The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 374: Fragrant Hill Conference

He hesitated for a moment, and Pang Xuelin called Zuo Yiqiu in, and said, "Xiao Zuo, please inform Aunt Song, and prepare an extra dinner at night, and someone will come to eat."

"Oh, okay!"

Wei Zuo Yiqiu was a bit strange. After Pang Xuelin lived back to the Riverside Villa, most of the guests would go directly to Pang Xuelin's office at Jiangda University. Apart from his family, few visitors would go to the Riverside Villa.

I never knew of a secretary's duties, and didn't ask much. After I agreed, I left the office directly.

Xi Pang Xuelin rubbed his temples helplessly. Fortunately, Tomoko and Qi Xin were familiar and saved Qi Xin. Otherwise, the two met each other directly, I am afraid it was another Shura field.

I thought about it, Pang Xuelin called Qi Xin's phone again.

"What's wrong, Arin?"

昕 Qi Xin's gentle voice came from the other end of the phone.

Pang Xuelin said: "Xiao Xin, Wang Zhi came to dinner at home."

"Sister Ji is coming?"

Qi Qixin's tone showed a weird meaning.

Pang Xuelin said: "Yes, you guys haven't seen each other for a while, so have a good chat in the evening."


Xu and Qi Xin hung up the phone, and Pang Xuelin dialed back to Tomoko.

"What's the matter, dear, wouldn't you let me go?"

Tomoko whispered.

Xi Pang Xuelin said: "Come at home to eat at night, Qi Xin is also here, aren't you good sisters before? Get together at that time."


"what happened?"

"Oh, it's fine, my dear, I really passed tonight."

Xi Pang Xuelin laughed: "Come on."

Hang up the phone, Pang Xuelin Chang breathed a sigh of relief, during this time Tomoko has been deliberately avoiding suspicion, not much contact with him.

Occasionally the two met together, and they were also in the new house that Tomoko bought.

Cough, a bit of the meaning of Jinya Zangjiao.

But this way Pang Xuelin didn't think it was a thing.

Bian Zhizi masters Starring Technology and will help him a lot in the future, so it is time for her to appear more in front of her family.

Qi Qixin had a good relationship with Tomoko in the past, and in addition, Tomoko saved her, so it's more appropriate to start with Qi Xin.

五 At 5:30 in the afternoon, Pang Xuelin got off work on time, and Zuo Yiqiu took the red flag L5 and returned to Jiangbin Villa.

As soon as she entered the villa, she heard a crisp laugh in the living room. Pang Xuelin was relieved, and it seemed that Tomoko and Qi Xin were chatting well.

"Alin, come back."

Qi Qixin first discovered Pang Xuelin's figure.

Wu Zhizi turned around and smiled slightly, "Professor Pang."

"Wang Zhi, you are here."

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled and nodded to Tomoko.

Zuo Yiqiu who followed him slung his lips.

As Pang Xuelin's confidential secretary, she knew very well the relationship between Pang Xuelin and Tomoko, and even several times Pang Xuelin and Tomoko secretly dated, she was waiting downstairs.

Therefore, at this time, when I saw Pang Xuelin and Tomoko pretending not to be very close, I couldn't help secretly whispering, "Scum!"

The arrival of Xun Pang Xuelin did not change the atmosphere in the living room, but Pang Xuelin did not participate in the dialogue between the two women, but let Zuo Yiqiu join in.

After eating, the girls continued to chat.

Pang Xuelin himself went directly to the study to continue the work that had not been completed before.

The preparation work of Qianqiantang Lab and Jiangcheng Advanced Research Institute is very tedious, and it takes a lot of energy to simply select the right candidate from the global candidates.

Fortunately, Pang Xuelin was assisted by MOSS, but Pang Xuelin would let MOSS do a background check on this person if his resume was favored by Pang Xuelin.

What surprised Pang Xuelin was that among the candidates, Pang Xuelin found many shadows of intelligence agencies such as CIA, Samad, MI5, and the KGB.

These candidates will be brushed off naturally in the first round.

In addition, although some people have good resumes, they have had academic misconduct before, or they have certain personality defects. Pang Xuelin also asked MOSS to indicate them one by one.

When there are no problems with these points, and the scientist who is very powerful himself, Pang Xuelin will reply to the email and schedule the interview time.

According to Pang Xuelin's plan, before the end of the year, Qiantang Laboratory will draw at least a team of more than 100 mathematicians, physicists, chemists, materials scientists and 300 engineers. In the next three years, this team It will also be expanded ten or even twenty times.

I can say that his job has a long way to go.

He was busy until 11 pm, and Pang Xuelin returned to the room.

He took a shower first, then smeared and climbed to bed. As soon as he got into bed, Pang Xuelin felt wrong. He quickly turned on the lamp next to him, and saw Tomoko and Qi Xin lying side by side, watching him with a smile.

Qi Zhizi showed a touch of beauty, Qi Xinqiao blushed, and seemed a little embarrassed.

Pan Pang Xuelin was startled, and he quickly got down from the bed, a little embarrassed, "Xiao Xin, did you sleep with Wang Zhi at night? Let me go to the room to sleep ..."

Before his words were finished, Tomoko bullied him, dragged Pang Xuelin back to the bed, hugged him and gave him a kiss.

Alas, Pang Xuelin found himself unable to break free.

After a long while, the two gasped apart.

Xi Pang Xuelin looked at Qi Xin with awkwardness, but found that there was not much anger on the other side, but he turned off the light with a click.

Then, Qi Xin quietly got to Pang Xuelin's ear and whispered: "When the stinky man, Sister Tomoko saved me, he told me the relationship between you, and today you are cheaper ..."


I was another confused night.

Uh ...

一 When Pang Xuelin woke up the next morning, both women were up.

What happened last night seemed like a dream.

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled and shook his head. I did not expect this relationship that caused a headache for him. Tomoko and Qi Xin resolved it by themselves. No wonder Tomoko would take the initiative to come over today, and they did not know if they had contact in private.

The next time, Pang Xuelin continued to be busy with various trivia.

Shi Yi did not give any response on the cooperation between Xihu University and Qiantang Laboratory and Jiangcheng Advanced Institute.

Pang Xuelin's electromagnetic ejection space launch system and aerospace aircraft project have always been silent.

But Pang Xuelin was not in a hurry.

During this time, on the contrary, another thing began to gradually attract the attention of public opinion.

The annual Nobel Prize awarding season is coming soon.

There have been rumors long ago that Pang Xuelin and Kirton Walker were shortlisted for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the Golden Dragon Battery Project.

Therefore, Chinese media have paid close attention to this year's Nobel Prize, and discussions on the Internet are in full swing.

Even Xu Xincheng, the president of Jiang University, asked people to listen to the news.

You need to know that China's current Nobel Prize winners of science are either like Mr. Tu. When they received the award, they had retired from the front line of research.

Either like Mr. Yang Zhengning, who won the prize as a Chinese, and then chose to return to China at an advanced age and transfer his nationality back to China.

Only the most promising Pang Xuelin is not only at the forefront of research, but even more frightening, he is only twenty or twenty years old, far from the peak of a scientist.

I continued to develop in this state, and God knows what he will achieve in the future.

And if Pang Xuelin wins this year, he will surpass Lawrence Prague and become the youngest Nobel Prize winner in history.

Lawrence Prague won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1915 and has maintained the youngest Nobel Prize winner for 99 years.

He was born in Australia and graduated from Victoria University of Manchester, England.

He won the Nobel Prize for using X-rays to analyze crystal structures. He also created correlations between X-ray wavelengths, angles of incidence, and distances between atomic layers within the crystal. His findings made it possible to calculate the position of atoms in transparent molecules.

As for the youngest Nobel Prize winner, Pang Xuelin is doomed.

Because in 2014, a 17-year-old girl from Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai, won the Nobel Peace Prize of the year ...

Hey, is there any credibility in this stuff ...

At least in the minds of Chinese netizens, as long as Pang Xuelin can win this year, he is the youngest Nobel Prize winner in history.

As for Pang Xuelin himself, he didn't care so much.

It does n’t matter to him if he does n’t win the prize. He even thought about it. Later, he really developed in Qiantang Lab and Jiangcheng Advanced Research Institute. Would you like to create a brand-new award to replace the explosive award? After all, the explosive award is also the right to speak in science One of the most important signs.

In this way, time unknowingly entered October.

庞 Pang Xuelin was going to take Yao Bingxia and Qi Xin out for a lap during the 11th holiday.

The result came from a call from Beijing, directly let Pang Xuelin vacation.

Because of the leadership's decision, a temporary scientific conference was held at Xiangshan Hotel in the past two days to discuss the electromagnetic orbit space launch system and aerospace aircraft project submitted by Pang Xuelin.

The Huoxiangshan Science Conference is very high-level, and each time it is chaired by a well-known scientist in various fields to discuss the scientific frontier issues of basic research and scientific issues in China's major engineering and technology fields.

What's more worth mentioning is that this conference was "noisy". It particularly advocates academic equality, a hundred schools of thought, and has an open, relaxed, and free academic atmosphere.

创办 Since its inception in 1993, the Xiangshan Science Conference has been held for more than 20 years and has been held for more than 600 years. It is regarded as a well-known brand in Chinese academic circles.

However, this Xiangshan Science Conference is quite special.

This meeting was convened at the request of the leadership, and the entire process was kept secret. Even Pang Xuelin himself did not know exactly who the participants were.

However, in his telephone conversation with Academician Guo Wenbin, he probably understood the situation.

After Pang Xuelin's submission of the electromagnetic orbital space launch system and the space plane project was submitted, it quickly caused shocks in the aerospace community and leadership.

Most of the aerospace community has expressed a critical attitude to Pang Xuelin's plan, thinking that Pang Xuelin's plan is too far-fetched, not to mention China's current industrial foundation and technological level, even if it takes another ten or twenty years, it is impossible to come up with such a plan. Works.

For these points, Pang Xuelin can understand.

After all, the electromagnetic orbit space launch system and the rocket are two completely different systems. Once the leadership decides to implement the electromagnetic orbit space launch system, it means that investment in other fields will be reduced.

Xuan Pang Xuelin's doing this is equivalent to hitting the rice bowl of the aerospace community, especially those scholars who engage in rockets.

I also have a small number of people who are neutral on Pang Xuelin's plan.

After all, the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and Pang Xuelin's past achievements alone, they dare not easily conclude that this plan cannot be successful.

Even within the high-level, there are some disputes.

Some people think that Pang Xuelin's plan investment is too large and too risky.

Some people also think that the revenue obtained by Jinlong battery alone can completely support such a huge project.

Before Pang Xuelin had limited scientific research funding, he was able to produce black technology products such as Jinlong Battery. Now the scientific research funding has increased by a hundredfold and thousandfold. Even if this project did not succeed in the end, maybe Pang Xuelin is in some subdivided fields Can come up with products no less than Jinlong batteries.

观点 The views of these two parties can not be disputed at the high level. In the end, the leadership decided to hold a scientific conference to select some of the top domestic scientists to participate in the discussion.

Whether or not to invest in the end depends on this meeting. Can Pang Xuelin convince most of the scientists present.

After getting the general news from Guo Wenbin, Pang Xuelin just smiled. He was not very worried about it. Regardless of the outcome of this meeting, he would include this project in the future planning of Qiantang Lab. With several outcomes, the leadership will naturally make a wise choice.

10On October 1, 2021, a special plane belonging to the Chinese Air Force landed secretly at the airport of Shahe, and then Pang Xuelin boarded a convoy directly to Xiangshan Hotel.

会议 The entire meeting was kept secret. UU reading he didn't even disclose Qi Xin and Yao Bingxia, but just told them that something happened temporarily and they needed to leave for a while.

Wu Zuoqiu and Zhou Chen were naturally accompanied during the whole process.

Arrived at Xiangshan Hotel, Pang Xuelin had just checked into the executive suite, and the knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Xi Pang Xuelin went to open the door, and saw Guo Wenbin leading a middle-aged man wearing a Rear Admiral uniform at the door.

Guo Wenbin smiled: "Professor Pang, let me introduce you. This is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Professor Ma Jingwu from the Naval University of Engineering."

He Pang Xuelin shook for a moment, and quickly shook hands with Ma Jingwu, "Hello Professor Ma."

"Hello Professor Pang!"

Xi Pang Xuelin leaned slightly to the side and said, "Two people please come in."

Pang Xuelin has long heard of Professor Ma Jingwu.

The scholar trained by the army is an international top-level expert in the field of power and electrical engineering. He has achieved outstanding results in the fields of integrated power generation of independent systems, electromagnetic compatibility of independent power systems, and power electronics application technology.

The reason why China is able to overtake the U.S. curve in the fields of electromagnetic catapult and all-electric power system is precisely because of this masterpiece.

Moreover, not only is he strong in academic ability, but the team he brings out is also top-level. In the future, Pang Xuelin wants to achieve results in the field of electromagnetic aerospace launching systems, and he can't do without the help of Ma Jingwu.

The three of them came to the parlour, and Zuo Yiqiu, who was helping Pang Xuelin to pack his luggage, hurriedly offered tea, and then left quietly.

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