The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 364: Tree old shocked

"How about, Mr. Pang, are you sure you can solve this problem?"

The tree on the side always looked at Pang Xuelin Road with a smile.

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and said, "I can try."

Of course, Pang Xuelin did not want to be controlled by this seemingly kind old monster, which was actually very deep-hearted.

After all, no matter whether he is looking for a high-dimensional human civilization or for the safety of the Yongye, he must be out of the control of Shu Lao.

But in a short period of time, he could not think of a very good way to get out of the trap, and he could only stay here for a while, and the tree was in a state of weakness.

As for helping Shu Lao solve some mathematical and physics problems, Pang Xuelin was not very resistant.

Living in this tree hole for a long time, researching mathematical problems is undoubtedly the best way to pass the time.

Shu Lao laughed: "Okay, Mr. Pang, then I will not disturb your research. But while working hard, I hope you and Ms. Murphy can work harder to create people, after all, this is your main job . "

Pang Xuelin said lightly: "Relax, you are old, I certainly understand that."

"That's good."

The old tree disappeared instantly.


The following time, Pang Xuelin devoted all his attention to the research of Hodge's conjecture.

Since the birth of Galois's group theory, modern mathematics has been more and more inclined to refine the abstract understanding of the essence of things.

For more than 100 years, mathematicians have continued to build deeper abstractions on the basis of abstraction, and each level of abstraction is farther away from our daily world of experience.

Taking group theory as an example, our general "addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division" are abstracted into four algorithms.

Hodge conjecture is a problem born under the extreme abstract system of modern mathematics.

As a highly professional problem, the object it deals with is so far from people's intuition that it is not only difficult to judge the right or wrong of the conjecture itself, even the formulation of the problem itself is seeking to establish a true consensus.

Therefore, the definition of Hodge's conjecture must start from the birth of geometry.

In ancient Greece, Pythagoras proved by deduction that the square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of two right-angled sides, which is the Pythagoras theorem.

Since then, humans have begun to associate shapes with mathematics.

Two hundred years later, Euclid listed some accepted facts as definitions and axioms, and used formal definitions and axioms to study the properties of various figures in a formal logic way, thereby establishing a set of axioms and definitions. The method of geometrical argumentation of the theorem to obtain a theorem has formed a strict logical system-geometry.

After thousands of years of change, people's research on shapes has become more and more complicated, and at this time, Hodge conjecture came into being.

Before the 1870s, geometry and algebra had developed considerably, but they were two separate disciplines.

Descartes compared the geometric methods and algebra methods at that time. He advocated that the problems of geometry were reduced to problems of algebraic form, and the calculation and proof were performed by algebraic methods, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of solving geometric problems.

Following this idea, he created what we now call "analytic geometry."

Descartes' mathematical idea proves that if you abstract one step further, geometry is actually the same as algebra, geometry can be transformed into algebraic equations, and algebraic equations can also be transformed into geometric figures.

If you want to see where a line intersects a particular circle, you can draw the shape geometrically, or just compare the equations algebraically.

Both methods give the same answer.

In the 19th century, mathematicians tried to generalize Descartes' method.

They started with some algebraic equations and defined their solutions as "geometric" objects.

Objects generated from algebraic equations in this way are called "algebraic clusters".

Therefore, algebraic clusters are a generalization of geometric images.

Any geometric correspondence is an algebraic cluster, but there are many algebraic clusters that cannot be visualized.

However, not because a particular algebraic cluster cannot be visualized, you can't do (algebraic) geometry on it.

You can do it, but this is geometry without graphics.

Later, mathematicians quickly discovered that more complex equations, or even systems of equations, worked together to produce amazing shapes in various dimensions.

In order to get more complicated shapes, mathematicians have found a very practical method. The basic idea is to what extent we can glue the shape of a given object together by adding simple geometric building blocks with increasing dimensions. form.

This technique works so well that it can be promoted in many different ways.

Mathematicians hope that in this way, they can be expanded step by step in various different types of methods, and eventually a powerful set of algebraic equations or / and geometric tools can be established to classify various complex objects into specific simple geometric objects And combinations.

This has allowed mathematicians to make great progress in classifying various objects they encountered in their research.

Unfortunately, in this generalization, the geometric starting point becomes blurred.

What simple geometric object combinations should you start with?

What is the combined procedure / sequence?

Therefore, some "non-geometric" basic modules without any geometric interpretation must be added.

It is based on this dilemma that in 1958, the British mathematician and the chairman of the 13th International Mathematical Congress Professor Hodge proposed that for projective algebraic cluster spaces, any Hodge class can be expressed on non-singular complex projective algebraic clusters. A rational linear (geometric component) combination of algebraic closed-chain classes.

This sentence is expressed in a popular mathematical language:

Let x be a projective algebraic manifold and p be a positive integer. Let H ^ 2p (X, Q) afg ?? (X, Q) be a closed-chain subspace in algebra, that is, a Q vector space generated by the basic class of algebraic subcluster with codimension p in X. Hodge conjecture asserts that Hodge theory can be used to "compute" the subspace H ^ 2p (X, Q) afg, specifically, H ^ 2p (X, Q) afg = H ^ p, p∩H ^ 2p ( X, Q).

Here, the so-called "non-singular projective algebraic cluster" refers to the "surface" of a smooth multi-dimensional object generated by the solution of an algebraic equation.


In the real world, Perelman once talked with Pang Xuelin. In the study of Ponzi geometry, he found inspiration to prove Hodge's conjecture.

After that, Perelman went into retreat, and Pang Xuelin didn't know where his research progress had gone.

However, intuitively, Pang Xuelin feels that Ponzi's geometric theory is absolutely inseparable from Hodge's conjecture.

Therefore, in this half year, Pang Xuelin did not focus on Hodge's conjecture, but always sought some inherent connections between Ponzi geometry and algebraic geometry, analysis, and topology.

This kind of work is very boring and needs to think about something involving the nature of mathematics.

Although half a year, it is far from being able to solve Hodge's conjecture.

However, the study of analysis and topology has given Pang Xuelin a deeper understanding of Ponzi's geometric theory.

As for Shu Lao, Shu Lao's research on Pang Xuelin didn't care much at first.

After all, in his opinion, no matter how powerful a small human individual is, it is not possible to easily solve this level of problem.

But over time, after looking at Pang Xuelin's research notes one by one, Shu Lao was shocked, and at the same time, he began to have a glimpse of Pang Xuelin's research.

That morning, Pang Xuelin opened his eyes and saw a slight smile on the corner of Murphy's mouth, lying comfortably on his chest and sleeping.

In the past six months, the two have been together day and night, and they have been close to each other.

In particular, there is a tree staring beside him. Except when Murphy visits relatives once a month, the two applaud each other almost every night.

It's just that I don't know why. After half a year, Murphy's stomach is still motionless.

Pang Xuelin and Murphy are not in a hurry, they are old, but they are anxious.

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on Pang Xuelin's face.

He stroked Murphy's smooth back with his hand, lowered his head, and pecked at her red lips.

In the past six months, with Murphy's company, Pang Xuelin's research life is not too boring.

Every day Pang Xuelin spent eight hours thinking about Hodge's conjecture, and the rest of the time was tired with Murphy.

Play a computer game brought from the earth in the shuttle, watch an early film and television drama, and occasionally the two cook together to cook the food of the earth era.

Life is calm and warm.

Maybe it was Pang Xuelin's recent move that disturbed Murphy. Murphy opened his eyes stupidly. A pair of blue eyes touched Pang Xuelin. A bright smile bloomed on the girl's face, and she raised her head and offered a kiss.

This move then triggered another storm.

When everything calms down, it's after nine.

After they were dressed, they came out of the shuttle and saw that Shuao was waiting outside.

Pang Xuelin smiled, "The tree is old, good morning."

"Good morning."

The tree nodded and looked at Murphy, and the eyebrows simulated by the vine wrinkled again.

Murphy said: "I'm still old, do I still not?"

Shu Lao shook his head and said, "Strange, it's been half a year. You are all normal and you haven't taken any contraceptive measures. Why is Murphy not pregnant yet?"

Pang Xuelin and Murphy glanced at each other, shrugged helplessly.

In fact, Pang Xuelin was not surprised by this.

At the time, the system told him that in the plane world, it is impossible to have children.

Therefore, when Pang Xuelin was in the plane world, he had never taken any contraceptive measures.

Then in the "Interstellar" world, he found that after the world merged with the "Zone 9" world, Kris even gave birth to a child.

He asked the system what was going on.

The system answers: "The plot needs."

According to a systematic statement, in the "Interstellar" world, Pang Xuelin needs to be concerned about affection, so some rules in the world of the ninth zone have changed strangely, resulting in a daughter between him and Chris.

Although Pang Xuelin felt faintly, there were some key things hidden in the answer given to him by the system.

But Pang Xuelin also knows that as long as it is not a system problem, he is unlikely to have offspring in the plane world.

Even in the main world, Pang Xuelin wasn't sure if he could really get Yao Bingxia and Qi Xin pregnant.

After all, the bottle of genetic optimizer awarded in the ninth district of the world has made Pang Xuelin's world apart from ordinary humans.

At this time, the old tree said, "Mr. Pang, Ms. Murphy, please stick out your hand."

Pang Xuelin and Murphy glanced at each other, both of them stretched out their hands.

Soon, the vine stretched over and entangled Murphy's wrist. The tip turned into a needle, pierced into Murphy's vein, and after absorbing a part of blood, the vine left Murphy's wrist.

Shu Lao closed his eyes and remained silent for a while, saying, "Ms. Murphy's body is fine."

Then he turned his eyes to Pang Xuelin: "Mr. Pang, it's your turn."

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and said, "Tree old, please."

Soon, the vine spread over, entangled Pang Xuelin's wrist, and the needle was slowly pierced into Pang Xuelin's body.

Just the next second, the expression on Mo's face suddenly changed. The vines were drawn from Pang Xuelin's veins and shrunk into a ball. Mo's face showed an incredible color. …you……"

Pang Xuelin and Murphy glanced at each other and looked at Mo Lao with surprise: "Mo Lao, is there any problem with my blood?"

With a complex expression on Mo's face, he said, "Mr. Pang, can you take a step to speak?"

Pang Xuelin nodded, and said to Murphy: "Dear, stay in the shuttle first, and I will talk to Mo Lao."

There was a hint of worry on Murphy's face, but he nodded subtly: "Husband, you ... be careful ..."

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly.

The next second, he felt that the scenery in front of him was abruptly changed, and the tree hole where Murphy and the shuttle were located disappeared, and he and Shu Lao appeared in another tree hole space.

Pang Xuelin said: "The tree is old, if you have any questions now, you can ask."

The old tree on the side looked at Pang Xuelin with a complex look, and said, "Mr. Pang, aren't you an ordinary human? Or even a member of this civilization?"

Pang Xuelin smiled faintly ~ ~ said: "Why do you see?"

Shu Laodao said: "The genes in your body have undergone the optimization of high-level genetic agents. Such genetic agents are not something that can be achieved by an ordinary civilization with a pungent force ... This civilization has at least reached ..."

Suddenly, Shu Lao seemed to realize something and didn't keep talking.

Pang Xuelin nodded, and said lightly, "I did experience a genetic optimization, and I am indeed not a person in this world."

Shu Lao's face suddenly showed an excitement, and said, "Mr. Pang ... Mr. Pang has neglected Mr. Pang in the past half year, and also asked Mr. Pang to forgive him. In addition, Mr. Pang was also asked to tell Mr. Peng how to leave this small universe. … The old man is willing to offer Mr. Pang a trend for thousands of years and transform more than ten terrestrial planets for Mr. Pang. "

Then, Shu Lao made a long compilation ceremony for Pang Xuelin.


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