The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 380: Awards ceremony

December 10, 2021.

三 3pm local time in Stockholm.

到 It's the annual Nobel prize season again.

It's winter, heavy snow, and the higher latitude, the sky becomes darker at 3pm in Stockholm.

But the whole city is in a hot atmosphere like a fire cooking oil.

Especially the Stockholm Concert Hall, located in the city center, is crowded.

The streets around have long been cordoned off, and the sides of the road are crowded with waving flags of Stockholm citizens and tourists from all over the world.

The most striking thing is the Chinese and overseas Chinese waving the five-star red flag.

获奖 Two Chinese people won the prize this year, which caused a great response among overseas Chinese.

The achievements of Pang Xuelin have also spread throughout the world through major media around the world.

Especially after the success of the Golden Dragon battery project, the detention of Qi Xin by the United States pushed Pang Xuelin's fame to the peak.

Some media even did such a survey on Pang Xuelin's global popularity. In the United States, 75% of people who have heard of Pang Xuelin's name, more than 80% in Japan and Korea, and more than 70 people in Europe who know Pang Xuelin's name %.

In addition, Pang Xuelin won the Nobel Prize at the age of 24. In a sense, Pang Xuelin has become one of the world's most famous scientists.

Xi Pang Xuelin sat in the car and watched all the way, waving the five-star red flag and cheering people, and there was also a slow flow of heat in his heart.

Although in his own opinion, getting the Nobel Prize recognition is nothing, after all, there is a system nearby, and he will even have the ability to reduce and weaken the Nobel Prize authority in the future.

But for the Chinese who have the Nobel Prize plot, this is a moment of national celebration.

The team stopped in front of the famous Stockholm Concert Hall. The concert hall is simple and simple, with ten pillars leading directly from the ground to the eaves. The statue of Orpheus is located in front of the concert hall.

Xi Pang Xuelin got out of the car, accompanied by Zuo Yiqiu and the organizers' staff, and walked into the Stockholm Concert Hall.

However, the winners did not directly enter the lobby of the concert hall, but waited in the background.

Each winner is accompanied by the staff of the organizer, telling them the approximate process of the next award ceremony.

In addition, Pang Xuelin was accompanied by a well-dressed Swedish female college student. He only needed to follow the female college student from behind the scenes on the stage and accept the Swedish king's award.

四 At 4 pm, solemn music sounded.

First appeared in this year's Nobel Prize in Literature, followed by Physics, Chemistry, Medicine or Physiology, and Economics.

As for the winner of the Peace Prize, it was awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Commission and has nothing to do with Sweden.

Only half an hour later, the staff who was next to Pang Xuelin whispered in Pang Xuelin's ear: "Professor Pang, it's your turn."

Xi Pang Xuelin nodded with a smile, followed the Swedish female college students leading in the front to enter the main hall of the concert hall.

的 The main hall is mainly decorated with solemn elegance, with a bronze bust of Nobel under the white curtain in the middle of the stage.

There are ten flower baskets on the ring platform, with gladiolus and lilies in the basket.

In the sound of music, Pang Xuelin stepped into the center of the podium.

A message from the ears of Nobel Foundation Chairman Lars Hikentens: "Since the invention of the voltaic battery in 1800, for more than two hundred years, from lead-acid batteries to lithium batteries to fuel air batteries, We have always been committed to improving the energy storage density of batteries. Especially in recent years, with the increasing scarcity of chemical resources such as petroleum and coal, and the increasing environmental pollution, the development of new green energy sources has become an urgent task for human society. High energy density, long cycle life, green and pollution-free advantages have become the focus of global scientists. And a major breakthrough in this field, officially from Mr. Pang Xuelin from China. He is one of the youngest Nobel Prize winners in history First, his achievements, from mathematics to materials science to electrochemistry, point the way for the development of human society. His achievements in the field of graphene and lithium-air batteries lead us from the era of petroleum to a more environmentally friendly, A green future. Professor Pang Xuelin, the winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry, is invited! "

There was a burst of enthusiastic applause at the scene when the voice of Paul Lars Hikentens fell.

Xi Pang Xuelin slowly stepped onto the stage and came to the King of Sweden Gustav.

"Hi King, hello."

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled slightly.

Gustav smiled, "Hello Professor Pang. You are the youngest of the winners I have ever met, and I hope to see you again on this stage in the future."

"Your Majesty thinks I can win another prize?"

Xu Pang Xuelin's face was surprised.

Gustav smiled: "Why not? Young man, I have read your information. You are the most gifted and most incredible scholar I have ever seen. Unfortunately, Nobel has no mathematics prize, otherwise you should have won Awards. Of course, we also have Physics Awards and Physiology Awards, and I look forward to meeting you again here. "

"Thank you!"

Xi Pang Xuelin received the gold medal and certificate from Gustav. Both sides smiled and shook hands, and then posed for a photo with reporters.

奖 The awards ceremony continued until 5.30 pm, and then Pang Xuelin followed the other winners to Stockholm City Hall for the Nobel Prize Dinner.

超过 More than 1,300 guests attended the dinner. The organizer thoughtfully arranged Pang Xuelin's parents, grandparents, Qi Xin, Yao Bingxia, and Zuo Yiqiu at a table.

Before the dinner officially starts, the ten winners need to take the stage one after another.

六 At six o'clock in the evening, Pang Xuelin walked slowly to the podium with warm applause.

"Dear Sir, Dear Winners, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, I am extremely honored to meet you here.

Before reporting, I would like to thank the Nobel Prize jury first, and the Nobel Prize Foundation awarded me the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2021. This is not only a personal honor given to me, but also a reward and encouragement to my scientific research team.

Regarding the research and development process of lithium-air batteries, you may have seen it in many reports. Here, I will only give a brief introduction.

In 2020, when I went to the United States for a tour report, I met Professor Kirton Walker in Princeton.

At the time, Professor Kirton Walker was in a difficult position, but his dedication and pursuit of lithium-air batteries moved me.

Because of this, I agreed to cooperate with Professor Kirton Walker to set up an experimental team at Jiangda University to find a way to success.

In this team, in addition to me and Professor Kirton Walker, there are Professor Ye Xingmin, Professor Huo Ziqian, Professor He Wenyan, Professor Qiu Qiwei, Professor Xu Ting and many colleagues who have worked **** this project.

I am proud of them. It is because of their tireless efforts that we can complete the breakthrough of lithium-air batteries in such a short time.

Lithium air battery, more accurately called Li-O2, is a battery based on the conversion of metal and air chemical energy into electricity.

The theoretical energy storage density of this battery is so high that it has been considered the ultimate energy source in the battery industry.

But in the eyes of many knowledgeable people, there are many insurmountable obstacles for lithium-air batteries.

For example, how to prevent chronic leakage of a separator using two electrolytes?

How to increase the usable temperature of organic electrolyte?

How do I find a gold and platinum catalyst that can replace the current one?

How to prevent water vapor from exploding when replacing lithium fuel?

How to recycle unused lithium and lithium hydroxide?

How to reduce the energy consumption of recycled lithium hydroxide and so on.

There are so many pits that when I announced the development of lithium-air batteries, many people thought that this project was purely a gimmick. "

Pang Xuelin paused, and there was a loud laughter on the scene.

After all, because of the lithium-air battery project, Pang Xuelin and others have bet around the world.

Everyone knows what he means.

Pang Xuelin smiled and continued: "But in the end, I proved that this is not a gimmick. It is because I have experienced this kind of experience ~ ~ so I hope that the academic community will be more relaxed based on some of our young scientists Atmosphere.

Really interesting scientific research is driven by curiosity, and sometimes it creates new breakthroughs in unexpected fields.

Even if we find that we can't really solve the problem, we can learn more about the universe, nature, society, and ourselves.

Like Dr. Wilson, known as the King of Accelerators, when he and his mentor Lawrence made the cyclotron in the 1930s, no one knew what this thing could bring us.

But in the end, his accelerator became an important part of the Fermi Laboratory in the United States, and not only played a vital role in the research of nuclear bombs. In the subsequent physics research, almost all the progress in the basic physics field originated from Due to advances in accelerator technology.

At the same time, as a young scientist, I want to give some advice to the academic community.

The quality of future scientific research depends on the efforts of our young scientists. We need higher-quality talents so that young scientists can devote themselves to the academic environment of research, so that young students are interested in scientific research and are willing to become As a scientist, I hope that academic research is not only rigorous but also fun and imaginative. I also hope that the achievements of the Nobel Prize winners will arouse some interest of young scientists and stimulate them to invest more time and energy in science.

Here I would like to thank all my colleagues, colleagues and friends at home and abroad who have contributed in the research and development of lithium air batteries!

感谢 Thank you deeply for your continued understanding and support!

I sincerely thank you all for coming to the conference!

thank you all! "

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