The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 386: I want to save the world

However, at present, Pang Xuelin has not said anything to them.

Next, Pang Xuelin showed the Clare team what the real marksmanship was.

For those zombie dogs that can move forward and backward, Pang Xuelin can hit their eyes with almost every shot.

Such an amazing performance made Clay stunned.

When fighting Zombies for the first time yesterday, Pang Xuelin's marksmanship had not reached this level.

But after a day of baptism in battle, Pang Xuelin felt that his fighting consciousness and marksmanship were improving rapidly.

The swift and incredible zombie dogs in the eyes of ordinary people, in the eyes of Pang Xuelin, did not go anywhere.

Every time a zombie dog jumps or moves, Pang Xuelin's brain can almost calculate the next position of the zombie dog in advance, and a certain amount of advance has been made when the shot is fired.

Xi Pang Xuelin even took into account the distance, position, relative speed, wind speed, etc. between himself and the zombie dog, and it was precisely because of this that he was able to achieve such a high degree of success.

With the powerful fighting power of Pang Xuelin joined in, the dozen or so zombie dogs were quickly killed.

The rest of the zombies are nothing to the team members.

Twenty-five hours later, the entire street was completely quiet, and almost all of the zombies wandering nearby were emptied.

"Brother, my name is Claire, thanks to you today, thank you."

Claire, holding his spear, walked to Pang Xuelin and stretched out his hand.

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly, shook hands with Claire and said, "Pang Xuelin, Pingshui meet, they are all for self-protection."

Then, Pang Xuelin's gaze turned to the badge on Clay's chest, and asked, "Are you all police?"

Claire nodded: "I'll introduce to you, this is Jill, and our scout, this is the machine gunner McCadu, this is Vincent."

"Hello." Pang Xuelin nodded toward the other three, just about to continue talking, his cell phone ringing suddenly.


Pang Xuelin said to Claire and they apologized. He pulled out his mobile phone and the caller ID was a strange number.

Pang Xuelin pressed the answer button, and a strange voice came from the other side of the phone: "Who are you? My daughter is in your hands?"

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Hello Dr. Ashford. I'm Pang Xuelin, the hive laboratory director, and I'm happy to talk to you."

"Hive Lab?" Ashford on the phone was surprised.

She Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Are you surprised that I can live from that ghost place?"

什 Ashford Shen said, "Mr. Pang, what do you want to say? As long as I can send my daughter out of Raccoon City safely, I can promise you anything."

Pang Xuelin said lightly, "I'm afraid you don't count what you said? Help me hand over the phone to Mr. Cain, the regional director of Ambrella's Akure. I need to talk to him."

虽然 Although the Ashford family has a certain say in the umbrella company, with the death of Muskow, Spencer has been weakening the Ashford family's sense of presence in the umbrella company.

The true leader of the umbrella company in Raccoon City, for example, is Caine, the umbrella company's Acre area director.

Soon, a cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "Professor Pang, I'm glad to hear that you are still alive. Is there anything I need to help you?"

Pang Xuelin said lightly: "Mr. Cain, I need to inform you of two news. The first news, please tell Mr. Spencer, Muskow is resurrected. In the past, your hands and feet were not clean, and his The body was thrown into the sewer, and the leeched queen he cultivated climbed into Mascu's mouth and revived him. Now Muscu is going to seek revenge from Mr. Spencer. This time the virus leaked from the hive laboratory is Mr. Muscu Second, before the Hive Lab was closed, I developed a brand new virus based on the T virus and did an experiment on myself. The effect is much better than I expected. But this virus reagent There is only one that has been used on me, and the other data is in my mind ... "

"What do you need?" Before waiting for Pang Xuelin to speak, Caine on the other side of the phone couldn't wait to say it.

The news brought back by Pang Xuelin is too amazing. Whether it is the resurrection of Muskou or the invention of a new generation of T virus by Pang Xuelin, it is enough for the umbrella company to give Pang Xuelin the highest priority. The subject that has passed can be ranked second.

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Send a helicopter to St. Lawrence Mission School. Pick me up with Angela and a few of my friends."

好 "Okay, I'll arrange it right away. In half an hour, the helicopter will arrive on time at St. Lawrence Mission School."

Hanging up the phone, Pang Xuelin looked at the surprised Claire and others, and smiled, "What questions do you have? Ask directly."

Gill first said, "Mr. Pang, who are you?"

Just now they thought they had just met a strong man, but they didn't expect that they seemed to hear something extraordinary on Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Don't you all hear me? I'm Pang Xuelin, the director of the hive laboratory of Ambrella."

Claire said aside: "Mr. Pang, you just mean, this disaster was brought out by your hive laboratory."

Xi Pang Xuelin said lightly: "To be precise, the hive laboratory is also a victim. Some people sneaked into the laboratory and caused the virus to leak. At present, everyone in the laboratory except me is dead."

Everyone could not help but be silent.

At this moment, Vincent on the side said, "Mr. Pang, do you tell me this information? Are you afraid we will leak it out?"

Pang Xuelin said: "You must have seen the consequences of the T virus. Let me tell you this. If the military cannot control the situation before dawn tomorrow morning, then they have only one choice ..."

"What choice?"

Plutonium launched a nuclear strike against Raccoon City, wiping the city off the planet with a nuclear bomb.

Claire, Jill, Vincent, and McCadu could not help but be stagnation.

"What about people who are still alive in that city?"

Claire said.

"This is no way, in order to prevent the virus from spreading widely, they can only make this choice."

"Why did you tell us these things?" Jill said.

"Because I want to save the world, I need your help ..."


Claire, Jill and others could not help but look at each other.

Pang Xuelin said: "Let me tell you so, even if the raccoon market is erased from the earth by nuclear bombs, there is no way to stop the spread of the t virus globally. One thing is certain, after the spread of the T virus, no more than three months The regimes of all nations will completely collapse. Within half a year, 99% of human beings will die and become such inhuman monsters. Three years later, human beings on the planet will be on the verge of extinction. By then, the planet will still exist. Human organization, only Spencer, the founder of the umbrella company and his mutants ... I need to use the scientific research power of the umbrella company to find a solution to this disaster. I also need to cultivate in the umbrella company My own power. I am very optimistic about you. Will you join my Majesty? "

Claire smiled bitterly: "If we don't want to, when the helicopter comes to pick you up, will we not have a chance to board the helicopter?"

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and said, "I don't save worthless people."

Claire groaned for a moment and said, "Mr. Pang, as long as you can take us away, we are willing to work for you for three years. Three years later, how about our personal choice?"

"Yes!" Pang Xuelin nodded and laughed.

At this time. The windows of the Toyota Land Cruiser opened slowly.

Angela showed a small head from the inside and said, "Uncle Pang. Did my father just call me to send someone to pick me up?"

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "Yes, Angela, we can leave in half an hour."

As soon as the chanting voice fell, Pang Xuelin's heart rose with a warning sign.

His sword was suddenly pulled out like a pian, chopping at Angela.


Angela screamed.

The next second, a huge tongue was cut off by Pang Xuelin just before it hit Angela.

The tongue suddenly retracted.

But without waiting for Pang Xuelin's reaction, the tongue went and returned, covering Vincent in an instant.

"Ah, just me ..."

Before Vincent had finished, his entire body had been dragged to the wall by his tongue.

Above the wall, a ferocious figure stabbed Vincent's head in one bite.

The crowd then found out, not far from the fence of the St. Lawrence School. A monster appeared.

Its muscles are strong, its limbs are slender, its eyes are scarlet, and two sharp fangs are exposed, which looks terrible.

"What ... what is this?"

Gill exclaimed.

Pang Xuelin Shen said: "Licking Eaters!"

"Licker? What is a Licker?"

Claire curious.

Pang Xuelin said: "A biochemical weapon developed by the Umbrella Company has a very powerful single-arm combat capability, which is more difficult to deal with than zombie dogs. The average person is not his opponent at all. Wait for me. You fight with me. At that time, he took a few shots at him. Slowing down his offensive rhythm. "

"it is good!"

Claire nodded.

Xi Pang Xuelin held a long knife in his hand and stepped forward slowly.

The reason why he does not use firearms to deal with lickers, because Pang Xuelin knows that lickers have extremely strong muscles, which is faster than zombies, and the vital parts of the body are even less pitiful. Generally, firearms do not take him Method.

Therefore, close combat is a better choice.

刀 This knife was specifically selected by him to deal with lickers at the right time.

刀 This knife is made of high-strength titanium alloy, which is extremely sharp, plus Pang Xuelin's powerful power, it can completely cut the muscles of lickers.

The licking eater also focused on Pang Xuelin. With his biological instinct, he subconsciously felt that the man in front of him threatened it most.

"go to hell!"

Xi Pang Xuelin roared and rushed towards the licker.

He leaped high, his leg leaning on the roof of a car.

顶 The roof of that car was stepped out of a huge pit by Pang Xuelin.

Xi Pang Xuelin waved his sword and pointed at the licker's neck.


The licking eater made a strange cry, and the sharp claws met Pang Xuelin's long knife.

锵 ——

The alloy knife meets the sharp minions of the licker, and the sparks overflow.

By this strength, Pang Xuelin turned over, and the alloy knife stabbed at the abdomen of the licker.

The licking eater's reaction speed was not as fast as Pang Xuelin's, and a small opening was opened on the lower abdomen by the point of Pang Xuelin's knife.

"His ..."

The licker snarled an angry roar, and his tongue popped out of his mouth.

Xi Pang Xuelin's long sword crossed in front of him, blocking the offensive action of his tongue.

But at the same time he himself was bounced to the ground by the power of the licker, and rolled a few laps before standing up again.

Claire and others were stunned, and Gil murmured, "Is this still human?"

Claire said: "They were originally non-human."

Although Pang Xuelin wants to overthrow the umbrella company, he is doubtful about the rescue of all mankind.

But right now, following Pang Xuelin is their only choice.

Then, Pang Xuelin went head-to-head with the licker, and found that he was not a licker's opponent in strength, but was better than the other in terms of flexibility and speed.

Because of this, the two are on a par with each other. There is no good way for anyone to take the opponent.

After being repelled by a licker again, Pang Xuelin shouted, "You **** are all dead, and don't help anymore. In addition, I have a Barrett anti-device sniper rifle in my car. I attract the attention of the licker. You use guns against him. "

明白 "Understand!" Claire exclaimed.

Soon after, Claire found Barrett from the Toyota Land Cruiser, and then began to find a suitable sniper point.

Gill and McCadour did not use Claire to assign tasks. Began to cooperate with Pang Xuelin to attack lickers.

Although the 5.56 mm small caliber rifle bullet does not pose a great threat to lickers, it is still very painful every time it is hit.

Coupled with an extremely tough Pangxue Lin, who lick roar again and again, it was hit again and again defeated.

The squint was about to be outnumbered, and the licker turned and showed signs of running away.

I was here, listening to a loud bang, and the licker's right shoulder exploded, revealing a fist-sized blood hole.

I was now, Pang Xuelin fiercely stepped forward. The long sword waved towards the neck of the licker.

The lick eater seemed to be aware of the crisis, and his left palm waved out, grasping Pang Xuelin's long knife with sharp claws.

He then ejected his tongue against Pang Xuelin, and Pang Xuelin loosened his long knife and turned around with a force.

He then dropped a goose-shaped sphere towards the licker's tongue, and the licker subconsciously rolled the goose-shaped sphere back with his tongue.

I heard only a bang in the next second, the grenade exploded in the mouth of the licker, and the licker's head split instantly, leaving only a headless body crashing to the ground.

Pan Pang Xuelin gasped heavily.

This battle just now can be said to have stimulated his full potential in the body, but he did not expect to be able to compete with the licker.

Although it is not comparable to the super weapon tyrant that the umbrella company is developing.

But Pang Xuelin felt that he was no worse than Alice.

"We killed him!"

Until then, Jill was still a little bit incredible.

Claire looked at Pang Xuelin thoughtfully.

If it is not Pang Xuelin, when faced with such a monster, their team is probably going to be wiped out.

"I hope I made the right choice," Clay said secretly.

Next, Claire, Jill, and McCadu, converged on Vincent's headless body.

虽 Although they are uncomfortable in their hearts, they are not too obvious.

After all, today they have lost too many comrades in a day.

In this case, it is already extremely lucky to be alive.

At this moment, the roar of a helicopter came from the sky.

Everyone raised their heads, and their faces were filled with joy.

Uh ...

Twenty-five hours later, the Umbrella Company, Akure Regional Command.


Dr. Ashford, who was in a wheelchair, hugged Angela tightly and thanked Pang Xuelin again and again.

"Professor Pang, thank you, thank you."

Pang Xuelin just smiled and didn't greet Ashford for too long. Although he hoped to cooperate with each other, the time was not up yet.

At this time, a man with a long horse face, pale face, and gloomy eyes came over: "Hello Professor Pang, I am Caine."

"Mr. Cain ~ ~ Hello."

Xi Pang Xuelin shook hands with the horse-faced man and smiled.

教授 "Professor Pang, isn't this a place to talk, is it convenient for me to go inside?"

Xi Pang Xuelin nodded and followed Ka Ying to the tent.

Inside the tent are several computers and communication equipment. The most attractive is a large 60-inch display.

On the monitor, Alice's actions in Raccoon City are being broadcast in real time.

"This person is the subject you selected?"

Wu Pang Xuelin was careless.

Caine said: "There are two subjects, and one is a tyrant."

Cacaine operated twice on the computer, and a giant figure armed with powerful combat weapons suddenly appeared on the screen.

"This is our newly developed super biochemical weapon. There are two options for the future evolution of the umbrella company. One is the **** girl you have seen. The other is a super weapon of the type of tyrant. Just tonight, these two Who can win the showdown. "

She Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and said, "So, you should have seen the battle with the licker just now?"

Caine smiled slightly and said nothing.

Xi Pang ~ ~ Xue Lin's appearance was entirely by accident.

Before Pang Xuelin arrived at the camp, he urgently consulted the relevant information of Pang Xuelin.

Although Pang Xuelin is the director of the hive laboratory, he is not the leader of the T virus research and development project.

的 The authority in the company is not high. Just a very ordinary biologist.

Cacaine never thought that such a person would become the biggest variable in the umbrella company. .

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