The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 400: Dynamic APT

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly. He was not as disappointed as Ashford. The release of this test report instead made him determined to determine the next research direction.

Pang Xuelin said, "Let ’s put aside my personal test report in advance. Next, we mainly do two things. First, we must understand why the T virus in Alice's body turned into an ERV sequence. Out of this intermediate biochemical principle, I will convince Alice to cooperate with your research work. As for the other direction, the research on non-coding RNA ... "

"Non-coding RNA?"

Spruce and others were surprised.

Non-transcribed RNA involves how to control the T virus. In the past six months, the laboratory has mainly studied how the T virus accelerates the metabolic rate of human cells and a series of biochemical reaction mechanisms. It has not done anything about how to suppress the T virus.

Pang Xuelin didn't tell everyone about non-coding RNA.

Pang Xuelin smiled: "For the study of T virus, in addition to figuring out the way it invades the human body and the series of harm it produces, we also need to find a way to suppress this virus. Everyone should know the phenomenon of gene silencing caused by RNA interference. In a sense, gene silencing is likely to be a defense mechanism against transposons or RNA viruses during the evolution of organisms. It is an ancient antiviral strategy used by organisms. I think that To suppress the T virus or even eliminate the T virus, we can consider starting from this aspect. And RNA interference is inextricably linked with non-coding RNA, so our main work in the future is to find as much non-human body as possible. The interaction of the coding RNA with each other and with proteins is based on healthy people, zombies, Alice, and my own healthy cells. "

Spruce and Berkeley glanced at each other. Berkeley nodded for a moment and nodded: "That's a good idea. But there are big problems in it."

"what is the problem?"

Pang Xuelin was curious.

Berkeley said: "To study the interaction between non-coding RNA and other non-coding RNAs and proteins in cells, we must have a very deep understanding of proteins. Especially the dynamics of proteins and their intrinsic functions The connection must be made by our current laboratory equipment. I am afraid that will be done very much. "

"Take proteins, for example, although the crystal structure of hemoglobin has been resolved in the mid-twentieth century, we already know the spatial structure of many proteins and their complexes. Especially in recent years, with the development of structural analysis methodologies, "In particular, with the rise of structural genomics, we can greatly speed up the analysis of the three-dimensional structure of proteins by means of crystal diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, and cryo-electron microscopy."

"But so far, we still cannot infer the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its primary sequence, let alone accurately predict its biological function, and it is difficult to accurately understand the function of a protein even under known three-dimensional conditions. The reason is simple. We lack an understanding of the time dimension of proteins. Proteins are entities with a certain spatial structure, and their three-dimensional properties, such as the well-known hydrophobic bag and sleeve ring, are closely related to its biological function. "

"However, in solution, proteins are constantly moving and changing. In living cells, proteins have to undergo the process of folding, modification, transport and assembly into complexes. The time scale of this movement varies with different proteins and the same protein. Different parts of the same protein are different in different environments. For example, the active part of the enzyme is usually more mobile, while the secondary structure part is more rigid. Therefore, like the three-dimensional structure of a protein, the dynamic characteristics of a protein are: Equally important in determining protein function. "

"Therefore, we must have the ability to observe the dynamic changes of proteins at the atomic level in real time. However, due to the limitations of structural research methods, we can currently only take pictures of proteins at a certain moment. However, in fact, the protein in solution does not Unlike the crystal structure, it only has a static structure, but contains a dynamic process. From the perspective of physics, under the action of thermal motion, a large protein exists near the equilibrium structure. A conformational cluster is a conformational cluster. It is this conformational cluster that realizes the strength of protein-ligand binding and the diversity of modes. "

"We still lack a clear understanding of how these conformational clusters recognize other proteins, such as the recognition of enzymes and substrates. In addition, after translation of proteins in eukaryotes, they undergo peptide chain folding, various modifications, transmembrane transport, How do these processes affect the dynamic conformation of proteins, and thus regulate biological functions? And the time scale of proteins is very wide, from the vibration of chemical bonds, the rotation of side chain groups, to the main chain. Motion, domain motility, and the turn of the entire protein structure. This process covers a wide time scale from femtoseconds to thousands of seconds. Therefore, we want to observe the real-time level of protein atoms in the laboratory. There is still some difficulty in sports. "

Pang Xuelin curiously said, "Isn't it possible to use nuclear magnetic resonance technology? I remember that protein dynamics from picoseconds to nanoseconds can be observed through conventional relaxation experiments, and CPMG relaxation discrete technology, paramagnetic relaxation enhancement and other technical means can observe proteins Motions on the scale of microseconds to milliseconds, combined with hydrogen and deuterium exchange methods, can also detect motions on the scale of seconds to thousands of seconds ... "

Berkeley shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Professor Pang, you only know one, not the other, although we have now realized that protein molecules are slow to complete by the thermal equilibrium fluctuations of some local atoms on a fast time scale. The movement on the time scale, even we can know the movement state of some atoms of the protein on certain time scales, but this observation is still quite limited. It is still a fortune to study the dynamics of protein as a whole. Today we only Can use molecular simulation technology to study the precise movement of protein molecules from microseconds to nanoseconds, combined with some assumptions and simplification techniques, it can even simulate longer-term movements. But this method can only get us a whole number of proteins Average characteristics, and little is known about how individual protein molecules move ... "

Pang Xuelin could not help frowning. He did not expect that such a problem still existed.

But it shouldn't be. At the level shown by the umbrella company, since they can make things like T virus based on the ancestral virus, it is impossible to study the dynamics of individual protein molecules. How did they do it? of?

He looked away from Berkeley, faced Ashford in the corner and sat silent.

Ashford shook his head at Pang Xuelin, meaning it was inconvenient to say now.

Pang Xuelin said: "That being the case, let's set aside this one first time, Dr. Ashford, come with me, I have something for you."

Soon after, everyone left the laboratory, and Pang Xuelin took Ashford to his office.

Pang Xuelin said: "Dr. Ashford, how did the umbrella company solve the problem that Professor Berkeley just said?"

Ashford smiled bitterly: "The advanced experimental instruments and equipment inside the umbrella company are a lot higher than the outside world. If we want to study non-coding RNA and its relationship with proteins at the atomic scale, I am afraid that You have to add a dynamic APT to the lab. "

"Dynamic APT?"

Pang Xuelin looked at Ashford puzzledly.

Ashford O: "The so-called APT is the atomic probe chromatography technology in materials science. It can confirm the type of atoms and intuitively reconstruct their spatial positions, and relatively realistically display the three-dimensional spatial distribution of atoms of different elements in materials It has become a kind of analysis and testing method with the highest spatial resolution. Dynamic APT is to use such a probe to observe the movement of protein molecules in real time. This kind of equipment is only available from umbrella companies. "

Pang Xuelin hesitated for a moment, and some couldn't help crying. He didn't expect that he wanted to study the method of killing the T virus, and the equipment needed to obtain support from the umbrella company.

"But how can Spencer willingly send me a dynamic APT?"

Pang Xuelin frowned.

Just then, the electricity on the desk suddenly rang.

Pang Xuelin picked up the phone.

There was Claire's voice over the phone: "Professor Pang, the umbrella company came from someone called Albert Wesker, and he said he wanted to see you."

Pang Xuelin froze slightly and quickly got up and said, "Okay, I'll go back to the ground right away."

"what happened?"

Ashford wondered.

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Albert Wesker is here. Maybe I can solve the problem of dynamic APT soon."


Returning to the ground from the laboratory, Pang Xuelin went straight to the tarmac.

Today's Kempten base has changed a lot compared to half a year ago.

Construction of mobile board houses and water grid heating in the base have been completed.

The electric power facility mainly relies on a small mobile molten salt nuclear reactor provided by the umbrella company, which is equivalent to a small and charging treasure, which can fully meet the living needs of more than 10,000 people in the Kempten base.

The construction of the defensive wall around the base has also come to an end. The area surrounded by the defensive wall is about 2.5 square kilometers. The living area occupies only one fifth of the total area of ​​the base. the Lord.

Schools, police stations, hospitals and other public service units have also restarted.

In addition, the base also has facilities such as public cafeterias and public bathhouses.

According to Pang Xuelin's plan, one year later, the base is basically self-sufficient, and by then, it can completely break away from its dependence on the umbrella company.

At this time, on the tarmac, Claire was arranging for manual unloading of cargo from the helicopter.

A meticulous man in his twenties, wearing sunglasses and combing his hair, was waiting patiently.

Seeing Pang Xuelin approaching, the man turned his eyes to Pang Xuelin, with a sense of inspection in his eyes.

Pang Xuelin reached out and smiled, "Mr. Albert, this is Pang Xuelin."

"Hi Mr. Pang, my name is Albert Wesker, and I was commissioned by Mr. Spencer to take a look at the Kempten base."

Albert and Pang Xuelin shook hands and said lightly.

"It really is him!"

Pang Xuelin said secretly, but on the surface, he remained calm and said, "Mr. Albert, welcome to the Kempten base. I need to show you the base first."

Spencer's three men, Alex Wesker, Albert Wesker, and William Birkin, William Birkin, and Muskul mixed together, Alex Wesker again Having been by Spencer's side, in a sense, Albert Wesker was ~ ~ the No. 2 person in the umbrella company.

Albert said: "Professor Pang, there is no need to visit the base. I just looked around on the plane. I came here today on behalf of Mr. Spencer, mainly for two things. The first thing, you and Spencer Mr. Sai talked about cooperation on the condition that a new generation of virus should be developed based on the T virus. I want to know where the development of that virus has progressed. On the other hand, I come here this time and hope to collect some blood from you And cell samples. The last sample I got from you is used up. "

Pang Xuelin froze slightly, with a helpless look on his face, saying, "There is nothing wrong with collecting specimens. As for the development of new viruses, we encountered some problems."

"what is the problem?"

Albert Road ~ ~ Pang Xuelin Road: "Mr. Albert, presumably the research and development department of the umbrella company has detected the ERV sequence on me, you should not find the homologous sequence with the T virus from above Information? "

Albert nodded.

He came here mainly for this problem.

At the time, Pang Xuelin cooperated with Spencer. Spencer hoped to get a new evolutionary direction from Pang Xuelin. He also took blood samples from Pang Xuelin.

As a result, Umbrella scientists did in-depth research on Pang Xuelin's gene sequence, but they could not find any homology information related to T virus from Pang Xuelin.

This is a bit of a hassle.

To know whether Spencer, Wesker, Muskow, or even Alice, after they were infected with T virus, the homology of T virus was basically detected in the ERV in vivo. Spencer also looked forward to learning from Pang Xuelin. Find similar sequences in the body, and then refer to Pang Xuelin's ERV sequence to find the improvement direction of the T virus.

Who would have thought that Pang Xuelin's ERV sequence was completely different from them.

This is more troublesome.

Because there are thousands of ERV sequences in the human body, no one knows which one is useful and which one is useless.

Umbrella scientists want to screen useful information from Pang Xuelin's ERV sequence, which is basically impossible without taking ten or eight years.

Spencer couldn't wait that long. Since the scientists at the umbrella company couldn't do it, he had to pin his hopes on Pang Xuelin, which was the main reason he sent Albert Wesker over to find Pang Xuelin.

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