The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 391: Convince people

Enter Irvine.

Or into Irvine prison.

This jail is one of the largest prisons for serving heavy prisoners in the United States, holding more than 800 prisoners. During the T virus crisis, the entire prison was in chaos, and many police officers were infected with zombies. Those uninfected prisoners fled the prison one after another.

Instead, it was the prisoners who were in jail, who escaped because of the existence of the cell.

Later, the mayor of Irvine entered the prison, emptied the zombies in the prison, and organized the prisoners to rescue them.

And on the basis of this prison, attracting refugees through broadcasting.

Today, Irvine has become one of Colorado's largest human strongholds.

Pang Xuelin was curious about the mayor of Irvine, not only because the mayor could stand up and organize these prisoners to rescue them.

Such turbulent heroes are not uncommon in this era.

What really made Pang Xuelin wonder is why Alice chose this place as her destination.

You should know that in the past two months, he has been behind Alice, and he is very clear about Alice's course of action.

From the east coast of the United States all the way to the west, Alice rarely enters the human stronghold along the way, even if it does, it is generally a small stronghold that relies on a solid single building for defense. Leave.

This is the first time she has entered a stronghold like Irvine.

Pang Xuelin faintly felt that there was some connection between the two.

That's why he did not hesitate to enter Irvine.

Entering through the gate of the town entrance, Pang Xuelin underwent a second systemic disinfection before entering the town of Irvine.

Irvine is a lot bigger than Pang Xuelin imagined.

The main building is naturally a prison cell, in addition to the factory area, administrative area, town guard station and other areas.

Of course, the area with the widest area is naturally the playground originally used to release prisoners.

Today, the playground is full of tents.

Just when Pang Xuelin was going to ask someone how to check in, when he was quarantined together yesterday, the Asian man he had met greeted him.

"Brother, you finally came in."

An authentic taste of Northeast, Pang Xuelin instantly felt like a fellow seeing fellow.

Pang Xuelin looked at the Northeast old iron standing in front of his eyes. At the age of 27 or 8 years old, he was slightly fat, wearing a pair of short-sighted glasses, and the corner of the glasses had cracked, which looked a little funny.

"How do you know I'm Chinese?"

Pang Xuelin curious.

Yesterday, after Pang Xuelin met the white strong men, no one dared to come forward and talk to Pang Xuelin in the entire quarantine area.

Strong men needless to say, they have already been scared by Pang Xuelin. Naturally, they will not provoke this strongman. The newcomers are worried that they will offend the white strong men, and they dare not come to talk with Pang Xuelin.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin and the Northeast Old Railway were the first dialogue.

"Feeling, purely feeling."

The Northeast Railroad seemed very enthusiastic, and smiled, "Brother, where are you from?"

"Jiangcheng," Pang Xuelin said indifferently, "is there anything you can do for me?"

The old Northeast Tiechi laughed: "Brother, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Fan Zhiyuan, from Tieling. My friends call me Xiaodongbei, and you call me Xiaodongbei. I was in the University of Colorado Anshutz Medical School area. Doctor, is n’t this a big outbreak of the T virus? I just managed to escape here, brother, it ’s like this, I ... I want to follow you, as long as you can keep me from being bullied, I go to the bricks every day The factory earns thirty credit points at work. I'll get five points ... No, I'll give you ten points! "

"Oh? Why? Then you only have twenty o'clock every day. Except for Datongpu sleeping ten o'clock, ten o'clock is enough to buy two black bread, right?"

Pang Xuelin curious.

Xiaodongbei cried and said, "Brother, you do n’t know, this is a triad, who has the best fist and who has the final say. When the newcomers come here, the credit points at hand are empty, unless you have a personal combat effectiveness. Especially powerful, marksmanship and fighting passed the assessment of the town guards, or signed up for the corpse of the dead of nine lives, otherwise most people can only live on the farm or factory to barely live. Even so, in the civilian area, there are still many gangs If ordinary people do not join the gang, they will only be bullied and work hard for a day, maybe they will be robbed of the credit in the evening. If they join the gang, it is okay to say that they only have to ask each day Pay half of the credit points in the bank. Except for the ten credit points that Datongpu needs to sleep, the remaining five credit points are enough to buy a black bread, and it is not enough to eat ... "

Pang Xuelin was thoughtful.

According to his estimates, the town of Irwin now has at least thousands of people. To maintain the operation of such a town, it is necessary to hunt and kill zombies and search for food in surrounding villages and towns.

But ordinary civilians have long been frightened by zombies, how could they be killed.

Therefore, the standard of living of ordinary civilians must be reduced to a certain degree in order to force them to join the corpse.

As for the town guards, that is obviously a powerful tool used by the senior members of the town to maintain the order of the entire town.

This is why the town of Irvine has been broadcasting to recruit immigrants.

However, Pang Xuelin was not surprised by this situation. In fact, he has seen far more human tragedies in the past two months than this.

In this doomsday environment, the dark side of human nature is infinitely magnified.

He has seen groups that capture living people to make preserved meat. He has seen groups that imprisoned all women for team member Y Le. He has also seen groups that kill each other for a few bags of flour ...

In short, in this era, there is almost no lower limit for living human beings.

It's very rare for Irvine to be able to do this.

Pang Xuelin couldn't help but said, "Take me to the town first, and find a place to stay."

"Oh, okay, okay!"

Xiaodongbei nodded quickly and turned around with Pang Xuelin.

He first took Pang Xuelin to the civilian area and came to a tent, saying, "Brother, these tents are all Datongpu, ten credit points a night ..."

Pang Xuelin nodded, not intending to go in.

Over a distance of more than ten meters, he could smell the sour smell of organic matter in the sweat in Datongpu.

There are more than twenty tents in Datongpu in the civilian area, and nearly one hundred people sleep in each tent.

On the other side of the tent in the civilian area, some low single tents were set up.

Compared with the single tent in the civilian area, it is much cleaner and faintly smells perfume.

Many exposed women were sitting at the door of the tent and frowned at them.

Xiaodongbei laughed and said, "This is the red light district of Irvine. The women here are covered by gangs. Once a hundred credit points, half of them are drawn ..."

Pang Xuelin nodded, ignoring the women's eyebrows, and said, "Isn't there a more advanced single room? Take me to see ..."


Seeing Pang Xuelin's refusal, Xiaodongbei immediately became excited and took Pang Xuelin towards the direction of the supervision area.

There is a barbed wire between the prison area and the playground, and there is a gate in the middle.

Upon arriving at the door, Pang Xuelin saw about thirty or forty people coming out of the prison area.

Headed by a surly looking man with earrings, tattooed arms and neck.

And behind him was the white strong man who was beaten by Pang Xuelin yesterday.

Studded male skin smiled and said without a smile: "Brother Pang, you finally came in ..."

"you are?"

Pang Xuelin said lightly that it was not surprising that the earring man knew his name.

The earring man laughed and stretched out his hand, "Twen Oliver, a member of the Hell Angels organization, Brother Pang, are you interested in joining us to the Hell Angels?"

Speaking, he patted the head of the white strong man next to him, and said, "I don't apologize to Brother Pang!"

The white strong man lowered his head, and some did not dare to look at Pang Xuelin's eyes, and said weakly: "Mr. Pang, it is because I have no eyes at Taishan, so you have a lot of adults, forgive me."

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Well, I forgive you. Let me go, now."

"Mr. Pang, you haven't answered my first question yet. Would you like to join us as a **** angel?"

Pang Xuelin shook his head and said, "Sorry, I don't want to!"

Oliver's eyes grew colder, and he said, "Brother, do you want to toast instead of eating and drinking?"

Yesterday afternoon, his white strong man came back from the quarantine area with a group of people downcast. The credit points that should have been handed over to the gang were gone.

In addition, the white strong man cried to Oliver, and encountered a strongman in the quarantine area, and the credit points were stolen by that man.

Oliver didn't get angry when he heard the words, but he was very happy.

He was well aware of the fighting strength of white strong men and his subordinates, and was able to turn over a dozen white strong men empty-handed in the quarantine zone. Such strong men were rare.

You should know that in the entire town of Irvine, there are four major underworld gangs, namely 18th Street, Aztai, Almighty Latin King, and Hell's Angel.

Among them, 18 streets ranked first, Hell Angel was a little stronger than Aziz, ranked second, and Almighty Latin King was last.

However, some time ago, there was a newcomer from Aztai. The combat effectiveness was super strong. After joining Aztai, he was also selected to enter the town guard, and the **** angel was suppressed.

During this period, there have been several large-scale clashes between Hell's Angels and Aztai. All the newcomers joined, causing Hell's Angels to fall into all directions.

Therefore, Hell's Angel urgently needs a character with strong combat ability to join in. According to the description of Pang Xuelin by white strong men, this Asian young man is very suitable for Hell's Angel.

But Oliver never thought that he was not going to pursue the other party, and the other party chose to refuse.

I really do n’t know what to do!

"What about punishment?"

Pang Xuelin looked up at Oliver, faintly.


A dagger popped out of Oliver's hand and said: "The Lord Mayor is not allowed to use firearms in the town, but he did not use these weapons during the fight. Our **** angels will always kill several people when they fight with Aztai . Mr. Pang, I know that you are strong personally. Do you think you can win so many of us with sharp blades? "

Oliver's voice had just fallen, and the men behind him also took out tricks and took out weapons.

Some are machetes, some are daggers, some are iron bars, and some are simply baseball bats.

"Brothers, give me ..."

Oliver had just wanted to tell me, and a long laugh came suddenly next to him. Then, a black-bellied black man came over with a group of people and said, "Oliver, you're really going to get back together, so many people bully. A new man, thanks to your **** angels ... "

While talking, the black man came to Pang Xuelin and smiled and said, "Mr. Pang, this is Doyle Griffin from Aztai. Everyone calls me Griffin. Welcome to Elle Griffin. Wenzhen, we at Aztai have always been fair and fair. We absolutely will not tolerate the situation of bullying new people by virtue of many people. Little Oliver, since you are shameless, you have to send so many people to bully Mr. Pang. Help Mr. Pang. "

Oliver looked at Griffin grimly, and said, "Big head, what do you mean? Go against our **** angel?"

Griffin haha ​​laughed: "Olive, what big-tail wolf do you pretend, and the two of us haven't played just once or twice, otherwise we'll come back again, just to let the big guy see Mr. Pang. Ten enemies! "

The gang members who followed Griffin also laughed.

At this time, Pang Xuelin said, "Sorry, Mr. Griffin, this is my business with Mr. Oliver, it has nothing to do with you."

After all, Pang Xuelin turned his head to Oliver and said, "Can you still fight?"

The scene suddenly calmed down, and no one expected that Pang Xuelin gave such a reply.

Oliver laughed suddenly and said, "Big head, now you can taste the hot face sticking to the cold **** of others ..."

Big head Griffin glanced at Pang Xuelin and frowned, "I really don't know if I live or die. In that case, I won't interfere."

Then, he took a group of men to the side, ready to see the next form development.

Oliver said: "Mr. Pang, I now give you two choices, either to join our **** angels or to hand over all the credit cards in your hand, we can never blame it."

Pang Xuelin couldn't help but show a helpless look on his face, saying, "I'm a civilized person, and I like to serve people with virtue, but since you believe that fists are the last word, I have to convince people.

The words fell, Pang Xuelin kicked the ground suddenly, and before Oliver reacted, he felt as if he had hit a large truck and flew out more than ten meters, then fell to the ground, unconscious. .

The needle fell instantly and quietly at the scene.

Everyone looked at Pang Xuelin with a stunned look.

No one expected that he killed Oliver as soon as he shot.

At this time, the white strong man who was beaten by Pang Xuelin yesterday pointed at Pang Xuelin and shouted: "Let's go together, we have so many people, and we can pile him to death."

The men brought by Oliver then reacted, yelling at Pang Xuelin.

The white brawny man and the dozen or so people who suffered yesterday in Pang Xuelin's hands quietly slowed down and hid behind the crowd.

Next, the scene that happened yesterday seems to be repeated again.

No one is the enemy of Pang Xuelin ...

No one can stop Pang Xuelin for half a second ...

No one can leave a little scar on Pang Xuelin ...

Unconsciously, the scene became empty again.

Finally, Pang Xuelin found himself in front of the old acquaintance.

The white strong man looked at Pang Xuelin, with an expression of crying and laughing on his face, and said, "Mr. Pang, can you ... be lighter?"


Pang Xuelin grinned, and hammered heavily at the bridge of his nose still wrapped in gauze.

The white strong man tilted his head to the ground and fainted.

Until then, Pang Xuelin patted his palms and turned to Fan Zhiyuan who was standing still: "Little Northeast, let's go!"


Fan Zhiyuan then reacted, and couldn't help but grunted and drove drooling, and quickly followed in the footsteps of Pang Xuelin.

As for the crowds of Aziz's onlookers, one by one, like woodcarvings, watched Pang Xuelin leave.

Just when Pang Xuelin was about to cross the barbed wire gates of the civilian area and the prison area ~ ~ the big head Griffin who had come back to God quickly shouted: "Mr. Pang, wait, wait!"

Big head Griffin catches up panting.

Pang Xuelin stopped, turned around, and looked at the other with a smile: "Why, do you want to stop me?"

"Wh ... how can that be ?!"

Big-headed Griffin waved his hands quickly and sneered.

He was really frightened.

Some time ago, Aztai recruited a master from the former U.S. Marine Corps, which claims to be one enemy ten, but Griffin is very clear that single-handed combat alone, the master can only be one enemy five, more than five words The other party has to run.

Even so, with the addition of that expert, Aztai still had the upper hand when fighting against the **** angels.

Therefore, yesterday he heard that a rookie had snatched a credit card from the Hell Angels Corpse in a quarantine, and he couldn't believe it.

It was only today that some of his men said that Oliver led someone to stop the other, so he rushed over to make fun.

He never thought that this was not only one enemy ten, but one enemy one hundred.

The fighting power shown by this young Asian man has also been seen by the mayor.

The big head Griffin suddenly realized that the angel of **** really kicked the iron plate this time, even if he wanted to get revenge in the future, I'm afraid he couldn't do it.

As for the idea of ​​recruiting Pang Xuelin into Aztai, the big head Griffin couldn't even think of it.

Such a character is enough to sit on an equal footing with their helper, how could it be possible to join Aztai and be subservient!

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