Pang Xuelin did not suspect that the soldiers were deliberately deceiving themselves.

Because he could clearly feel that the breathing and heartbeat of these people did not change when they talked to themselves.

It is impossible for a person to be so smooth if he lies.

So where is Alice in Irvine?

How did she get into Irvine?

Pang Xuelin felt faintly that all this could not be separated from the mysterious mayor of Irvine.

Just when Pang Xuelin was thinking of what method he should take to take the initiative to find the mayor, he did not expect that the mayor of Irvine would find himself.

At three in the afternoon, Pang Xuelin returned to his room to rest.

Before long, the door of the room was suddenly banged.

Pang Xuelin opened the door and saw a man in his thirties, in a suit and leather shoes, who looked gentle and gentle in appearance.

Behind him was a team of heavily armed town guards.

The entire area of ​​the prison area has been occupied by the town guards. The surrounding area is quietly audible. The noisy sounds from the outside seemed to disappear instantly.

"Hello Professor Pang, nice to meet you, William Birkin, Mayor of Irvine."

The man smiled at Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin froze slightly, glanced over William Birkin, he never thought that = the mayor of the town of Irwin would be this guy,

William Birkin is one of the three kings of Spencer, and is considered a giant of the umbrella company.

It was exactly after he received Spencer's order that he shot and killed Muscu.

Now, he actually appears in Irvine and serves as the mayor of Irvine. Isn't Irvine a base for the umbrella company?

Pang Xuelin was thoughtful.

"Professor Pang, do you know me?"

William Birkin seemed to see Pang Xuelin's thoughts and smiled.

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "I've heard that, I remember when Mr. Spencer sent you to kill Muskow, right?"

William Birkin looked at Pang Xuelin with a smile, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes: "Professor Pang is really well-deserved, even such a secret is well known. Please, someone wants to see you ..."

William Birkin stepped back two steps, reached out and made an invitation gesture, bowed slightly.

Pang Xuelin blinked and said, "Did Mr. Spencer send you over? Have you caught Alice?"

William Birkin smiled and said, "You'll know when you come with me."

Pang Xuelin groaned for a moment, nodded, turned around, took a knife behind his back, and followed William Birkin out of the room.

William Birkin didn't seem to care about Pang Xuelin's move.

Pang Xuelin, led by William Birkin, went straight to the administrative building in Irvine.

Along the way, the ordinary people around the town of Irvine seemed to have been intentionally cleaned up, and Pang Xuelin could not see anyone other than the town guard in the middle.

After entering the administration building, William Birkin did not take Pang Xuelin upstairs, but went directly to a basement.

The overall structure of the basement is almost identical to the manor he saw in Raccoon City, and there is also an electric rail locomotive for transporting supplies.

Pang Xuelin's eyes narrowed slightly, thoughtfully: "Mr. William Birkin, it should have been built here for many years."

William Birkin laughed and said, "Professor Pang, let me say that Irvine Prison has always been one of the largest U.S. testing bases for Umbrella Corporation."

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "Should be one of the human test bases? The prisoners in the prison should be your experimental materials."

William Birkin laughed: "Professor Pang, you really look like a torch."

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly and stopped talking.

Next, Pang Xuelin followed William Birkin and his guards and boarded an electric locomotive.

Then the electric locomotive started and went straight to the underground base.

The rail train ran forward for nearly twenty minutes before arriving at an underground platform, which was full of various materials.

Subsequently, Pang Xuelin followed William Birkin out of the platform to an elevator.

There were three elevators in the elevator room, and William Birkin chose the middle one.

Everyone got on the elevator.

The elevator slowly descended. About half a minute later, when the elevator door opened again and appeared in front of Pang Xuelin, it was a huge monitoring center.

Monitoring ahead, is a huge tempered glass cover.

Through the toughened glass cover, you can see round transparent glass balls, densely packed the entire underground space.

These transparent glass **** are filled with translucent liquid, and vaguely long hair can be seen looming inside.

But Pang Xuelin's attention was not focused on this.

At this moment, a look of astonishment appeared on his face, and he looked at Marcus, who was in front of himself, wonderingly: "Mr. Musku, how are you here?"

Musk smiled and said, "Professor Pang, why can't I be here?"

Pang Xuelin could not help frowning.

In the context of the biochemical crisis he knew, more than a decade ago, Spencer realized that Muskou threatened himself.

So he sent William Birkin to kill Muskow.

It wasn't until more than a decade later that Mascu was revived in the sewers of Raccoon City with the help of Queen of the Marsh.

But apparently, the scene that appeared immediately showed that there must be an unknown secret in the resurrection of Mascu.

Pang Xuelin reacted and said, "Mr. Muskou, you colluded with William Birkin a long time ago. I am afraid your death was an illusion."

Mascu smiled slightly and said, "Professor Pang. You are very smart, but unfortunately, smart people can't live too long."

As soon as Mascu's words fell, standing behind Pang Xuelin, the guards under William Birkin drew their weapons and aimed at Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled, "Mr. Muskou. You tried so hard to seduce me, not always to kill me? Tell me, what the **** is it."

With a hint of surprise on Mascu's face, he asked, "How do you know that I seduced you?"

Pang Xuelin said: "You already have Alice's clone in your hands, and I remember that the hive base in Raccoon City was managed by Mr. William Birkin. He should have the complete data on Alice's hands, so You didn't catch Alice at all ... Instead, it was me. Mr. William Birkin should have known about my cooperation with Mr. Spencer. And I am also aware that I have a new type of virus in my hands. So your goal is only It could be me, or even Alice, who used to seduce me, whether it was Alice's real body or her clone. "

Poppy ...

Mascu raised his palms and said with a smile: "Professor Pang, you are so good that you are all right. In this case, we don't need to talk too much. Professor Pang, please!"

Talking, Mascu winked at the two staff members in protective clothing.

Soon, the two staff members stepped forward and took out the blood drawing equipment.

Pang Xuelin looked cold, and said lightly, "Mr. Muskow, Mr. Spencer, when he asked me for blood, he prepared a super base for the survival of 10,000 people. Don't you prepare anything?"

Musku smiled: "Professor Pang, do you think there is still room for bargaining with me in this case?"

Pang Xuelin was a little unpredictable, and a little helpless: "Why do you all have to force me to do it!"

As soon as the words fell, Pang Xuelin then abruptly retreated, knocking the members of the town guard behind him directly.

Then, Pang Xuelin snatched the submachine gun in his hand.

Da da da……

With a burst of fried gunfire, the entire monitoring room, except for the T virus transformation, which has greatly improved physical fitness in all aspects, and everyone else in the monitoring room fell instantly. Ground.

Muskow and William Platinum were not surprised by the situation.

Mascu lighted his eyes and said, "Professor Pang, you did not disappoint me. As long as I swallow your genes, I will definitely find a stronger evolutionary direction."

Pang Xuelin looked at them coldly and said, "You can try."

Then, he lowered his gun and pulled out the long knife that he was carrying behind him.

Mascu and William Birkin looked at each other and laughed. "Professor Pang, you really want to think too much. We haven't seen the combat effectiveness you have shown in these two months. To be honest, the two of us It doesn't necessarily add up to your opponents. So, it's not us who play with you, but someone else who plays with you. "

Talking, Muskow and William Birkin took a step back, the alloy floor under their feet suddenly cracked, and they disappeared into the monitoring room instantly.

At the same time, the alloy floor was restored.

Pang Xuelin could not help frowning. At this moment, there was a sudden dinging sound behind him. Pang Xuelin turned around and saw the elevator lights turn on, and the elevator door slowly opened.

One was over two meters tall, with a large build and a complexion. One was carrying a six-barrel heavy-caliber heavy machine gun, and the other had a sharp claw shape.

The broadcast in the monitoring room sounded a proud laugh of Mascu: "Professor Pang, this is the second generation of our newly developed tyrant. Compared with the uncontrolled first generation, the second generation tyrant It is inferior, but it is without the shortcomings of the first generation of tyrants and the defect of uncontrollability. Today is exactly what you want. Professor Pang, please help us try the power of the new generation of tyrants ... "

Muskku's words fell, and the tyrant in front of Pang Xuelin flashed a red ray, and then a six-barreled machine gun in his hand burst into a hot metal storm at the location of Pang Xuelin.

The moment Pang Xuelin raised his gun, his body leaped up high, using the wall and the ceiling to borrow power one after another to avoid the attack of bullets.

His speed is very fast, coupled with his supercomputing power, even with the tyrant's ability, there is no way to lock him in the first time.

Pang Xuelin exhausted his way through the cracks of the rain until nearly half a minute later, with a clicking sound, the hundreds of bullets carried by the tyrant had been completely consumed.

at this time. The thick tempered glass cover in front of the monitoring room was densely lined with hundreds of bullet holes.

A dense and cracked road is formed on the surface of the tempered glass, but the tempered glass still maintains extremely high strength.

Pang Xuelin didn't mean to escape. When the tyrant stopped firing, he rushed forward at a very high speed, and the long sword waved out at the tyrant's neck.

The tyrant raised his left hand.

When ...

The hard minions got along with Pang Xuelin's long knife, and a dazzling spark broke out.

As soon as Pang Xuelin turned around, the long knife cut obliquely along the tyrant's arm.

The tyrant crossed his body and ran directly towards Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin had to turn around and avoid the tyrant's hard-to-attack attack.

At the end of the round, the two sides stood at a distance of four meters.

Pang Xuelin stared at the tyrant, rushed forward again, raised the knife in his hand and chopped it at the tyrant's neck.

The tyrant stretched out his left hand again, trying to resist Pang Xuelin's long knife with a hard claw.

Who would have thought that this was a false move, Pang Xuelin's body was short, and he attacked the tyrant's bottom plate.


The long knife was swung open again.

The tyrant's legs were even clasped with steel plates, and Pang Xuelin's long sword did not pose any threat to it.

Then, the tyrant smashed the heavy machine gun into Pang Xuelin's head severely. Pang Xuelin rolled a lazy donkey and barely avoided the attack of the tyrant.

Looking at the invincible defense weapon with almost no weakness, Pang Xuelin's forehead was sweating coldly.

This thing is indeed one of the most powerful combat weapons in the biochemical crisis world. In this small space, it is very difficult to deal with.

Pang Xuelin looked around, trying to find some tools in his favor.

The tyrant didn't give Pang Xuelin any chance to think, and Xuan rushed towards Pang Xuelin.

Dangdang Dangdang ...

The tyrant's claws touched Pang Xuelin's sword three times.

Pang Xuelin barely blocked the attack of the tyrant with a knife.

The two sides wrestled with each other, and the tyrant's body gradually pressed down towards Pang Xuelin.

Suddenly, Pang Xuelin was short and rushed forward from the tyrant's majesty and came behind the tyrant.

Immediately afterwards, Pang Xuelin picked up a submachine gun on the ground and pulled the trigger against the tyrant.

Da da da……

The tyrant stabbed, turned around, yelled at Pang Xuelin, and rushed towards Pang Xuelin again.

Pang Xuelin could not help but feel helpless, the submachine gun's bullets did not leave any scars on the tyrant.

"No, this gadget is inaccessible. The space in the monitoring room is too small. If I was hit once by him, I would be half disabled. I must find a way to exit the front monitoring room."

Pang Xuelin secretly said.

At this time, the tyrant rushed towards Pang Xuelin again.

Peng Xuelin's fierce portrait passed over the tyrant's head, once again avoiding the tyrant's attack, and landed in front of the tempered glass window.

Pang Xuelin was clinging to the tempered glass cover, staring at the tyrant without blinking.

Then, Pang Xuelin reached out to the tyrant and hooked his fingers and said, "Come here!"

The tyrant seemed to be provoked by Pang Xuelin's behavior, and rushed towards Pang Xuelin again. UU reading books www.

This time, Pang Xuelin did not evade for the first time. His brain was running at a high speed to calculate the relative speed and distance between the tyrant and himself. When approaching the limit of evasion, Pang Xuelin sideways escaped the tyrant's attack range.

The tyrant failed to stop, and slammed into the toughened glass cover.

With a slam, the toughened glass cover shook it severely twice, blocking the tyrant's attack.

"Fuck, how strong is this stuff?"

Pang Xuelin scolded in his heart and quickly ran away again.

Next, Pang Xuelin and the tyrant chased and hid, and no one could take the other.

Although the tyrant is powerful in combat and invincible in defense, he is not as fast and flexible as Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin also had no way to break the tyrant's defense and could only avoid it repeatedly.

Gradually, Pang Xuelin discovered that although the tyrant had a strong fighting force, his attacking behavior was relatively mechanical.

For example, now, the tyrant has no good way to take himself, but he still maintains ultra-high-intensity attack.

If you change into an ordinary person, even if you can hide for a while, but your physical strength is exhausted, you will soon become the soul of the tyrant, and you will not be able to fight your physical strength with the tyrant.

But the super strong physical reserve is precisely Pang Xuelin's biggest advantage.

Therefore, in the following time, Pang Xuelin continuously guided the tyrant, hitting the tempered glass cover of the monitoring room again and again.

The banging sound kept ringing.

After another collision, the tempered glass cover in the monitoring room could no longer withstand the tyrant's impact, and it cracked open.

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