loft in his house.

I hope that Cooper, who is trapped in the five-dimensional space-time, will not only have his daughter in his eyes.

As long as he notices himself, Pang Xuelin believes that the other party will definitely send back the information he wants.

Uh ...

After finding Cooper's file, Pang Xuelin began to read the research materials that Brand had copied to himself, which contained a description of the nature of gravity.

后期 In the late seventeenth century, Newton proposed universal gravitation, described gravity as a field of infinite extension, and explained the motion of large-mass objects, such as the earth.

Newton even deduced the system of equations for gravitation.

Through this system of equations, we can predict the state of motion of all the stars in the universe.

Physicists once thought that Newton's gravitation was the end of physics.

But in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the emergence of quantum theory, special theory of relativity, and general theory of relativity overthrew the classic physics building built by Newton.

In 1915, Einstein proposed the general theory of relativity. He believed that what we call gravity is actually a distortion of space and time.

Earth seems to be orbiting the sun along an elliptical orbit, but in fact it is moving along a straight line in a curved spacetime.

Einstein's theory of gravity has been very successful in explaining the behavior of massive objects.

But a few years later, physicists opened up a strange new world: the quantum world.

This led scientists to discover that the other three basic forces that govern the universe are actually generated by the exchange of a kind of carrier particles (called bosons): photons convey electromagnetic forces, strong nuclear forces are transmitted by gluons, and weak nuclear Force-carrying particles are the W and Z bosons.

These have been rigorously proven by experiments.

Then, the physicist naturally asks whether gravity is also generated by some kind of particle exchange?

连接 In order to connect gravity with quantum theory, physicists have proposed a new kind of imaginary particle, graviton.

人类 Although humans have never observed a graviton in experiments, physicists already know enough about it.

First, because the range of gravity is infinite, and gravity decays with the inverse square law (ie F∝1 / r), the graviton must be zero mass.

The reason we know it is that if the photon has mass, it will change the "2" on the index, and "2" is strictly verified by experiments.

Like photons, gravitons travel at the speed of light.

广义 In general relativity, the distribution of mass and energy in the universe is described by a 4 × 4 matrix, which mathematicians call a second-order tensor.

This is important, because if the tensor is the source of gravity, we will find that the graviton must be a particle with a quantum spin of 2 (Weinberg provided the proof).

If you observe a particle with no mass and a spin of 2, then you have found a graviton.

Why hasn't anyone found gravitation yet? The main problem is that gravity is too weak.

For example, in a hydrogen atom, the electromagnetic force between an electron and a proton is 10 ^ 39 times stronger than the gravity between them.

更 A more intuitive example is the behavior of magnets and paper clips: a magnet can resist the gravity of the entire earth and attract the paper clips.

If you think about it, you will know what this means. A magnet that you can easily hold in your hand **** up the paper clip, and the gravity of the entire planet pulls it down. The magnet still wins.

In other words, a single graviton is very, very weak, which makes some scientists think that it is almost impossible to detect such a graviton directly.

But in Brand's theory.

He has some new ideas for the detection of gravitons.

Gravity may be detectable, which requires a new way of understanding the universe.

Brand believes that gravity only looks weak in the three-dimensional world in which we live.

实际上 But in fact, gravity can spread to extra dimensions.

But these extra dimensions are curled so small that we cannot detect them in the three-dimensional world.

Now, we imagine a tight rope. For a tightrope walker, it can only go forward or backward along the rope. The rope is one-dimensional.

But for ants, they can crawl around the circumference of the rope, and the rope looks two-dimensional.

Is a one-dimensional rope for humans, but two-dimensional for small creatures.

Quantum mechanics tells us that all particles are also vibrational waves. Physicists believe that gravitons can vibrate in these additional dimensions. The curvature of these dimensions is like a bracelet around a slender wrist.

However, the cyclic nature of the extra dimension also places restrictions on how gravitons vibrate.

Only integer wavelengths can propagate uniformly in extra dimensions.

This also brings some interesting results. In theory, there are more than one type of graviton in the extra dimension, and the wavelengths of different integers are a different kind of graviton.

The stronger the gravitational gravitational force of the **** can have mass, such a particle becomes the gravitational gravitational force of Brand.

布兰 At a very small scale, Brand gravitons can have mass; but at a large scale, they will become zero mass as classical theory believes.

The problem now is that under the macro conditions, with the current level of human technology, there is no way to measure the existence of graviton in a short time.

Unless a human enters a black hole or enters a high-dimensional space-time, the relevant parameters of the graviton are measured through the high-dimensional space-time, and then the entire gravitational field generation mechanism is derived through the Einstein gravitational field equation.

This is the dilemma facing Brand's theory.

And there is no hope of solution in a short time.

After knowing about Brand's overall thoughts, Pang Xuelin shook his head. He didn't have a good solution to this problem.

Unless, in Cooper's attic, get the vital information that future Cooper returns from the five-dimensional spacetime.

As for whether something in this case will involve the grandfather's paradox, it is not Pang Xuelin's consideration.

Uh ...

The day was fleeting. At 5 pm, Pang Xuelin took Murphy, who had just taken a shower and finished training, into a pickup truck, then went to a primary school ten kilometers away, and picked up Murphy. .

One big, one small, and two Murphy were very noisy in the car. In her memory, her daughter and her aunt were kissed from a young age. This is why Kris chose Murphy as her English name.

Of course, Murphy has a formal Chinese name: Pang Fei.

I just called her little Murphy from a young age, and she has long been used to such a title.

When I returned home, Chris was ready for dinner.

Sturgeon steak, corn salad and mashed potatoes.

Now in the world, the two staple foods of potatoes and corn can still be grown normally. Food crops such as rice and wheat have been completely extinct on the earth due to wilt.

Oliver looks a little indifferent to Murphy's return, but from the corner of his mouth slightly raised, he can feel that he is still very happy.

After all, they are grandparents, there is no overnight revenge.

At night, Pang Xuelin took a bath and found a large-scale map of the United States from the bookshelf.

He then drew a circle with a radius of 500 kilometers and a distance of 300 kilometers with the center of his space agency.

According to the scenes of the movie, Cooper spent at least half a day driving to NASA. Based on the current road conditions in North America, it would look like 50 kilometers per hour.

Therefore, a circle of 300 km to 500 km is a reasonable interval.

Even though it was screened in this way, there are more than 100 small towns with a population of more than 1,000 in this area.

There is no good way to leave Pang Xuelin. He can only find them one by one.

Determining what to do next, Pang Xuelin put away the map, and just before going to bed, she saw Kris wearing lace pajamas and came out from the small room where Murphy lived.

"Daughter is sleeping?"

Pang Xuelin whispered.

Kriss laughed: "Asleep, husband ..."


"I want something ..."

Pang Xuelin blinked and walked forward, resisting Kris.

Uh ...

The next day, Pang Xuelin went to NASA to ask Brand for a three-month long vacation, and then began to drive in accordance with the planned path on the map, one town after another.

This is not a simple job.

After arriving in a small town, Pang Xuelin first determined whether there was a baseball field in the town.

Because in the movie, Cooper took his son and daughter to watch a baseball game.

I also encountered a sandstorm during this process.

Therefore, if there is no town with a baseball field, Pang Xuelin can just skip it.

However, baseball is very popular on the North American earth. Even though human beings have experienced several major disasters, the tradition of baseball games is still well preserved in North American territory.

Therefore, in these small towns where Pang Xuelin approached, Ji Jiǔ has a baseball field.

After confirming that there is a baseball field in the town, Pang Xuelin will go to the town's education official to show his work permit and let the other party cooperate with him to find the student file.

As long as the word Cooper appears in the student's last name, Pang Xuelin will investigate one by one.

After all, there are still more than ten years before the official start of the movie plot, Pang Xuelin is not sure whether Murphy was born.

It was Cooper's eldest son, Tom Cooper, who should have started school.

Fortunately, Cooper is not a big surname in the United States, and Pang Xuelin hasn't struggled to find it.

that's it.

one day,

For two days.

One week,

Two weeks.


Two months.

Uh ...

Xi Pang Xuelin traveled to 60% of the towns within the arc and still found nothing.

中 At noon that day, Pang Xuelin drove into a small town called Nora, and just found the parking lot in the town. In the sky in the distance, there was a billowing smoke of yellow sand.

Pang Xuelin's eyes brightened, and she was not worried about the upcoming sandstorm.

Because the scene in front of him is almost exactly the same as the scene in the movie in his memory.

"It should be here!"

Xi Pang Xuelin raised a glimmer of hope in his heart, but soon he got in the car again, and then found the town mayor's residence under the guidance of passers-by.

Xuan Pang Xuelin avoided the dust storm in the mayor's house for one afternoon. It was not until the next morning that he was accompanied by the mayor to the town's public school to find student information.

"Tom Cooper, it should be him!"

Xi Pang Xuelin looked at the little fat man in the picture in the student's file, and excitedly asked the principal, "Is there an address for his home?"

"Tom? His family should be about ten kilometers northwest of Nora town. Every morning, his father would drive him to school. Today is the weekend, there is no school in the school, or if you wait for tomorrow, his father sent him over. Time to come again? "

Pang Xuelin shook his head and said, "No, I'm going to his house today."

Principal Hesitant hesitated, looking to the mayor on the side and said, "But no one of us has been to his house, we only know the general direction of his house."

Pang Xuelin said: "It's all right if I have a direction. I can drive there."

"Mr. Pang, don't you need me to arrange someone for you?"

Pang Xuelin laughed: "No, Mr. Robert, I have trouble you these two days!"

"No hassle, our obligation to cooperate with your work."

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled and drove the pickup truck, which had been eroded by the wind and sand, and drove in the direction pointed by the principal.

After about ten kilometers of driving, two houses appeared in the middle of a large corn field.

There are many unmanned harvesters harvesting corn in the field.

Pang Xuelin drove her car and stopped in front of a house, and saw an old man picking up debris at the door.

Pang Xuelin rolled down the window and asked, "Is this Mr. Cooper's home?"

"who are you?"

The old man wondered.

"I'm a NASA staff member and I want to talk to Mr. Cooper ..."

The old man changed his face and said, "There is nothing called Cooper here."

At this moment, the door of the house opened ~ ~ A handsome man was helping a 30-year-old pregnant woman to come out of the house. Who else could Cooper have? !!

"Mr. Cooper, finally found you!"

Pang Xuelin stepped down from the car and came to Cooper.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for me?"

珀 Cooper looked up and down Pang Xuelin, a flash of caution flashed in his eyes.

Pang Xuelin smiled and stretched out her hand, "My name is Pang Xuelin, from NASA ..."

"I'm not Cooper, you're looking for the wrong person."

As soon as Cooper's face changed, he supported his wife and went into the house.

老 The old man quickly followed in, and then slammed the door shut.

Suddenly Peng Xuelin stepped forward and knocked on the door: "Mr. Cooper, I have something very important to ask you, please trouble you to open the door."

"Mr. Cooper ..."

"Mr. Cooper ..."


Pang Xuelin has been knocking on the door for more than ten minutes, and the door finally squeaked open. What appeared to Pang Xuelin was a long double-barreled shotgun muzzle.

"I told you all, he's not Cooper, if you don't leave, I'll shoot!"

The old man said impatiently.

"OK ... OK ... I'll go now!"

Xi Pang Xuelin quickly raised his hands, slowly backed up, and came to the yard.

Then he entered the cab and drove back to town.

In a bedroom upstairs, Cooper and his wife stood at the window and watched Pang Xuelin leave.

"Dear, aren't you really going to see him?"

Cooper shook his head, looked at his wife's bulging belly, and smiled: "No, I only want An Ansheng to be a farmer now, waiting for our children to be born."

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