The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 406: Honorary Chairman

As a result, Pang Xuelin got into the car not long after, and received a call from Shi Yi: "Professor Pang, is there time tomorrow? I want to invite you to visit West Lake University."

Pang Xuelin froze slightly, thinking that this was really doze, and someone would send a pillow. He was thinking about how to find a suitable platform in the field of biology, and Shi Yi took it to his door.

Pang Xuelin smiled, "Okay, I will go tomorrow."

Pang Xuelin knew exactly what Shi Yi was looking for.

In September last year, Shi Yi found herself, hoping that West Lake University and Qiantang Laboratory reached a cooperation in teaching and scientific research.

Pang Xuelin put forward a condition at the time, saying that West Lake University needs to be integrated into the system of Jiangcheng University, Jiangcheng Advanced Institute and Qiantang Laboratory. At the same time, he can provide 3 billion yuan in funding for West Lake University each year.

At that time, Shi Yi said that he needed to go back and discuss it, so he hadn't found the following.

Pang Xuelin thought that West Lake University's board of directors might not be willing to surrender the school's leadership.

After all, after so many years of hard preparations, when they were about to get on the right track, they were picked by peaches, uncomfortable and understandable.

However, I did not expect that after nearly half a year, Shi Yi even took the initiative to call himself.

Although he didn't say it explicitly on the phone, Pang Xuelin understood that this matter should already have results.

Early the next morning, Pang Xuelin was accompanied by Zuo Yiqiu and drove to West Lake University Yungu Campus.

The Yungu Campus is located northwest of Jiangda University, not far from Jiangda University.

This campus is the main campus of West Lake University and was just completed last year.

When Pang Xuelin arrived, Shi Yi led a number of school leaders who had been waiting at the entrance of West Lake University for a long time.

When Pang Xuelin got out of the car, Shi Yi took the lead and greeted him with a smile: "Professor Pang, hello, welcome to visit West Lake University."

"Hello, principal Shi." Pang Xuelin and Shi Yi shook hands.

Immediately after, Shi Yi introduced Pang Xuelin: "Professor Pang, let me introduce you. This is Professor Qian Zhongning, the chairman of the board of our school."

"Hello Professor Qian!"

"This is Professor Chang Hao, Vice President of West Lake University. Professor Chang was formerly the director of the State Key Laboratory of Optical Instruments and the director of the Micro-Nano Photonics Institute. He came to work at West Lake University three years ago."

Next, Shi Yi introduced Pang Xuelin to the remaining scholars, all of whom are world-renowned top scientists.

For example, Deng Li, a world-renowned organic synthetic chemist, Li Ziping, the highest member of the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and Maud Sawan, an academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.

Most of these people welcome the arrival of Pang Xuelin.

After all, this big guy has a good reputation. If he can be involved in his project, he might go further in academic achievements.

Not to mention, if Pang Xuelin could fulfill his promise of three billion yuan in scientific research funding every year, it would be of great benefit to every scholar at West Lake University.

Therefore, they are quite enthusiastic about the arrival of Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin greeted everyone at the gate of the school for a moment, and then stepped into the campus of West Lake University with their support.

West Lake University currently only has the qualifications for doctoral students. It will wait until next year to officially enroll the first batch of undergraduates.

Therefore, although the Yungu Campus covering an area of ​​1,500 acres has been completed, there are not many students in it.

Led by Shi Yi, Pang Xuelin and they entered West Lake University.

Oncoming is a ring-shaped water system. Inside the water system is a ring-shaped building with a large area. The ring-shaped building is surrounded by a series of auxiliary buildings.

Shi Yi introduced: "Professor Pang, the building within the water ring has been turned into an academic ring, which is mainly responsible for most teaching, scientific research and communication functions. Each auxiliary building is a teaching building of a discipline. Different disciplines are connected to promote multi-disciplinary sharing and communication. Outside the water ring is a living ring, which integrates functions such as catering, accommodation, leisure, living, and management, and provides a social, living and leisure space outside of learning and research. . There are a total of 36 buildings on our campus of West Lake University. This ring-shaped research building and its auxiliary buildings occupy more than half of the building area, which is the core of the entire West Lake University. "

Pang Xuelin smiled and nodded. Under the leadership of Shi Yi, the people crossed the water ring, entered the academic ring, and sat down in a conference room on the third floor.

Shi Yi said: "Professor Pang, when we met last year, you said that you want to include West Lake University in the unified system of Jiangcheng University, Jiangcheng Advanced Institute and Qiantang Laboratory. For some reason, our school board Only recently has reached an agreement and agreed to your request, but today I came to you, we are mainly for another thing. "

"what's up?"

Shi Yidao: "We hope that you will be the chairman of the board of directors of West Lake University and an adjunct professor at West Lake University."

"Chairman of the school board?"

Pang Xuelin took a moment's notice and turned his attention to Qian Zhongning.

The former dean of the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University looks like the current chairman of the board of directors of West Lake University?

Qian Zhongning saw Pang Xuelin's doubts and said with a smile: "Professor Pang, if you agree, I will resign as chairman of the board of directors and serve as vice chairman of the school board!"

Pang Xuelin smiled bitterly: "You guys are here to catch the ducks. It's okay to be an adjunct professor at West Lake University, but even if the chairman of the board of directors, I now have too many positions and I can't do it anymore."

Qian Zhongning laughed: "Professor Pang, this is not to catch the ducks. After all, after the two parties signed the agreement, you need a lot of support in terms of funding, so the chairman of the board of directors of this school really needs to be yours."

Pang Xuelin groaned for a moment and said: "Let ’s just hang me the title of Honorary Chairman of the School Board. I am not personally responsible for specific matters. As for funding, I will arrange Starring to connect with you."

Qian Zhongning and Shi Yi glanced at each other and nodded: "This is OK!"

In fact, the reason why they want Pang Xuelin to be the chairman of the school board is that in addition to the funding for teaching and research, Pang Xuelin also has a careful thought.

That is to use Pang Xuelin as a signboard for West Lake University, and use it for future admissions promotion.

You should know that with Pang Xuelin's more and more achievements at Jiangda University in the past two years, Jiangcheng University's college entrance examination score line has also increased.

Especially this year, the score line is already on par with Qingbei.

And majors such as mathematics, materials science, and electrochemistry are even more scary.

The top scientific research output, the improvement of the quality of students, and the improvement of Jiangda's research funding and faculty have formed a positive cycle relationship between the three.

With Jiang Dazhuyu in front, the pressure on West Lake University has not begun to officially recruit undergraduates.

Because of this, they will find ways to pull Pang Xuelin into West Lake University.

If at this time, the news that Pang Xuelin is also the honorary chairman of the board of directors of the West Lake University and part-time professor spreads, it will undoubtedly be a major benefit for the recruitment of West Lake University in the next year.

Pang Xuelin naturally understood the thoughts of Qian Zhongning and Shi Yi.

But it also gave him a sudden idea.

When Shi Yi founded West Lake University, he hoped to study California Institute of Technology and set a new path for China's higher education.

In the past two years, with the rapid rise of Jiangda University, West Lake University's position in Jiangcheng has become somewhat awkward.

West Lake University went to become the Chinese version of California Institute of Technology after more than ten years. As a result, within a few years, Jiangda University has become the so-called Chinese version of California Institute of Technology.

Therefore, even if Pang Xuelin is an adjunct professor at West Lake University, it will at best make West Lake University develop better and become another Jiangda University.

This is not what Pang Xuelin wants.

Shi Yi and Qian Zhongning's work in the past few years has laid a very good foundation for the next development of West Lake University.

Both the talent reserve and the hardware facilities have gradually taken shape as world-class universities.

Best of all, West Lake University has not yet started to recruit undergraduates and has not yet formed a complete undergraduate education system.

This is like preparing a good pen and ink for Pang Xuelin, waiting for him to splash the ink in this huge system.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin felt that he had an obligation to let West Lake University play the role of a Chinese higher education explorer.

As for the direction of reform, it is certainly not the American-style higher education system.

In the dark forest world, when Pang Xuelin served as a facet, he once established the Starring University and the Starring Advanced Research Institute, and made it a scientific research center for human civilization.

Even in the later era of deterrence, Starring University still firmly holds the throne of the highest university in human civilization.

Therefore, Xinghuan University is undoubtedly the best template for learning at West Lake University.

Pang Xuelin groaned for a moment and said, "President Shi, Chairman Qian, I can hold some positions at West Lake University. I can also make commitments on the school's annual funding, and I can even let some Qiantang laboratories and Jiangcheng Advanced Institute Of scientists are teaching at West Lake University, but I have a few requirements. "

"What are you asking, please."

Pang Xuelin said: "First, the teaching goal of West Lake University should be to train academic talents. The goal of our school is to make every graduate have the ability to become a scholar who stands alone. Therefore, regarding the quality of students, We must adhere to high standards and be strict in and out. Admissions standards are currently tentatively set as the top 100 college entrance examinations in each province and the gold medal winners of the National Olympic Games in mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, and informatics ...

Qian Zhongning and Shi Yi could not help but be surprised. Pang Xuelin's request was much higher than that of Qingbei and Jiangda.

"What about the enrollment?"

Shi Yi frowned.

Pang Xuelin said: "It's better to be short of lack!"

After a pause, Pang Xuelin said: "Second, all students admitted to West Lake University can provide scholarships and waive tuition fees. However, this is only for freshmen. From the second year onwards, we adopt the final elimination system and the results are ranked The top 30% of students can provide full scholarships, tentatively set at 20,000 per semester per student. The students with the bottom 10% of results will be directly dismissed. This must be explained before students apply for the test. In addition, each course can provide two retakes, and the second retake has not passed, and it is also directly dismissed. "

Qian Zhongning frowned: "Professor Pang, wouldn't this be too strict? Also, don't we engage in independent admissions? Like an interview or something?"

Pang Xuelin shook his head and laughed: "We do not engage in independent admissions. Many independent admissions have interviews, but the interviews are too subjective, and we need to recruit academic talents. Such talents have the ability to adapt on the spot, and even combine their talent Not the most important thing. The most important thing is that students who can stand loneliness and have excellent self-discipline ability, and can be killed in the thousands of troops in the college entrance examination, generally have such ability. "

Qian Zhongning and Shi Yi glanced at each other, some crying and laughing: "Professor Pang, are there any other requirements?"

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "The third requirement is that all students who have been awarded the full scholarship of the school for four consecutive years are forbidden to go abroad and must stay in the graduate school. During the graduate school, they can go to Qiantang Lab and Jiangcheng Advanced Institute. Wait for places to participate in various projects. "

"This ..." Shi Yi frowned, "What if the students are unwilling to do it? After all, there is still a certain gap between our graduate education and the top foreign universities."

Pang Xuelin smiled: "Professor Shi Yi, do you believe me?"

Shi Yi looked puzzled at Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin put out four fingers and said, "The first undergraduate this year will be enrolled ~ ~ Give me four years. Within four years, I made Qiantang Lab one of the top national laboratories in the world. First, it will not be that our hard-trained talents will go abroad to study, but those foreign students will find ways to come to us to study. "

Everyone in the conference room couldn't help but look at each other. Although they felt that Pang Xuelin said something incredible, no one disputed it.

After all, the Qiantang Lab now has two Nobel champions, and there are also countless big cattle in the fields of graphene, carbon nanotubes, and electrochemistry.

More importantly, these big cattle were not introduced from the outside world, but were killed all the way through the academic community through cooperation with Pang Xuelin.

For example, Li Changqing, Wanyi of Jiangda Carbon Nano Research Center, Qian Xingmin of Jinlong Battery Research Center, etc. Before they changed, these people also had a certain reputation in the domestic academic circle, and their popularity in the world was not large. .

But now, their positions in the academic world have changed dramatically.

There was a gossip saying that MIT offered Li Changqing a tenure as a professor, hoping that he could lead the research of carbon nanotubes in the past, but was rejected by Li Changqing.

Shi Yi was silent for a long while and nodded, "Okay, Professor Pang, then do as you say."

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "That way, tomorrow I will let Ms. Wang Zhi of Xinghuan Technology come over to discuss cooperation with West Lake University. In addition, there are still more than four months before the college entrance examination. Admissions can almost begin to prepare for this year. Strive to recruit more than 100 undergraduates. "

"it is good!"

Shi Yi nodded.

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